Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Douglas Murray just makes my blood boil. What a condescending, self-righteous, psychopathic liar.

Cenk didn't do a good job of representing the Palestinian cause, but at least his conscience is still intact.

Make sure you have a barf bag in case you decide to put yourself through this ordeal.

I used to like Douglas Murray. I thought it was courageous of him to denounce how minority politics were used at the detriment of the majority's interests. I thought men like him and JP were men of concience, but when stakes became high with Covid and Ukraine he didn't questioned anything. Turns out he's more interested in his career and pleasing his Zionists "friends" than making a stand for justice. The guy's a smooth talker and that's about it.

... Western economic concerns

The Yemeni operations in the Red Sea – which is key to the global maritime trade – have created a massive problem for the Western economy, which is highly dependent on the import of energy, raw materials and finished products from Asia via the sea route that passes through Bab-el-Mandeb.

Due to the recent escalation, many of the world's largest shipping companies have decided to avoid Bab-el-Mandeb and use an alternative sea route around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope.

This route adds 3,200 miles and nine extra days of travel on a typical journey between Asia and Europe, which makes it a much more expensive option compared to the shorter Suez route.

The additional fuel charges for the journey generally run more than $30,000 per day, depending on the vessel, or around $300,000 total for the longer trip.

Commercial carriers have thus already introduced a $700 surcharge on each container sailing the longer route, and typical ocean container ships, depending on size, carry from 3,000 to 24,000 containers.

Considering this, it is estimated that the additional price for the flow of Asian goods to Europe will rise to $2 billion per month, which in turn would fuel a higher final price and inflation in the West.

In addition to extra costs, longer shipping times imply delays in delivery, shortages and general disruption of national economies, thus multiplying the problems.

US-Israeli naval alliance

All of the problems cited above can be avoided if the United States follows Yemen's advice and forces the Israeli regime to end its genocidal campaign against Gaza.

However, Washington, which has demonstrated its direct complicit in the Israeli war on Gaza, is clearly not interested in de-escalation, which is why it announced a naval coalition with allied countries.

This shaky alliance has Israeli roots, as the announcement of its creation came in the same week that Israeli regime premier Benjamin Netanyahu asked US President Joe Biden to “stop” Yemen.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that they were negotiating with several countries to create the broadest naval coalition aimed at "protecting freedom of navigation."

According to the initial announcements, this group sounded spectacular because it was supposed to include a fleet composed of warships from at least ten countries, headed by Washington.

Worldwide rejections

It was even supposed to be wider than Western, because the Pentagon imagined that China, a country that exports massively to Europe and North America via that sea route, would join the coalition, but Beijing flatly rejected the proposal.

Refusals also came from two traditionally friendly Arab countries as well as major navies straddling Red Sea shores, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which have said they have no interest in engaging the fraternal Arab country in the south.

Disappointments for American war-mongers did not end there, as major ally Australia also refused to jump on the anti-Yemen bandwagon, saying that it was not ready to send its warships to the Red Sea.

The final blow was confirmed when European NATO members, France, Italy and Spain, also refused to send their vessels to the US-led coalition and said that they would only operate under the command of NATO or the EU, not the United States.

France's Defense Ministry explicitly said his country’s ships would stay under French command and did not say if they would deploy more naval forces.

Italy's Defense Ministry said the country would send the naval frigate Virginio Fasan to the Red Sea to protect its national interests, as a response to specific requests made by Italian shipowners, not the US.

Spain's Defense Ministry said the country would only participate in NATO-led missions or EU-coordinated operations
. "We will not participate unilaterally in the Red Sea operation," it said.

Of the loyal American allies who have decided to officially participate in the coalition, Canada will send three staff officers, the Netherlands two, and Denmark one.

Additionally, Seychelles offers its participation to "providing and receiving information," without deploying any vessels or personnel, and Bahrain offers headquarters.

The reasons for the worldwide refusal to participate lie in the fact that all countries are aware that the US-led coalition is only a cover for the protection of Israeli interests.

And, more importantly, they realize that the Yemeni military is not a ragtag army anymore. It is a force to reckon with, possessing the most advanced military weapons in the region.

