Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

MJF said:
I can't help feeling that it may have been Peter Sellers who influenced Stanley Kramer to end the movie with the wonderful Dame Vera Lynn singing We'll Meet Again. That would certainly fit with Sellers' sense of humor.
Maybe you meant Peter Sellers who influenced ''Stanley Kubrick'', Stanley Kramer directed ''Judgment at Nuremberg''. Very different styles.
On the border crisis (US), I remember Ann Vandersteel did a documentary called "26 miles" that showed there's large areas of land just north of the border to Mexico where there are huge immigrant camps within 26 miles of the border in a few border states that are not patrolled by US agents. If Hezbollah, ISIS, Hamas etc. have camps they would be there - IF that is true. I can't find any evidence of that documentary, only her tweet about it:

It might just be rumors. I never trusted Vandersteel. But at this point who knows what's true any more.
Its with regret I post this but people need to know. I watched this report today with a boarder patrol agent on the southern boarder. He says in the last year, 85000 illegals with a known serious terrorist background have been freely let into the US. and thats just the last year. We're looking at some very serious sh*t here. The plan is becoming clear, with terrorists attacks we'll see the next lock down is my guess.

I think Vandersteel is reporting the facts. She's been traveling with Michael Yon on the boarder and they reported on a settlement being constructed for the illegals thats 45 sq. miles in size in Texas. Also they showed Walmart's where the children are being kept. One for girls another for boys.
I agree. The best we can hope for now is that Trump admits and condemns the evil going in in Gaza right now. But the fact is, he did say he wanted the Israeli capitol to be in Jerusalem, and his own son-in-law Jared Kushner is a member of the end-times Chabad-Lubavitch death cult. Who is Trump really, that had Wilbur Ross (a Rothschild banker) bail him out of all his bankruptcies? And he made Ross a member of his cabinet when he was president. All the evil evident with Biden was there to be seen with Trump too for those with the eyes to see.

Who can be trusted any more? I've recently had to let go of Jordan Peterson, Trump, Johnson, Shapiro...almost all the anchors many have held onto have dropped away recently because they embraced an empire of lies. SO many I once championed now pray for the elimination of all the innocents of Gaza. It just goes to show, being conservative or liberal means nothing. What matters is what YOU STAND FOR, AND AGAINST. And I will ALWAYS stand against genocide, forever.
In america it seems impossible to reach presidential power without pledging allegiance to israel...
Incidentally, I actually got a letter from the Labour party today, I tore it up and binned it without reading. The Labour party has been eviscerated since Kier Starmer came into its leadership. The one and only time I voted for Labour was when Jeremy Corbyn was leader, and I'll never vote for them again. Democracy's a sham anyway, we all know it.
I am beginning to think perhaps that the "deep state"/Mosad in Israel is "the man behind the curtain" or at least it's best candidate for now.

Thank you for posting the video's @SlipNet. I will try to share them whenever I can.
I think Vandersteel is reporting the facts. She's been traveling with Michael Yon on the boarder and they reported on a settlement being constructed for the illegals thats 45 sq. miles in size in Texas. Also they showed Walmart's where the children are being kept. One for girls another for boys.

@SummerLite who would think Walmart's would be used that way except for the Cs?

Session 2 May 2015:
(Perceval) I was wondering about these WalMart store closures. There were five stores closed across southern US states, from Florida to California. They gave an explanation of "plumbing problems". They told employees on the day they closed them. They walked in, and they said basically, "You're all fired at the end of today." They're closing the doors due to plumbing issues, and they said this same thing at each of the five stores. 2200 people across 5 stores lost their jobs.

(Andromeda) And they were doing well, so it wasn't a money issue.

(Perceval) One of them was in the top 10 for sales in the US, and there are like 1500 stores total. Anyway, they gave a bogus explanation of plumbing repairs, but that's been refuted by everybody. Everyone said they never saw a single plumbing problem, no plumbers, no nothing. Even mainstream media news reports on it are saying that this plumbing explanation is obviously bullshit. So, people in the conspiracy community have started linking it with this Jade Helm exercises later in the year. They're saying the stores will be turned into prison camps, detention centers, whatever... It's all crazy stuff. I don't think that's true, but the question is then: Why were these stores closed?

A: Influences of a cosmic nature.

Q: (Perceval) In the fringe conspiracy domain, they're all going crazy about this. A lot of people are talking about this, like Sorcha Faal. One of her sites, EU Times, just makes tons of claims with no sources to back it up. There was stuff about how all WalMarts are connected by underground tunnels across the USA, and that the US military uses these WalMarts as logistics centers.

(Andromeda) Um, that's not very practical... And detention centers is impractical because they're gonna need a LOT more space than that, obviously. So, it's very mysterious...

(L) So what does "cosmic influences" mean?

A: Full spectrum dominance of 4D STS helpers. [answer comes slowly, and gets a bit stuck at "helpers"]

Q: (L) What was that?

(Niall) Perceval was just saying "full spectrum dominance" a couple of days ago.

