Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

That's quite a stretch

Not the right address for that emotion
Don't understand what exactly you mean by "emotion" and "stretch"...
What I'm saying is that as far as I can see you haven't called/named what's been happening in Gaza by its 'real name' : GENOCIDE; slauther/killing of civilians and among them children; basically extermination of Palestinians; but you use phrases/words like "situation" and "war" (which it obviously is not).
Why is that?
To my thinking, Israel has to deal with their own politicians or face their pariah-ship in the world.

Suspicion that getting rid of Netanyahu will be sooner rather than later. There is still Israel but the push for two-state solution, which is Canada's position incidentally, on resolution may have some traction then? Scott Ritter's three reasons given for the Oct 7 operation by Hamas was 1) put two-state solution on the table, 2) hostage exchange and 3) Al-Aqsa mosque.

Settlers stormed Al-Aqsa mosque Oct 4th.

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa Mosque complex on fifth day of Sukkot
Without a doubt, on a hypothetical level that would be feasible, but take into account the percentage of current psychopathy in Israel that cannot conceive of giving in, so the process would be even much more difficult than if it occurred elsewhere and in itself That is already extremely difficult in the current panorama... all this of course brings us back to the issue that the source of the current devastation is in Israel and it does not respond to reason.

Maybe this time the opportunities for that country are running out.
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Don't understand what exactly you mean by "emotion" and "stretch"...
What I'm saying is that as far as I can see you haven't called/named what's been happening in Gaza by its 'real name' : GENOCIDE; slauther/killing of civilians and among them children; basically extermination of Palestinians; but you use phrases/words like "situation" and "war" (which it obviously is not).
Why is that?
Most definitely not for the reason you have decided, or any reason actually.

This is actually becoming ridiculous.

You may think of me as whatever you wish
The story is that Hamas has created similar scenarios to try and get closer to Israeli soldiers before attacking. I have no clue whether this is true or not.
Personally I don't have issue with your post. It boils down to one's own comfort zone related to quoting Israel's version knowing that they are top of the chain masters of deception, twist any thing and every thing for their purpose including our well intended emotions.

In some nations, people wants to mention other people's version, Just not to be get carried by their own version. In other places, they simply ignore other people's version all together when in doubt. I think it is cultural difference and can create confusion.

In any case, whether Hamas created scenario for Palestinian cause or as patsies for MOSSAD OR it is a simple Israeli propaganda, Zionists will make sure that they win propaganda. Some thoughts on the subject...

It should have stopped by now. I think the better question is WHY it hasn't so far.
Join the club of Humans immemorial who asked this same question as for as we know.
Who does the war machine serve ?
These are things we've at least partially [ if not fully ] figured out already.
That is with a assumption that we know what the "war machine is" and "how it works" and it has a "specific aim, plan and means" and it is in control of itself and so on. Unfortunately that is not the case. Take few examples of 20th century mechanized wars.

WW I - It started over a not-so important diplomat's death (at least that was what we were told). People are mad (as if people mattered at any time) and their elected leaders has a responsibility to their population. So "Kill all the other side" or become martyr for others and so on. At the end of it, Every body died, nations changed hands, people vouched not to fight again, older version of UN created , guilty party was decided (Germans) and made them suffer and for 20 years we were told not to repeat the War. Heck, it didn't even last 3 decades.

WW II - Hitler came along with lunatic rants and chose his guilty party ( "Jews") asked every body to kill all "Jews" in gas chambers , sold the "Aryan Race" as if people have a choice. If any body asked questions, they were dumped into Gas chambers using what ever the label suitable - communists and so on. Even Hitler's generals have no clue why he is so against so-called "Jews". They followed orders to avoid the alternate fate. Again we were told that is the last time it will ever happen. This time they won't suppress German, instead they will control it. and So the narration goes on.

Obvious answer is "We are not in control these things" however infuriating it is . So then who is?

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so... I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! "This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them." "No, no, no, no," [Carlos replies] "This is absurd don Juan.

What you're saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone." "Why not?" don Juan asked calmly. "Why not? Because it infuriates you? ... You haven't heard all the claims yet. I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradictions between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behaviour. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of belief, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal."

"'But how can they do this, don Juan? [Carlos] asked, somehow angered further by what [don Juan] was saying. "'Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?" "'No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!" don Juan said, smiling. "They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous manoeuvre stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous manoeuvre from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now." "I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its manoeuvre is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear."

"The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man. What I'm saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat." "There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic.”

