Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

After having read and participated in the Mecca Mystery thread, and having Islam fairly dissected, I was somewhat surprised to be hipped to Sheik Imran Hosein by Laura herself. I’ve kept up with his posts ever since. Although there are obviously points at which Islam and the Cs greatly diverge, his overall outlook continues to be a solid source of insight.

I strongly urge you to take a half hour out of your day and listen to his latest. He continues to weave the genocide of Gaza as just the business as one hand, while it is the other we should also be mindful of. The lang game of lowering the population of the world. How the first and second world wars were simply moves in a far greater game centuries in the making. Highly recommend listening to this!

Israel Is Taking The World To Nuclear War
'That's why the US does not support ceasefire in Gaza.'

27 Dec, 2023

26 Dec, 2023

27 December 2023


'Wondering if killing civilians in Gaza would become hobby.'
I used to like Douglas Murray. I thought it was courageous of him to denounce how minority politics were used at the detriment of the majority's interests. I thought men like him and JP were men of concience, but when stakes became high with Covid and Ukraine he didn't questioned anything. Turns out he's more interested in his career and pleasing his Zionists "friends" than making a stand for justice. The guy's a smooth talker and that's about it.
I used to enjoy his him denouncing various leftists and their policies, too, but now he just looks like he's possesed. Did you notice his eyes? It's a pattern that's emerging amongst these conservative pundits who support Israel without question. They all seem unhinged. Possesed sounds appropriate to me.
I mean, the guy is openly calling for ethinc cleansing and admonishing the surrounding Arab states for not helping Israel accomplish that. The freaking gall of these people and how out of touch they are boggles the mind.
Destined for a black hole, I'd guess. What a souless troll.
May be destined for the Pit, i.e., Hell.

All theses crises, basically since 9/11 appear to be tests of humanity and each time more people fail, and those that keep failing become more susceptible to becoming mere instruments of the hyperdimensional overlords. Makes me wonder what's going to be next.
'No ceasefire in "private" conversation between Biden and Netanyahu, because they do not give a shit for the civilian casualties in Gaza.'

23 Dec 2023

By Ikram Kouachi - 24.12.2023 - Update : 24.12.2023

24 December 2023

View attachment 88327

Hi sToRmR1dR, thats the point
Came across this news item tonight during my rounds,

Israeli soldier wakes up and opens fire on his colleagues upon returning from Gaza

Several recruits were injured. The Military Investigative Police have already started an investigation into the incident.

An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldier who returned from the Gaza Strip after participating in the Hebrew country's operations in the Palestinian enclave opened fire in his bedroom, wounding his companions who were sleeping in the same room, when he woke up from a nightmare, The Jerusalem Post reported this Wednesday.

The incident took place last week at the Army Recreation Village in the southern city of Ashkelon. The soldier was there completing a rest period ordered by the Israeli military authorities, and feared suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The Military Investigative Police have already launched an investigation into the incident, but have not yet questioned the soldier due to fears related to his mental health. Currently, doctors are examining him to determine his psychological state. In an initiative announced earlier this week, Tel Aviv University (TAU) created a national PTSD clinic to treat civilians and military personnel, which will be one of the largest public mental health facilities in the country.

Not sure why I found that item to be so interesting, an IDF soldier goes to gaza to murder innocent civilians, and try to get Hamas, returns to the base for a mandated rest... and ends up shooting his mates. Why would there be weapons allowed in the sleeping chambers? if it is a controlled rest area, away from the front.

But I also thought about the training these soldiers have received to expect a menace all the time, or who knows what else might be prompting him to keep on firing and killing, no matter who. But also, maybe things are a lot worse for Israel inside Gaza than they're letting on.
Why would there be weapons allowed in the sleeping chambers? if it is a controlled rest area, away from the front.

In Israel soldiers have to carry their weapon with them everywhere, even when they are sleeping, and even if they are on leave. That's why you have images of armed Israeli soldiers (men and woman) in civilian clothes in pubs, restaurants and all other possible places.

They do indeed. If you are a combat soldier in the IDF and you are issued a weapon, that weapon (and one full magazine) stays on you at all times, day and night. You carry it around all day and sleep with it under your pillow at night - and when it's time to visit home, you take it with you and store it there under lock and key, with the magazine and firing pin removed and stored separately.

The only time you may relinquish your personal weapon is if your leave from the army is longer than 3 days - then you have to deposit it in the armory.

Maybe it wasn't like this on all the bases, like on the base that was attacked on the 7th of October. And maybe that's why the soldiers got the orders to keep the weapons with them, even while on the base. 🤷‍♀️
Yitzhak Brik, Major General of the Israeli Army Reserve:

"The number of Hamas fighters killed by our troops in the field is much less than reported in the media. Most of our deaths are from explosions of improvised explosive devices and anti—tank missiles. The image of victory is created without achieving our goals or even approaching them. It will cost too many lives. The officers fighting in Gaza say it will be impossible to stop Hamas from rebuilding."

The Israeli army has a large number of reservists and a cadre of retired officers of all ranks, who can be called up to the army if necessary. Israeli representatives, in particular, have begun to confirm how bad the current situation is.