(Perceval) Well, 4D STS helpers would be 3D, Mossad, or whatever? Well, did these specific WalMarts that were closed, did they have...?

A: Command centers.

Q: (Perceval) So they're going to be used as command centers.

(Chu) Or they are being used...

(Perceval) Well, I don't think so. They were WalMarts up until a couple of weeks ago. Are there tunnels underground connecting WalMarts?

A: No

Q: (L) No tunnels.

(Perceval) Excellent. Thank god. [laughter]

(Andromeda) They're not gonna be used for body disposal?

A: No

Q: (Pierre) What's so special about those five WalMarts?

A: Size, suitability, location.

Q: (Perceval) Do they have anything to do with these planned Jade Helm military exercises this summer?

A: Ultimately, but not quite yet.

Q: (Perceval) So, can we assume that the US military has requisitioned these 5 stores as command centers?

A: Close.

Q: (Perceval) They want them to be covert command centers? They're not gonna turn them into official military bases, right?

A: Ultimately.

Q: (Scottie) Well, they said "Close" to the question of if they're turning them into military bases.

(Perceval) No, they said ultimately they will. "Close" was for if they'd been requisitioned as command centers, and "Ultimately" was if they'd be turned into overt military bases.

A: Military/civilian.

Q: (Perceval) Military/civilian as in intelligence/spooky type things?

(L) Or command centers. Military/civilian command centers...

(Niall) DHS

(Perceval) Is it preparation for some expected...

(L) I mean, look at how they put WalMarts in these central locations to cover surrounding areas. They're accessible. Accessibility. What if people are told you have to show up there and register, or get vaccinated, marked, get something injected into you, or if you want to get food - a distribution center...

(Perceval) So, they are being taking over by the military, but...

(L) They're gonna be refitted in some way.

(Perceval) a preparatory way for something they expect coming down the pipeline in the near future.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Or for a civil war situation...

(Perceval) Or financial collapse.

(L) Or catastrophe...

(Pierre) What kind of eventuality do they have in mind?

A: No dice.

Q: (L) They wouldn't tell you that.

(Chu) Obviously, it's not something to help people because it's a command center.

(Perceval) Command and control for DHS, or...

(Niall) FEMA

(Perceval) There's one in Florida, one in Oklahoma, two in Texas, and one in California. So, it's across the bottom of the USA. Are they gonna do this with more stores?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So it's just the beginning.

(Perceval) There are thousands of WalMarts...

A: Notice the time given for "repairs."

Q: (Perceval) Right, 6 months to a year.

(Pierre) That's totally unrealistic for plumbing repairs!

(L) So, 6 months to a year before they expect to need them to go into operation.

(Pierre) So it's soon.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) The Jade Helm military exercises across several states this July in the USA, is that similar to the way they would do "drills" during false flags attacks and stuff like that?

A: "War games" against masses. Also note that "things" tend to "happen" during such exercises.

I do not think the Cs are fooling around. I think they have given more than enough to answers to our questions and give good advise and warning. It is up to us to decide if we to have faith in their communications. And @Laura is probably the most gracious gift to us to have forewarning when possible due to her gift to communicate to us in a "supreme" way. This forum is all about communication I think. If you have not read it I would encourage anyone to read Amazing Grace by @Laura and the story about the necklace.

Q: I had an experience under hypnosis several years ago while in the mountains of North Carolina. What was that? {Written about in “Amazing Grace” and “The Wave”.}

A: Soul memory awakening.

Q: What was the significance of the necklace?

A: Symbolic of ability to communicate supreme knowledge.

I am open to a bit of "knowledge" about now.
MJF said:
I can't help feeling that it may have been Peter Sellers who influenced Stanley Kramer to end the movie with the wonderful Dame Vera Lynn singing We'll Meet Again. That would certainly fit with Sellers' sense of humor.
Maybe you meant Peter Sellers who influenced ''Stanley Kubrick'', Stanley Kramer directed ''Judgment at Nuremberg''. Very different styles.
You are absolutely right. Memory playing tricks again. Sellers was a grade 'A' nutcase. He once hired an open top Mercedes limousine (1940's vintage) and drove down London's Regent Street dressed as Adolf Hitler giving Nazi salutes to everyone. It may have been to promote a 1974 movie he made called Soft Beds Hard Battles where he briefly appeared as Hitler but I can't vouch for this.
Crusades of the 21st century

Of course, the biblical messages are also directed to the American audience and not only to Israelis themselves. Check with your favorite pastor where you can donate or with your military office where you can enlist.​

Its is absolutely sickening to see a secular psychopath like Netanyahu quoting scripture to justify genocide, particularly when you know that the god of the ancient Israelites was Yahweh, who the C's tell us was just a front for the Reptilians. It also reminds me of the way in which the oh so devout Saddam Hussein was filmed attending a Mosque in Iraq prior to the commencement of the First Gulf War. Must make it look good to the faithful!