Yemeni Defense Minister’s warning that they would turn the Red Sea into a “graveyard” of the US-led alliance if it goes ahead with the provocative plan evidently prompted the change in plans in the West..
Thank you Chu and Alana for your last 2 posts of inspiring and encouraging words at this time. We persevere as you know, albeit as the evil behemoth looms larger and larger. With the painful emotions comes the conscience forever questioning inside what more can I do? Am I doing enough? Does it make any difference - despite the advice and guidance we have been given over the years. Memory doesn't always appear to remind us each instantly. So it truly helps again when such summaries of encouragement appear as the beacon we need, despite that inner voice keeping you to the milstone when most other people have 'better things to do'.
It is to 'bear witness' to the suffering and atrocities, however hard it is - it can never be as hard as what the sufferers, martyrs (I don't wish to say victims), are going through.

I also wish to say a big thank you to MJF, Adobe, Thiorborn and many others who have linked all the complicated history together so we get the true objective picture. Rather than just recalling certain aspects of our learning/studies. Here we truly can see the Uk, USA, Zionist collaborations - the continual reneging of the Uk especially - plus the threads of their conspiring, complicity that spread like octupus tentacles of duplicity, subterfuge, upheavals, occupation, slaughter, massacres, genocide - the list is endless!

It takes continued dedication to unravel the truth, as we know from the mammoth task Laura undertook. Sadly few people actually know this objective truth, and I doubt whether they will learn it in this lifetime even. How could they? We are learning every day on this forum plus had the right foundation that Laura gave us in the first place!

However, the most exciting and encouraging 'payback' for 'watching the show' is we are also the few (thanks to the foundational knowledge gleaned), that can and do witness the incredible progress that is being made, relatively exponentially really, behind the scenes by brave and committed souls such as Putin, and others who have been forced into action due to these 'events', not forgetting the intrepid reporters who have lost their lives in the cause of TRUTH.

Thank you to EVERYONE

Especially the C's whose sessions we all look forward to, who also encourage as well as prepare us. x

None of us are perfect, or we wouldn't be here, but still we try to do our BEST. :-)

One killed in car explosion in Netanya in possible hit attempt​

A car exploded in the central city of Netanya earlier this morning, killing one person in an incident being treated as a possible assassination, the Israel Police says in a statement.
The Wiki for Netanya, says it is named "after Nathan Straus"
Nathan Straus (January 31, 1848 – January 11, 1931) was an American businessman and philanthropist who co-owned two of New York City's largest department stores, R. H. Macy & Company and Abraham & Straus.[1] He was the namesake for the Israeli city Netanya.
The Macy stores appear in the well-known B&W Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street, from 1947. Here are just a few lines:
On the morning of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the man playing Santa Claus is drunk. An old man named Kris Kringle discovers this and indignantly complains to event director Doris Walker. Noticing that Kris resembles Santa Claus, Doris persuades Kris to play Santa in the parade himself. Kris is well received and is subsequently hired to play Santa at Macy's New York City store on 34th Street.

The toy department head, Mr. Shellhammer, instructs Kris to recommend overstocked items to undecided shoppers. Instead, Kris directs a woman to another store to fulfill her son's Christmas request. Impressed, the woman informs Shellhammer that she will become a loyal Macy's customer.

Attorney Fred Gailey, Doris's neighbor, takes Doris's daughter, Susan, to see Santa. After hearing Kris speak Dutch to an orphan girl from the Netherlands, Susan is amazed. Doris, who has raised Susan to not believe in fairy tales, asks Kris to tell Susan "the truth", but Kris insists that he really is Santa Claus.
Notice the confluence of Netanyahu/Netanya, Netanya-Nathan Straus -> Nathan Straus-R. H. Macy & Company, New York, USA. And from the Macy store, further out-> Miracle on 34th Street, Christmas time (1947), the year the CIA was formed:
Following the dissolution of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) at the end of World War II, President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Group under the direction of a Director of Central Intelligence by presidential directive on January 22, 1946,[8] and this group was transformed into the Central Intelligence Agency by implementation of the National Security Act of 1947.
Coincidences? If not only, is there also a signature? If there is a signature, who is signing? It would be high-ups STS, I guess, but what is the intention?
The ethnic cleansing plan in plain sight, again. Now they are calling it 'voluntary emigration' and arguing that the world should do a 'humanitarian gesture' by welcoming Palestinians in their countries. That is, the guys bombing the place to make it uninhabitable are saying this. It doesn't get any more psychopathic than that.

