Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Conflit Israël-Hamas : la reine Rania de Jordanie monte au créneau
Par Georges Michel - Pas impossible, d'ailleurs, que la reine Rania soit plus entendue et efficace qu’Emmanuel Macron…
Israel-Hamas conflict: Queen Rania of Jordan steps up to the plateBy Georges Michel - Not impossible, moreover, that Queen Rania is more heard and effective than Emmanuel Macron...
L'armée israélienne publie des images de frappes aériennes régulières sur la bande de Gaza, faisant état de 350 cibles touchées.
Le Hamas a déclaré qu'environ 50 otages étaient morts à la suite des bombardements israéliens.
The Israeli army releases images of regular airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, reporting 350 targets hit.Hamas said around 50 hostages died as a result of Israeli bombing.
It's not Gaza, it's Acapulco.

Perilous times have come. For the Acapul they are here. To admit to the manipulation of the weather is an inconvenient truth that must always be ignored or staged managed into non existence. And yet all who search find that manipulation of the weather has been going on for a long time. That signed agreements not to use it have been broken. That Weather modification is today a weapon of choice to create horrors and to force changes that eventually will create such mayhem that world battles will be won. A force multiplier. Neo Malthusian agendas for collapse, economic disasters and the creation of horror worldwide are central to the initiated because humanity for them is a threat causing consequences that their blindness cannot foresee.
Can the US and Israel have a war with Iran (and any other state on Iran's side) and win?

I believe Biden and Netanyahu want war to save their presidencies.

Russia is bogged down in Ukraine and China is too far away so feels like they can start a war and guarantee limited involvement from Russia for example.

This has the potential to spiral badly out of control.

US will probably need a reason to sell to the public for entering a major war so expect a base or one of its boats to meet an unfortunate end in some false flag attack and then of course, there's all the justification needed.
Fwiw, the guys on The Duran appear to think that the US is in great likelihood preparing for war. According to them, employing four aircraft carrier groups out of the ca 8 the US has in service plus postioning nuclear submarines is ridiculously excessive if the goal is to fight 'militias' like Hamas or Hezbollah. And, employing carrier groups is apparently a massive undertaking, which you don't do 'just for fun'. The Alexes suspect that the goal really is to attack Iran.

Well, who knows what the psychos in the US 'think' they are doing. The Duran guys are not known for familiarity with psychopathology. Maybe it's just crazies doing crazy things. Still, I do think they have a point. No need for panic, but it doesn't look good!

Plus the presence of so many forces increases the possibility of an 'accident', a Gulf of Tonkin type fabrication, false flag etc. Or a genuine attack on a US asset which they have deliberately provoked by their presence. Powder keg doesn't even cover it.
  • 27 October 2023
  • 08:13 GMT
    "The Israeli government is set to allow police to use live fire against Israeli citizens
    who block roads or entrances to towns during a “multi-front war” being waged by the country, public broadcaster Kan has reported. Police will only need permission from a senior officer before shooting to kill, it added. According to Kan, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has already agreed to fast-track the legislation."

    "The measure had been proposed by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir before the Hamas attack on October 7. Kan previously reported that police were concerned that Israeli Arab citizens could block army convoys in case of a military escalation. Ben Gvir said in early October that he believes it is “very important to change the instructions so that our policemen and soldiers can fill their role without risking their lives.”
  • 20:44 GMT
    "The US “will not be spared from this fire”
    if the “genocide in Gaza continues,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has told the UN General Assembly. “This is our home and West Asia is our region,” he said, adding: “We do not compromise with any party and any side and have no reservations when it comes to our home’s security.”
    By providing military aid to Israel and refusing to surge adequate humanitarian assistance into Gaza, Amir-Abdollahian accused Washington of “managing the genocide in Palestine.”

Can the US and Israel have a war with Iran (and any other state onUS will probably need a reason to sell to the public for entering a major war so expect a base or one of its boats to meet an unfortunate end in some false flag attack and then of course, there's all the justification
Or the old suitcase dirty nuke on American soil. I think the C’s alluded to that. I’m not sure a navy ship going down would galvanize opinion enough.
Or the old suitcase dirty nuke on American soil. I think the C’s alluded to that. I’m not sure a navy ship going down would galvanize opinion enough.
Feels like they are itching for something to get them back on the driving seat after the disasters of Ukraine and Trump.

No way Democrats win the next elections without pulling some dirty trick off and you know these guys are hungry for eternal power. Likewise, Netanyahu seems like a typical psychopath who knows his days are numbered and so he'll do whatever to save his back side and stick to power for life.

I think together, these guys are crazy enough to light up the whole Middle East just so they can remain in power.

The guys at the Duran makes good sense in that you don't assemble this kind of force just for Hamas and Hezbollah.

Also, it's clear they intend to do a final solution with Gaza. Just listen to the crazed lunatic speak and the language he uses, you'd think we were back in the days of eugenics and a caste system in society.

If "October" was interesting according to the C's, what will November be?

A curious journalist asks, "So you were able to quickly determine that “Russia was striking civilians”, but you cannot make the same call regarding Israel committing war crimes?"

The State Department spokesman responds, “The United States is not ready to determine whether the strikes on the Gaza Strip comply with international humanitarian law, as statements about violations in the case of Israel cannot be made without a scrupulous analysis."


Israeli Force just launched "unprecedented attacks throughout the Gaza Strip, cutting off communications and the Internet.”


