Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

MJF said:
Despite the grimness of the current situation, it may be no bad thing to dig out a favourite old movie and watch it to take one's mind off all of the bad news coming out of the Middle East at the moment. Afterall, the C's did say to get out the pop corn.


Once Upon a time in the West. Dir. Sergio Leone
Epic western. Although considered a spaghetti western, I believe it was actually made in the USA. Henry Fonda spent most of his career playing the good guy, but in this movie he showed he was just as capable in playing the role of the evil villain.
They were hurt when they were told that they cause crocodile tears.


Eli Cohen, Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs:

"Given the grave statements coming from Turkey, I have ordered the return of diplomatic representatives there in order to conduct a reevaluation of the relations between Israel and Turkey"

Those who are not in the multipolar world would perish, I think.

Iran-Russia set a western trap in Palestine
The only country that could possibly distract the west from Ukraine is Israel. But the US and its allies are walking into an existential trap if they think a West Asian victory will be more easily won than a European one.
The Russia-Iran strategic partnership - with China in the wings - is laying an elaborate, Sun Tzu-tinged trap for the Hegemon in West Asia.

Apart from Israel, there is no entity on the planet capable of switching the focus, in a flash, away from the west's spectacular debacle in Ukraine.

The warmongers in charge of US foreign policy, not exactly Bismarckian stalwarts, believe that if Project Ukraine is unattainable, Project Final Solution in Palestine could instead be a - ethnic cleansing - cakewalk.
A more plausible scenario, though is that Iran-Russia – and the new “axis of evil” Russia-China-Iran – have all it takes to drag the Hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own, discombobulated flip-flapping to unbalance him and disorient him to oblivion.

The White House’s wishful thinking that the Forever Wars in Ukraine and Israel are inscribed in the same lofty “democracy” drive and essential to US national interests, has already backfired – even among American public opinion.
That does not prevent cries and whispers along the Beltway revealing Israel-allied US neocons increasing the tempo to provoke Iran – via a proverbial false flag that would lead to an American attack. That Armageddon scenario neatly fits Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s biblical psychopathy.

Vassals would be forced to meekly comply
. NATO heads of state have made a beeline to visit Israel to demonstrate their unconditional support for Tel Aviv - including Greece’s Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz, the senile lodger at the White House, and France’s Emmanuel Macron.
Avenging the Arab “century of humiliation”

So far, Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has shown extraordinary restraint by not taking any bait. Hezbollah supports the Palestinian resistance as a whole – and until a few years back, had serious issues with Hamas, with which it clashed in Syria. Hamas, incidentally, while partially funded by Iran, is not run by Iran. As much as Tehran supports the Palestinian cause, Palestinian resistance groups make their own decisions.
The big news is that all these issues are now dissolving. Both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) went to Lebanon to visit Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah in person this week. That spells out unity of purpose – or what the region's Axis of Resistance calls the “Unity of Fronts.”
Even more eye-opening was Hamas' visit to Moscow this week, which was met with impotent Israeli fury. The Hamas delegation was headed by a member of its Politburo, Abu Marzouk. Iranían Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri came especially from Tehran and met two of Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s key deputies, Sergei Ryabkov and Mikhail Galuzin.

That spells out Hamas, Iran, and Russia negotiating at the same table.

Hamas has called on the millions of Palestinians in the diaspora, as well as the whole Arab world and all lands of Islam, to unite. Slowly but surely, a pattern may be discerned: could the Arab world – and great swathes of Islam - be on the verge of significantly uniting to avenge their own “century of humiliation” – much as the Chinese did after WWII with Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping?
Beijing, via its sophisticated diplomacy, is certainly hinting at it to key players, even before the ground-breaking, Russia-China brokered Iran-Saudi rapprochement was struck earlier this year.
That by itself won’t thwart the perpetual US neocon obsession to bomb critical infrastructure in Iran. Worth less than zero when it comes to military science, these neocons ignore how Iranian retaliation would - accurately – target each and every US base in Iraq and Syria, with the Persian Gulf an open case.

Peerless Russian military analyst Andrei Martyanov has shown what could happen to those expensive American iron bathtubs in the Eastern Mediterranean in case of an Israeli-threatened attack on Iran.
Moreover, there are at least 1,000 US troops in northern Syria stealing the country's oil – which would also become an instant target.
Ali Fadavi, IRGC’s deputy commander-in-chief, cut to the chase: “We have technologies in the military field that no one knows about, and the Americans will know about them when we use them.”
Cue to Iranian hypersonic Fattah missiles – cousins to the Khinzal and the DF-27 - traveling at Mach 15, and able to reach any target in Israel in 400 seconds.

