Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

A thought crossed my mind earlier, and a sick one about what will possibly unfold. The media has coined a new acronym for the many children who are losing their parents in Gaza, Wounded Child No Surviving Family (WCNSF). Then I started thinking, what's going to happen to all these children? Who's going to take care of them?

After the Ukraine conflict started, there was a mass migration of people into Europe, primarily women and children. Many raised the concern about children both in the country and abroad being at risk of falling into the hands of traffickers, especially the unaccompanied ones who are easy prey.

Even if the situation becomes more stable in Gaza at some point, there is almost no infrastructure left and, with basic necessities being scarce, it will be hard for Gazans live in many areas despite the resiliency and self-reliance that they often display. There will be a general call to help the population and I wonder if the so-called humanitarian missions that will follow won't be used by some as a cover for human trafficking. Just thinking about a child who lost all his family falling into the hands of such people is sickening.
Merci Aeneas, c'est bon à entendre. mais je précise qu'il termine ainsi :

En français, il ne dit pas "la pire politique", il dit "la politique du pire", il y a une nuance pour moi. Cela suppose une volonté recherchée.

In French, he doesn't say "the worst policy", he says "the policy of the worst", there is a nuance for me. Assuming a will.
The French language is incredible. It's so rich and full of nuances, absolutely delicious. Here, the perfect example of two words placed one in front of the other take on a completely different meaning. English, which is a bellisima language too, which I adore, is I'm sure just as nuanced as French.
Not sure if this is legit, but apparently it talks about Apache helicopters targeting the cars at the rave party near Gaza on the 7th of October. Is there a way to verify the source?
View attachment 85123
I have just noticed that video in russian TG that you refered to and @Ryan posted. Not able to see twitter links from here((

Sorry if missed this one before, here is a short revelation of ex israeli helicopter pilot on why he decided to quit.
I suspect that pretty much all MSM in the West is (or is influenced by their agents) and may have been for quite some time.
Yeap, I can confirmed same happens in Mexico, I look through my mom's newspaper and there is practically nothing about Palestine, I listen to the news and the same thing, except for the time when Israel bombed the hospital and they blamed Hamas.
Disconcerting. Although, I remind myself of Pandemia - to say, the most recent and, it is the standard.
In the last few days there have been demonstrations in which police charges have taken place, against the socialist party in Madrid, Spain, due to its agreements with Catalan pro-independence parties, regarding the approval of a future amnesty law for prisoners and refugees, etc.

In this context, there has been an attack against one of the founders of the far right-wing nationalist political party VOX.

These events in Spain may be somewhat off-topic of this thread. However, the political group to which this man belongs has strong ties to the so-called Iranian opposition..

This politician himself, who is alive, has claimed that Iranian services are behind the shooting. Moreover, his party is a fervent supporter of Israel. So it all looks rather suspicious. IMHO.

In the last few days there have been demonstrations in which police charges have taken place, against the socialist party in Madrid, Spain, due to its agreements with Catalan pro-independence parties, regarding the approval of a future amnesty law for prisoners and refugees, etc.

In this context, there has been an attack against one of the founders of the far right-wing nationalist political party VOX.

These events in Spain may be somewhat off-topic of this thread. However, the political group to which this man belongs has strong ties to the so-called Iranian opposition..

This politician himself, who is alive, has claimed that Iranian services are behind the shooting. Moreover, his party is a fervent supporter of Israel. So it all looks rather suspicious. IMHO.
Regarding middle-east, no country is off topic.
He made himself known with that statement.
Add: The amnesty law may be just The narrative.

In the incessant interest to throw dirt on Iran, we have seen how after the assassination attempt on Vidal Cuadras some media have tried to establish a relationship with this country. Ridiculous.
Visiting the newspaper archive, we see the links he had and with whom...they were not with Iran.
El Mundo - Vox's Iranian financiers are ex-terrorists rehabilitated on a shoestring
Translated with deepl
The organization that financed the first years of Vox, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is a group of Marxist and Islamist origin, an ally of Saddam Hussein's regime, which was on the US list of terrorist organizations until 2012. The history of the NRCRI, the name behind which the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (People's Mujahedin-e-Khalq, MEK) hides, is threaded with that of the Middle East and is splattered with blood.

