Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

FWIW, I saw reports about some civilian hostages been released on the 2nd day of the war, the 8th of October. But there was no confirmation, so I just took a note.
  • Yes, this is the footage, it was also shared in this thread. Israeli sources though deny that the hostages were released now. According to them, it happened on the day of the attack. Hamas just decided to let them go. Which still says something.
The Al Jazeera channel is expected to broadcast in a short time images in which the military wing of Hamas supposedly frees kidnapped children and a woman* According to the report, this is apparently footage from the terrorist attack on Saturday - in which a woman and children were captured by Hamas but ultimately were not kidnapped to Gaza.
  • Also today there was this report, that Israeli instructors that were in Ukraine are returning to Israel. Apparently a lot of Israelis in reserve are also returning to Israel.


  • Interesting footage here. Israeli Arabs are on the way to the border near Gaza. Curious that their faces are completely covered. There is also a mention that in total 10 thousand Arabs, Bedouins and Druze are in the Israeli military.
  • Another interesting, though not surprising report on RT:
The CIA may be behind the supply of Ukrainian weapons to Hamas, an expert of the Center for Military and Political Journalism, Boris Rozhin, has said.

The US agency has been carefully monitoring all transactions on the black market in Eastern Europe for a long time - it is from there, among other places, that Ukrainian weapons were delivered to Syria and Yemen. It is simply impossible to sell PTRKs and MANPADS discreetly.
  • Here's an Israeli report that shows that hours before the attack Tzahal (Israeli military) was already aware of Hamas intentions:
On the night between Friday and Saturday, hours before the terrorist attack, the IDF received intelligence information about the happenings around the fence and the movement of senior Hamas officials. This information led to calls and telephone consultations of senior officers of the army in the middle of the night. The summary was: additional situation assessments will take place later in the morning

No response has been given from Tzahal.
  • Another news from Israeli TG channel, that apparently Hamas calls for "pogrom Saturday" all around the world. Russians are being blamed as well. :rolleyes: Don't know if it's true, but totally can see how agents provocateurs could be involved in creating something like this.
Calls by Hamas to commit riots against Jews around the world tomorrow, Friday. Many Telegram channels in Russia also have calls for people to participate in pogroms. In Europe and the USA, the security of Jewish institutions has been increased.
  • This is another example how the attack wasn't beneficial for people in Gaza:

Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and member of the Political-Security Cabinet, MK Israel Katz:

Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on, no water hydrant will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home. Humanitarian for humanitarian. And no one will preach us morals.
  • Apparently, in order to keep the Iranian foreign minister from flying to Damascus Israel bombed the airport. Aleppo at the same time.
A plane traveling from Iran to Syria was forced to turn around and leave due to airstrikes.

💼🛬 Iran's foreign minister was expected to land in Syria tomorrow.


  • And here's a second part of oddities of the HAMAS attack on Israel by one the Russian TG channels. Here's the first part.
What oddities accompany the Hamas attack on Israel: a Military Chronicle dissection. Part 2

In a previous post we touched on some of the circumstances that surprised us at the first stage of the attack, but now there are other questions about the tactics of Hamas and the IDF.

What are we talking about?

Attacks by Hamas into Israel have continued, but their nature has changed. Instead of direct confrontations, the attacks have been converted to parterres: sabotage operations are used, ambushes against small IDF groups. Such attacks are countered by the use of combat aircraft, but have no lasting effect: the Palestinians quickly rotate or use underground passages and hideouts to strike quickly and withdraw.

The IDF cannot stop these attacks: there are insufficient forces and troop levels, and no increase in the force is yet envisioned.

What's wrong with Hamas?

The second phase of the Palestinian operation is accompanied by the active use of Sayyad (Zouari) barrage drones. Their numbers are such that the Hamas Situation Center, which the Military Chronicle reported on (Военная хроника) earlier, appears to be able to allocate and redistribute targets for strikes.