Senior figures who had the opportunity to enter the battlefield, according to employees who left the region, talk about the same terrible situation.

The armored vehicles of the Israeli army are constantly being attacked with homemade rockets and land mines, and the fact that most of the victims come from here confirms their effectiveness.

Things are not going well in Israel, and now the voices of dissent are growing.

'm not sure if it's true because I wasn't there, and neither were you. I was referring ONLY to this event.

If they are lying about this then they are lying. I cannot say definitively what happened in that case.

It doesn't mean anything more or less than that.

While we can't know for sure of course, I think the most likely explanation is the well-known and accepted (by Israelis) "hannibal directive" whereby if hostages can't be safely rescued, then it's better they are dead than used as bargaining chips. This scenario seems to fit the directive.
I strongly urge you to take a half hour out of your day and listen to his latest. He continues to weave the genocide of Gaza as just the business as one hand, while it is the other we should also be mindful of. The lang game of lowering the population of the world. How the first and second world wars were simply moves in a far greater game centuries in the making. Highly recommend listening to this!

Good one, especially in parts of his analysis. As to his predictions, many of them don't come true, but he even admitted that on this latest (he had predicted an immediate war with Iran as the direct consequence of Oct. 7th), so he has the humility to admit when he is wrong.
Good one, especially in parts of his analysis. As to his predictions, many of them don't come true, but he even admitted that on this latest (he had predicted an immediate war with Iran as the direct consequence of Oct. 7th), so he has the humility to admit when he is wrong.
Rereadimg my post, I now realize it was so poorly written I can’t even sort out what it means!😄 note to self : stop cutting and pasting as you go! So huge points to you for making sense of it @Chu! I do of course have to separate his beliefs and Koranic prophecy from what the Cs have told us, but I’ve continued to follow his podcasts with that in mind, and I certainly enjoy it when what the Cs tell us, and the interpretations of the 2nd largest (and fastest growing) religious group in the world jive!
Wow what a diplomacy!

28 Dec, 2023

The US-led coalition for protecting vessels in the Red Sea is collapsing.

26 Dec 2023

The above is found in Arabic and uploaded on December 18, 2023. After machine, translation, the title of the 40+ minute recording is:
President al-Assad’s speech on political matters during a meeting of the Central Committee of the Arab Socialist Baath Party
More extensive notes from the meeting follow below.

I have used a translation from; the source is the article in Arabic posted on SANA (Syrian Arab News Agency). In addition, SANA has an English Bulletin where parts were translated.

For this post, I compared the Limnews translation to the Arabic consulting also Google, and Yandex, as it seems the Limnews is done using Bing. In the end, it took a lot of time to go paragraph by paragraph and try to make the best out of it. Apart from bolding the paragraph headings where they were present, I have not bolded the text, so feel free to comment

All three have the same article but the emphasis in the introductions varies.

From Limnews:
President al-Assad during the meeting of the Central Committee of the Baath Party: sticking to issues is what protects peoples and homelands
18.12.2023, 13:01:12
Highlights: President al-Assad: "What happened in Palestine broke the hegemony of the Zionist narrative" President: "If the broad public is unable to defend their homeland, then the state has no meaning and no hope" "The world knows that the terrorist is not a revolutionary and that we must know the truth," he said. "The only thing worth talking about is the Palestinian situation, especially what happened in Gaza," he added. "It is not enough to fight it our way. In a way, we have to win the war of truth"
SANA begins its Arabic article, when translated:
President al-Assad during the meeting of the Central Committee of the Baath Party: sticking to issues is what protects peoples and homelands
Damascus-SANA 2023.12.18
President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the war today is the war of truth, and what happened in Palestine broke the hegemony of the Zionist narrative globally, and that sticking to the issues protects the homeland and the Palestinian people succeeded in sticking to its cause, pointing out that the attack of Western officials to support “Israel” is the attack of a mother to protect her son and ”Israel” is the legitimate son of colonialism.

This came as part of President al-Assad's talk on the political issue during his chairmanship of the session of meetings of the party's Central Committee, which is being held to discuss the agenda of the proposal submitted on preparing to hold special elections to select party representatives to the next expanded meeting of the Central Committee.
SANA begins its English Bulletin similarly, but they translated the above word "attack" present in all engines as "rush". Both words describe the situation, but the latter is milder.
President al-Assad to al-Baath Party’s Central Committee meeting: Commitment to issues protects nations and homelands
18 December، 2023
Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad affirmed that the war today is the war of truth, and what has happened in Palestine broke the dominance of the Zionist narrative globally, adding that commitment to the issues protects homelands, and the Palestinian people succeeded in adhering to their issue, indicating that the Western officials’ rush to support “Israel” is a rush of a mother to protect her son, and Israel is the legitimate child of colonialism.