And add to it sophisticated Russian electronic warfare (EW). As confirmed in Moscow six months ago, when it comes to military interconnection, the Iranians told the Russians at the same table, “whatever you need, just ask.” The same applies vice-versa, because the mutual enemy is one and the same.
It’s all about the Strait of Hormuz

The heart of the matter in any Russian-Iran strategy is the Strait of Hormuz, through which transits at least 20 percent of the world’s oil
(nearly 17 million barrels a day) plus 18 percent of liquified natural gas (LNG), which amounts to at least 3.5 billion cubic feet a day.

Iran is able to block the Strait of Hormuz in a flash. For starters, that would be some sort of poetic justice retribution for Israel aiming to gobble up, illegally, all the multibillion-dollar natural gas discovered offshore Gaza: this is, incidentally, one of the absolutely key reasons for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Yet the real deal will be to bring down the Wall Street-engineered $618 trillion derivative structure, as confirmed for years by analysts at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, as well as independent Persian Gulf energy traders.
So when push comes to shove - and way beyond the defense of Palestine and in a scenario of Total War - not only Russia-Iran but key players of the Arab world about to become members of BRICS 11 - such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE - do have what it takes to bring down the US financial system anytime they choose.

As an old school Deep State higher up, now in business in Central Europe, stresses:
“The Islamic nations have the economic advantage. They can blow up the international financial system by cutting off the oil. They do not have to fire a single shot. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allying together. The 2008 crisis took 29 trillion dollars to solve but this one, should it happen, could not be solved even with 100 trillion dollars of fiat instruments.”
As Persian Gulf traders told me, one possible scenario is OPEC starting to sanction Europe, first from Kuwait and then spreading from one OPEC country to another and to all countries that are treating the Muslim world as enemies and war fodder.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has already warned that oil to western markets could be put off because of what Israel is perpetrating in Gaza. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has already called, on the record, for a total oil and gas embargo by Islamic countries against nations – essentially NATO vassals - that support Israel.

So Christian Zionists in the US allied with neocon asset Netanyahu threatening to attack Iran have the potential to pull down the entire world financial system.
Forever War on Syria, remixed

Under the current volcano, the Russia-China strategic partnership has been extremely cautious. To the outside world, their mutual official position is to refuse to side with either Palestine or Israel; call for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds; call for a two-state solution; and respect international law. All their initiatives at the UN have been duly sabotaged by the Hegemon.
As it stands, Washington has refused the green light for the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza. The main reason is the immediate US priority: buy some time to expand the war to Syria, “accused” of being the key transit point for Iranian weapons to Hezbollah. That also doubles as re-opening the same old war front against Russia.
There are no illusions in Moscow. The intel apparatus knows well that Israeli Mossad agents have been advising Kiev while Tel Aviv was supplying weapons to Ukraine under serious US pressure. That infuriated the siloviki, and may have constituted a fatal Israeli mistake.
The neocons, for their part, never stop. They are advancing a parallel threat: if Hezbollah attacks Israel with something else than a few sparse rockets – and that simply won’t happen - the Hmeimim Russian Air Base in Latakia will be “eliminated” as a “warning” to Iran.
This does not even qualify as children playing in the sandbox. After the serial Israeli attacks on the civilian Damascus and Aleppo airports, Moscow did not even blink before offering its Hmeimim facilities to Syria – complete with clearance for Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) cargo flights, according to some Russian intel sources. Netanyahu will not exactly harbor a death wish by bombing a fully A2/AD (anti-access/area denial) Russian Air Base.
Moscow also clearly sees what those expensive American iron bathtubs in the Eastern Mediterranean might be up to. The response has been swift: Mig-31Ks are patrolling neutral air space over the Black Sea 24/7, equipped with hypersonic Khinzals, which would take only six minutes to visit the Mediterranean.
Amidst all this neocon-drenched madness, with the Pentagon deploying a formidable array of weaponry plus “undisclosed” assets to the Eastern Mediterranean, whether the target is Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, Russia, or all of the above, both China and North Korea – part of the new American-concocted “axis of evil” - have indicated they will not be mere bystanders.
The Chinese Navy is for all practical purposes shielding Iran from a distance. Yet even more forceful has been a statement by Premier Li Qiang - something unusually blunt and rare in Chinese diplomacy:
"China will continue to firmly support Iran in safeguarding its national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national dignity, and will strongly oppose any external forces interfering in Iran's internal affairs.”
Never forget that China and Iran are linked by a comprehensive strategic partnership. Meanwhile, Russian Premier Mikhail Mishustin has reinforced the Russia-Iran strategic partnership in a meeting with Iran's First Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber.