The range of the barrage munitions is sufficient to hit not only civilian but also IDF military targets. This could prove particularly dangerous for the Israeli army, given that the tactics of the Israeli Ground Forces do not yet take into account the presence of such a large number of precision weapons.

According to preliminary data, REB systems have been deployed in the northern regions of the country, but their use has not yet given Israel a tangible result. Also, Hamas PTRK operators demonstrate high qualification in the defeat of armored vehicles, but at the same time the battles during the withdrawal from the abandoned positions and the organization of focal air defense in some areas are beginning to sag.

Parachute training is also far from being at its best: a significant number of paragliders have crashed on landing approaches or snagged power lines. This suggests that the air part was not considered a priority by Hamas.

What's wrong with the IDF?

Five days into the conflict, the Israeli army still has not solved the problem of rocket attacks on cities. Some launching positions are being hit, but a significant number of camouflaged launching sites are still not only functioning, but are also being used for the use of long-range unguided rockets.

In addition to Tel Aviv, Haifa, a city previously out of range of Palestinian rockets, has already been hit. The drastic reduction in the activity of attack drones is also puzzling: a significant part of Hermes 900 drones are used exclusively for reconnaissance.

It is also known that Israeli troops have not taken control of the 30-km zone near the Gaza Strip border, which presumably indicates the low speed of preparation of the ground operation and the lack of a centralized plan to address security problems.

This allows Hamas to conduct repeated fire raids from time to time and keep the 40-km zone from Ashkelon to Sderot, Netivot and Ofakim under tension.
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And the same "mistake" has happened here in the US as well - by design. Warnings about military age illegal immigrants disbursed throughout our country brings back the 911 terror sleeper cell warnings. History repeats/time loop. Wonder what's going to happen tomorrow . . .

And remember only a week or so ago Zelensky was warning Europe that if it didn't keep up the money and support all those 'sleeper' Ukrainian refugees sprinkled all over the continent might well start getting a tad angry... Gladio 3.0...
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Yet another factor in what could happen in conjunction with this latest false flag operation:

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

Are the fully jabbed shedding these same conditions onto the unvaccinated?​

Slater is not alone. Beginning in late 2020 after the Trump administration rolled out the COVID shots at warp speed, doctors everywhere have been seeing steady increases in unusual psychiatric illnesses.

Psychiatrist Dr. Amanda McDonald said she personally observed many of her own patients devolve into unstable, mentally ill, panic-stricken basket cases who are even now suffering from hallucinations because of whatever these drugs did to their bodies.

“I couldn’t figure out why,” McDonald is quoted as saying. “My patients typically stay able.”

After the launch of Operation Warp Speed, McDonald started to see patients flood her office with symptoms of insomnia, depression, and anxiety “without any sort of rhyme or reason.”

When McDonald tried to help her suffering patients with drugs and other therapies, it had little effect. She, too, says she is seeing atypical panic attacks that typically escalate in the evening and climax at night.

It took McDonald over a year to even consider that COVID jabs may be the culprit.

“I already had an existing patient population when the pandemic hit that I knew very well,” she said. “What I saw was manifestations in that patient population.”

Dr. Diane Counce, a neurologist and neuroradiologist, said she has seen much the same thing in her patients.

“People also talk about how their personality has changed. [The family] will say, ‘they’re just different.'”

Nurse practitioner Scott Marsland said anxiety, depression and insomnia are now among the most common symptoms he is seeing.

While there is no definitive test to 100 percent link COVID jabs to these symptoms, the timing of their sudden onset aligns perfectly with the Trump-led rollout of COVID jabs.

Researchers from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and District Hospital wrote in a case report about similar symptoms they are observing in patients that they “indicate the psychiatric adverse event may be related to the vaccine.”

Again, zombie apocalypse or Greenbaum programming timed to coincide with declared jihad? This article also has this vid prominently displayed:
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The Grayzone has identified the source of ‘beheaded babies’ claims

After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim. ...

