Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I don't think anything good can come of all this, one way or another, either for the Palestinians and Palestine (for them it only can get worst it seems and unfortunately), or for example for trade in general: An "excuse" in the making for the Schwab's Great reset?

We will have to "wait and see", as usual.
Nowadays mostly things are connected. So there might be black swans - Houthis? as well, or surprises, this thread of Trent Talenko is interesting regarding the vessels/insurances.

While @johnkonrad has a great list of naval and maritime affair experts in this 🧵 All of them have missed the real point in the Red Sea.

The maritime insurance market market is cratering because of the Chinese proliferation of anti-ship missile ballistic technology to Iran
Business 101:

Normal business need business insurance in order to operate.

When insurance actuaries cannot compute a risk, insurance policies are cancelled.

This happened before in 1987 when the Chinese sold Silkworm cruise missiles to Iran.
Prior to then, Iran lacked anti-ship missiles with big enough warheads to critically damage oil tankers.

Half of all oil tanker losses in the 1980's tanker war were paid by Lloyds.

Lloyds ability to write maritime insurance policies was the critical node in the Tanker War.

UT Austin's Strauss center has one of the few sites on-line that mentions both maritime insurance and the proliferation of Silkworms by China in the 1980's Tanker War.

Unfortunately it doesn't go into the relationship between Silkworms and Lloyds

4/ position in the immediate aftermath of the Silkworm's arrival in 1987.

Lloyd's insurance actuaries could not computer the military-political risks to charge appropriate War Risk rates to tanker operations, and thus, could not get further lines of credit to cover

...policy losses

This was communicated to the Reagan Administration and thus was created Operation Earnest Will. The U.S. Navy escort of “re-flagged” Kuwaiti tankers starting in July 1987

See Naval History & Heritage Command's 30 year retrospective ⬇️
...affair. The capture of an Ex-Japanese landing ship operated as a mine layer by Iran.

Shortly afterwards the eight hour Operation Praying Mantis killed 1/2 of the Iranian Republic's existing Naval forces.

The Reagan Administration then, like the Biden Administration now, pretended that the Chinese proliferation of anti-ship missile technology to Iran has nothing to do with it, because China.

China was an ally in 1987 against the Soviet Union.

In 2023, China isn't an ally,

...but is a major illegal campaign contributor to both the GOP and the Democratic Parties.

So just like Operation Earnest Will, Operation Prosperity Guardian was kicked off by the Chinese anti-ship missile proliferation...

...and the current Presidential Adm. is denying it for political reasons related to China.

Per Military analyst Zhang Bin 张斌, the Houthi's Khalij Fars-2 missile that hit a merchant ship recently is a 40 year old technology China has proliferated to Iran.

The American national security space is fundamentally delusional about Chinese ASBM. ASBM = Anti-ship ballistic missile

I did a thread on that back in July 2023.

The most important military-technical post in that 🧵points out Chinese ASBM are actually a Chinese implementation of the Pershing II MARV technology with a 2023 electronic tech anti-ship missile seeker.

The most important political post was about the pair of delusion paradigms that dominate the thinking of the DC courtier class political sycophants in the US National security space.

Just as Pres. Reagan danced to the Chinese tune in 1987 because of maritime insurance/Silkworms.

So Pres. Biden is dancing to China's maritime insurance/ASBM tune with Operation Prosperity Guardian.
16/16 End

In short, replay by Simon

So then, en relation. Increment in prices will go to the final consumers.
Yeah, he seems to sincerely convinced of his position for it to be somehow contrived. No matter how much we liked his position in so many other areas and subjects, and how much we liked his uncle, he is not his uncle and he may simple be that convinced of the Israeli propaganda and has no intention of questioning it. Much like JBP.

With people like them - JBP and his intellectual circle, Gad Saad, RFK Jr., and many more - who seemed to be so right about some important issues and dared to go against the mainstream current, and now, suddenly and disappointedly side with oppressors... an insightful, if not enlightening, explanation can be found in Albert Badura's book "Moral Disengagement. How People Do Harm and Live With Themselves". I don't have the most relevant quotes at hand, but below there are a few introducing his theory.

But before that, here is one extreme example, bordering with much more serious problem, of meandering around and circumventing the heart of the matter, placing it elsewhere, and not being able to spell out the full clause yet insisting on own position.

On ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’: Portrait of a Fanatically Pro-Israel Canadian Town
Dec 17, 2023
Yves Engler

The mayor of an exclusive Montréal suburb is okay with Israel killing 100,000 Palestinian children since “good needs to prevail over evil”.

At a recent event with the Israeli consul of Montréal, I asked Hampstead mayor Jeremy Levi if he supported a ceasefire to release the Israelis held by the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas. Despite the inner suburb passing a special measure to protect posters about the hostages, the mayor said no.

I then questioned whether “you support killing 8,000 Palestinian children?” to which Levi responded, “I would never support that, it’s terrible. But Israel has to do whatever they have to do to ensure the safety and security of their own people.”

My response was “even if 20,000 Palestinian children were killed, you’d still support Israel?” Levi replied, “Hamas needs to be eradicated.” Pressing on, I enquired if he’d support “50,000 Palestinian children killed?” Levi responded, “No, it’s terrible, but there’s no other way. My heart goes out to all the other innocent people who have suffered in this tragedy. But good needs to prevail over evil.

I pushed further asking, “So 100,000 Palestinian children killed, you’d still support that?” Levi replied, “You can give me all kinds of numbers, my answer is still going to be the same. Israel needs to eradicate Hamas.”

My response was, “So you support Israel no matter what it does?” to which Levi replied, “I support Israel.” Prompting me to query, “No matter what it does?” Levi: “Until the end. Until Hamas is [sic] victorious, I support Israel.”

More than a 1.2 million have watched the exchange on X and thousands more on other social media platforms. The Montreal Gazette, RT and others reported on it. In response, Levi released a statement saying, “I want to express my unwavering support for Israel while acknowledging the tragic loss of innocent lives in the ongoing conflict.” [...]

JBP etc. seem to have some basic misconception ingrained in the core of their psyche and at least in part it is their sense of Western supremacy and exceptionalism. Israel is part of the West. Palestine is the wild, barbarian East. Just like Russia. And China. Iran, Libya, and so on. Islam equals Jihad, terrorists, cold-blood head-choppers and tyrannical oppressors. Russia equals Stalin and Gulags. Africa is primitive and many centuries behind "us". Their world, civilization, the best one ever existed, even if not perfect (JBP) is, by their own admission, built on and around Judeo-Christianity. Judaism is its base. Which may be true to a considerable extent for the Protestant world, less true for Catholic and barely true, if at all, for Orthodox Christianity and the world embracing it.

Another, related misconception are their "Judeo-Christian values", just read this: An Eccentric Tradition: The Paradox of 'Western Values'.
Looking into it would probably feel like losing ground under their feet. That's the problem with many Western intellectuals as I see it, FWIW. But it does make sense to me in relation to their sudden blindness and moral glitches.

Back to Badura, just for a taste of what it is about.

Most of the theorizing and research on morality focuses heavily on the acquisition of moral standards and moral reasoning, often detached from moral conduct. However, the acquisition of moral standards is only half the story in the exercise of moral agency. Moral standards, whether characterized as conscience, moral prescripts, or principles, do not function as unceasing internal regulators of conduct. People often face pressures to engage in harmful activities that provide desired benefits but violate their moral standards. To engage in those activities and live with themselves, they have to strip morality from their actions or invest them with worthy purposes. Disengagement of moral self-sanctions enables people to compromise their moral standards and still retain their sense of moral integrity. ...

... rationalists assume that people do what they believe they are obliged to do. According to deontological theory, for example, moral conduct is governed by duty to adopted moral principles regardless of circumstances and behavioral consequences. Given the extensive moral disengagement richly documented in this volume, individuals are not as intractably duty-bound to their moral principles as claimed. It is not uncommon for individuals to use various psychosocial means to circumvent them.

The Nature of Moral Agency

At the agency locus, people evade personal accountability for harmful conduct by displacing responsibility to others and by dispersing it widely so that no one bears responsibility. This absolves them of blame for the harm they cause. At the outcome locus, perpetrators disregard, minimize, distort, or even dispute the injurious effects of their actions. As long as harmful effects are out of sight and out of mind there is no moral issue to contend with because no perceived harm has been done. At the victim locus, perpetrators exclude those they maltreat from their category of humanity by divesting them of human qualities or attributing animalistic qualities to them. Rendering their victims subhuman weakens moral qualms over treating them harshly. The additional moral disengagement at the victim locus blames the victims for bringing the maltreatment on themselves or attributes it to compelling circumstances. In this mode of self-exoneration, perpetrators view themselves as victims forced to behave injuriously by wrongdoers’ offensive behavior or by force of circumstances. By viewing themselves as victims, they may feel self-righteous in their retaliatory actions. This set of mechanisms either weakens or eliminates the regulatory power of moral self-sanctions over harmful practices.