My brother tells me that when the Israelis made their last major incursion into Gaza, the IDF units were accompanied by rabbis as army chaplains who urged the troops on in their genocidal mission by quoting appropriate passages from scripture to justify the killing of men, women and children. Over 3,000 years later, nothing has changed it seems.​
I've heard McGregor say that too and I'm wondering where he got that info. I'm from Mexico and you hear zero about Arabs or Muslims hanging around the northern border - much less Hezbollah and Hamas. Not even rumors, so I'm skeptical. You do hear a lot about drug dealers and illegal immigrants and such. So apart from the word of the Colonel, has anyone got any reliable evidence or information of Hamas and Hezbollah having large operations in Mexico?
It's bunk. Just like the 'speshul breaking news' this week that 'Hamas trained in Iran'. All, or almost all, of those 1,500 Hamas fighters who entered Israel on October 7th were leaving their open-air prison camp for the first (and last) time in their miserable lives. Nothing gets in or out of there without Israeli approval - and that has been the case since 2005.
Had the same question. It is possible that some of the intelligence that McGregor received is just plain disinfo, provided by people he trusts, and designed to set the stage and further inflame Americans should some kind of attack occur on US soil and which would quite probably be a false flag operation using "Hezbollah" and "Hamas"- "affiliated" patsies or dupes. Seems to me that Hamas and Hezbollah have their hands full on their home turf, so why would they bother to expend any of their resources in attacking the US (except as a construct of the intelligence agencies of course.) What might the real Hamas and Hezbollah seek to gain by such a thing?

Such an event, should it occur, could be used to increase domestic support for the new war though. ie. "Hezbollah and Hamas are enemies of the US too - and they're supported by Iran, Russia and China - give 'em hell!" - And if that isn't bad enough, such an event might be used to galvanize the less informed consevative base of the US to abuse the Palestinian, Iranian and Moslem/Arab (Semitic) populations in the US. Jesus, Trump (among a number of other conservative thought leaders) is already saying stoopid stuff about Iran.

I realize the above is yet another worst case scenario (among so many that seem to be in the offing!), but it wouldn't suprise me to see something like this play itself out either. Good grief.
I note what you say and agree with parts of your conjecture. However, having terrorist groups on the border (and perhaps more off the intelligence radar) can be useful if you wish to perpetrate a spectacular (e.g., a dirty bomb attack) to ram it home to Americans that they are not safe in their own country. Such an investment of men and resources would pay off in rich dividends for Hamas or Hezbollah as regards their image as Islamic freedom fighters taking on the great Satan in its own backyard. As you mention, it may even be permitted and condoned by the secret government so as to create a climate of fear justifying more restrictions on Americans' freedom (herding the sheep under tighter and tighter control) and to stoke divisions within the population. At some level, the intelligence agencies and terrorist groups may be all viewed as assets of the secret world government who can be played off against one another where necessary in the great chess game that is being played out on the big blue marble.

As to Hamas or Hezbollah operating secretly in Mexico or on the US border, terrorism can make for strange bedfellows at times. For example, back in the 1970's, the Irish Republican Army (who posed nominally as Irish Roman Catholic freedom fighters) sent its personnel over to the Middle East where they trained with PLO operatives (who were predominantly Moslem) in countries like Libya. Like many terrorist organisations, the IRA were involved in crime in order to generate revenue for weapons. Hence, there can often be an overlap between terrorists and criminal syndicates, meaning you cannot rule out a link between Hamas or Hezbollah and some of the Mexican drug cartels. Business is business after all. Hence, as you say, you can't rule anything out here.​
Over 3,000 years later, nothing has changed it seems.

More likely somewhat less that 2,500 years... near all if not all the stories claiming greater antiquity in the Septuagint were either stolen and then adapted or invented in a multitude of forms by way of disguised repetition. A novel as history in other words, one designed by intent to appear most ancient whilst being nothing but ruse and sleight of literary hand, cooked up by pupils of Plato's dictum at crafty work, thereby inventing by candle light a people of substance out of thin air...
I agree. The best we can hope for now is that Trump admits and condemns the evil going in in Gaza right now. But the fact is, he did say he wanted the Israeli capitol to be in Jerusalem, and his own son-in-law Jared Kushner is a member of the end-times Chabad-Lubavitch death cult. Who is Trump really, that had Wilbur Ross (a Rothschild banker) bail him out of all his bankruptcies? And he made Ross a member of his cabinet when he was president. All the evil evident with Biden was there to be seen with Trump too for those with the eyes to see.

Who can be trusted any more? I've recently had to let go of Jordan Peterson, Trump, Johnson, Shapiro...almost all the anchors many have held onto have dropped away recently because they embraced an empire of lies. SO many I once championed now pray for the elimination of all the innocents of Gaza. It just goes to show, being conservative or liberal means nothing. What matters is what YOU STAND FOR, AND AGAINST. And I will ALWAYS stand against genocide, forever.
I also had to take a step back from a lot of people I followed...Levin, Shapiro, Bongino, Beck...the only one I have found to be reasonable and listen to all sides and not be emotional is Jesse Kelly on Spotify... give him a shot.
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