He is David Ben Zion, a Deputy Commander of Unit 71 of the Israeli army who also happens to be an extremist settler leader who incited violent riots against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank earlier this year.

In an October 10 interview with reporter Nicole Zedek of the Israeli state-sponsored i24 network, Ben Zion stated, “We walked door to door, we killed a lot of terrorists. They are very bad. They cut heads of children, they cut heads of women. But we are stronger than them.” ... “We know that they are animals,” referring to Palestinians, “but we found that they don’t have any heart.”

Hours after his interview with i24, still in the village of Kfar Aza, a uniformed Ben Zion could be seen repeatedly grinning ear-to-ear in a video posted to his Facebook – an odd disposition for a supposed witness to the methodical butchering of babies.

Earlier that day, i24’s Zedek declared during a live report from Kfar Aza, “About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys… Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open.’” Zedek’s report has been viewed tens of millions of times on Twitter and promoted by Israel’s Foreign Ministry – which underwrites her network.

Hours later, she qualified her statement, stating, “Soldiers told me they believe 40 babies/children were killed. The exact death toll is still unknown as the military continues to go house to house and find more Israeli casualties.”

Yet the unverified tale quickly made its way to the highest levels of leadership, as if by design. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesman stated unequivocally that babies and toddlers were found with their “heads decapitated,” while President Joe Biden himself vaguely gestured towards “stomach-churning reports of babies being killed.”

Likewise, cable news has flown into a frenzy, breathlessly reporting the story despite the IDF walking back its initial confirmation.

Oren Ziv, an Israeli reporter who joined the military’s official tour of Kfar Aza, commented on Twitter, “I’m getting a lot of question about the reports of ‘Hamas beheaded babies’ that were published after the media tour in the village. During the tour we didn’t see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn’t mention any such incidents.”

So who is the source behind the explosive claim?

David Ben Zion, is a leader of the Shomron Regional Council of 35 illegal West Bank settlements who called this year for the Palestinian village of Huwara to be “wiped out.”

[more about that individual follows]

Yesterday afternoon, Dimona attacked?

Not much more about it, it's present mostly on Russian sites. Supposedly a Hezbollah drone attack but not confirmed AFAIK.
Cracking the narrative (my bold) - from RT:

Western virtue signaling goes hypersonic over Israel

“Israel has the right to defend itself – today and in the days to come. The European Union stands with Israel,” tweeted European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday. With that, she effectively blessed a carte blanche response by the notoriously measured and restrained Israeli leadership in response to the Hamas attacks.

“Who do you think you are? You’re unelected, and have no authority to determine EU foreign policy, which is set by @EUCouncil,” replied Irish MEP Clare Daly. “Europe does NOT ‘stand with Israel’. We stand for peace. You do not speak for us. If you’ve nothing constructive to say, and you clearly don't, shut up.” [actually, shut the * up!]

In a single tweet, von der Leyen managed to position all of Europe as more militant than even the editorial staff of one of Israel’s main national newspapers, Haaretz, which placed blame for the attacks squarely on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of “annexation and dispossession” which “openly ignored the existence and rights of Palestinians.” The implication is that no action occurs in a vacuum absent the risk of sparking a reaction.

The danger of Europe’s unelected Queen Ursula unilaterally launching hypersonic virtue signaling missiles in a knee-jerk emotional response is that it can’t possibly substitute for foreign policy decided in more sobering moments. Yet these days, more often than not, it’s the only kind of foreign policy we get, on everything from Israel to Ukraine.

