Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Crusades of the 21st century

Of course, the biblical messages are also directed to the American audience and not only to Israelis themselves. Check with your favorite pastor where you can donate or with your military office where you can enlist.​

Netanyahu declaring invasion: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible"

1 Samuel 15:3

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass"

🇮🇱🇯🇴Israeli troops hoisting Israel's flag in the heart of Gaza. Source: India naftali
Another vassal of Israel...Someone has to give him the red pill again.

"On the terrible morning of October 7, the world once again saw the battle between Israel and Hamas. This is not a battle of two equal sides, it is a battle of good and evil, a battle of civilization and savages. Iran is responsible for the Hamas attack, but no one wants to talk about it"
Trump announced that if he is re-elected as the president of the United States, he will identify and deport all foreigners who participate in demonstrations supporting Hamas and other jihadist groups from the United States.
Actually, Colonel MacGregor has mentioned that both Hamas and Hezbollah have large operations in Mexico, so your suggestion is not far fetched at all.
I've heard McGregor say that too and I'm wondering where he got that info. I'm from Mexico and you hear zero about Arabs or Muslims hanging around the northern border - much less Hezbollah and Hamas. Not even rumors, so I'm skeptical. You do hear a lot about drug dealers and illegal immigrants and such. So apart from the word of the Colonel, has anyone got any reliable evidence or information of Hamas and Hezbollah having large operations in Mexico?
I've heard McGregor say that too and I'm wondering where he got that info. I'm from Mexico and you hear zero about Arabs or Muslims hanging around the northern border - much less Hezbollah and Hamas. Not even rumors, so I'm skeptical. You do hear a lot about drug dealers and illegal immigrants and such. So apart from the word of the Colonel, has anyone got any reliable evidence or information of Hamas and Hezbollah having large operations in Mexico?

Had the same question. It is possible that some of the intelligence that McGregor received is just plain disinfo, provided by people he trusts, and designed to set the stage and further inflame Americans should some kind of attack occur on US soil and which would quite probably be a false flag operation using "Hezbollah" and "Hamas"- "affiliated" patsies or dupes. Seems to me that Hamas and Hezbollah have their hands full on their home turf, so why would they bother to expend any of their resources in attacking the US (except as a construct of the intelligence agencies of course.) What might the real Hamas and Hezbollah seek to gain by such a thing?

Such an event, should it occur, could be used to increase domestic support for the new war though. ie. "Hezbollah and Hamas are enemies of the US too - and they're supported by Iran, Russia and China - give 'em hell!" - And if that isn't bad enough, such an event might be used to galvanize the less informed consevative base of the US to abuse the Palestinian, Iranian and Moslem/Arab (Semitic) populations in the US. Jesus, Trump (among a number of other conservative thought leaders) is already saying stoopid stuff about Iran.

I realize the above is yet another worst case scenario (among so many that seem to be in the offing!), but it wouldn't suprise me to see something like this play itself out either. Good grief.
Another vassal of Israel...Someone has to give him the red pill again
Yes. Hawaiians (and all Polynesians) and most Native Americans are in the same boat so to speak.

No one cares. That's why they can do the Lahaina stuff.

So it is interesting to me that a specific culture and/or race/ethnicity/religion (alleged people from the trib of Judah) can generate this kind of response from the American people but not anything related to the history of the US with regard to the indigenous people. Good god man, they incinerated the people in Lahaina!

Hawaii is under military occupation and has been since 1898. Trying to appease the occupying force has not worked.
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And if that isn't bad enough, such an event might be used to galvanize the less informed consevative base of the US to abuse the Palestinian, Iranian and Moslem/Arab (Semitic) populations in the US. Jesus, Trump (among a number of other conservative thought leaders) is already saying stoopid stuff about Iran.

The new Speaker of the House Michael Johnson just said this:

Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US.

The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said.

“Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it, “Johnson continued, the states posed a “huge [threat to the US.] It’s it’s the biggest threat since World War II.”

So Congress can now mostly come together and agree that a new war is called for and justified (even of they're not being consulted or called to vote on it by the Biden administration).
The new Speaker of the House Michael Johnson just said this:

So Congress can now mostly come together and agree that a new war is called for and justified (even of they're not being consulted or called to vote on it by the Biden administration).
If you have children in the age range to be drafted into the "service", perhaps it would be a good time to talk to them about it.

Of course, if things go bad (Ukraine) everyone could be drafted.
On the border crisis (US), I remember Ann Vandersteel did a documentary called "26 miles" that showed there's large areas of land just north of the border to Mexico where there are huge immigrant camps within 26 miles of the border in a few border states that are not patrolled by US agents. If Hezbollah, ISIS, Hamas etc. have camps they would be there - IF that is true. I can't find any evidence of that documentary, only her tweet about it:

It might just be rumors. I never trusted Vandersteel. But at this point who knows what's true any more.
If you have children in the age range to be drafted into the "service", perhaps it would be a good time to talk to them about it.

Of course, if things go bad (Ukraine) everyone could be drafted.
The 60's/ 70's might return. Convince them you are insane or go to jail if that fails, but do not enter the satanic slaughter at all costs; that is the only message worth relaying. Of course its a form of 'extreme' non-compliance that is the only course of action to the discerning human being, but most importantly you can convince normies of doing this without setting up multiple frames of reference about the state of the world and asking painful questions.

The question is fairly simple right now which is why this nonsense will fail. 'do you want to die for international weapon traders because no one actually wants this conflict?' - if that fails make them (re)watch Lord of War by the always excellent Andrew Niccol.
All in all this is a desperate push towards another WW1 scenario. The official narrative about how that got started and it 'turned unavoidable' because of confusion, twisting allegiances and regional tensions overflowing into each other, and all that kind of vague bullshit bad historians would like you to believe in, is a smokescreen for bad actors stirring up shit with very specific intentions, as usual.

Can't wait for christmas dinner where most of my family will have no idea what to think of the world anymore now that the previous current thing was 'ended' so abruptly and it may start to dawn on them that as MJ stated in perhaps his best video clip 'they dont care about us'.

The upside to this utter tragedy is that it makes certain uncomfortable conversations easier. And as much as some idiots want to believe they are enacting godly scripture, the opposite is making itself known.
The new Speaker of the House Michael Johnson just said this:

So Congress can now mostly come together and agree that a new war is called for and justified (even of they're not being consulted or called to vote on it by the Biden administration).
As one would expect Johnson is apparently just another slick/sick moron, or should I say a robot person, without anything real inside. In the ponerized world of US politicians it can't be any other way. And whatever little hope there was with Trump, the fact that he's gone 'full Zionist' again just shows that he's not the solution that some are hoping for.
I agree. The best we can hope for now is that Trump admits and condemns the evil going in in Gaza right now. But the fact is, he did say he wanted the Israeli capitol to be in Jerusalem, and his own son-in-law Jared Kushner is a member of the end-times Chabad-Lubavitch death cult. Who is Trump really, that had Wilbur Ross (a Rothschild banker) bail him out of all his bankruptcies? And he made Ross a member of his cabinet when he was president. All the evil evident with Biden was there to be seen with Trump too for those with the eyes to see.

Who can be trusted any more? I've recently had to let go of Jordan Peterson, Trump, Johnson, Shapiro...almost all the anchors many have held onto have dropped away recently because they embraced an empire of lies. SO many I once championed now pray for the elimination of all the innocents of Gaza. It just goes to show, being conservative or liberal means nothing. What matters is what YOU STAND FOR, AND AGAINST. And I will ALWAYS stand against genocide, forever.
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