Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I thought I would share the very personal correspondence (haha) I have had with President Biden. This letter is in response to my heavy criticism of his handling of the Israeli situation and the genocide that the USA is condoning by "having Israel's back", etc. Rest assured, he mourns the loss of innocent lives and has ordered his people to do everything possible to maintain peace in the region and everywhere else, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, a good example of how it's done...say one thing and do another while having no doubt that the tried and true lines of bull will appease the population.

November 8, 2023
Thank you for writing to me about the war between Israel and Hamas.

On October 7, more than 1,300 innocent civilians were murdered in Israel—including American citizens—at the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas. We must always condemn terrorism when we see it. There is no justification for it—no excuse.

But Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. It does not stand for the dignity of Palestinians. We mourn the many innocent Palestinians who have been killed. Many thousands of families in Gaza are suffering an escalating humanitarian crisis.

That is why my Administration is working closely with partners to ensure that life-saving assistance—including food, water, and medicine—can urgently reach innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The United States stands unequivocally for the protection of civilians during conflict, and we will do everything possible to prevent the conflict from spreading across the region. As I have emphasized both publicly and with Israel’s leadership, all countries must uphold international humanitarian law. I will continue to work steadfastly with partners to pursue peace and a two-state solution so that the Israeli and the Palestinian people can both enjoy equal measures of security and dignity.

Here at home, I have directed my team to identify, prevent, and disrupt any domestic threats that could emerge against Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Jewish, or any other communities. There is no place for hate in America. Not against Muslims. Not against Arabs. Not against Palestinians. Not against Jews. Not against anybody.

Under my Administration, the United States will continue to combat Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate as we uphold the right of Americans to express themselves. And we will continue to hold in our hearts all the families across our country and around the world who are mourning the loss of a loved one—a piece of their soul—to this tragedy.

I thought I would share the very personal correspondence (haha) I have had with President Biden. This letter is in response to my heavy criticism of his handling of the Israeli situation and the genocide that the USA is condoning by "having Israel's back", etc. Rest assured, he mourns the loss of innocent lives and has ordered his people to do everything possible to maintain peace in the region and everywhere else, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, a good example of how it's done...say one thing and do another while having no doubt that the tried and true lines of bull will appease the population.
A: Letters that Putin receives give him hope.
Letters that Biden receives give him vertigo.
I wasn't aware of this connection between Zionism and Nazi regime in Germany. So I started to do some search on web and found some interesting tidbits, but currently I am reading The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941, published by University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies, author Klaus Polkehn.

Here's few short excerpts:

The author lists numerous things in the paper and it just show how shady Zionist were. This is probably a bit off-topic, but I thought it might be relevant piece of history to have here.

In this video post Tony Greenstein, a veteran of the pro-Palestine movement in the UK, provides some details about the collaboration between Nazis and Zionists, through his book: Zionism During the Holocaust: The Weaponizing of Memory in the Service of State and Nation.

Something is cooking...

Mossad, CIA chiefs meet Qatar PM in Doha on Gaza hostage deal -source
DOHA, Nov 9 (Reuters) - The CIA and Mossad chiefs met with the Qatari prime minister in Doha on Thursday to discuss the parameters of a deal for hostage releases and a pause in Hamas-Israel fighting in the Gaza Strip, a source briefed on the meeting told Reuters.

The outcome of the talks was unclear.
David Barnea, head of Israel's Mossad intelligence service, CIA Director William Burns and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman al-Thani held the meeting after Qatari mediators met officials from the Hamas political office on Wednesday night and discussed potential parameters of a deal.
The advantage of the trilateral meeting was to bring all three parties together at one table in real time to speed up the process, the source said.

The talks also included a discussion aboutr allowing humanitarian imports of fuel into Gaza, so far refused by Israel lest, it says, it is diverted to Hamas for fighting purposes.
A source told Reuters on Wednesday the talks touched on a release of 10-15 hostages in exchange for a one- to two-day humanitarian pause in the war that is devastating Gaza.
Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani later on Thursday arrived in the United Arab Emirates capital, Abu Dhabi, where he met with Emirati President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, according to a statement by the Emiri Diwan.
Sheikh Tamim was accompanied by the Qatari prime minister.