President al-Assad chaired a meeting of Central Committee of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party, saying that ...
From here on there is close correspondence, though the Bulettin, being shorter leaves out many parts and uses indirect speech and summary:
From Limnews and SANA:
The following is the full text of Mr. President's speech on the political side:
President Assad said: "The only thing worth talking about is the Palestinian situation, especially what happened in Gaza recently. What happened in Gaza changed historical facts for many years and perhaps generations, and they will not change in the foreseeable future regardless of the results of the war. Gaza was destroyed. The Palestinian people were abandoned. .. The Palestinian people were exterminated.. There are facts that have emerged, and these facts for us are lessons learned that we must think about and learn and keep in mind because they intersect greatly with what Syria experienced and with what other Arab countries, and perhaps non-Arab countries, may experience because the principles are the same for peoples and nations.
The Palestinian narrative has blown up (variously translated as 'torpedoed'/'undermined') the Zionist narrative

The most important point in this war is that World Zionism, which has dominated the narrative since the emergence of the Palestinian issue seven decades ago and perhaps from the nineteenth century for the first time, loses control over this narrative, in one aspect.. Because social media, which was the West's tool for controlling minds through the novel, through culture, through politics, through customs and traditions, controls the world in every aspect, has matured, and I mean it has matured ..The maturity of those who use it, the Peoples matured in using it, the magic turned on the magician, and Zionism lost its narrative even in its most important strongholds, including the United States, (it) does not mean that the American street has become supportive of Palestine, but it has a lot of doubts about Zionist narratives, and this greatly intersects with what we experienced in Syria at the beginning of the war, when the Arab From the restrictions on the means of communication as a new and frightening tool, including Syria, so those countries have restricted, and perhaps completely cut off the internet, unlike what we did in Syria, we have removed all restrictions based on the fact that this war is first.. It must be fought.. In a way.. The way of the enemies, it is not enough to fight it our way.

Secondly.. Based on trust in the public, if the broad public is unable to defend their homeland, then the state has no meaning and there is no hope for the state to defend its homeland, so we had a principle at the beginning of the war that our strength is in the awareness of the public and not our strength in the armed forces and in the political discourse and all these important matters, but when we say the popular incubator, it is the incubator of awareness, and we were able - not necessarily to penetrate international public opinion and we were not thinking about that, but we were able as a society to protect internal public opinion in Syria.
The war today is the war of truth, and whoever wins the truth wins the battle

President al-Assad continued: What intersects between the Syrian war, the war in Palestine, the war in Ukraine and the war in China
President Assad continued: What intersects between the Syrian war, the war in Palestine, the war in Ukraine, the war in China-South China Sea, Venezuela and others, all the wars of the West, specifically America, are based on control of the territory, but primarily on controlling the truth. Today the war is the war of truth, and who wins the truth? Of course, the truth, regardless of whether it is true or false, is the one who wins the war and the battle. Therefore, what most terrified the traitors in Syria at the beginning of the war is that the world knows and that the Syrian knows specifically and not the world that they are traitors, and that the Syrian knows that the terrorist is a mercenary and not a revolutionary, and what scares Israel today in the world is that the world knows its terrorist truth, so the battle is the battle of truth today, and we must know that the United States controlled the world before the dollar and before the fleets with the truth, and this truth began since World War II, we all learned and lived through movies Narratives and readings that the West is the enemy of Nazism, and we forgot that Nazism was the main enemy of Russia (the Soviet Union at that time).

Most of us do not know that the rise of Nazism between World War I and World War II was with American support. Everyone wonders... How was there a German collapse and European restrictions? How did they allow Nazism to rise and establish an army? With American support... with American money... with loans... with investments. I think even Ford invested, and the investments remained after the war began, and the support remained after the war began, I think perhaps during the first year, and when the Nazi plan changed, Western support changed and Europe showed that it was against that war.
America didn't fight Nazism. All Nazi leaders who collaborated with America were strengthened and honoured.

President Assad added: The continuation of this story is that everyone believes that the West triumphed over Nazism, in the "Normandy landings" this great landing, and few know that Hitler's defeat began in 1941 on the walls of Moscow almost two years after the start of the war, and the Western powers, especially the United States, were not doing any action against Nazism, and Stalin was asking America to intervene and she refuses, she wanted Nazism and communism to destroy each other, so America would take over (conrtol) Europe after Europe had also been destroyed.

The second phase of the Russian victory was in 1942 after the siege of Stalingrad and the start of the great Russian counterattack, and the Russian attack continued until the summer of 1944, meaning almost three years and the West did not fight Nazism, and I mean specifically America and not the West in general, when they discovered that the Russians were on the verge of victory, they decided to attack and hijack the victory and prevent the Russians from advancing towards Eastern Europe. Germany and others. This is the reason for the attack.