Well, that is all theoretical, you may say. True but it has practical usage in understanding it. The banker oligarchs, a "Caste" that came out top of the class revolutions of Europe during 16-19th century when middle class revolted successfully against the kings. It is the same elite responsible for colonization's, slavery and so on, labeled it "civilizing the population" a name for legitimizing the loot and miserable situation they themselves created in the name of "trade". "Zionism" is their latest project, whose fruits we are talking about it in this thread.

What do they want and how does it fit in to their "greed" objective, when they already control the entire globe. sure, Greed is a sickness that eats its own host. What purpose this "Israel" project serve, nothing "secular" Zionists can gain out of it. But they are helpless like every body else including Bibi and his pals that wants to destroy every thing for their dream of "Greater Israel" which their "God" supposed to have chosen them to do devil deeds, so that they can be rulers after all of this and rest of the world obedient to them.

Obvious question is who is "useful idiot" of whom? God or Bibi and his pals? Is there any higher "order" in it?

Fine, we are already adults after choosing to be born on this planet, so had some time to "experience life"(what ever that means).
  • What about all these little kids born "yesterday" to get crushed under rubble, burned in white phosphorous or die in the womb itself?. And these experiences will have terrible consequences even in 5D ( at least as per my readings on 5D).
  • What about all these mothers who uses the rubble to create some make shift furnace, fueled by the little dry wood to cook something for the kids in make shift tent, knowing that it is going to be bombed in a day.
  • What about all these people , hour after hour run from rubble to rubble to pull out whoever is has a faint of breath and haul them to the hospital that keep becoming rubble? What type of life is that when every few years same thing happens and they have no where to go?
Is there any higher "order" in their choice to be born at this time, location and so on from 5D where there are no compulsions. I guess so - at least as per C's. It is the end of major "cycle within cycle" whose outcome will decide future. While psychopaths are feeling the pressure of "Wave" going on the rampage on the behest of their 4D STS masters and these kids are born to show the rest of the world to wake up from "control System". It's easy to say it intellectually, but putting the body in line is completely different thing.
As to what "would" happen next. I don't know, but with the way things have been unfolding over the past couple of years, probably some other, unexpected, even worse event (?)
Whether we say we know it or not, Universe has its own ways, we may not know for sure. It looks to me, that is "some body else" job at different level.

As Oracle in Matrix say "One way or another". I know it is little fantasy that gives faint hope , but psychopathy subject itself is "seeing the unseen".
Neo: But why help us?

The Oracle: We're all here to do what we're all here to do. I'm interested in one thing, Neo, the future. And believe me, I know - the only way to get there is together.

Neo: Why? What do you want?

Oracle: I want the same thing you want, Neo. And I am willing to go as far as you are to get it.

Neo: The end of the war. Oracle nods Is it going to end?

Oracle: One way, or another.
Personally I don't have issue with your post. It boils down to one's own comfort zone related to quoting Israel's version knowing that they are top of the chain masters of deception, twist any thing and every thing for their purpose including our well intended emotions.

In some nations, people wants to mention other people's version, Just not to be get carried by their own version. In other places, they simply ignore other people's version all together when in doubt. I think it is cultural difference and can create confusion.

In any case, whether Hamas created scenario for Palestinian cause or as patsies for MOSSAD OR it is a simple Israeli propaganda, Zionists will make sure that they win propaganda. Some thoughts on the subject...

Join the club of Humans immemorial who asked this same question as for as we know.

That is with a assumption that we know what the "war machine is" and "how it works" and it has a "specific aim, plan and means" and it is in control of itself and so on. Unfortunately that is not the case. Take few examples of 20th century mechanized wars.

WW I - It started over a not-so important diplomat's death (at least that was what we were told). People are mad (as if people mattered at any time) and their elected leaders has a responsibility to their population. So "Kill all the other side" or become martyr for others and so on. At the end of it, Every body died, nations changed hands, people vouched not to fight again, older version of UN created , guilty party was decided (Germans) and made them suffer and for 20 years we were told not to repeat the War. Heck, it didn't even last 3 decades.

WW II - Hitler came along with lunatic rants and chose his guilty party ( "Jews") asked every body to kill all "Jews" in gas chambers , sold the "Aryan Race" as if people have a choice. If any body asked questions, they were dumped into Gas chambers using what ever the label suitable - communists and so on. Even Hitler's generals have no clue why he is so against so-called "Jews". They followed orders to avoid the alternate fate. Again we were told that is the last time it will ever happen. This time they won't suppress German, instead they will control it. and So the narration goes on.