Founded in the 1960s by Islamo-Marxist students opposed to the regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (the last king of Iran), the group took part in the revolts that led to his fall in 1979. In those years, it carried out attacks against the U.S. military and Iranian civilians. When the Islamic Revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini triumphed on February 11, 1979, the group violently confronted the new system, which unleashed its entire repressive apparatus against it.

But the MEK did not abandon violence. In the 1980s, in the wake of the Iran-Iraq war, they allied themselves with Saddam Hussein, who granted them asylum on Iraqi soil. From there, they continued to harass Tehran from their base, Camp Ashraf, established in Diyala and continued to attack both Iranian civilians and military personnel. The alliance with the enemy swept away the group's popularity both inside Iran and in exile, and even today Iranians - whatever their ideology - do not forgive the MEK for its "betrayal".
The US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the fall of the dictator and the subsequent control of the Baghdad government by the Shiite majority changed the star of the MEK, which was first confined to its base in Ashraf and then moved to Camp Liberty, in the Baghdad Airport complex, where US forces had their headquarters. It was during this period that its leader, Masud Rajavi, mysteriously disappeared and since then the organization has been led by his wife, Maryam Rajavi.

Years later, after pressure from the Baghdad authorities for Washington to evacuate the uncomfortable MEK militants, the US managed to convince Albania to take in the just over 2,000 members of the group in 2013, in what was sold to the international community as a humanitarian gesture. To do so, first, the Obama Administration had to remove the MEK from its list of terrorist organizations, on which it had been listed since 1997. And this was the reason why the MEK - "also known as the National Council of Resistance in Iran, also known as the People's Holy Warriors Organization of Iran, also known as the National Liberation Army of Iran", according to the revocation order mentioning all its aliases, signed by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - was removed from the blacklist on September 28, 2012.
The group was buried in irrelevance - except for the large rallies of maximalist paraphernalia it organized every summer near Paris - until Donald Trump became US President. One of Trump's campaign promises was to withdraw the US from the nuclear deal signed between Tehran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany in 2015. And he finally did so in May 2018. This is how the MEK came back into the limelight, gaining new vigor with the appointment as National Security Advisor (last April) of one of its most faithful defenders in the corridors of American politics: John Bolton.
The MEK has a long history of lobbying, especially in Washington. It has been working for years to win the support of U.S. politicians, both Republican and Democrat, at the drop of a hat. Regulars at its events include former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Bill Richardson, former Democratic White House hopeful Howard Dean, former NATO supreme commander Wesley Clark, former New York mayor and current Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, to name the best known names. They pay well for speaking at their conferences, though they distinguish by cachet. Less bombastic names are offered between $20,000 and $50,000. Emoluments can go as high as $200,000. Bolton admitted the payments when he was appointed National Security Advisor. On his Spanish payroll are or have been Alejo Vidal-Quadras and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.
There is speculation that its funding, although there is no data to prove it, comes from the strategic enemies of the Islamic Republic, notably Saudi Arabia and the United States.

It is a paradox that the MEK/CNRI has more supporters on U.S. Capitol Hill than among Iranians
. "This organization holds great unpopularity among Iranians, inside and outside the country. Opponents and activists in Iran and in exile from across the ideological spectrum - both conservative and progressive, including monarchists - reject this movement for two reasons: "its violent methods and its alliance with Saddam", explains to EL MUNDO an Iran specialist and human rights activist who does not want to be named.

The MEK is known for taking aggressive action to discredit those who criticize it in public, including journalists, analysts and activists. "They have active thousands of bots and automated Twitter accounts that infiltrate and usurp human rights campaigns in Iran. They get confused by imitating the aesthetics and symbols of human rights organizations so that eventually it looks like the campaigns are theirs," the expert refers. It is easy to distinguish them by looking at their timelines: sooner or later photos or speeches of their leader, Maryam Rajavi, appear.
Their frenzied lobbying activity aims to influence to promote a military intervention in Iran to facilitate regime change. "The movement has no real potential in regime change, unless the US and the powers that be use them as palms for military intervention from outside. It is impossible for the MEK to lead a change from within. The democratic credentials with which they adorn themselves are not really sincere. They believe in the use of force. In the hypothetical case that they come to power, they would install a totalitarian state," warns the analyst.