The continuation is that the famous Nuremberg trials were for Nazi leaders who refused to cooperate with America, but everyone who cooperated was strengthened and honored in America and in Western countries. The first American missiles were made by the German Nazis, NATO was founded by German officers. The governor of the Bundesbank, the closest figure to Hitler, lived honored in America, the leaders of the Ukrainian Nazis, including the leaders of the Bandera organization, died between West Germany itself and America. so having this trick is what made America control the world. The same thing is the case of the Holocaust issue, six million, there is no evidence that there were six million Jews killed, and there may have been Holocaust (crematoria), no one denies it, and there are concentration camps. True, but the evidence is that this issue is politicized and not humanitarian or real, how can we talk about six million, and not talk about the 26 million Soviets killed in that war, means six million more expensive? The same practices were on all sides, there were no methods of killing Jews, no method of torture for Jews, in all places the same method used by the Nazis, but the issue is a politicized one, to falsify the truth and later to pave the way for the transfer of Jews from Europe to other areas, namely Palestine.

So, we want to say that the battle is the battle of what we call the battle of truth, it is the same battle of awareness. If we do not have awareness we cannot have the truth, so we are surprised that today the same society that in Syria was able to withstand a complex propaganda phase and we did not have the experience at that time, and the whole world is against us, today are parts of it. Parts of this society are drowning in a kind of very simple, uncomplicated lies, simple rumors. I mean, I say we look like a world-class swimmer who won medals, who achieved records that no other swimmer achieved, but he drowned in an inch of water, here is the problem of awareness, here is the battle of awareness, we must think about this topic seriously, of course there is a deep-rooted "difficult" problem, which is the problem of state institutions in transferring information, this is the chronic problem of the state, we do not like to transfer information, it is a social habit by the way, we take it from society and devote it to responsible work, especially the government, but nevertheless the lies that appear are in the dozens daily and perhaps in the hundreds, it is not possible in all cased to follow up and issue statements in dozens and hundreds, there is a failure of the state for sure, but there is a lack of awareness in some aspects of society, and I am talking about aspects of patriotism, aspects loyal to the state, and aspects that managed in stages to face the most severe types of propaganda, the same that sometimes drowns in some rumors, this is a title that we must think of as a party and play our role, this is the role of the party in any society, any party in any society this is its role, building awareness in the first place...
What happened in Palestine in recent years has revived the issue globally
President al-Assad continued: So the first point, as I said, is the truth regarding Palestine and Gaza. The other side is the location of the Palestinian cause, in Syria, the issue of the Palestinian issue exists unconsciously, I mean, we do not think of it as an issue by virtue of the historical relationship, by virtue of the fact that we are the people of one region and one tradition, and I think that part of the other Arab countries, the situiation is the same with regard to the popular situation. Of course, I am not talking about the official situation, but in the world the situation is not like that after the Oslo Accords, most people thought that the Palestinian issue was over and resolved, and existing conflicts or existing differences are natural differences after a long struggle for decades, there must still be differences and some conflicts.

But what has happened in Palestine over the past years, not only in Gaza but culminating in Gaza, is that this issue has regained its international standing. The status before Oslo and before the peace process, this issue is no longer today the issue of a regular army respected humanitarian like the Zionist army fighting extremist, fanatic, terrorist or peace-hating groups, the issue returned to its essence and it is an occupier fighting the owner of the land, an aggressor fighting an aggressor, this is the essence of the issue, when this essence was absent globally the issue was absent or died globally, today this issue has been revived.

And the Zionists believed that their policy is always that the obsolescence of issues will lead to the emergence of generations that forget the issue, meaning like any goods that spoil over time. Why do they think this way? Because they are not a people and whoever is not a people cannot have a cause, and therefore cannot understand what it means for the cause to die or not to die. This is normal, the Zionist did not expect that issues brewing with time by statute of limitations and not vice versa, (but?) brewing., mature.. The Zionist did not expect that issues would ferment with time and not the other way around, ferment... mature. It burns more and produces more resistance and more resistance

The Palestinian people in the way they have carried their cause over generations, maybe we are now in the fourth generation, maybe or more, in Gaza, in the West Bank and in the 48 territories, have proven that they are an authentic people, that's enough. Carrying the cause proves that there is a people, and if he abandoned his cause, he would prove to the world that he is like the Jew or the so-called historical people of "Israel", and because he proved that he is an authentic people, he proved that the Israeli people are an illusion, and he torpedoed the saying of a people without a land for a land without a people. Although this case is clear, it is proven to be a lie to us. As for the world, the talk and deliberation began with the extinction of the people of Palestine, that there is no one who carries the banner of the Israeli people and says we are descendants of the people of "Israel" who became extinct in the sixth century BC. As I remember, the Jews who came to Palestine are the Jews of the Khazars east of the Caspian, they are pagans and followed the Jewish religion in the eighth century AD, they migrated to Europe and came to this region. This means that there is no relationship between them and the vanished people of “Israel,” because the people of “Israel” “The geography and history in which he lived was between Egypt, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, that is, in present-day Iraq.
Israel was not built through civilizational accumulation, but through a political decision, and politics cannot build peoples.

President al-Assad added: Therefore, when the people are not real, we look at them and see today how this people is a composite people, meaning like children’s Lego toys. From synthetic toys, we can build a person, a person one meter tall, or perhaps a person ten meters tall, and very similar to a person. The real thing, but it has no soul... it does not move... it cannot live, because societies are built through the accumulation of civilization, which has geography, history, culture, belief, and different things that build society.