Remember those rice eaters from Korea

Pro-Iran militias across the Axis of Resistance, are keeping a carefully tempered degree of confrontation against Israel, close to guerrilla hit-and-run. They won’t be engaged in massive attacks yet. But all bets are off if Israel invades Gaza. It’s clear the Arab world, for all its massive internal contradictions, will simply not tolerate the civilian massacre.
Bluntly, at the current incendiary juncture, the Hegemon has found the offramp from its Project Ukraine humiliation. They erroneously believe that the same old Forever War rekindled in West Asia can be “modulated” at will. And if two wars turn into an immense political albatross, as they will, what else is new? They will simply start a new war in the “Indo-Pacific.”
None of that fools Russia-Iran and their ice-cold monitoring of the flipping and flapping Hegemon every step of the way. It’s enlightening to remember what Malcolm X was already predicting in 1964:
“Some rice eaters ran him out of Korea. Yes, they ran him out of Korea. Rice eaters with nothing but gym shoes, and a rifle, and a bowl of rice took him and his tanks and his napalm, and all that other action he’s supposed to have and ran him across the Yalu. Why? Cause the day that he can win on the ground has passe"
Anyone who has the means should seriously think about stocking up on some extra fuel (petrol/diesel and/or gas). Any significant conflict that involves Iran and other gulf nations and the US/Israel will almost inevitably impact the production and supply of oil globally, leading to a large spike in prices and then shortages.
The latest thoughts from Jake Morphonios linked below. Warning! Incoming rant! The situation in Gaza is dire, and the psychopaths of the Israeli regime are just getting warmed up. Increasingly I think this is Gaza's last stand, and the complicity of my UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a supine Zionist supporter, along with the leader of the opposition Kier Starmer, reveals that UK democracy is moribund. I've seen some disgusting videos shared by Israelis in the last week too, boasting of their material wealth and services, really rubbing it in. All who support this genocide are now on the threshold of rank psychopathy at this point. If they have souls, well, they are on the line now. Israel will face their day of reckoning, but I think it'll be a bolide, not a resurgence of global moral conscience. Yes, the protests have been wonderful to see, not least from American Jews this week, but we don't have the power to change the directions of pathocracies. Too many in positions of influence, such as Peterson and Shapiro, have chosen their side, Those who dwell in the West Bank (Palestinians that is), would do well to consider all options in terms of alternative living options if they can. Let the Zionists have it. How can you co-exist with psychopaths? You can't, but I suspect that these poor folk lack the sufficient psychological data to reach this understanding. And the Christian Zionists have blood on their hands as well, I am utterly disgusted by the rhetoric I've heard from them. And they consider themselves religious people? Hah! The C's point about psychopaths having "a spectacular lack of self-awareness" is all too appropriate. All of these bastards are in for a very rude awakening.

I think this phrase "The Holy Land" ought to be retired as well. It's a psychopathological shit-hole, there's nothing "holy" about it. Sorry for the strong language, but at this point I'm at the end of my tether with all this. Anyway, rant over, here's Jake's latest vid.

You mention the complicity of "my UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak" in taking a pro-Israeli stance. However, I for one do not view Sunak as "my prime minister" in the same way that right thinking Americans do not think Joe Biden (a man who stole the election from Donald Trump) is their President. Sunak was parachuted in when Liz Truss (who had beaten him in a Conservative membership vote for the leadership of the party) was undermined by the Foreign Exchange and Bond trading desks of the Illuminati banks after her Chancellor's go for growth budget saw the Pound crash in value and the crazy bond markets threatening the very viability of British pension funds. Truss was forced out as Prime Minister after just a month in the job by the men in grey suits to be replaced by the man they really wanted all along, a man who had stabbed his former boss, Boris Johnson, in the back. Nobody ever got to vote for him as Conservative Party leader or as Prime Minister. When Boris Johnson stood down from the leadership vote (which he probably would have won before he was persuaded to abandon the race by those same men in grey suits) that left Sunak unopposed as leader by default. In my view, this was one of the most egregious example of Illuminati interference in the British political process in modern times.

