Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

IDF Chief Reminds Troops Not To Shoot Shirtless People Waving Surrender Flags​

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Israeli's army is "the most moral army in the world," yet somehow IDF soldiers needed a reminder from their top officer that they're not supposed to kill people who are surrendering to them."

"Israeli officials have also been embarrassed by soldiers sharing videos portraying unprofessional conduct -- to include genocidal chants, the burning of food, the ransacking of a toy store and singing a Jewish religious song over a mosque loudspeaker."

“The dehumanization from the top is very much sinking down to the soldiers.”

BTW, the soldiers who shot the shirtless three... those three shot were Israeli hostages who had managed to escape and were trying to be rescued. They were killed.

The story is that Hamas has created similar scenarios to try and get closer to Israeli sodiers before attacking.
I have no clue whether this is true or not.

The actual level of insanity in Gaza is unknowable at this point
Jews call to stop enrollment in Zionist Army.


Please share this post for everyone to see.

Jewish rabbis in the Holy Land called on all religious Jews to stand against Zionism, the Zionists and their heretical army, and not to join the Zionist army.

The supreme religious authority of the ultra-Orthodox community in the Land of Israel,

He issued a rallying cry titled "Keep your soul away from them."

We protest against the press that promotes the values of national Zionism to the Jewish community, and against the attempts of the Zionists to recruit ultra-Orthodox for the Zionist army of occupation

We call on all Jews in the world to distance themselves from Zionism and its distorted views.

It seems as if the occupying army is protecting the Jews, but in fact it is doing the exact opposite. Because the prophet says that evil comes from the wicked, and the Zionist army only endangers the Jews in the Holy Land and in the world.

And we can no longer remain silent in view of the fact that the Zionists in their newspapers are trying to mislead the world as if Torah-observant Jews are also involved in the Zionist-Palestinian conflict by trying to instill a spirit of nationalism into the ultra-orthodox Jews and thereby incite hatred between Jews and the nations of the world.

And we need to expose the Zionist lie, the Jews have nothing to do with the conflict, the Zionists invented the enmity, and endanger the Jews in the Holy Land and the whole world, and even more, we must protest against the instigators to go up to the Temple Mount, which according to the Torah is a very serious crime

And as long as the Jewish people are in exile, they are not allowed to take government for themselves and even take a nation from their power,

In the blessing that G-d will have mercy on us and bring us out of our exile through the Messiah, our righteousness, and will say to our troubles, enough will be the redemption of the world, and the redeemed, and saviors on Mount Zion, and the kingdom will belong to G-d.

Re: Operation Prosperity Guardian

Last week I came across this remote-viewer video:

Suddenly it seems likely. Not necesarily the WWIII part - that is his interpretation - but the vision itself. Also, as with all these things, lets remember it's a probable future only.
'"Regional security and prosperity": The US is dragging its "allies" into war with Iran.'

19 Dec, 2023
The US, UK, and France have already worked together to shoot down Houthi missiles and drones in the region. Iran cautioned the US against attempting to flex its muscles in the area and threatened to bring about “extraordinary problems.” Iranian Defense Minister Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani told reporters, “Nobody can make a move in a region where we have predominance.”

19 December 2023


Israel ready for new humanitarian pause in Gaza to have hostages released — president​

"It is really important for us (Israel - TASS) to emphasize once again: we are not at war with the people of Gaza. We are fighting Hamas, they are our enemies. And in this regard we are taking all possible humanitarian steps in accordance with international humanitarian law," Herzog added."

"He stressed that infants, elderly and ill people, wounded individuals and women are among the hostages." (Israeli hostages)

The Israeli president also noted that responsibility lies entirely with the Hamas leadership.


"It is really important for us (Israel - TASS) to emphasize once again: we are not at war with the people of Gaza. We are fighting Hamas, they are our enemies. And in this regard we are taking all possible humanitarian steps in accordance with international humanitarian law," Herzog added."
I really don't think that anyone, anywhere believes this now. I saw a video of the young boy/girl who'd been shot in the west bank on X today. That poor helpless child left to die. This horrific image has touched me deeply. The poor kid was crumpled on the floor bleeding.
Thankfully I've had some distraction tonight which has lifted my mood but it doesn't go away.
Those poor people, innocent men, women and children been massacred by psychopathic monsters. These psychopaths support each other across the world. The psychopaths rule us in the west, unfortunately! I hope their time is running out but I'm not convinced. I think how many prople now cannot fail to see who and what we are dealing with.
Sorry, I'm not sure how I can express or what to do when I see what the Israeli's doing anymore. Its so horrific.
Nebenzia has taken his gloves off at the UN:

Israel’s Gaza operations not ‘self-defense’ – Moscow

The Jewish state is an “occupying power,” Russia’s UN representative Vassily Nebenzia has claimed

Israel does not have the right to cite self-defense as justification for its military operations in Gaza because it is an “occupying power,” Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia told an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

Nebenzia said all the US and its allies can do is “talk about Israel’s supposed right to self-defense.” However, he pointed out that “as an occupying power, it does not have such a right, which was confirmed by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in 2004.”
The diplomat went on to accuse the US and its satellites of hypocrisy, stating that in other situations they always call to respect humanitarian law, create special commissions, and impose sanctions on those “who actually use force only as a last resort to stop decades of violence.”

“And today, seeing the horrific destruction in Gaza, many times greater than everything that they angrily criticize in other regional contexts – attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals, the deaths of thousands of children – they seem to have taken water into their mouths,”
the permanent representative said.

Israel wasn't happy about it obviously, but it is refreshing, as per usual, to see Russia calling it as it is.
Stupidity to the maximum

The US is concerned about the cost of missiles used against Houthi drones, according to Politico, as the country is trillions of dollars in debt

According to US official, the US has used SM-2 missiles worth $2.1 million to intercept a Yemeni drone worth $2000.

The US has intercepted 38 flying objects so far

“The cost offset is not on our side,” said one DOD official.

Experts say this is an issue that needs to be addressed, and urge DOD to start looking at lower-cost options for air defense.


The Strait of Malacca is closed for the Israeli ZIM shipping company.

The biggest shipping company in Israel

Malaysia announced that the Israeli shipping company "ZIM" will be prohibited from today docking, or transiting in the territorial waters of his country.

Very good

Israeli media
"The Houthis are doing enormous damage to Israel's economy"

The threat of the Yemeni army leads to an almost complete closure of economic activity in the port of Eilat, harming its revenues and the activity of employees, suppliers and contractors.

The Israeli financial newspaper Globes reported that Israeli shipping companies have lost around 23% of their market value, representing a loss of billions of dollars.


- "What intersects between the Syrian war, the war in Palestine, the war on Ukraine, the South China Sea conflict, Venezuela and others, is that all these wars waged by the West, particularly America, and are primarily based on controlling not only the land, but more importantly, the narrative."

- "Today the war is a war of truth, and whoever wins, wins the truth."

- "What terrifies Israel today globally is for the world to know it's true terrorist nature."

- "The United States had already dominated the world, before the world and before the fleets, with the truth."
Just stop repeating disinformation against Hamas. You repeating Israeli government propaganda makes you a part of the distribution of Israeli government propaganda.
"the story is that" followed by "I have no clue whether this is true or not".

My stating what the powers that be claim, is not an attempt at justification, As is apparent by my wording.

We discuss things broadly here, and this is a claim regarding this incident.

The fact is that "friendly" fire was responsible for three MORE deaths, and if this is also being done on purpose, that information is pertinent, or perhaps you think it is not ?
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