An ideology of leader worship has been established around the Rajavi that presents them as "enlightened". Their militants live under strict control with the strict rules of a sect. Loving relationships are forbidden, there is separation of the sexes and dissent is punished. A Carnegie report sees in the messianism of the Rajavi reminiscent of the People's Temple sect, famous for the collective suicide in the 1970s of almost a thousand followers in Guyana. They have also been compared to the Davidians. A study by the think tank RAND Corporation indicated that 70% of their members are held against their will.
SOTT 2018-Saudi Arabia secretly funded anti-Iranian terror cult MEK with hundreds of millions of dollars
It is widely rumored that Saudi Arabia has been a loyal supporter of the Mujahideen al-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition group which began as a collective of radical students and is now more accurately described as a cult.

There has been no concrete account of Saudi's support for the MEK, until now. In an interview with Al Bawaba, a former top-ranking member of the MEK has provided details of specific transfers of valuables good from Saudi Arabia to the MEK, worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

The details are difficult to verify, but nonetheless represent the first comprehensive account of the MEK's partnership with Saudi Arabia....

SOTT Focus 2018-MEK Terrorist Death Cult: Meet Washington's 'Iranian Opposition'
As hundreds of thousands of Iranians take to the streets in support of their government and against recent violent demonstrations in the country, the chief commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) reports that the rioting seen in several Iranian cities over the last week is now under control. Claiming that "the Iranian nation has been targeted due to its resistance against the US and its lackeys and for its support for oppressed nations worldwide," Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari also reported that "a large number of the arrested trouble-makers at the center of the sedition had received training from counter-revolutionaries and the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization [MKO/MEK - People's Mujahedin of Iran, aka National Council of Resistance of Iran]."
When President Rouhani spoke with French President Macron yesterday, he urged France to stop hosting the MEK, which has been based in Paris since its leaders fled Iran after the 1979 revolution. Macron didn't acknowledge his country's support for the MEK, but he did call on the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel to cool their aggressive rhetoric. Much as the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights spoon-feeds Western media with fake intel about what is going on there, and just as Turkey has to worry about the US-based fifth columnist Gulen network, Iran has to contend with a dodgy expatriate organization that Hillary Clinton got de-listed from the US List of Terror Organizations in 2012....
The invasion of Al Shifa hospital has begun. Israel assumes that Hamas fighters are hiding in the hospital, but they are apparently slaughtering anyone who gets in their way.​

Israeli troops fight in Gaza City with the intention of reaching Al Shifa hospital.

Thursday, 09/11/2023 - 20:39

After having practically cut the Gaza Strip in two, Israeli troops are fighting in the center of the capital with the intention of reaching the Al Shifa hospital, as confirmed by the Hebrew press. The enclave's main health center is completely overcrowded with tens of thousands of displaced persons crowded into its corridors, its parking lots and the small green areas surrounding it. It does not seem to be of any use because Israel has been repeating for years that Hamas headquarters are located in its subsoil.

Why is Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital at the heart of Israel’s war?​

For Palestinians in Gaza, it’s the “house of healing”. For Israel, it’s Hamas’s main command centre.

Al-Shifa, the biggest hospital in the enclave, is now at breaking point, battling to treat thousands of patients as it comes under direct attack from the Israeli military.

Last week, the Israeli army bombed an ambulance outside the hospital, part of a convoy that was meant to carry patients from Gaza City to the Rafah border crossing, so they could be treated in Egypt. Fifteen people were killed in the attack, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, which had coordinated the journey with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza.