Sunak, who is a banker by profession, is clearly there to look after the bankers' interests and advance the plans of the WEF. His high taxation and harsh economic measures seem more like a suicide note than a vote winning strategy. He seeks to strut the stage like a major world leader but a leader he certainly is not. He is a pure technocrat or bean counter who has no real appeal to the electorate and will surely lose next year's election unless other events intervene. The irony is that he comes from a Kenyan Indian family and his grandfather supported the Mau Mau uprising against British rule in Kenya (see: Mau Mau rebellion - Wikipedia). When the Mau Mau succeeded in gaining self rule, the pay-off was that Sunak's family were unceremoniously kicked out of India by the new government along with thousands of other Kenyan Asians. And where did they seek refuge? In Britain of course, with the same British people who his grandfather had opposed and undermined in Kenya. With that kind of background, is it any wonder we have a man in power who is prepared to continue the economic suppression and hardship of millions of ordinary Britons on behalf of his banker cronies. This man is not our Prime Minister but the global bankers instead.​
Drones will be the nightmare of U.S., as we can see in the Ukrainian conflict they fly by hundreds if not thousands on the battlefield.
Like a modern slingshot weapon... used to tease the giant.

Maybe from here... or is it too far away ?
The US Mainland is too far away without refueling. You could refuel, but then you have a pilot who has been flying far too long to engage in combat operations.
That is a curious list of countries voting against a ceasefire. The USA and Israel are a given but I am surprised at countries like Hungary (whose premier has just visited Putin and faced an angry reaction from EU and NATO allies for doing so), the Czech Republic, Austria and a number of Pacific island states voting against the resolution. Can anyone explain this? Most of the countries firmly in the Zionist camp chose to abstain.​
A very interesting article. However, I don't buy it. Some of the language used in the article just seems wrong to me like Nixon saying "Paks". Would he have really used that term back then? Moreover, I could never see a British naval commander of the period saying “Sir, we are too late. There are the Russian atomic submarines here, and a big collection of battleships.” To an admiral of that generation, the term "battleship" had a specific meaning, as a large surface vessel (usually over 30,000 tons) mounting guns of a calibre of 14 inches or more. Such vessels had been retired from every major fleet's order of battle by 1971 with the sole exception of the USA, which retained a small number of battleships for use as fire support in bombarding the Vietnamese coastline during the Vietnam War, which was still raging at that time. The admiral would not, therefore, have referred to a group of surface vessels collectively as "battleships". To me this article seems more like a propaganda piece playing to Indian nationalist sentiments - "The British ships fled towards Madagascar" - thus portraying the old colonial masters fleeing with their tails between their legs. Great stuff if you are an Indian reader. Nuclear submarines posed (as they still do today) a great threat to surface ships, especially large aircraft carriers. That is why American and British carrier groups always sail in the company of a nuclear submarine to counter the threat of other nuclear submarines. I would suggest the alternative article you read would have been closer to the truth. At the end of the day, in 1971 at the height of the Cold War, neither the Americans nor the British could afford a shooting war with the Russians, which could have quickly gone nuclear. Hence, even the presence of one Russian nuclear hunter killer submarine would have been enough to make them take stock and back off.

I agree that the "big stick" threat is often used by the Americans and its allies as a means of getting countries to back down and come into line. However, it can prove an empty gesture if the country being threatened is prepared to call your bluff, as you showed here. I would also suggest that it will not work against the Iranians this time either. Time will tell though.​
There may be some dramatization or embellishment in the author's writings. But that fact doesn't change Russia involvement 1971 Indo-Pak what triggered "All weather" friendship between India and Russia and that exist even to day (despite all Western analyst opinions). At least that is what Indians were told by history books, media and so on. I know it as few (I know) went to Russia as a part of technology exchange programs when India's relations with West is very weak(in early 90's). With out going into "All or nothing" thinking, India's foreign policy somewhat pro-USSR since 1947, but it only went high gear after 1971. Let's look at this Pepe Escobar's recent article.

The Russia-Iran strategic partnership - with China in the wings - is laying an elaborate, Sun Tzu-tinged trap for the Hegemon in West Asia.
A more plausible scenario, though is that Iran-Russia – and the new “axis of evil” Russia-China-Iran – have all it takes to drag the Hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own, discombobulated flip-flapping to unbalance him and disorient him to oblivion.