“Israel” was built not through the accumulation of civilization, but through a political decision. Politics cannot build peoples and cannot establish civilizations. When politics wants to build a people, it presents us with a monster. A monster is an anomaly that lives in contradiction to the laws of nature, to the laws of humanity. Contrasting with the other peoples living around it.

Compatibility with the laws of nature creates a normal and stable human being, and contradiction with the laws of nature creates a sick and complex human being and society, such as a human being who has all the complexes of the world that cannot be fixed, so he is disturbed... afraid... violent to the point of criminality. This is what we see today in the herds of settlers, how they kill and take pleasure. With the blood of the Palestinians, this is the truth that this people are a troubled people. We see it in the actions of this Zionist army that is absolutely violent and criminal to the point of hysteria, and at the same time cowardly to the point of collapse.
Adherence to causes is what protects peoples and protects homelands (countries)

President Assad said: What does it mean that the Palestinian people succeeded in adhering to their cause? The most important lesson is that issues are what protect peoples, and they are what protect homelands. Therefore, the West worked to propagate that the new society after the fall of the Soviet Union is a society without beliefs, a society without beliefs, a society that does not carry ideology, that only carries material ideas, issues. Fast food, unhealthy eating, and fast, materialistic thoughts lead to the domination of these people.

Therefore, we must know that diplomacy... because some people theorize a lot about a diplomatic measure undertaken by Syria, why did we do this work in this place? Why didn't we walk with the flock? This means the tactic is temporary, as he does not know where the flock is headed. Why did we not go along with America, for example, in its war on Iraq when they asked us for a simple thing: that American planes go out over Syrian airspace, even though the Syrian citizen will not see them... They will be at high altitudes, because they do not know that Western and American policy in particular is asking you for help in order to protect you temporarily. But you make it stronger, and when it is stronger, it will pounce on you and destroy you. They do not know that the white bull was eaten when the black bull was eaten. They do not understand these issues. They look at things in a short-term way.

What protects us from short-sightedness is the idea of issues, so diplomacy without an issue to manage is like tactics without strategy, and it is like maneuvering but without a goal, meaning I am maneuvering in order to reach a goal, so in one of the conversations with someone a long time ago, a non-Syrian person, He was talking about Syrian intelligence in politics, and how Syria had passed different stages. He was talking about old things that were not necessarily new. I told him: No... no... intelligence does not protect. The smart one succeeds once and succeeds ten times, but the eleventh time he will fall, and falling into. national issues are disastrous. There is no room for error, and we are human beings who make mistakes and must make mistakes. I told him what protects the Syrian positions are the principles, which are the constants, and the constants stem from the issues. When we have issues, we have constants, and when we have constants, we have diplomacy that is subject to these constants. It is possible that we make mistakes in tactics on an ongoing basis, but we are not supposed to make mistakes in principled issues.

Some were talking about the Kuwait War, to go back to old examples, that President Hafez al-Assad was smart in exploiting this opportunity to stand with America, meaning that all Syrian principles turned into a state of opportunism... opportunism without principle, standing with America... Because America was a great superpower at that time, None of them, while he was at the head of a nationalist party, thought that rejecting the occupation in Kuwait was similar to rejecting the occupation in Palestine, and similar to rejecting the occupation in the Golan and anywhere else. He did not think about the issue of principle. He did not think that the issue of the occupation creates an issue that we must deal with. With it as an issue, with all regret in the current circumstances, in the current atmosphere in which the world lives, we are facing a lot of unprincipledness, so we must always devote work to the issues.

Notice that regarding the Palestinian issue, we have not heard any of the Palestinian criticize the attack of the resistance in Gaza, despite all the huge costs. Why? Because there is an issue. On the other hand, there are those in Syria who say, “What did the state provide?” Some, of course, some are opportunists. What did the state provide? What did you give to the state? No, it exists for opportunism. It takes and does not give. The same Western policy takes everything and gives nothing. So this issue is dangerous. When we lose the cause, we will lose the nation. This is the useful summary. The issue is not that we are ideologues and demagogues and are searching for major principles to which we are attached because our psychology or mentality seeks this thing simply because it is a psychological state. No, it is an interest. We are talking about an interest. We start from interests, but real interests, not narrow and opportunistic interests.
The resistance pushed Israel's nose into the dirt, despite all the support provided to the Israeli army

