Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide


Israeli media:

"More than 6 explosions in Gosh Dan and Tel Aviv areas with direct rocket hits."

My opinion: More and more powerful missiles are hitting Israel. Iron Dome and Patriot anti-air defence systems are failing really bad. The Palestinian resistance plays the game very cautiously. The missiles will become more and more powerful until Tel Aviv starts to look like Gaza at some point.

Israel took the bait and is now at war with civilians and children. Hamas is almost untouched, as is Hezbollah. While Israel is drowning in war crimes and has no idea how to save itself

I note what you say and agree with parts of your conjecture. However, having terrorist groups on the border (and perhaps more off the intelligence radar) can be useful if you wish to perpetrate a spectacular (e.g., a dirty bomb attack) to ram it home to Americans that they are not safe in their own country. Such an investment of men and resources would pay off in rich dividends for Hamas or Hezbollah as regards their image as Islamic freedom fighters taking on the great Satan in its own backyard. As you mention, it may even be permitted and condoned by the secret government so as to create a climate of fear justifying more restrictions on Americans' freedom (herding the sheep under tighter and tighter control) and to stoke divisions within the population. At some level, the intelligence agencies and terrorist groups may be all viewed as assets of the secret world government who can be played off against one another where necessary in the great chess game that is being played out on the big blue marble.

As to Hamas or Hezbollah operating secretly in Mexico or on the US border, terrorism can make for strange bedfellows at times. For example, back in the 1970's, the Irish Republican Army (who posed nominally as Irish Roman Catholic freedom fighters) sent its personnel over to the Middle East where they trained with PLO operatives (who were predominantly Moslem) in countries like Libya. Like many terrorist organisations, the IRA were involved in crime in order to generate revenue for weapons. Hence, there can often be an overlap between terrorists and criminal syndicates, meaning you cannot rule out a link between Hamas or Hezbollah and some of the Mexican drug cartels. Business is business after all. Hence, as you say, you can't rule anything out here.​

Not taking a position, just posting some info. I concur with MJF on the international terrorist/insurgent/trafficking of all sorts of things cartels overlapping as this has been the case for decades in Ibero-America. The tri-border region of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil has always been a home to this sort of stuff. And their are allegations that Venezuela had help from Iran in supporting Chile’s 2019 Estallido Social and interfering in their Presidential election two years ago. Lots of expertise and stuff can be imported on these Iranian flights into Venezuela. With scores to settle with other countries, why not take advantage of known trafficking routes and open borders?
I am beginning to think perhaps that the "deep state"/Mosad in Israel is "the man behind the curtain" or at least it's best candidate for now.

I tend to think exactly this. Through espionage/blackmail (Epstein client list), along with socio-cultural programming, they have a stranglehold on most western governments. I think the C's stated in an older session that Israel is "near the apex of the consortium". Factor in also the 2.5m subterranean humanoid influencers in our world. We are really up against it as people of awareness/conscience. Most people I know couldn't care less, they can't see that this acquiescence is effectively "accepting the mark of the beast". Until it directly affects them, they will not care, and by that point I won't be caring about them. Too little, too late! Our world is a grand school after all, and this requires emotional and spiritual growth as much as knowledge.
Actually, Colonel MacGregor has mentioned that both Hamas and Hezbollah have large operations in Mexico, so your suggestion is not far fetched at all.

I listen to MacGregor daily and I’ve never heard him say that that Hezbollah or Hamas actually have camps on our southern border. What I have heard him say on multiple occasions is that there “could be”, or Chinese, or anything else. His point is usually illustrating that we have no idea who’s coming into the country because it’s open access and a weakness literally anyone could be exploiting. If he’s actually crossed over to “Hezbollah and Hamas are already here”, please give me a link to the quote because I’m gonna have to reevaluate my opinion about MacGregor’s up until now excellent reputation. Up until now I’ve felt his only weak area was his West Point taught “greatest fighting force the world has ever known” trope, where the only weakness is the leadership with 40-plus 4-stars.
the Kissinger quote was from Sept. 2012. He was only off by a year. What does he know, and do all the major players also know it?
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei first claimed back in 2015 that Israel won’t see the next 25 years. This means that it would cease tp exist at some point before 2040. This article also repeats the Kissinger quote of 2012.

This article from February 2020 predicted:

30 Human rights and civil society NGOs in Israel release statement urging the international community to act on unprecedented levels of state-backed settler violence in the West Bank >
Today, 30 leading human rights and anti-occupation NGOs in Israel signed an open letter to the international community urging immediate action to protect West Bank Palestinians from settler violence and forcible transfer from their land >
following the seventh murder of a Palestinian at the hands of an Israeli settler since the war began. So far, this wave of extreme violence has led to the forcible transfer of at least 13 Palestinian agricultural communities in Area C of the West Bank. >
You are absolutely right. Memory playing tricks again. Sellers was a grade 'A' nutcase. He once hired an open top Mercedes limousine (1940's vintage) and drove down London's Regent Street dressed as Adolf Hitler giving Nazi salutes to everyone. It may have been to promote a 1974 movie he made called Soft Beds Hard Battles where he briefly appeared as Hitler but I can't vouch for this.
Andy Kaufman was another comedic “genius” who pushed the envelope and engaged in crazy real world performance art (I recall his back broken in the wrestling ring). To what extent were these guys moved by the “spirits” and how much from their own minds? (Or handlers?) Did their success lead to a feeling of invincibility that the boundaries could be further and further pushed?

It’s always a question. What goes on in a persons mind that induces them to act in a way that creeps out the majority? And is the majority creeped out because the boundaries have been violated in a vulgar way OR is the majority creeped out only because their sleep has been disturbed?

Or both and then some more.
The battleground of social media is an interesting animal. There are super galvanized strongholds of opinion on this war and then a chunk who just want it to pass-get it over with/this isn’t that big of a deal. Much psychology is on display. Those utterly sucked into the Islamic jihad fear porn are a key emotional focal point and the bleeding heart is another. The sad part is that rationality and any real thinking gets overrun and drowned out. (Which is always how it goes here on clown world earth)
The battleground of social media is an interesting animal. There are super galvanized strongholds of opinion on this war and then a chunk who just want it to pass-get it over with/this isn’t that big of a deal. Much psychology is on display. Those utterly sucked into the Islamic jihad fear porn are a key emotional focal point and the bleeding heart is another. The sad part is that rationality and any real thinking gets overrun and drowned out. (Which is always how it goes here on clown world earth)
The world is an eyewitness to a horrible and visceral reality in Gaza. Part of the solution to this may be the mass emotional response of the people as we are already seeing demands for action in the protests worldwide. So any measured hands that later appear might be strengthened by mandates from people - one can hope anyway. It's good that the Israeli people themselves are divided on the Gaza genocide, there's a hefty minority of non-psychopathic people there at least.

You can see how the emotions around Gaza are formed into false arguments and paramoralisms for either side. The genocide is real, that's what we cannot forget.
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