Bashar el Assad's speech is not that controversial, most of it is things almost everybody knows. However, the "full" speech is worth listening to IMO. The comparison of the 6 million to the soviet deaths is just an introduction (some people are more important than others in politics discourse etc.). I don't know if there are precise translations (they're are never 100% precise anyway) but he talks about the importance of knowledge and awareness for protection against propaganda, and the importance of a long view of history in politics instead of short-term gains, and having solid moral principles. No wonder he get along with modern Russia. More precisely, no wonder psychopaths hate him.

For some additional "visual" context of what Shlomo Sand discusses in his book, maybe some may find this video interesting:
Basically, Palestinians today and Levantines in general (Palestinians + Lebanese) are not very different from the people who inhabited the region thousands of years ago.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israeli forces will not lower the intensity of fighting and are “deepening operations in southern Gaza”, with the air force hitting 100 targets in 24 hours.
  • United Nations chief Antonio Guterres has appointed Sigrid Kaag as Gaza’s aid coordinator, but the path ahead for humanitarian relief remains difficult with no breaks in fighting.
  • Herzi Halevi, the Israeli army’s chief of staff, says the war on Gaza will continue for “many months”.
  • In Gaza, at least 20,915 people have been killed and 54,918 wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7. The revised death toll from Hamas’s attack on Israel stands at 1,139.

Psychotic behavior of the Israeli Army

So I’m thinking that the next move is Israel creates a false flag “Iranian retaliation” for killing Mousavi, giving it “Casus Belli” to declare war on Iran with full support of the West. This could’ve been the plan from the start.

Maybe I’m a step behind everyone else, and it’s been obvious to y’all, but that’s where I’ve arrived at this point.😄
*Northcliffe was also the boss of the author and commentator Douglas Reed who wrote the Controversy of Zion, a book that has been mentioned before on this Forum and is well worth reading.
Interesting that.
Yet somehow the Churchill myth still survives since as recently as 2002 he was voted by a BBC poll of the British people as the 'Greatest Briton' who ever lived.
A brief divergence:

According to Nigel Farage, when asked the question at around 2:00 min. mark (yes it goes back to this 2002 date) it seems that the Churchillian myth is still very much alive and well, and beating in the hearts of the people and apparently Nigel's.

Somewhere in bowels' of officialness in Washington, are letter exchanges between Churchill and Roosevelt, after Churchill tried to pass off a gift of a forged painting with the artists name lifted out and his name made over it in oils, and was caught be Franklin, tisk, tisk, according to historian David Irving.
I find the Churchill myth a sign of how massively propgandised the British are. My grandmother met Churchill during the WW2 when he visited the area of Hammersmith she lived in after heavy bombing. She hated him then, and hated him to her dying day as she said he was corrupt and prolonged the war for his own benefit. Alot of her generation thought the same, but they have passed away and the propganda is all people now know.
Some news from the "Yemeni front",

Yemeni Houthis attack United cargo ship with anti-ship missiles​

According to the movement’s spokesman Yahya Saria, the Houthis attacked the ship after it ignored the demand to change course three times

DUBAI, December 27. /TASS/. Yemeni Houthi rebels launched anti-ship missiles at the United cargo ship, the movement’s spokesman Yahya Saria said.

"The Yemeni Navy carried out an operation against the United commercial ship, which was attacked by anti-ship missiles," he told the Al Masirah TV channel.

According to the spokesman, the Houthis attacked the ship after it ignored the demand to change course three times. Saria also said that the Houthis will continue to attack Israel-affiliated commercial ship, despite the establishment of the US-led international coalition for protection of the freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.

According to the Marine Traffic, the United carried the flag of Liberia. Last time, the ship transmitted its location at 16:12 (local time) on December 26. At that moment, the ship was in the southern part of the Red Sea not far from the Yemeni port of Hudaydah."