The statement said the purpose of the visit was to discuss the situation in Gaza. Unlike Qatar, the UAE has had diplomatic relations with Israel since a U.S.-brokered normalisation agreement in 2020.
In French, he doesn't say "the worst policy", he says "the policy of the worst", there is a nuance for me. Assuming a will.
I think you are right. There is a nuance.
Every child, every woman killed, that's more terrorists. I'm tired of hearing this phrase, it still casts the Palestinians as future terrorists.
I totally agree that it is the Palestinians who are the victims. What I understood from what he said, is that the more Israel bombs and the more people they kill, the more trauma will be caused and that will give rise to some who will understandably in years to come rise up and demand justice. Some of those demands will be violent when dialogue is not possible and in the eyes of the oppressor, they will be seen as terrorists. What Villepin was pointing out was, from what I understand, that this approach will only feed the cycle of neverending violence.

So the audience in the West, to whom he was speaking, who supports the Israeli narrative that Israel can solve the problem by killing the whole population in Gaza (2 million), Villepin was pointing out how infantile and stupid such an idea is and that the only solution is to rectify the injustice which has been committed. Palestinians in Gaza have millions of relatives scattered in the Arab countries around Israel who rightfully will react to the genocide happening and it will not look good for Israel. If some major earth changes happen in the US, which will force it to pull its full attention back home, then I doubt the state of Israel will last long. Instead of making friends with all its neighbours and amiably settled conflicts in win/win situation, Israel has since its founding only done everything to make enemies and that is not a good long term survival strategy.

In the current political climate in France, Villepin is an outlier and one who is trying to look a little more nuanced at it and for that it is interesting that he was even allowed to voice some criticism of what is going on in Israel.

Edit: allowed instead of outlived in the last sentence. Now corrected.
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[...] about Apache helicopters targeting the cars at the rave party near Gaza on the 7th of October. [...]

Syrian Girl shared video footage regarding this:

Following this Syrian Girl X shared by @Ryan, there is more:

1st X - Israel admits apache helicopters fired on their own civilians running from the Supernova music festival. “The pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian… The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first, and only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”
Report: 7 October testimonies strike major blow to Israeli narrative

2nd X -
This is how so many cars at the music festival ended up destroyed. Apache helicopters! FYI : The IDF collected all the destroyed cars and arranged them one month after the incident

2nd X - This is is why we saw images of burned people inside their cars. Obviously a gun does not make this damage, but an Israeli apache helicopter does. Israel showed these images to journalists to justify their genocide in Gaza.

Drone footage from the scene of the music festival shows the damaged cars before they were rearranged by the IDF.

Lt. Col. A., a reserve pilot in the same unit, described a fog of confusion: “I find myself in a dilemma as to what to shoot at, because there are so many of them.”

More footage from the Israel Apache helicopters shooting at cars:“The Apache pilots testify that they fired a huge amount of munitions, emptied the ‘belly of the helicopter’ in minutes, flew to re-arm and returned to the air, again and again. But it didn’t help and they understand it,” Mako reported. The Apache helicopters appear to have focused on vehicles streaming back into Gaza from the Nova electronic music festival and nearby kibbutzes, attacked cars with apparent knowledge that Israeli captives could be inside. They also fired on unarmed people exiting cars or walking on foot through the fields on the periphery of Gaza. One Apache pilot reflected on the tortuous dilemma of whether to shoot at people and cars returning to Gaza. He knew that many of those vehicles may have contained Israeli captives. But he chose to open fire anyway. “I choose targets like that,” the pilot reflected, “where I tell myself that the chance that I am shooting here on hostages as well is low.” However, he admitted that his judgment “was not 100%.”

Well, I'm sorry, because I took each X separately with their own url, but then they appear embedded in each other, doubling some of them. 🤷‍♀️
I think you are right. There is a nuance.

I totally agree that it is the Palestinians who are the victims. What I understood from what he said, is that the more Israel bombs and the more people they kill, the more trauma will be caused and that will give rise to some who will understandably in years to come rise up and demand justice. Some of those demands will be violent when dialogue is not possible and in the eyes of the oppressor, they will be seen as terrorists. What Villepin was pointing out was, from what I understand, that this approach will only feed the cycle of neverending violence.

