Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Tomorrow is full moon, day of sacrifices, Samhain festival will follow, let's pray for the victims of these next days 🙏😔.
The Tsahal will undoubtedly enter Gaza in the coming hours. 😟


Foreign Minister Eli Cohen:

"We reject the despicable call of the UN for a ceasefire outright. Israel intends to act to eliminate Hamas, just as the world acted against the Nazis and ISIS"

Source: Channel 11

#BREAKING NBC News crew member reports Israel is committing an unprecedented massacre tonight:

“We’re being extensively shelled by artillery and air, every street is affected. People are carrying their dead and injured in the most basic methods… on trollies and in tuk-tuks. It’s very dangerous everywhere, they are bombing us from the sky above and the ground. A few minutes ago warplanes bombed locations close to us. Even ambulances don’t dare go out"
And yes, some could argue that some Palestinians (and even some Israeli) are not ignorant and/or unaware, but this remains debatable. An aware person would have left this zone since a while, on the other side, he could wish to stay to help others, but that's not the debate here. These tragedies always happened on our planet, i bet even more since we are under the control of what we can name these "dark (STS) forces", just that we have now cameras at each street's corners (and in almost all hands with the smartphones) which put in everybody's face, at least the ones who do not hide their head in the sand, what is really going on here, to see that our world is not what they thought. This is indeed a great lesson which is actually teached to the world, it's even more obvious than the covid hoax, it's one degree higher and maybe this is the last "reminder" to open the eyes of those who still have the capacity or the "free will option", to open them.
I agree that in our time it takes effort to remain ignorant with the ease of accessing information due to the internet.
However, I’m not sure if it’s fair to say an aware person would have left a long time ago. Even if you can see the conflict brewing, like in Ukraine, Israel, and even the USA, it’s not so easy to emigrate to another country. And even if an aware person can, could they leave their family behind to suffer? I can only begin to imagine the weight of that decision on the people caught in conflicts right now.
In Spain we have no acces to RT.
Israel to pass law allowing state to kill its own citizens – media
Police officers will only require permission from their commander to shoot at protesters, the broadcaster Kan has
The Israeli government is set to allow police to use live fire against protesting Israeli citizens who block roads or entrances to towns during the “multi-front war” being waged by the country, public broadcaster Kan has reported.

Under the new rules, the police will only need permission from a senior officer before shooting to kill, the broadcaster said on Thursday. Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has already agreed to fast-track the legislation, which might be introduced as soon as Sunday, it added.
The easing of live-fire rules was proposed by right-wing National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir even before the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7, in which 1,400 people were killed by Palestinian militants.
Ben Gvir told Kan in early October that he was “not ashamed to act, to make it so that it will be easier for our police officers to shoot those who threaten them.” According to the minister, changing the rules is “very important” as it would protect officers and allow them to carry out their duties more effectively.

To allow them to continue with genocide.
Wow! What an era we are observing.
-Israeli PM adviser: 'When this is over, Gaza will be very different
Likely not in the way he is 'hoping'.
Keep smokin that hopium, you psycho.

I had a dream just before I woke today that was very surreal. I was walking down a grassy bank that was littered in debris from bombing, there were bombs dropping in the distance we were wanting to get as far away as possible. I had my son with me and my daughter was a very small baby whom I was carrying very carefully in front of me, my body slightly hunched over her protectively, my arms cradling and shielding her as I walked in bare feet, carefully picking my way down through the debris, gingerly placing my feet in between barbed wire, metal, crumbling concrete dust, household debris, climbing over the shattered remnants of people's lives. We were intuitively being guided to find a river and swim in it - which we did, we needed to wash off the pain and trauma of all we had experienced. We were doing everything we could to stay positive. The only thing we had was the ragged torn clothes on our backs, one another and our faith in God. I remember for a moment watching myself from a different perspective as an observer, and feeling a deep sense of calm and peace move through me, I was inside my body and outside as an observer the whole time. We found a lovely river, it was so peaceful, the water was utterly sublime and a beautiful deep green/blue colour... we slipped into it in our clothes, we desperately needed hydration and a wash... we felt much better, like so much pain had instantly lifted from us. I remember moments where we were smiling and laughing. My son and I had a deep conversation about God and our spiritual connection with one another. It was like we were swimming in the 'eternal flow', it felt like a healing river that existed beyond this density.

Then in a split second I was remote viewing - up high above Palestine - seeing from a birds eye view:
4 houses in a line.

There were three pure white houses on the right that I was shown represented the Palestinians.
There was one on the left that was more of a bland, earthy colour which represented Israel.
There were no markings on the buildings, I could just feel who was in them.

The energy coming from the Israeli house was frenetic. I could see the Israeli's were trying to build more houses but they only had one house complete and it was jammed right next to the Palestinian house, giving them no space or privacy. Very invasive.

My attention was drawn to the fact that I was being shown a ratio of 3 to 1 - to the Palestinians 'advantage'.
I was meant to remember this, if nothing else. I felt this was related to future military events.

The Israelis furiously kept trying to build their own houses next to the Palestinians houses, but they were not made from the same strong material and foundations as the Palestinians - the Israeli houses just kept crumbling and falling apart. There was so much negative energy and deep hatred coming from the Israeli's who kept looking at the Palestinians - they called the IDF from their mobiles to bomb the Palestinian houses - annihilate them, so they could build their own houses in their place. I was astonished they would do this, because they were literally standing right next to the Palestinian houses, I was thinking: any idiot could see they could easily be killed. Duhhhhh. However, the Palestinian houses were incredibly strong, completely solid and 100% unharmed, any bombs just glanced off the houses and damaged the Israeli house very badly, half of it became exposed and was in ruins. It was clear the Palestinians had some form of 'protection' and this enraged the Israelis. They were screaming and going absolutely NUTS, totally psychotic.

The Palestinian houses were humble and simple - but super strong - very strong walls, much thicker than the Israeli houses - much better designed architecturally - all who were in these houses were safe. The Palestinians did not yell back at the Israelis, they kept quiet, I felt they were praying. Their houses 'glowed' pulsated, with the purest white light and it was obvious that nothing could truly harm them. They knew God's light was with them and within them.

The Israelis got very, very angry that nothing was working, they hated that they were also basically being ignored, and then in their rage, they mistakenly bombed the living daylights out of their own houses which they were trying to build. The more the Israelis tried to hit the Palestinians, the more the bombs hit themselves. The one house they had managed to build - and all their people - were completely obliterated; they literally turned to dust. The Palestine houses/people were left, luminous and strong and they continued on quietly rebuilding their lives, helping one another.

Perhaps this is just a projection from my consciousness... personally, the thought of any innocents being slaughtered - no matter what 'camp' they are in is agonising. On many levels I feel this whole event is going to touch people all over the world in a way no other war ever has, I think it is already doing that in many ways. Also, I get a very strong feeling that people who are thinking 'thank GOD I don't live there' or 'bomb them to oblivion' are possibly in for a very rude shock.
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