Al-Masirah " is a Yemeni TV channel which was founded and is owned by the Ansarullah movement (Houthis). The TV channel is headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon."


Armed Forces: Military targets in area of Um Al-Rashrash (aka Eilat) and other areas in occupied Palestine were struck by a number of drones​


The following article from same Yemeni TV channel, clarifies their stance:


What Outcomes for Yemen-US Direct Red Sea War?​

Middle East:The coalition formed by the United State in the Red Sea is nothing but a blatant failure. It's an international maritime alliance, largely Atlantic, with Bahrain's involvement, labeled as international due to its participation.​

Bahrain fundamentally exists as a virtual emirate, sustained as an American base hosting the Fifth Fleet. Without the shield of the island, it would have transformed a long time ago.

The pride of American industries and the strength of its might are exemplified in this alliance. It serves as indisputable evidence of strategic shifts in the region and the world.

Significantly, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Djibouti, and Eritrea declined participation, even nominally and publicly. Their refusal was as if they spat in the face of the filthy and arrogant America.

Furthermore, the US and its coalition lack the strength to provoke Yemen, a symbol of Arab dignity and pride. If they attempt, it will be a pivotal moment for Yemen, and it would be deserved.

Imagine if the US and its Atlantic coalition dared to engage with Yemen, and Yemen responded and clashed with its navy, inflicting casualties. The US might won't succeed in Yemen unless it resorts to destroying and killing, targeting hospitals, rescue teams, thus completing its moral and ethical decline, reverting to its origin as a puppet of Israel, a manufactured state led by gangs, not formed by genuine nations, peoples, and states.

The next day, America will become a laughingstock in the balance of global power, and the naval realm a dwarf, while Yemen will regain its place as a giant.

In our town, there's a saying: "A man who fights a boy becomes a dwarf, while the boy becomes a giant." Imagine if Ansarullah kept their promise and commitment to Palestine; they won't lose anything and won't fear the unknown.

It's certain that Yemen possesses missiles capable of closing the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb, striking warships and carriers that dare to.

Yemen has ground-to-sea missiles, supersonic and precise, with a range of over 1,500 kilometers. Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has described Yemen as a state and an army incomparable to the resistance factions in Lebanon and Iraq.

Imagine Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi on television saying, "Look at the aircraft carrier that terrified America burning and swallowed by the sea." Imagine how Putin's heart will dance and Xi Jinping's lips will smile. Don't be surprised or doubt it, as Sayyed Nasrallah did in the July War. Certainly, he will do it unremorseful and unafraid. If he lacks the means to deal with fleets, what can Putin and Xi do but swiftly send their fleets? Is there a better chance for China and Russia than to destroy American warships and Atlantic fleets?

Remember, Putin has a score to settle, and he doesn't sleep on betrayals or revenges; the Atlantic dared and destroyed the Moscowva destroyer in the Black Sea, and Putin withheld his wrath. The opportunity arose in the Red and Arabian Seas, led by Ansarullah.

China has built the largest and most advanced naval fleet to confront the Atlantic fleets, secure the seas and passages, advanced in marine missile manufacturing, has surplus, and Yemen needs some, and it will use them to destroy the Atlantic and American fleets.

What a golden opportunity, a thrilling stage, and strong, believing men who have decided to turn the impossible into reality. How, when the sea is theirs and the strait is their passage? America and Israel and their allies have already destroyed Yemen, impoverished it and besieged it.

It's Yemen's time, the master of the seas and the protector of the nation's dignity and sovereignty, or rather, it will become an Arab and regional player in restructuring the Gulf and its balances, and among the Arab and regional spheres.

What can America do? Where do its interests lie after its tools and allies have turned away from it, even its closest friends?

It's not a passing matter that none in the Arab and Muslim worlds and from the clans and elite who sought and imprisoned didn't participate. These are the results of the Gaza battles and the lives of its children, women, and martyred elders.

It's the time of Yemen and the peoples, the time of the Al-Aqsa Storm and the legend of Gaza and what is to come is greater.
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