Sources: Ramallah mix and Al Jazeera

Israeli air strikes kill dozens in Gaza overnight, Palestinian sources say​

Israeli air strikes on Gaza have killed dozens of people overnight, according to Palestinian medical sources and media.

At least 15 people were killed in air raids on the city of Khan Younis, southern Gaza, a medical source told Al Jazeera early on Friday.

The Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that journalist Yasser Abu Namous and his mother were among those killed in the pre-dawn strikes.

  • 27 October 2023

  • 15:32 GMT
    "UNESCO, the United Nations’ educational division, has demanded protection for schools, teachers, and students in Gaza amid Israel’s bombardment of the territory. It said in a press release on Friday that about 40% of the schools in Gaza – 200 buildings – had been damaged since the latest round of hostilities began on October 7. Some 40 of those schools have been damaged very seriously, according to UNESCO. Many of these were operated by the UN’s Palestinian refugee organization, UNRWA, which has already lost 38 civilian employees in the bombing."
  • 14:50 GMT
    "Medics from the International Committee of the Red Cross have entered Gaza for the first time since the war began on October 7, the organization said on Friday. Six members of the group’s medical staff, along with four other Red Cross specialists and six aid trucks, entered the blockaded territory via the Rafah crossing in Egypt. The crossing – the only way into and out of Gaza for many years – had been shut for over a week due to constant aerial bombardment by the Israel Defense Forces."

  • Violent Israel-Palestine escalation: Live updates

Medvedev predicts 'bloody consequences' of Israeli ground operation in Gaza Strip​

"Israel keeps postponing its ground operation in Gaza. Mostly under US pressure and for fear of sparking rage worldwide. But there should be no place for delusion. The operation will eventually take place and will entail the gravest, bloodiest consequences. [The bloodthirsty Biblical figure of] Moloch always demands ever fresher victims. The machine of reciprocal violence will now be set into motion for years to come," Medvedev lamented in a comment on his Telegram channel.

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Israel DEMANDS that the leader of the UN resign!


Israel DEMANDS that Russia stop talking to HAMAS!

And now:

“In response, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Lior Haiat told Politico that “Amnesty International is an anti-Semitic organization that is biased against Israel.” He further argued that it “lacks moral authority to portray itself as a human rights organization.”


All this setting up “could possibly” be prelude to throwing the common Jewish people onto the ash heap, once again. And the Americans also for that matter. The PTB probably feel safe enough with their money in off shore accounts, bunkers in the US, farms on the hilltops of South America, and passports to any country they choose to hide out in.
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Just a quick post to say that i also follow what is happening, days after days, but rarely post, only when there's something i estimate important or related not yet posted, which is rare ^^
My bet on this is to think that israel acts like a child who is testing/challenging the barriers that his parents set, shaking them increasingly, and that child does not want to stop unless he whether break the barrier or receive a big flap. I would tend to think that the big slap will come from one way or another, but what is certain is that this ill-behaved child will not succeed to break these barriers, even if supported by other ... let's continue in the image ... ill-behaved childs that also desserve their big slap (that will probably come later)

I recognize that in the meantime what we see is completely unacceptable from a (real) human point of view, not the fake humans (PO, psychopaths, programmed people, the underground "guys" and maybe other "human builds" we are not aware of ... that are scattered on our planet). We are definitively not alone here, and when one consider the quadrillions (50% STO / 50% STS) 3D beings distributed in the universe (if what the C's answered is true of course), this allows even more to better put things into perspective and reduce our profound sentiment of injustice and, for some, our desperate feeling of helplessness regarding this realtime tragedy. For those who regularly recite the prayers with their cristals near them, do not forget the sentences i know now by heart since a long time :
A thousand may fall at your side​
Then thousands at your right hand​
But it'll not come near you​
You'll only look with your eyes​
And see the fate of ignorants and unaware​

And yes, some could argue that some Palestinians (and even some Israeli) are not ignorant and/or unaware, but this remains debatable. An aware person would have left this zone since a while, on the other side, he could wish to stay to help others, but that's not the debate here. These tragedies always happened on our planet, i bet even more since we are under the control of what we can name these "dark (STS) forces", just that we have now cameras at each street's corners (and in almost all hands with the smartphones) which put in everybody's face, at least the ones who do not hide their head in the sand, what is really going on here, to see that our world is not what they thought. This is indeed a great lesson which is actually teached to the world, it's even more obvious than the covid hoax, it's one degree higher and maybe this is the last "reminder" to open the eyes of those who still have the capacity or the "free will option", to open them.

I'm not much used to pray, but for those here who suffer from this I just want to give them my support. It has to happen, it'll pass, hold on :)
Telegram channels are alive with news of an intensification of air raids and shelling of Gaza. Some indications that the ground operation may already be underway.

Intel Slava:

🇮🇱🇵🇸❗️CNN correspondents report massive tank and artillery shelling of Gaza from Israeli army positions.

The TV channel also states that its correspondents observed a huge wall of smoke with a characteristic smell, which may mean setting up a camouflage smoke screen .

Meanwhile, Palestinian telecommunications company Jawwal said the shelling had permanently destroyed communications cables, leading to a "complete cessation of telecommunications services."

Middle East Spectator:

🇮🇱/🇵🇸 JUST IN: Israeli Media (Channel 12, 13, Kann), TASS & Al-Jazeera now confirming invasion is ongoing

From CNN itself:
CNN's Nic Robertson reported hearing outgoing tank fire as well as "unusual, intense and sustained" military activity for the past couple of hours.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced Friday that they are "expanding ground operations" in the Gaza Strip, according IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.
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