So the audience in the West, to whom he was speaking, who supports the Israeli narrative that Israel can solve the problem by killing the whole population in Gaza (2 million), Villepin was pointing out how infantile and stupid such an idea is and that the only solution is to rectify the injustice which has been committed. Palestinians in Gaza have millions of relatives scattered in the Arab countries around Israel who rightfully will react to the genocide happening and it will not look good for Israel. If some major earth changes happen in the US, which will force it to pull its full attention back home, then I doubt the state of Israel will last long. Instead of making friends with all its neighbours and amiably settled conflicts in win/win situation, Israel has since its founding only done everything to make enemies and that is not a good long term survival strategy.

In the current political climate in France, Villepin is an outlier and one who is trying to look a little more nuanced at it and for that it is interesting that he was even outlived to voice some criticism of what is going on in Israel.
I hear you, thank you. It is just that this situation is so strong, so hard to follow. I am sorry maybe I did a rant, but sometimes I am so angry with that. :love:
I think you are right. There is a nuance.

I totally agree that it is the Palestinians who are the victims. What I understood from what he said, is that the more Israel bombs and the more people they kill, the more trauma will be caused and that will give rise to some who will understandably in years to come rise up and demand justice. Some of those demands will be violent when dialogue is not possible and in the eyes of the oppressor, they will be seen as terrorists. What Villepin was pointing out was, from what I understand, that this approach will only feed the cycle of neverending violence.

So the audience in the West, to whom he was speaking, who supports the Israeli narrative that Israel can solve the problem by killing the whole population in Gaza (2 million), Villepin was pointing out how infantile and stupid such an idea is and that the only solution is to rectify the injustice which has been committed. Palestinians in Gaza have millions of relatives scattered in the Arab countries around Israel who rightfully will react to the genocide happening and it will not look good for Israel. If some major earth changes happen in the US, which will force it to pull its full attention back home, then I doubt the state of Israel will last long. Instead of making friends with all its neighbours and amiably settled conflicts in win/win situation, Israel has since its founding only done everything to make enemies and that is not a good long term survival strategy.

In the current political climate in France, Villepin is an outlier and one who is trying to look a little more nuanced at it and for that it is interesting that he was even outlived to voice some criticism of what is going on in Israel.
Yes, he is, and even if he doesn't go into all the details, he does say enough for those who listen to him (are there many of them?) to start asking themselves a few questions. At least there is someone here in France not talking like all the others who are frankly disgusting and I can't stand hearing them.
I hear you, thank you. It is just that this situation is so strong, so hard to follow. I am sorry maybe I did a rant, but sometimes I am so angry with that. :love:
Yes, I understand you perfectly well. I read the Danish newspapers from time to time and it is a good practice of not getting upset by it. The Danish newspapers might as well be run by the Israeli foreign office. As an example, a couple of weeks ago, they described the Israeli forces entering Gaza from the sea, as similar to the D-day landing to liberate Europe :umm:
Yes, I understand you perfectly well. I read the Danish newspapers from time to time and it is a good practice of not getting upset by it. The Danish newspapers might as well be run by the Israeli foreign office. As an example, a couple of weeks ago, they described the Israeli forces entering Gaza from the sea, as similar to the D-day landing to liberate Europe :umm:
My My... They fear nothing, and certainly not ridicule! These people have no limits it seems. :nuts:
Following this Syrian Girl X shared by @Ryan, there is more
That is an unbelievable number of cars which were destroyed. It looks like a highway of death and could rival the other highway of death in Iraq from 1991.
I guess many of those cars simply belonged to people who attended the music festival and who then tried to escape only to be gunned down by Israeli pilots.