In yet another example of symbolism getting ahead of policy pragmatism, the EU announced withdrawal of its support for Palestine … before walking back the move just hours later. On Monday, Israel’s defense minister announced that the IDF was going to blockade Gaza even more than usual by preventing any entry of water, food, fuel, and electricity. And just a couple hours later, EU Neighborhood and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi said the bloc was joining the cause – by withholding its humanitarian funding for the Palestinian people. Germany and Austria were the first to get the ball rolling on funding withdrawal. However, a few hours later, the EU aid freeze was reversed by the bloc’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, after an apparent epiphany that it would only end up “punishing all the Palestinian people” and would have “only further emboldened terrorists.” There’s no way Brussels may have been inadvertently funding those terrorists in the first place, is there?
Or maybe, given all the climate-conscious verbiage attached to the aid, the EU just got angry that Hamas’ hang gliders were motorized. You just know that some egghead in Brussels is watching coverage of all the gas guzzling pickup trucks used by Hamas to raid villages and kidnap people and asking, “What’s the carbon footprint on those?”

All the virtue signaling in the world can’t now compensate for a lack of due diligence that the schizophrenic withdrawal and subsequent reinstatement of Palestinian funding suggests. It wouldn’t be the first time that innocent people suffered because of Brussels’ incompetence. Just ask the people of the entire European bloc currently facing seemingly endless economic hardship so their leaders can keep patting themselves on the back for supporting Ukraine.
This would be a good post for people like JBP, RFK Jr., JP Sears, etc. to read. It's persuasive in that it comes from a Jew, proceeds from priors rightwingers will probably agree with (i.e. it's basically pro-Israel), but highlights the Palestinian perspective with understanding and criticizes Israeli actions. I.e. "pacing and leading".

People ask me all the time if I am "pro-Israel" because I am a Jew who has lived in Israel, and my answer is that being "pro-Israel" or being "pro-Palestine" or being a "Zionist" does not properly capture the nuance of thought most people do or should have about this issue. It certainly doesn't capture mine.

I have a lot to say. I’ve spent the last 72 hours writing, texting, and talking to Israelis, Jews, Muslims, and Palestinians. Much of my reaction is going to piss off people on "both sides," but I am exhausted and hurting and I do not think there is any way to discuss this situation without being radically honest about my views. So I'm going to try to say what I believe to be true the best I can.

Let me start with this: It could have been me.

That's a hard thought to shake when watching the videos out of Israel — the concert goers fleeing across an empty expanse, the hostages being paraded through the streets, the people shot in the head at bus stops or in their cars. I went to those parties in the desert, I rubbed shoulders with Israelis and Arabs and Jews and Muslims, I could have easily accepted an invitation to some concert near Sderot and gone without a care, only to be indiscriminately slaughtered. Or, perhaps worse, taken hostage and tortured.

I don’t believe Hamas is killing Israelis to liberate themselves, nor do I believe they are doing it to make peace. They're doing this because they represent the devil on the shoulder of every oppressed Palestinian who has lost someone in this conflict. They're doing it because they want vengeance. They are evening the score, and acting on the worst of our human impulses, to respond to blood with blood — an inclination that is easy to give in to after what their people have endured. It should not be hard to understand their logic — it is only hard to accept that humans are capable of being driven to this. Not defending Hamas is a very low bar to clear. Please clear it.

It’s not possible to recap the entire 5,000 year history of people fighting over this strip of land in one newsletter. There are plenty of easily accessible places you can learn about it if you want to (and, by the way, many of you should — far too many people speak on this issue with an obscene amount of ignorance, loads of arrogance, and a narrow historical lens focused on the last few decades). But I'll briefly highlight a few things that are important to me.

In my opinion, the Jewish people have a legitimate historical claim to the land of Israel. Jews had already been expelled and returned and expelled again a half dozen times before the rise of the Muslim and Arab rule of the Ottoman Empire. Of course it’s messy because we Jews and Arabs and Muslims are all cousins and descendents of the same Canaanites. But Arabs won the land centuries ago the same way Israel and Jews won it in the 20th century: Through conflict and war. The British defeated the Ottoman Empire and then came the Balfour Declaration, which amounted to the British granting the area to the Jewish people, a promise they’d later try to renege on — all before the wars that have defined the region since 1948.

