Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

In Mexico, monster demonstration with cries of:“It’s not a war, it’s a genocide.”And the media is silent

YES, the mainstream media is silent. In fact, the news channels of the major TV networks keep naming only Hamas as a terrorist group and no word of the suffering of the Palestinian people. So, for the common people, the "normie", who are not aware of the IDF atrocities, the war is not genocide but Israel's right to defend itself.

In the beginning of the conflict, President Lopez Obrador refused to condemn the events of October 7th and this upset the Israeli Embassy, who declared
"We deeply regret that the Government of Mexico has not adopted a more energetic and decisive position in this situation. The international community has the responsibility to act forcefully to demand the immediate release of captives and to firmly condemn this cruel and inhumane massacre."
Expansión Política

The President responded to the Embassy
"We respect the government of Israel, and much more the people of Israel, but we do not want war, we do not want violence, we are pacifists and we do not want any human being of any nationality to lose their lives,"
Aristegui Noticias

Then, the Israeli embassy was dissatisfied and responded with the classic "either you are with us or against us" diplomatic level.
In an interview and later in a communique, the representation of the Israeli State [Einat Kranz Neiger] considered that not taking sides implies endorsing and supporting terrorism.
Aristegui Noticias
As history has taught us repeatedly, maintaining a neutral position rather than taking sides ultimately means endorsing and supporting terrorism. We welcome the solidarity and support of those who share our vision of a world free of terrorism and barbaric acts. Aristegui Noticias

Here we see also what the Cs have told us about the division of humanity. I think it is not only an individual choice, but also at a national level. The majority of Mexicans supported Lopez Obrador's pacifist stance and this was a sign of the support the president enjoys towards the end of his term. Of course, the mass media had to remain silent.​
Not sure if this is legit, but apparently it talks about Apache helicopters targeting the cars at the rave party near Gaza on the 7th of October. Is there a way to verify the source?
Syrian Girl shared video footage regarding this:

A real example of toxic masculinity:

Putin on black market weapons sales from Ukraine to the Middle East:

In Europe, Von der Liar making her usual psychopathic pronouncements:

China's CGTN tweeted this:

And more evidence that the Universe has an awesome sense of humour:

Not sure if this is legit, but apparently it talks about Apache helicopters targeting the cars at the rave party near Gaza on the 7th of October. Is there a way to verify the source?
View attachment 85123
Yoav Zeyton, military correspondent for the Israeli media Ynet, perhaps someone could ask him directly for clarification through a message on his Twitter?

The link to the article and an excerpt in which it is implied that they practically shot without much care for a time:
After the pilots realized that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian, a decision was made that the first mission of the combat helicopters and the armed Zik drones was to stop the flow of terrorists and the murderous mob that poured into Israeli territory through the gaps in the fence. 28 combat helicopters fired over the course of a day The fighting all the ammunition in their stomachs, in rearming rounds. These are hundreds of 30 mm cannon shells (the effect of a spray grenade for each shell) as well as the Hellfire missiles. The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.
הטעיה של חמאס למסוקי צה"ל והכוונת טייסים בוואטסאפ | חיל האוויר ביום ה-1
Syrian Girl shared video footage regarding this:

A real example of toxic masculinity:

Putin on black market weapons sales from Ukraine to the Middle East:

In Europe, Von der Liar making her usual psychopathic pronouncements:

China's CGTN tweeted this:

And more evidence that the Universe has an awesome sense of humour:

View attachment 85129
the photo of the soldier and the little boy: war deprives people of reason
Yes exactly.

I would not say that makes you impure, no. The opposite in fact. I would live for whoever is responsible to be found out, and that they pay.

-Thanks for your reply Dekel, it made my heart feel a bit lighter. Can't work out how to reply to your quote in the usual way, so just writing it here. Sorry I'm really thick with technology 😅

I'm very grateful for you saying that, though thought I could have put a better post after reading yours and Forest_Lights posts again, and the C' quote about how really, it's individuals which are positive /negative.

Trying to find a way of describing this without directly lumping together large groups and tarring them with same brush.. And instead referring to the ideology of zionism that has been used, and/or created/promoted to further the agenda of these negative individuals.

As we know each individual is so different, with over - generalisations it's easy to eventually lead to outcomes of divisions, conflict.. Misunderstandings, War..

But what are the odds of that happening ?

-Have always been too idealistic but
Hoping that things will actually change, that truth will come out.. And when it does, say if people en masse actually knew for real what Rockefellas and those like them really got up to, the elite and their mates etc, and how crazy it was, could be a kind of tipping point? The C's say change IS coming, trying to hold onto that.

When has it not been the case that innocent lives are not used to shield the insane upper eschelon ?

-Yea hardly ever!

As we can see now, innocent people die to further agendas. This has been the case always. "In order to gain souls, one must remove bodies" ....

The question is, what else has to occur for people to see.

We've had colonizers on every continent kill the local populations (a la North America etc')

We've had two world wars

We've had endless false flags, shootings and mini wars.

We had "pandemic" (we might yet see an actually dangerous one)

We have wwiii in the making

all that's left is (")aliens(")

and mega earth changes

I guess we will have to wait and see what transpires.