Obvious answer is "We are not in control these things" however infuriating it is . So then who is?

Well, that is all theoretical, you may say. True but it has practical usage in understanding it. The banker oligarchs, a "Caste" that came out top of the class revolutions of Europe during 16-19th century when middle class revolted successfully against the kings. It is the same elite responsible for colonization's, slavery and so on, labeled it "civilizing the population" a name for legitimizing the loot and miserable situation they themselves created in the name of "trade". "Zionism" is their latest project, whose fruits we are talking about it in this thread.

What do they want and how does it fit in to their "greed" objective, when they already control the entire globe. sure, Greed is a sickness that eats its own host. What purpose this "Israel" project serve, nothing "secular" Zionists can gain out of it. But they are helpless like every body else including Bibi and his pals that wants to destroy every thing for their dream of "Greater Israel" which their "God" supposed to have chosen them to do devil deeds, so that they can be rulers after all of this and rest of the world obedient to them.

Obvious question is who is "useful idiot" of whom? God or Bibi and his pals? Is there any higher "order" in it?

Fine, we are already adults after choosing to be born on this planet, so had some time to "experience life"(what ever that means).
  • What about all these little kids born "yesterday" to get crushed under rubble, burned in white phosphorous or die in the womb itself?. And these experiences will have terrible consequences even in 5D ( at least as per my readings on 5D).
  • What about all these mothers who uses the rubble to create some make shift furnace, fueled by the little dry wood to cook something for the kids in make shift tent, knowing that it is going to be bombed in a day.
  • What about all these people , hour after hour run from rubble to rubble to pull out whoever is has a faint of breath and haul them to the hospital that keep becoming rubble? What type of life is that when every few years same thing happens and they have no where to go?
Is there any higher "order" in their choice to be born at this time, location and so on from 5D where there are no compulsions. I guess so - at least as per C's. It is the end of major "cycle within cycle" whose outcome will decide future. While psychopaths are feeling the pressure of "Wave" going on the rampage on the behest of their 4D STS masters and these kids are born to show the rest of the world to wake up from "control System". It's easy to say it intellectually, but putting the body in line is completely different thing.

Whether we say we know it or not, Universe has its own ways, we may not know for sure. It looks to me, that is "some body else" job at different level.

As Oracle in Matrix say "One way or another". I know it is little fantasy that gives faint hope , but psychopathy subject itself is "seeing the unseen".
Thank you seek10 for the long and thoughtful post 💌🍀

Been thinking about the matrix quite a lot lately and so it is quite à propos
I think that one of the things that would help you is that you open your thread and simply pour your thoughts and feelings and network about them so we can help you sort out your feelings and (hopefully) help you to cope and to live through this horror. Just simply start writing, don´t reread it afterward as you might have second thoughts on what to leave or not in the post - and just post it.

A new thread has been opened titled "how are you feeling" FYI. Very good timing!

Several reasonable commentators have recently said that the Israeli experiment is over. That there is no way what today is called “Israel” can remain in the middle east. Leaving quickly or slowly, but they cannot remain in the region.

If so…, where do they go?

One commentator said, there has always been a location in Russia called the Jewish Autonomous region that they could go to, and many of “the Israeli citizens” have dual citizenship, so they could disperse to their “other” country. Or better put, “return” to their country of origin.

Since the problem is likely hiding in the Zionist-club, the baddies could simply switch their jerseys and hide in another culture, flag or religion. And…Hey! I hear Argentina has just become available. Why not go there? A whole new continent to molest.

The people they are hiding among now, could simply be thrown to wolfs to take the blame.

Switching jerseys is not unprecedented remember the Marrano’s secretly infiltrating the Catholic church in the 1400s? I believe it was the Marrano’s the sailed with Columbus and started what we call today Mexico.

"What is the Jewish autonomous region?"

"In 1934, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast was formed in the Russian Far East to show that, like other national groups in the Soviet Union, Russian Jews could receive a territory in which to pursue cultural autonomy in a socialist framework."

Marranos is one of the terms used in relation to Spanish and Portuguese Jews who converted or were forced by the Spanish and Portuguese crowns to convert to Christianity during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, but continued to practice Judaism in secrecy or were suspected of it, referred to as Crypto-Jews.

When Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1521, he was accompanied by several Conversos, Jews forcibly converted to Christianity during the Inquisition of 1492. Conversos, or Anusim, immigrated en masse to La Nueva Espagna (present day Mexico) and some estimate that by the middle of the 16th century, there were more of these crypto-Jews in Mexico City than Spanish Catholics.
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Re: Operation Prosperity Guardian

Last week I came across this remote-viewer video:

Suddenly it seems likely. Not necesarily the WWIII part - that is his interpretation - but the vision itself. Also, as with all these things, lets remember it's a probable future only.
"We predicted a 9/11-style event at the end of September ... world changing event ... and within a week of us putting it up, there was the Hamas attack and then a war in Israel".

Have I missed something that big? I did hear about a cruel, inhuman, in more than one sense unprecedented, war in Palestine though. No one aspiring to be considered a reliable source should be allowed to get away with this kind of twists sneaked in unchallenged. Saying that I'm fed up with it is saying nothing. We know it too well: A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

As Assad said, quoted a few posts after that remote viewer:

"What intersects between the Syrian war, the war in Palestine, the war on Ukraine, the South China Sea conflict, Venezuela and others, is that all these wars waged by the West, particularly America, and are primarily based on controlling not only the land, but more importantly, the narrative."
Some items from today's telegram rounds

Next Breaking news to be aired around the world - Video of a doctor from a hospital confessing every thing Israel wants.
The Israeli propagandists got everything sorted in one video. The head of the Kamal Adwan hospital in Gaza kidnapped days ago by the occupation army "confessed" to being a member of Hamas himself, doctors and nurses are also trained members of Hamas, and the hospitals are military outposts full of armed men. Hamas also has a special ambulance for unknown purposes.

◾️With this video the Israeli propaganda pretends to justify all the war crimes committed so far, their killing and kidnapping of medical staff and their brutal raids and attacks on hospitals, and the targeting of ambulances and rescue crews as well. Israeli politicians and authorities have said it all along, there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, everyone is Hamas terrorists including the children.

◾️Far from stopping their genocididal attacks the Israeli keeps producing propagandistic material to justify before the West the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip.

Some Numbers : More and More children are unaccounted. 1.8 million displaced, 355,000 infected with infectious diseases.

⁃ 74 days since the start of the genocididal war.

26,667 killed and missing persons:

8,000 children.

⁃ 6,200 women.

⁃ 310 health and medical staff.

⁃ 35 civil and rescue workers.

⁃ 97 journalists.

7,000 missing, 70% of them children and women.

⁃ 52,586 injured.

⁃ 99 health staff kidnapped by the IDF.

⁃ 8 journalists kidnapped.

1.8 million displaced in the Gaza Strip.

355,000 infected with infectious diseases due to displacement.

⁃ 126 government headquarters destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 90 schools and universities completely destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 282 schools and universities partially destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 112 mosques completely destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 200 mosques partially destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 3 churches targeted and destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 52,600 residential units completely destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 254,000 residential units partially destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 23 hospitals taken out of service by the occupation.

⁃ 53 health centers taken out of service by the occupation.

⁃ 140 health institutions partially destroyed by the occupation.

⁃ 102 ambulances completely
Yemeni Impact:
David vs Goliath cost: $2000 drone vs $2 Million missile - No, problem, US can print it

US worried about the cost of keeping the Red Sea "safe" from Houthis:

- For every $2000 Yemeni drone fired towards occupied Palestine, a $2,000,000 American missile must be launched to intercept.

◾️According to Politico, 38 Yemeni drones or missiles have been shot down by the American navy in the past two months above the Red Sea. The cost might have reached $76 million with no accomplishments, as Yemeni missiles continue to reach occupied Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat) and are either intercepted by the Iron Dome or reach and destroy their targets.

Public Mobilization in Yemen: This will be REAL problem West have to "manage". Imagine one drone sinks one US or British Ship? US will go to the war in Yemen on the behalf of "God's chosen people"
Public mobilization in Yemen to confront the international coalition led by Zionist and American forces that want to lift the blockade of Israeli ships in the red sea.
Desperate Logic:
Daniella Weiss, head of an Israeli settler movement speaks about ethnic cleansing in Gaza:

- The settlers want to see the sea. That is a logical and romantic demand. Gaza must be erased so that we can see the sea.
Evil and much possible one of the many cases.

UN Human Rights Office - OPT: Unlawful killings in Gaza City
On 19 December 2023, between 2000 and 2300 hours, IDF reportedly surrounded and raided Al Awda building, also known as the “Annan building”, in Al Remal neighborhood, Gaza City, where three related families were sheltering in addition to Annan family. According to witness accounts circulated by media sources and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, while in control of the building and the civilians sheltering there, the IDF allegedly separated the men from the women and children, and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men, mostly aged in their late 20’s and early 30’s, in front of their family members. The IDF then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room, and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, reportedly seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child. OHCHR has confirmed the killings at Al Awdabuilding, although the details and circumstances of the killings are still under verification. IDF has not released any information on the incident.
Some items from today's telegram rounds

Next Breaking news to be aired around the world - Video of a doctor from a hospital confessing every thing Israel wants.