That historical moment in the late 1940s was unique. After World War II, with many Arab and Muslim states already in existence, and after six million Jews were slaughtered, the global community felt it was important to grant the Jewish people a homeland. In a more logical or just world that homeland would have been in Europe as a kind of reparation for what the Nazis and others before them had done to the Jews, or perhaps in the Americas — like Alaska — or somewhere else. But the Jews wanted Israel, the British had taken to the Zionist movement, the British had conquered the Ottoman Empire which handed them control of the land, and America and Europe didn’t want the Jews. As a result, we got Israel.

The Arab states had already rejected a partitioned Israel repeatedly before World War II and rejected it again after the Holocaust and the end of the war. They did not want to give up even a little bit of their land to a bunch of Jewish interlopers who were granted it all of a sudden by British interlopers who had arrived a hundred years prior. Who could blame them? It had been centuries since Jews lived there in large numbers, and now they wanted to return in waves as secularized Europeans. Many of us would probably react the same way. So, just as humans have done forever, they fought. The many existing Arab states turned against the burgeoning new Jewish state. One side won and one side lost. This is the brutal and broken and violent world we live in, but it is what created the global world order we have now.

Are Israelis and British people "colonizers" because of this 20th century history? Sure. But that view flattens thousands of years of history and conflict, and the context of World War I and World War II. I don’t view Israelis and Brits as colonizers any more than the Assyrians or the Babylonians or the Romans or the Mongols or the Egyptians or the Ottomans who all battled over the same strip of land from as early as 800 years before Jesus’s time until now. The Jews who founded Israel just happened to have won the last big battle for it.

You can’t speak about this issue in a vacuum. You can't pretend that it wasn't just 60 years ago when Israel was surrounded on all sides by Arab states who wanted to wipe them off the face of the planet. Despite the balance of power shifting this century, that threat is still a reality. And you can't talk about that without remembering the only reason the Jews were in Israel in the first place was that they'd spent the previous centuries fleeing a bunch of Europeans who also wanted to wipe them off the face of the planet. And then Hitler showed up.

American partisans have a narrow view of this history, and an Americentric lens that is infuriating to witness. As Lee Fang perfectly put it, "Hamas would absolutely execute the ACAB lefties cheering on horrific violence against Israelis if they lived in Gaza & U.S. right-wingers blindly cheering on Israeli subjugation of Palestinians would rebel twice as violently if Americans were subjected to similar occupation."

And yet, many Americans only view modern Israel as the "powerful" one in this dynamic. Which is true — they obviously are. It isn't a fair fight and it hasn't been for decades because Israel's government is rich and resourceful, has the backing of the United States and most of Europe, and has an incredibly powerful military. At the same time, Israeli leadership has made technological and military advancements that have further tipped those scales — all while the Israeli government has helped create a resource-thin open air prison of two million Arabs in Gaza.

Conversely, Palestinians are devoid of any real unified leadership, and the Arab world is now divided on the issue of Palestine. Israel is unwilling to give the people in Gaza and the West Bank more than an inch of freedom to live. These are largely the refugees and descendents of the refugees of the 1948 and 1967 wars that Israel won. And you can't keep two million people in the condition that those in the Gaza strip live in and not expect events like this.

I'm sorry to say that while the blood on the ground is fresh. The Israelis who were killed in this attack largely have nothing to do with those conditions other than being born at a time when Israel and Jews have the upper hand in this conflict. Some of the victims weren’t even Israeli — they were just tourists. This is why we describe them as “innocent” and why Hamas has only reaffirmed that they are a brutal terror organization with this attack — an organization that I hope is quickly toppled, for the sake of both the Palestinian people and the Israelis. But as someone with a deep love for Israel, with friends in danger and people I know still missing, it breaks my heart to say it but I'm saying it again because it remains perhaps the most salient point of context in a tangled mess full of centuries of context:

You cannot keep two million people living in the conditions people in Gaza are living in and expect peace.