I am not sure if it has been posted here or not, but it seems they're trying to address the foreknowledge evidence by distracting the public, by claiming that some of the journalist that were there the morning of 10/7 were colluded with terrorists... I am not sure if they do not realize that it makes a lot more sense, given how the evidence has been used, that it was Israel who needed the media in place prior to the attacks taking place.

Hamas stood to gain nothing from being so visual, Israel has been blasting the world into silent compliance with all the footage. So if anyone had prior knowledge and placed journalist there, it was Israel.

I wouldn't say that. So far I've seen witnesses of Israeli shooters and Israeli helicopters, showing one side, Israel, shooting festival participants.
I remember seeing footage of men shooting ak47's at the festival goers. They were not dressed as the IDF forces. They could've been some sort of under cover Israeli force but I've seen no proof or indication of that. So yeah, I'm not 100% sure either way at this point, but I have seen evidence for both.
Can’t get the below link to embed:

Lindsay Graham saying that he isn’t going to vote for any more money to be sent to any more countries, including Israel, until the US border is secured against illegal immigrants and that if Trump was in charge there would be no illegal immigration crisis and this ‘thing with Iran’ wouldn’t be happening.
Can’t get the below link to embed:

Lindsay Graham saying that he isn’t going to vote for any more money to be sent to any more countries, including Israel, until the US border is secured against illegal immigrants and that if Trump was in charge there would be no illegal immigration crisis and this ‘thing with Iran’ wouldn’t be happening.
Here it is -one need to remove all typographical characters from the question mark (in italics below); I've seen a lot of them recently:
[https: //]

Edit: Added (in italics below)
Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a rejeté un accord prévoyant un cessez-le-feu de cinq jours avec les groupes militants palestiniens de Gaza en échange de la libération de certains otages détenus dans le territoire, selon des sources au fait des négociations. (The Guardian)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a deal providing for a five-day ceasefire with Palestinian militant groups in Gaza in exchange for the release of some hostages held in the territory, according to sources familiar with the negotiations. (The Guardian)
Selon ZeroHedge (White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept | ZeroHedge), une révolte au sein de l'administration Biden contre la gestion de la Maison Blanche de la guerre Israël-Gaza se prépare. Selon le portail, par exemple, les employés du ministère des Affaires étrangères ont divulgué un « mémo de dispersion » interne demandant aux États-Unis de critiquer publiquement les actions d'Israël, de soutenir un cessez-le-feu et de changer leur communication en conflit.
Le mémo indique que l'écart entre les déclarations privées et publiques des fonctionnaires de Biden « contribue à la perception publique régionale que les États-Unis sont un acteur biaisé et malhonnête, ce qui, dans le meilleur des cas, ne favorise pas les intérêts des États-Unis dans le monde entier et, dans le pire des cas, nuit ».
Le message souligne que les États-Unis devraient critiquer publiquement les violations d'Israël des normes internationales, telles que l'absence de limitation des opérations offensives à des objectifs militaires légitimes. De même, Israël devrait être publiquement tenu responsable de son soutien à la violence des colons, aux prises illégales de terres et à l'utilisation excessive de la violence contre les Palestiniens. White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge (White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept | ZeroHedge)
White House Aides "Simply Cannot Stomach" Biden's Israel Policy, Dissent Memos Leak, Revolt At State Dept
"Growing loss of confidence" with dissent memo saying: "...the US should be willing to publicly criticize the Israelis."
According to ZeroHedge, a revolt within the administration Biden against White House handling of Israel-Gaza war brews. According to the portal, for example, Foreign Ministry employees leaked an internal "dispersal memo" asking the United States to publicly criticize Israel's actions, support a ceasefire and change its communication in conflict.The memo says the discrepancy between Biden officials' private and public statements "contributes to the regional public perception that the United States is a biased and dishonest actor, which at best does not favor the interests of the United States throughout the world and, in the worst case, harms ”.The message emphasizes that the United States should publicly criticize Israel's violations of international norms, such as failing to limit offensive operations to legitimate military objectives. Likewise, Israel should be publicly held accountable for its support of settler violence, illegal land grabs and excessive use of violence against Palestinians.
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