Some Numbers : More and More children are unaccounted. 1.8 million displaced, 355,000 infected with infectious diseases.

Yemeni Impact:
David vs Goliath cost: $2000 drone vs $2 Million missile - No, problem, US can print it

Public Mobilization in Yemen: This will be REAL problem West have to "manage". Imagine one drone sinks one US or British Ship? US will go to the war in Yemen on the behalf of "God's chosen people"

Desperate Logic:
These numbers make it pretty obvious, despite however the West / Israel might try to spin it - it's just a straight up slaughter of the Palestinian people and their Nation.. their way of live, their culture. You can't look at these numbers and think it's anything but that.
These numbers make it pretty obvious, despite however the West / Israel might try to spin it - it's just a straight up slaughter of the Palestinian people and their Nation.. their way of live, their culture. You can't look at these numbers and think it's anything but that.
If you think, I am supporting Israel by wording it as "Some numbers", that is not my intent. This is how I see it. George Gurdjieff categorized functioning of 1000 I's into 3 categories (aka centers) - emotional, intellectual and mechanical centers. Each center has their own function and proper decision is based on these center functions under specific context of the situation.

No amount of emotions can explain the current situation. If the numbers tell you where Israel is coming from, it serves that purpose. Unfortunately, emotions are the things PTB had used to control us so that we don't see the bigger picture.
Posted by Censored men on X

Israel Attempt To Artificially Change The Narrative

A lot of the "support" you see for Israel online is not organic.

In this thread we'll go through how Israel attempt to artificially change the narrative regarding Palestine - Israel.

Israel's Losing The Social Media War 🇮🇱❌

A study done by Israeli Channel 12, shows us that less than 10% of all social media posts regarding Palestine - Israel, are in support of Israel.

Israel is more desperate now than ever to attempt to change the narrative online.

Israeli Bot Farms 🇮🇱👾

Many content creators have recently been reporting that Israelis are using "Bot Farms" in order to flood Pro-Palestinian content with Pro-Israeli comments.

Another desperate attempt to artificially change the narrative online.

Video 1

Israel Paying Millions To Advertise 💰🇮🇱

Israel have spent MILLIONS of dollars on advertising since October 7th.

They primarily target Pro-Palestinian posts, in an attempt to prevent people feeling sympathetic to those suffering at the hands of Israel in Gaza.

Multiple troubled parents have also reported that Israel have advertised explicit content on children's games like 'Angry Birds' and also the family friendly version of YouTube, 'YouTube Kids'.

Video 2

Israel Paying Influencers/Brands To Support Them 💰🇮🇱

Israel have a history of paying influencers, celebrities and brands to post content in support of them.

A leaked document from the "Jewish Internet Defence Force" shows us the rates they paid influencers to show support for Israel online in 2020.


Israel Tricking Celebrities Into Visiting Their Country ✈️🇮🇱

Comedian 'Bobby Lee' explained how Israel tricked him into visiting their country.

He explains how he was told he was getting a free trip to Israel, 5 star hotel, first class flight, the whole shebang.

However, when he got to Israel, he was told that he had to make positive posts on social media DAILY about Israel.

This made him feel super uncomfortable, and he even said:

"I wish I hadn't gone really."

Video 3

Israel Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel (Oli London) 🇮🇱🤡

Oli London has been a laughing stock for the entirety of his online "career" due to him constantly having plastic surgery, changing genders, changing pronouns and essentially doing anything for attention.

However, he's currently one of the most prolific Zionist voices on X.

Oli London has had his X account since 2009, yet he only mentioned Israel once in a tweet before October 7, and that 1 tweet was about Israel putting a rainbow coloured Union Jack outside their embassy in London, nothing to do with Palestine - Israel.

Even on October 7th, Oli London said Israel was also committing war crimes.

"Civillians on both sides are being subjected to unspeakable war crimes."

So why has one of the internet's biggest grifters, who found about Israel & Palestine on October 7th, all of a sudden turned into a hardcore Zionist who gets invited to Israel and wears a Ministry of Foreign Affairs vest?

Well we know Israel have a history of paying influencers, (if you'd even call him that), to support them, but damn...