You can't. And you shouldn’t. Their environment is antithetical to the human condition. Violent rebellion is guaranteed. Guaranteed. As sure as the sun rising.

And the cycle of violence seems locked in to self-perpetuate, because both sides see a score to settle:

1) Israel has already responded with a vengeance, and they will continue to. Their desire for violence is not unlike Hamas’s — it’s just as much about blood for blood as any legitimate security measure. Israel will “have every right to respond with force." Toppling Hamas — a group, by the way, Israel erred in supporting — will now be the objective, and civilian death will be seen as necessary collateral damage. But Israel will also do a bunch of things they don't have a right to. They will flatten apartment buildings and kill civilians and children and many in the global community will probably cheer them on while they do it. They have already stopped the flow of water, electricity, and food to two million people, and killed dozens of civilians in their retaliatory bombings. We should never accept this, never lose sight that this horror is being inflicted on human beings. As the group B’Tselem said, “There is no justification for such crimes, whether they are committed as part of a struggle for freedom from oppression or cited as part of a war against terror.” I mourn for the innocents of Palestine just as I do for the innocents in Israel. As of late, many, many more have died on their side than Israel's. And many more Palestinians are likely to die in this spate of violence, too.

Unfortunately, most people in the West only pay attention to this story when Hamas or a Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank commits an act of violence. Palestinian citizens die regularly at the hands of the Israeli military and their plight goes largely unnoticed until they respond with violence of their own. Israel had already killed an estimated 250 Palestinians, including 47 children, this year alone. And that is just in the West Bank.

2) Every single time Israel kills someone in the name of self-defense they create a handful of new radicalized extremists who will feel justified in wanting to take an Israeli life in retribution sometime in the future. Half of Gaza’s two million people are under the age of 19 — they know little besides Hamas rule (since 2006), Israeli occupation, blockades, and rockets falling from the sky. The suffering of these innocent children born into this reality is incomprehensible to me. They will suffer more now because of Hamas’s actions and Israel’s response, all through no fault of their own.

There is no way out of this pattern until one side exercises restraint or leaders on both sides find a new solution. Israelis will tell you that if Palestinians put their guns down then the war would end, but if Israel put their guns down they'd be wiped off the planet. I don't have a crystal ball and can’t tell you what is true. But what I am certain of is that every time Israel kills more innocents they engender more rage and hatred and recruit more Palestinians and Arabs to the cause against them. There is no disputing this.

So, why did this happen now?

I'm not sure how to answer that question except to say it was bound to happen eventually. It was a massive policy and intelligence failure and Netanyahu should pay the price politically — he is a failed leader. Iran probably helped organize the attack and the money freed up by the Biden administration's prisoner swap probably didn't help the situation, either. Israel's increasingly extremist government and settlers provoking Palestinians certainly didn't help. Nor has going to the Al-Aqsa mosque and desecrating it. Nor do blockades and bombings and indiscriminate subjugation of a whole people. Nor does refusing to talk to non-terrorist leaders in Palestine. Nor does illegally continuing to expand and steal what is left of Palestinian land, as many Jews and Israelis have been doing in the 21st century despite cries from the global community to stop. A violent response was predictable — in fact, plenty of people did predict it.

Israel is forever stuffing these people into tinier and tinier boxes with fewer and fewer resources. But if you want to blame Israeli leaders for continuing to expand and settle land that does not belong to them (as I do), then you should also spare some blame for Palestinian leaders for repeatedly not accepting a partitioned Israel during the 20th century that could have led to peace (as I do).