Moral disengagement does not alter moral standards. Rather, it provides the means for those who morally disengage to circumvent moral standards in ways that strip morality from harmful behavior and their responsibility for it. However, in other aspects of their lives, they adhere to their moral standards. It is the selective suspension of morality for harmful activities that enables people to retain their positive self-regard while doing harm.
Fox News is reporting the USS Eisenhower carrier group in the Gulf of Aden, and the USS Bataan (Marines and landing craft) in the Red Sea.

The Pentagon has plans for attacking Houthi bases in Yemen, but the Administration is said to have qualms about escalation. They can't have it both ways. Neocons and Zionists FTW?
I'm disgusted by this. Israel likely killed his father and uncle. The first thing that comes to mind is what do they have on him? And how does he not see the genocide right in front of him. There is NO excuse for what's happening in Palestine right now. NONE.
Don't worry, it's better this way. Everyone can see him for what he is. And if he's pretending just to get elected, then he's shooting himself in the foot. Either way, it means more people will vote for Trump in the end. 🙂
If everyone is supporting Israel anyway, might as well vote for someone who at least likes to rock the boat, no?

Aaaaand i wouldn't be so sure about Trump being as supportive of Israel as he used to be either... 🙂
It is scary to watch this War.
IDF Closes All Entrances to the West Bank’s Qusra, South of Nablus, with Earth “Siege” Mounds

This is not even in Gaza and it is in West Bank. The latest news search on Qusra leads to October incident where 3 Palestinians were killed.
What is Israel planning to do after closing the roads? Let me guess. Is it another version of "Mowing the Lawn" ? Bomb, crush it with Bulldozers, no body can even see it and Build a "greater Israel" over a grave yard? I guess they are too desperate to capture every thing quickly.
It is scary to watch this War.

This is not even in Gaza and it is in West Bank. The latest news search on Qusra leads to October incident where 3 Palestinians were killed.
What is Israel planning to do after closing the roads? Let me guess. Is it another version of "Mowing the Lawn" ? Bomb, crush it with Bulldozers, no body can even see it and Build a "greater Israel" over a grave yard? I guess they are too desperate to capture every thing quickly.
Just waiting for the bulldozers to move in on the Dome of the Rock.
Back to Badura, just for a taste of what it is about.
That is fascinating, I think I have mentioned it elsewhere, but I watched a video of a linguist explaining how the entire world was made to lockdown based on a lie, and what she explained was that the language used was aimed at people's self identity level. Like this most sacred thing we all hold within is so precious that anything may be sacrificed in the service of keeping it alive, even morality.

I can comprehend, if I try, to see where this ability might have had its uses, I am thinking of warriors in olden times where killing was a matter of life or death, so you needed a way to carry out cruel acts and still function and live with yourself, however what JBP and the like are doing, is several orders of magnitude worse, because at least in my example the warrior knew what he was doing and why, nowadays, it's all an imaginary scenario that they associate with their identity.

Sadly enough, for all his talk, JBP has proven he would be the concentration camp guard after all, proudly and enthusiastically so.
by the way, here's the video alluded to in that article.. and would you look at his eyes?

Freaking creepy! I mean I’ve seen people who look twisted, but this guy looks positively fiendish. I mean we’re not supposed to judge on appearances, but if I passed this guy on the street I’d give him a wide berth!

Have another look. I wouldn’t say it gets better.IMG_1440.jpeg
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Fox News is reporting the USS Eisenhower carrier group in the Gulf of Aden, and the USS Bataan (Marines and landing craft) in the Red Sea.

The Pentagon has plans for attacking Houthi bases in Yemen, but the Administration is said to have qualms about escalation. They can't have it both ways. Neocons and Zionists FTW?
Since Bibi made a public statement for others to take care of Houthi's , lot of "servants" responded to it. - Red one's are British. I guess Chinese ships are there to protect their own shipments.
Nowadays mostly things are connected. So there might be black swans - Houthis? as well, or surprises, this thread of Trent Talenko is interesting regarding the vessels/insurances.

In short, replay by Simon

So then, en relation. Increment in prices will go to the final consumers.
So they're blaming the Chinese, not the psychopathic Israeli government murdering everyone.
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