Oli London?

Yeah Israel's scraping the bottom of the barrel alright.


Israel Are Getting Desperate 🇮🇱😵‍💫

Israel know they are the oppressor and not the victim.

Israel is trying everything to make YOU 🫵 think they are the victim and Palestine is the oppressor.

Unfortunately for them, people are not that stupid.

If you stand with the oppressed, you stand with Palestine.

Palestine will be free 🇵🇸♥️
Thank you seek10 for the long and thoughtful post 💌🍀

Been thinking about the matrix quite a lot lately and so it is quite à propos
Dekel :hug2: I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to find information you can trust, or even find the time and space to think things through objectively and gather knowledge. Your current circumstances are incredibly challenging!!!!!! and I find it amazing you have managed to maintain your equilibrium so well... I can only try to imagine how phenomenally exhausted and traumatised you are on so many levels, and all around you.

Many people in Gaza would be sharing information, passing on things they have heard or seen which I guess can get very distorted as the info passes from one person to the next, I am sure it must be hard to know what is true, partly true or just propaganda that is being intentionally spread to influence or frighten you all, mess even more with your heads. Also, given the horrific situation for all in Palestine and limited power/resources/access to internet, I guess due to power issues you would be limited with your ability to be online for extended periods to try to seek authentic information that you can verify yourself or via sources you can trust (ie: this forum and the many people contributing posts here). You are dealing with so much in between just trying to survive, ensure you have access to food, water and resources to help you and your family - and your wider community - who you are clearly also doing your best to help.

My heart and prayers go out to you, to everyone who is suffering, as do the hearts and prayers of so many souls all over the world. What I am seeing you all being subjected to every single day is just so incredibly shocking, so heart wrenching, emotions rise up in me that I truly struggle to find words for: definitely intense rage, abject disgust, profound shock at the EVIL I see being perpetuated in Palestine (and all over the planet), but also an aching grief and deep sorrow for my fellow human beings and their 2D companions that at times is incredibly overwhelming. We, all over the world, are only witnessing what is happening in Palestine, we are not present experiencing the shock and trauma and inhumane conditions you are suffering directly - and at the same time, I know we are only seeing tiny fragments of what is really going on, I know we truly don't comprehend how horrific it is (unless one has actually lived through war). I do hope some of the posts here give you greater awareness that people collectively GENUINELY do care, are paying attention, speaking out, crying out, screaming out - and millions, are standing in solidarity with you all - and one another, daily. Many people are coming up with creative pathways to take action and have some kind of empowering influence on the narrative and actions regarding this toxic, unspeakably disgusting situation you are all enduring - and have been enduring for generations. The dark agenda and its henchmen are being illuminated, recognised and revealed as the dark entities they are more and more... and people are waking up, getting very ANGRY... Righteous Anger is definitely rising powerfully.

As suggested by others, I respectfully encourage you to consider that it might help you to start your own thread and share - or post on the one created by Joe 'How are you feeling?' You can share and ask for feedback, for clarification about issues/subjects you are unsure of, use it as an opportunity to discuss what you personally are thinking / feeling / seeing / experiencing / hearing from others you have contact with, you can gain knowledge about aspects of the 'Work'. There are so many incredible people here with such a powerful knowledge base who have been working so hard on themselves for years who are willing to support you - you only need ask.

If you feel it is too draining/painful to share and exchange energy here, you just don't feel up to it, or if it isn't feasible because of your situation - issues with power+internet - that kind of thing, I completely understand... no pressure, but if you do have the opportunity to share and feel open to giving it a go, there might be some really helpful offerings from others who have a great deal of knowledge and objectivity. The C's so often have spoken about networking...

A: Always "Network". Networking is 4th Density STO concept seeping into 3rd density with upcoming realm border crossing.

(DM) Networking is the way to get things done from 3rd level into 4th level?

A: Coming from 4th level into 3rd because of influence of wave.

Q: (DM) So, each of us has a skill that we develop and help each other. (L) We are all part of a body.

I thought this was interesting about our opinions:
Q: (T) Okay, what are my sacred cows somewhat?

A: Your opinions.

Q: (T) My opinions are sacred cows? Which opinions, I have too many of them. My opinions on what?

A: Many issues that might be opened to greater awareness by the act of networking with many perspectives. It is important to not close any doors.

Q: (T) True, but then my opinions are extremely outrageous and I offend a lot of people with them. (J) Or are you closing doors. (T) Am I closing doors by not expressing my opinions?

A: Doors are closed by not working with the challenges to opinions of equal "strangeness."