President Assad continued: In the same context, from the lessons of Gaza, what is the common question today? Who has lost the battle so far? We do not say who won the battle, who lost. Is it the Israeli who lost more soldiers than in most wars, reputation and many things at home? Or is it the Palestinian who lost tens of thousands of lives and whose cities were almost completely destroyed in some areas? I mean, if we want to be objective, I can say that the one who determines these losses or profits is the fighting party itself, both parties the way they see it. Every person sees the war from a different angle, and this thing if we want to measure it on the battles in Syria, the major battle or the minor battles. We can look at it from different angles, but there are comparisons, facts that cannot be jumped over, that make us look at the battle from the outside in a different way than the very superficial, unprincipled discussion that is taking place. Comparing one of the strongest armies in the world, the Israeli army is one of the strongest armies in the world, and not the region., it is certainly the strongest army in the region, at least from a technical and destructive perspective, with groups of resistance fighters who do not exceed a few brigades in this army. It is in itself an unparalleled insult. It is a scandal for the Israeli army in the military sense, not in the moral sense. “They rubbed his nose in the dirt,” quite simply.
Israel is the legitimate son of colonialism
President Assad continued: The second point, the second fact is the attack of the Western fleets to Israel during the first days with the attack of officials, not all of these came to provide support to Israel in the military sense,The support is there, the warehouses are present in all regions, in the Middle East. In Europe, it is in the service of “Israel”, so why did they do this? Because "Israel" was collapsing, and this confirms that "Israel" is first of all the legitimate son of colonialism. This attack is the mother's attack to protect her son, in this way, it is not explained in any other way, it was not to threaten Hezbollah or to threaten Iran, all this is not true because the fleets are in the Gulf and in the Mediterranean Sea and there is no need to move them a few hundred kilometers in order to change the balance, but the real message was for the collapsed Israeli society, and this confirms that this society is a complex society, meaning this society has had all the international support since the nineteenth century before "Israel" was established in its current form, in exchange for a society, besieged and internationally fought and killed by Israelis. We note the degree of cohesion and steadfastness that exists in it.
The resistance managed to break the Zionist domination of the narrative by spreading the truth and dealing morally with the prisoners
President al-Assad added: The other point is the Palestinian superiority in spreading the truth and spreading information, although even electricity, the Internet and communications are forbidden to him, but he did a media work that was really amazing for all of us, in exchange for losing the Zionist narrative, as I said a while ago, which controls the global narrative, meaning all Hollywood films over a century or more direct the entire world towards one narrative, so they were able to break the Zionist hegemony over this narrative, as I said, even in the most important arena, which is the United States of America.

The most important comparison is the moral comparison, we note how the Zionists, army and settlers, dealt with Palestinian prisoners, old and young, civilians and military, children, the elderly, men, women does not matter, brutally, in exchange for the moral treatment of the Palestinian with the Zionist prisoners, to the extent that this treatment terrified the Israeli institutions that tried in various ways to obscure the reactions of the Zionist prisoners, but they were unable to, and this comparison is not a difficult comparison, but an impossible one, and it proves that the first party, the Zionist, is not a people, or a false and fake people, and the other party is the real authentic party and this victory is a civilizational victory.
There are groups that are frustrated and want to frustrate others. We must always have a far-sighted view on national issues.
President al-Assad continued: Where does this point matter to us? We are interested in what is called the Fifth Column. The Fifth Column, you know, is basically a story that I think happened in Spain. There were four military columns, and they said to the commander, how are you going to enter? He said there is a fifth column working with him from the inside. The fifth column in our concepts now is not necessarily agents and traitors, no, there are groups that are frustrated and they are frustrated because they want to frustrate others, because when they frustrate others they feel like they are in a natural place, there is a trivial person who wants to see others as trivial, because he feels that he is in his natural place, in the natural environment. There is a coward, there is a stakeholder who wants to believe that all people think like him, so he markets his way of telling, these people. When they measure things, the comparisons that I made, I didn't ask how many captives versus how many captives? How many prisoners for how many martyrs, or how many tanks have we destroyed versus how many buildings have we lost? Matters in issues, in countries, and among peoples are not measured in this way. It is not an exchange for us to calculate profit and loss.

Here we must be careful of the way our issues are discussed, Most of them may be out of good intentions, but they are very dangerous, and this is the same point I made a while ago, when they say why did Syria not stand in certain positions with Western countries? We go back to the example of Iraq, we knew perfectly well that there was an effort before the war in 2002 for the sectarian division of Iraq, and this sectarian division meant that it would move to Syria, and we fully noticed that the discourse at the beginning of the war was absolutely sectarian, and it was supposed, if it were not for the social awareness in Syria, to blow up the country within weeks, and perhaps within months, so we must always have a far-sighted vision that we present, and comparisons that start from the way we talk about national issues, not from the issue of material calculations that have begun to dominate the existing dialogue. Here is the difference between political discourse, professional political discourse, and amateur speech. An amateur can establish a political position through digital calculations. The same thing is with the economy, there are those who say that the economy before the war had a growth rate of 7 percent, and the country was rising like a rocket, but who said that the seven percent was leading to comprehensive development? This is not true. When I asked about the economic situation before the war, I say no, the economic situation was not as good as some assume, good numbers but the reality was not good, and perhaps this contributed to the establishment of the state of war, which the West exploited, as it saw it. Perhaps most of us did not see this reality, so we must be attentive to these superficial discourses and confront them with a convincing and logical discourse based on a method of political and national measurement at the same time.