Edit: Added link to the highway of death in Iraq.
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Sorry if this has already been mentioned, this thread is growing so fast. In one of the X I have shared above, this article from Middle East Monitor is linked

Report: 7 October testimonies strike major blow to Israeli narrative

October 30, 2023 at 1:44 pm

Smoke rises in Gaza which is seen from the Sderot city as the Israeli airstrikes continue in Sderot, Israel on November 02, 2023 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

Smoke rises in Gaza which is seen from the Sderot city as the Israeli airstrikes continue in Sderot, Israel on November 02, 2023 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

New first-hand accounts from witnesses of Israel’s clashes with Hamas militants on 7 October suggest that, in their desperation to contain the surprise incursion, Israeli troops indiscriminately fired on their own citizens with heavy weaponry, resulting in potentially scores of Israeli deaths from so-called “friendly fire”.

Testimonies of eye witnesses and Israeli sources compiled by The Grayzone, contradicts the Israeli account of the events that unfolded on 7 October. The Occupation State has refused to reveal full details of the atrocities it claims to have been carried out by Hamas and, thus far, has only released selective information about the attack.

Unverified claims circulated by Israel that Hamas militants beheaded 40 babies on 7 October were widely rejected as propaganda which, critics argue, was designed to garner sympathy for Israel to carry out collective punishment of Gaza’s 2.2 million. However, a closer examination of events by The Grayzone tells a different story: one in which the Israeli military itself bears responsibility for numerous civilian deaths. The emerging details not only contradict the Israeli government’s version of events, but indicate that, in the chaos of battle, reckless Israeli fire likely led to significant casualties among the Israeli population.

According to Tuval Escapa, the security coordinator at Kibbutz Be’eri who set up a hotline between residents and the army,

"Israeli commanders made “difficult decisions” including “shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages."

This was confirmed by Israeli civilian, Yasmin Porat, who survived a hostage standoff in Be’eri. She stated that, during intense clashes, Israeli Special Forces “undoubtedly” killed all remaining hostages, along with two surrendering Hamas militants using tank shells and frenzied gunfire.

Porat recalled how Hamas militants had treated hostages “very humanely”, aiming only to take them back to Gaza, before Israeli forces stormed the building. She witnessed her partner still alive on the ground before he was gunned down, along with other hostages in the chaotic shooting. Other videos from inside kibbutzes are said to show corpses covered in rubble, likely from tank shells fired directly into homes by the Israeli army.

Gaza: Israel destroyed, damaged scores of mosques, churches, schools

More evidence comes from witness Danielle Rachiel, who described nearly being killed after escaping from the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival. As she drove to safety, Israeli security forces shot directly at her vehicle until she shouted in Hebrew to identify herself as Israeli.

The Israeli news outlet, Yedioth Aharanoth, is reported saying that “the pilots realised that there was tremendous difficulty in distinguishing within the occupied outposts and settlements who was a terrorist and who was a soldier or civilian … The rate of fire against the thousands of terrorists was tremendous at first and, only at a certain point, did the pilots begin to slow down the attacks and carefully select the targets.”

Meanwhile, footage from inside kibbutzes shows absolute devastation resembling Israel’s repeated bombardment of Gaza over the years. Apache helicopter pilots have admitted to firing continuously without intelligence on targets, while tank crews were ordered to shell homes, regardless of Israeli hostages potentially inside.

Bodies of Israelis discovered below the rubble of a home destroyed by a powerful explosive blast are said to have been caused by tank shells. Israeli security forces also opened fire on fleeing Israelis whom they mistook for Hamas gunmen.

Critics now speculate that some of the Israeli government’s most horrific photos of charred corpses and “bodies burned beyond recognition” may actually depict Israeli-inflicted casualties.
One suspicious image showed a dumpster full of burned bodies, which some suggest may have been dead Hamas fighters disposed of in this manner. Israeli officials have been using the images of charred bodies to garner international sympathy but, as the report indicates, it is more likely that the horrific images are of Hamas fighters.

The testimonies together indicate that, in the heat of battle, Israeli troops likely resorted to firing indiscriminately into civilian areas and homes, resulting in an untold number of preventable Israeli deaths.
❗️"The video from the camera of the Israeli Apache attack helicopter sent to the Kibbutz Beeri festival on October 7 shows the IDF firing indiscriminately at fleeing visitors"

Recall that the participants of the festival, in which Hamas is accused of shooting visitors, advocated Arab-Israeli friendship.

Now it is safe to say that both sides participated in the mass shootings of festival participants.

What we know already🤦‍♂️
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