Q: (T) But opinions are opinions and offending someone is a totally different thing and I don't have any interest in offending people with my opinions. (L) I don't think that was the point. You only talk to people who don't have strange opinions. (T) Umm, well I talk to people with really strange opinions that make me look almost normal. (J) It says, "Doors are closed by not working with the challenges to opinions of equal strangeness." (A) Normally the point is that when you have a strong opinion and the opinion clashes with someone else's opinion there's a conflict and the question is: you can say I don't care or you can try to resolve the conflict by analyzing and being open to changing your opinion; not necessarily agreeing with someone else's opinion. But by analyzing the two different things you can make a step to see how changing your opinion in a certain completely new direction is possible. You see, this is black, this is white. Okay, what can we make of this? Well, we may find out that there is a whole spectrum of colors that we can discover a rainbow, you see. Oh my god, huh, a rainbow! (J) When I did not see your white to my black neither of us saw the stuff in between. (L) Well, one of the things we've seen that happens with the group is somebody will have an opinion, I'll have an opinion, anybody can have an opinion, but they'll say we don't really like to talk about opinions too much, you've seen this, you can say you have an opinion and somebody will say 'On what do you base your opinion, explain it.' And usually, in the course of explaining an opinion, they'll say 'Oh, huh, okay let's think about this opinion,' and then everybody will talk about the opinion. And then, in the end, we may still have the same opinion but for a different reason than we had when we started out. Or, we may change it. (A) But I think the main point is probably that people learn that this exchange or this networking is not just the obstruction of difficult discussion, but that it has direct application to their lives. They want to do something like to be free of programming or to see to some internal line or to see the matrix working on everyone of them; to note, to see, to interpret things that happen to them in terms of the general framework and better understand their own place. And then it becomes a practical thing and that's why people learn that being open to what is new, you can notice things that are useful.

And on 'tuning in', increasing awareness...
A: Networking provides solutions, and not just on the computer!!! {…} Remember, you learn on an exponential curve, once you have become "tuned in." This means that you become increasingly able to access the universal consciousness. Please learn to trust your increasing awareness. All who are present here are at one point or another on that cycle, or one point or another on that cycle of progression, some further along than others. If you properly network without prejudice, you may all wind up at the same point on this cycle. We also mean that you can access the universal consciousness to find the answers to otherwise unseen truths…

Last word from Laura 🤗
(L) Yeah, that's true. I've found myself to be wrong in my own thinking so many times that I came to rely on not just the Cs but on networking and kind of being ruthless about trying to peel away what's going on even in my own head. While it is true that when you hear something promoted by the media or even alternative sources that have not done any work on themselves, you can almost assume that the truth is exactly the opposite of what they are saying. But that isn’t always true. They are tricky. Think about “Protocol 17” – there’s a program for everyone.

Dekel please know, by sharing the above quotes I am not saying your thinking is 'wrong': I am saying that by sharing a little here directly/networking/discussing issues, others might have greater insight and a clearer understanding about how you are feeling, how you see things; particularly if you are able to expand on your thoughts a bit more. I think people may be misunderstanding some of the things you are saying, but also you may possibly be misunderstanding some of them too. Written communication can be fraught with misinterpretation or appear loaded with 'charge'... sometimes we can be a bit sensitive, (understandable when someone is very stressed) sometimes others are not always sensitive enough (they too can be stressed), we are all humans being human but generally most people here are pretty wonderful and there are many people who genuinely care.

If you do share, you may be offered some really helpful info/threads/links that support you through the times ahead in ways that could build on what you have already learned here; perhaps there are some 'gemstones' you have missed here that others could shine a light on, if you feel open / willing to ask. If nothing else, it might just be good to offload what you are feeling, it must be exhausting trying to hold it together and be strong for everyone around you.

No pressure ok? Do what feels right for you. We are here for you no matter what.

Prayers of Light-Love
and hugs filled with warmth, strength, reassurance and unwavering Faith.

And remember:
Q: (L) What did they tell us once... it's not where you are, but who you are and what you see that counts.
Dekel :hug2: I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to find information you can trust, or even find the time and space to think things through objectively and gather knowledge. Your current circumstances are incredibly challenging!!!!!! and I find it amazing you have managed to maintain your equilibrium so well... I can only try to imagine how phenomenally exhausted and traumatised you are on so many levels, and all around you.