All of the above gives the answer about profit and loss, and confirms that the Zionist entity is much weaker than most people in the Arab or Islamic world or the Middle East, or perhaps in the world as a whole, imagine. It is weak because it carries internal factors of death, but it lives on with Arab oxygen, so many things that many Arabs do not understand. Unfortunately, today we see a plan - and this is also the talk of the fifth column in the issue of accounts - the Israeli plan regarding the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip towards Jordan, the alternative homeland. What is the lifespan of the alternative homeland? Declared, I think for more than five decades, and undeclared since the inception of Israel, the Palestinians have been displaced to another place, the closest is Jordan, and the same thing with the displacement of the population of Gaza towards Sinai or towards Egypt. Have all Arab tactics changed the reality of this project? Isn't it presented in the same way today? Displacement, isn't the war in Gaza and the West Bank for displacement? We ask the fifth column who was asking us in different areas, why don't we go here and not go there? What did the Arab marches offer to the Arab people, including presidents or kings? It doesn't matter the position, heads of state who have walked America for decades, did that intercede for them with America? Is there a model that says that going along at the expense of national principles will protect the homeland? If the logic of this column is correct, I will become part of the fifth column, and we will all become part of the fifth column in order to achieve the national interest, but all the facts have proven the opposite. Today it became clear that the plan is continuing without stopping. Israel will not stop its plan for Greater Israel, and it will not intercede for anyone who opened with Israel that he will be outside this plan, starting from nearby countries, to farther countries. And threats, that the Arab countries are making, rejection, denunciation and red lines, and that what is happening is a declaration of war, and a declaration of... that will not change anything. The plan is proceeding and will include everyone.
The price of resistance is less than the price of surrender

President Assad said: Therefore, because the reality is now like this, the events in Palestine since 2009 when Gaza was bombed, and later the repeated attacks on it and the attacks that began towards the West Bank, and the resistance of the young people of the West Bank, do not belong to Hamas or Fatah, they are only Palestinians. And most importantly the resistance to the operations, or the operations that arose, the resistance operations that began to be launched in the 1948 territories, all of them confirm the validity of the traditional Syrian policy in support of the resistance. And when we say support for the resistance and adherence to the resistance, we adhere to the principle of resistance. It does not matter how, how we support, how we move, other details do not concern us. We have never talked about resistance except as a principle. It proves the validity of the principle that the price of resistance is less than the price of surrender, because resistance is a quick price and can be adapted to, while the price of surrender is slow, and is similar to chronic diseases that eat a person gradually without feeling, irreversible, and leads to gradual and final death, And if the price will be paid in any case, why not pay with dignity? This is the question. It means, you will pay the price, you will pay, if not sooner it will be later. It is preferable to pay it at the time of your choice and with dignity.
The resistance today defends all Arab countries

President al-Assad added: The Syrian principle has been proven correct in that defending the resistance means defending the homeland, because Gaza today defends Palestine, Palestine defends Syria, and Palestine defends all Arab countries. The same is true for the resistance in Lebanon. The Lebanese resistance defends the south, defends all Lebanon and defends Syria, and defends the Arabs as well. I prove the validity of the Syrian position in support of the resistance because it has proved, the resistance has proven to be the strongest and most effective antidote in the face of sectarianism, because it is the unifying title, the comprehensive national title. And we all see today that the sectarian terms that used to be labeled by the various resistances, today are extinct, even the labels. No one talks today about Hamas or Hezbollah, (we are) talking today about the resistance, resistance in Palestine, resistance in Lebanon, this title is inclusive, and this title is the one that now dominates at the expense of trivial things, small things, and what are called Ruwaibidahs, are suppressed. You know the noble hadith, you heard about it. I do not remember it precisely literally, but the Holy Prophet was talking about, that years will come in which the liar will be believed and the truthful will be lied to and the trustworthy will be betrayed, all the way to... and he will pronounce Al-Ruwaibidah. So it was said, What is Ruwaibidah? He said: A trivial person who talks about public matters. Imagine that, this topic has existed for fourteen centuries. The Ruwaibidahs are part of human society, and there are many Ruwaibidahs today on social media sites, but he is not called a Ruwaibidah. He is called an expert today.. Most of them are experts.
Narratives and Authenticity
Out of the six commonly known books of aḥādith, only Ibn Mājah records one tradition regarding the Ruwaybiḍah’ in the book of tribulations (Kitāb al-Fitan), purportedly narrated upon the authority of Anas ibn Mālik.

حدثنا أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة حدثنا يزيد بن هارون حدثنا عبد الملك بن قدامة الجمحي عن إسحاق بن أبي الفرات عن المقبري عن أبي هريرة، قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سيأتي على الناس سنوات خداعات يصدق فيها الكاذب ويكذب فيها الصادق ويؤتمن فيها الخائن ويخون فيها الأمين وينطق فيها الرويبضة قيل وما الرويبضة قال الرجل التافه في أمر العامة

Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba narrated to us Yazid ibn Harun narrated to us from Abdul-Malik ibn Qudāma al-Jumaḥi from Isḥāq ibn Abi al-Furāt from al-Maqburi from Abu Hurayrah, he said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said:

There will come to the people years of treachery, when the liar will be regarded as honest, and the honest man will be regarded as a liar; the traitor will be regarded as truthful and the truthful will be regarded as a traitor, and the ‘ruwaybiḍah’ will decide matters. It was said: And who are the ruwaybiḍah? He said: Vile and base men who control the affairs of the people.