The White House’s wishful thinking that the Forever Wars in Ukraine and Israel are inscribed in the same lofty “democracy” drive and essential to US national interests, has already backfired – even among American public opinion.

That does not prevent cries and whispers along the Beltway revealing Israel-allied US neocons increasing the tempo to provoke Iran – via a proverbial false flag that would lead to an American attack. That Armageddon scenario neatly fits Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s biblical psychopathy.

Vassals would be forced to meekly comply. NATO heads of state have made a beeline to visit Israel to demonstrate their unconditional support for Tel Aviv - including Greece’s Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, Britain’s Rishi Sunak, Germany’s Olaf Scholz, the senile lodger at the White House, and France’s Emmanuel Macron.

Avenging the Arab “century of humiliation”
It’s all about the Strait of Hormuz

The heart of the matter in any Russian-Iran strategy is the Strait of Hormuz, through which transits at least 20 percent of the world’s oil (nearly 17 million barrels a day) plus 18 percent of liquified natural gas (LNG), which amounts to at least 3.5 billion cubic feet a day.

Iran is able to block the Strait of Hormuz in a flash. For starters, that would be some sort of poetic justice retribution for Israel aiming to gobble up, illegally, all the multibillion-dollar natural gas discovered offshore Gaza: this is, incidentally, one of the absolutely key reasons for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Yet the real deal will be to bring down the Wall Street-engineered $618 trillion derivative structure, as confirmed for years by analysts at Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, as well as independent Persian Gulf energy traders.

So when push comes to shove - and way beyond the defense of Palestine and in a scenario of Total War - not only Russia-Iran but key players of the Arab world about to become members of BRICS 11 - such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE - do have what it takes to bring down the US financial system anytime they choose.

As an old school Deep State higher up, now in business in Central Europe, stresses:

“The Islamic nations have the economic advantage. They can blow up the international financial system by cutting off the oil. They do not have to fire a single shot. Iran and Saudi Arabia are allying together. The 2008 crisis took 29 trillion dollars to solve but this one, should it happen, could not be solved even with 100 trillion dollars of fiat instruments.”​

As Persian Gulf traders told me, one possible scenario is OPEC starting to sanction Europe, first from Kuwait and then spreading from one OPEC country to another and to all countries that are treating the Muslim world as enemies and war fodder.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has already warned that oil to western markets could be put off because of what Israel is perpetrating in Gaza. Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has already called, on the record, for a total oil and gas embargo by Islamic countries against nations – essentially NATO vassals - that support Israel.

So Christian Zionists in the US allied with neocon asset Netanyahu threatening to attack Iran have the potential to pull down the entire world financial system.

Forever War on Syria, remixed

Under the current volcano, the Russia-China strategic partnership has been extremely cautious.
To the outside world, their mutual official position is to refuse to side with either Palestine or Israel; call for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds; call for a two-state solution; and respect international law. All their initiatives at the UN have been duly sabotaged by the Hegemon.
Never forget that China and Iran are linked by a comprehensive strategic partnership. Meanwhile, Russian Premier Mikhail Mishustin has reinforced the Russia-Iran strategic partnership in a meeting with Iran's First Vice-President Mohammad Mokhber.
There is no doubt that the program is complete; psychopaths no longer hide or conceal their activities.

JUST IN - Israel Cuts all Ties with Starlink

We will use available means to prevent Elon Musk from providing relief organizations in Gaza with the Internet

Communications Minister Shlomo Kari:

Due to statements by Elon Musk, who promised satellite communications to internationally recognized organizations in the Gaza Strip, we have taken this position

Source: Al Jazeer

ISRAELI POLICE are now spraying SEWAGE WATER mixed with POTENT CHEMICALS at Palestinians in Jerusalem.

🇵🇸 A local explains: “It’s the worst thing you can ever smell in your life and if it touches anything, the smell stays for 4 days.”

That is a curious list of countries voting against a ceasefire. The USA and Israel are a given but I am surprised at countries like Hungary (whose premier has just visited Putin and faced an angry reaction from EU and NATO allies for doing so), the Czech Republic, Austria and a number of Pacific island states voting against the resolution. Can anyone explain this? Most of the countries firmly in the Zionist camp chose to abstain.
There are some countries that are not in Zionist camp, but for economic/internal political "reasons" chose to abstain. Even Ukraine also abstained after all the public statements in support of Israel.
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