Many people in Gaza would be sharing information, passing on things they have heard or seen which I guess can get very distorted as the info passes from one person to the next, I am sure it must be hard to know what is true, partly true or just propaganda that is being intentionally spread to influence or frighten you all, mess even more with your heads. Also, given the horrific situation for all in Palestine and limited power/resources/access to internet, I guess due to power issues you would be limited with your ability to be online for extended periods to try to seek authentic information that you can verify yourself or via sources you can trust (ie: this forum and the many people contributing posts here). You are dealing with so much in between just trying to survive, ensure you have access to food, water and resources to help you and your family - and your wider community - who you are clearly also doing your best to help.

My heart and prayers go out to you, to everyone who is suffering, as do the hearts and prayers of so many souls all over the world. What I am seeing you all being subjected to every single day is just so incredibly shocking, so heart wrenching, emotions rise up in me that I truly struggle to find words for: definitely intense rage, abject disgust, profound shock at the EVIL I see being perpetuated in Palestine (and all over the planet), but also an aching grief and deep sorrow for my fellow human beings and their 2D companions that at times is incredibly overwhelming. We, all over the world, are only witnessing what is happening in Palestine, we are not present experiencing the shock and trauma and inhumane conditions you are suffering directly - and at the same time, I know we are only seeing tiny fragments of what is really going on, I know we truly don't comprehend how horrific it is (unless one has actually lived through war). I do hope some of the posts here give you greater awareness that people collectively GENUINELY do care, are paying attention, speaking out, crying out, screaming out - and millions, are standing in solidarity with you all - and one another, daily. Many people are coming up with creative pathways to take action and have some kind of empowering influence on the narrative and actions regarding this toxic, unspeakably disgusting situation you are all enduring - and have been enduring for generations. The dark agenda and its henchmen are being illuminated, recognised and revealed as the dark entities they are more and more... and people are waking up, getting very ANGRY... Righteous Anger is definitely rising powerfully.

As suggested by others, I respectfully encourage you to consider that it might help you to start your own thread and share - or post on the one created by Joe 'How are you feeling?' You can share and ask for feedback, for clarification about issues/subjects you are unsure of, use it as an opportunity to discuss what you personally are thinking / feeling / seeing / experiencing / hearing from others you have contact with, you can gain knowledge about aspects of the 'Work'. There are so many incredible people here with such a powerful knowledge base who have been working so hard on themselves for years who are willing to support you - you only need ask.

If you feel it is too draining/painful to share and exchange energy here, you just don't feel up to it, or if it isn't feasible because of your situation - issues with power+internet - that kind of thing, I completely understand... no pressure, but if you do have the opportunity to share and feel open to giving it a go, there might be some really helpful offerings from others who have a great deal of knowledge and objectivity. The C's so often have spoken about networking...

I thought this was interesting about our opinions:

And on 'tuning in', increasing awareness...

Last word from Laura 🤗

Dekel please know, by sharing the above quotes I am not saying your thinking is 'wrong': I am saying that by sharing a little here directly/networking/discussing issues, others might have greater insight and a clearer understanding about how you are feeling, how you see things; particularly if you are able to expand on your thoughts a bit more. I think people may be misunderstanding some of the things you are saying, but also you may possibly be misunderstanding some of them too. Written communication can be fraught with misinterpretation or appear loaded with 'charge'... sometimes we can be a bit sensitive, (understandable when someone is very stressed) sometimes others are not always sensitive enough (they too can be stressed), we are all humans being human but generally most people here are pretty wonderful and there are many people who genuinely care.

If you do share, you may be offered some really helpful info/threads/links that support you through the times ahead in ways that could build on what you have already learned here; perhaps there are some 'gemstones' you have missed here that others could shine a light on, if you feel open / willing to ask. If nothing else, it might just be good to offload what you are feeling, it must be exhausting trying to hold it together and be strong for everyone around you.

No pressure ok? Do what feels right for you. We are here for you no matter what.

Prayers of Light-Love
and hugs filled with warmth, strength, reassurance and unwavering Faith.

And remember:
forest_light, your post is beautiful and thoughtful and I agree with everything you are saying.

I currently reside in Tel Aviv, just wanted to make that clear. Does this mean I agree with what "Israel" is doing, certainly NOT. My leanings are far removed from the party line, and many here share the same views. People are livid, as they should be.

With roots in Iraq, my arabic is dusty, but I do have arabic speaking friends, and I am doing what I can to help those in need during this craziness.

Any one of us (in the forum, in the world..) could have been born in Gaza. Any one of us could have, and still might be, subject to extermination.

I would like for you to know that everywhere, there exist people who see through the lies, on many different levels.
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