Again, out of the six-commonly known books of ḥadith, the narrator in this tradition, Abdul-Malik ibn Qudāma al-Jumaḥi only appears in one other narration, which is again also cited in the collection of Sunan by Ibn Mājah. This is problematic, because he is regarded as weak (ḍaef), by several authorities, including Ibn Ḥajar [Taqreeb al-Tahzeeb no. 4204, p. 364]. Other scholars have said similarly regarding this narrator: for example, Abu Ḥātim said: ‘Weak (ḍaef) in ḥadith, he is not strong; he narrates disclaimed narrations from trustworthy narrators.’ Al-Nasā’i also said he was not strong [Ibn Ḥajar, Tahzeeb al-Tahzeeb, Vol. 6, p.].
Palestine proved that the West is colonial and has not changed...
President al-Assad continued: Palestine, especially what happened recently in Gaza, has proven that the West is colonial and has not changed. This means that it has exposed the West to Westerners who believed the principles that were proposed, of democracy, freedom, humanity and other great principles that were proven to be a big deception, and it is not the reality for the people of Western countries and for others who were fascinated by the West, including those who were impressed in our Arab world, who whenever they entered into a discussion would say, in Europe, in America, and in such-and-such a country, look at how they do so-and-so, and with so-and-so’s experience, this is the reality of the West, these people. They disappeared from the scene, did not say a word, did not say a single word, meaning they were struck by absolute silence. It was dropped into their hands.

It also showed the futility of Western policies and the failure of Western policies, meaning today the West went towards battles everywhere, starting in Ukraine and the military situation, the conflict with Russia. Its economic consequences, the rise in oil prices, extreme inflation, the decline in investments, the economic collapses that they are trying with their reserves to curb, so that they are not quick collapses, blowing up the foundations of the capitalist economy that assumes that the state does not intervene, but the state is the one who carries this system in order not to prove their historical failure after they proved, of course imaginary, that the communist regime fell because of their success, but they fall because of the failure of their regime and the failure of their policies. The straits are in danger, the Strait of Mandab is now closed to Israel, the Strait of Hormuz is threatened, the situation in the South China Sea, the American bases in Iraq, the many blockades, have begun to lead to the fact that it is the West that has become besieged instead of the majority of the world being besieged, I mean, they are living in a state of dispersion of power, because vanity has hit the Western powers, but in reality now we are beginning to see the limitations of the West's powers, and they are beginning to pay the price for all these foolish policies..

The outcome of the Palestine war, and the resistances, proved, that technology is more important than weapons and that ideology (doctrine) is tougher than the cruelty of terrorism and criminality, and that attack is the best means of defense, and that what was taken by force can only be recovered by force, and that lying down in front of enemies is not an option but suicide, I mean these principles I think, are very big lessons. (What) We learn from previous wars, as I said, culminated in Gaza, but if it were not preceded by different experiences and previous achievements that established the recent victories of the resistance, we would not have been able to benefit from these lessons.
Source: sena
A comment on the translation of the last paragraph: Yandex gives for "what was taken by force can only be recovered by force" the following "what was taken by force cannot be recovered only by force". I don't know which is the correct one, because it would seem that both have merits, given what Assad says "that ideology (doctrine) is tougher than the cruelty of terrorism and criminality" but ideology alone would not do considering "lying down in front of enemies is not an option but suicide". Here is the Arab version of this paragraph:
ثبتت حرب فلسطين بالمحصلة، والمقاومات، أن التكنولوجيا أهم من السلاح وأن العقيدة أصلب من قسوة الإرهاب والإجرام، وأن الهجوم أفضل وسيلة للدفاع، وأن ما أخذ بالقوة لا يسترد إلا بالقوة، وأن الانبطاح أمام الأعداء هو ليس خياراً وإنما انتحار، يعني هذه المبادئ أعتقد دروساً كبيرة جداً نتعلمها من الحروب السابقة كما قلت، توجت في غزة، ولكن لو لم تسبقها تجارب مختلفة وإنجازات سابقة أسست لانتصارات المقاومة الأخيرة، لما كان من الممكن لنا أن نستفيد من هذه الدروس.
Do the positions of Assad increasingly represent, more or less, how normal people from around the globe view the history, policies, and narratives of the US-Zionist-dominated Western world? Yes, that is quite possible, and little wonder that trend is growing. The Western media and politicians will no doubt continue to deny, condemn, and criticize a few fine points in a speech like this, while all the same they can not help themselves from confirming the conclusions every single day.
Israel and Russia goals in Gaza and Ukraine the same ?
Diplomacy or what ?
Comparison is not reason...

Yeah, I think Lavrov's statement is pretty offensive. Saying that “the fight against Nazism is what historically unites Russia and the Middle Eastern country (Israel)” is nonsense. There are no "nazis" in Palestine. Israel is not "fighting nazis" in Palestine. It is slaughtering civilians.

Maybe he's past his prime. Time to put him to pasture.
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