Thanks again for your comment, and hope you are doing as well as can be, with all that is going in around you. I really hope you and your family and your cat can stay safe. Bless your soul.
The only thing that can hold Israel back is ALL OF US!They have only one fear: the reversal of public opinion.So let's continue to stop this genocide.
I want to thank all on this thread (and forum) that continuously collect most vital information on how to process this core world conflict - "to generate sufficient awareness". I just want to express my gratitude for that. It seems to be more crucial than ever and I pray it has an impact wide and far. All these shifts in awareness - to see through the lies - and every voice then expressed, by maybe someone else, has a "butterfly wings" effect.

This C´s quote lately often came into my mind.
(T.C.) How do the Cs determine what events they will try to prevent by transmitting them to the group? It seems like there are plenty of events that seem horrible to us that they haven't prevented by doing this. Are they determining what is good or bad for humanity by doing this?

A: Depends on the questions!

Q: (T.C.) Can I ask a follow up to that?

(L) Yeah.

(T.C) So that then means that if we do the correct research and ask the right questions, then we can pretty much prevent anything from... well, not anything, but anything that could be preventable, could be prevented by asking the right questions?

If there was sufficient awareness generated, yes.
Merci Aeneas, c'est bon à entendre. mais je précise qu'il termine ainsi :

that is history, that is responsibility, that is the price! I tell you solemnly, it is the price of security for Israel! And all those who today consider that it will never be enough are pursuing the worst policy."
En français, il ne dit pas "la pire politique", il dit "la politique du pire", il y a une nuance pour moi. Cela suppose une volonté recherchée.

In French, he doesn't say "the worst policy", he says "the policy of the worst", there is a nuance for me. Assuming a will.
We are essentially dealing with a policy of vengeance from the Netanyahu government. Israel has the right to self-defense, but self-defense does not give an indiscriminate right to kill civilian populations. When you target an ambulance, you can always imagine that there was a terrorist in one of the ambulances, or not. But the result is that there are children, women who die. Every child, every woman killed, that's more terrorists. Therefore, Israel's objective, what Israel achieves, is exactly the opposite of what they wish. So, it is essential today to change this logic and return to a strategy that is sound.
Revenge policy? More like a policy to eliminate the Palestinians. The excuse that some politicians or analysts say is that Israel is taking revenge. You could say, but... Israel uses this policy but it's not right, it's wrong, etc. and to say of course it doesn't make sense. But the fact of saying it, that the Israel policy is revenge, and then excusing it, is already a way of saying it and also of creating confusion. You have to be clear, and use the right words. Israel is not taking revenge. Not at all. Israel kills and has always killed gratuitously. We know that. The policy of Israel is eliminating Palestinians, all of them if possible.

To say it's a policy of revenge is to blame the Palestinians.

Every child, every woman killed, that's more terrorists. I'm tired of hearing this phrase, it still casts the Palestinians as future terrorists. I apologize, but the terrorists are not the Palestinians. The Palestinians are victims, and this idea that they're going to become terrorists "for revenge" is yet another label we're putting on a people who've been suffering since 1948, and the terrorists in Palestine are the Zionists. Since 1948. To say that the Palestinians will become terrorists is almost projection on Israel's part. And it becomes an excuse to kill them.

I'm aware that in the context of these words the gentleman who said them was criticizing Israel's position but once again, as with covid, you have to be clear and in the present situation in Gaza you have to be even clearer. What Israel is currently doing is a crime against humanity, so why bring up ideas like they're taking revenge, they want to eliminate future terrorists, etc.? The problem is very real, and that's what we have to oppose. I think, and maybe I'm wrong!
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the photo of the soldier and the little boy: war deprives people of reason
This is true. A fellow enlisted friend of mine put two to the chest of an afghan boy that was getting too close because he didn’t know if he was strapped. Was it right? Of course not, and it will forever live in his conscious, if he has one. Then again we should’ve never been there to begin with.
You know you're on the wrong side of history when even Brzezinsky has to call you out on your stupidity and one-sidedness:

The whole thread is worth reading:

Zbigniew Brzezinski was a top foreign policy official in the US government for decades, and a right-wing hawk. Here he is dismantling the fanatical pro-Israel propaganda of Joe Scarborough on MSNBC that the Palestinians are to blame for the failure to achieve peace.

I was reminded of this by Hillary Clinton on The View giving a supposed "historical overview" of the "conflict" framing Palestinians as pure evil terrorist monsters who can't be negotiated with. All the pro-Israel fanatics are praising it, including Bari Weiss. It's grotesque

Zbigniew Brzezinski is not some far left Chomsky Parenti anti-imperialist. He was the most deranged hawk in the US admin, the architect of arming Islamist fundamentalists in Afghanistan. But even he is unwilling to just lie and exonerate the genocidal Israeli regime. Even he

the record is clear. There is nothing complex about it. It's not open to interpretation. You don't need a law or poli sci degree to understand it. Palestinians gave up everything. Literally everything. And Israel took it, then refused to give anything back, and here we are today

every year since the PLO and Palestinian Authority gave up everything and became the police force for Israel, there has been a UN vote on the internationally recognized two-state solution. For decades now. Every year, the US and Israel vote against and veto it. That's it


the first part of that interview is like it's from today. Scarborough demands condemning Hamas, and whines about how Israel is blamed "whenever it responds in self-defense", the exact same thing you hear now from Jake Tapper, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News

Also turns out that the lady who interviewd Brzezenski in the clip is his daughter, and the pro-Israel shill is his son in law! Talk about toxic family dynamics!
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