Please also remember this: Hamas is still an extremist group. The Palestinian people do not have a government or leaders who legitimately represent their interests, and it sure as hell isn't Hamas. Will some Palestinians cheer and clap at the dead, or spit on them as they are paraded through Gaza? Yes they will. And they have. Many will also mourn because they loathe Hamas and know this will only make things worse. This is no different than how some Americans cheer at the dead in every single war we've ever fought. It's no different than the Israelis who set up lawn chairs to watch their government bomb Palestine and cheer them on, too. This doesn't mean Palestinians or Israelis or Americans are evil — it means some of them are giving in to their violent impulses, and their zealous feelings of righteous vengeance.

Solutions, you ask? I can’t say I have any. If you came here for that, I’m sorry. The two-state solution looks dead to me. A three-state solution makes some sense but feels out of the view of all the people who matter and could make it happen. I wish a one-state solution felt realistic — a world of Israelis and Arabs and Muslims and Jews living side by side with equal rights, fully integrated and defused of their hate, is a version of Israel that I would adore. But it seems less and less realistic with every new act of violence.

Am I pro-Israel or pro-Palestine? I have no idea.

I'm pro-not-killing-civilians.

I'm pro-not-trapping-millions-of-people-in-open-air-prisons.

I'm pro-not-shooting-grandmas-in-the-back-of-the-head.

I'm pro-not-flattening-apartment-complexes.

I'm pro-not-raping-women-and-taking-hostages.

I'm pro-not-unjustly-imprisoning-people-without-due-process.

I'm pro-freedom and pro-peace and pro- all the things we never see in this conflict anymore.

Whatever this is, I want none of it.
There's an old saying by Harold Wilson that a week is a long time in politics...

Here's Kirby on the state of the Ukraine coffers on 4th Oct saying things are fine for a few months....

And now here he is sometime this week slipping it out there under the cover of need for funding for Israel that we are 'at the the end of the rope (sic) on the Ukraine funding' ... (discussed by Judge Politano and Alastair Crooke today):

So much for 'as long as it takes'... or maybe 'so long as it takes' always meant 'so long as it takes for Ukraine to lose, then we're out of there...!'
Heating up:

Russia: Everybody Get Out of Israel US Sends 101st Airborne Division to Jordan Sees Battles on 5 Fronts for IDF

The USA is further strengthening its forces in the Middle East region. After sending the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford and bolstering air assets in the region, they are also deploying the 101st Airborne Division to Jordan.

Additional US sources said Israel would need additional ammunition and missiles. That is why they transfer to his ownership all the American quantities of weapons that are in warehouses in Israel..

However, a study by a think tank in Bahrain, where the 5th Fleet is based, showed that it is possible that Israel will have to fight on five fronts.
At the same time, the Russian ambassador to Israel, Anatoly Viktorov, called on the Russians to leave the country without waiting for the situation to worsen.

During a discussion on the current Arab-Israeli conflict at the Valdai International Debating Club, he suggested that his compatriots take advantage of the available scheduled flights.

"My strong recommendation <…> is to use the services of Russian and existing foreign air carriers that continue to provide their services now," the diplomat said.

Viktorov added that in case of any other development of events, the embassy will not leave any of its fellow citizens unattended.

Moscow, meanwhile, has proposed removing civilians from the Gaza Strip. According to Aliya Zaripova, press secretary of the Russian mission to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), the list included citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Palestine.

In total, there are 400 people, of which 280 are Russians.

Earlier, the German Foreign Ministry scheduled the removal of citizens from Israel by special flights on October 12 and 13. Poland, Thailand, India, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Hungary and others have already begun evacuating their citizens.

According to Russian sources, Iran may enter into an armed confrontation with Israel on the side of the Shiite movement Hezbollah in the framework of a joint operation.

Thus, a significant territorial expansion of the conflict that has erupted in the Middle East cannot be ruled out.
The race to complete destruction -

White House Plans to Request Military Aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan

The White House has conveyed to members of Congress that it will request an emergency supplemental funding package that will include military aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, as well as additional funding for border security, NBC News reported on Wednesday.

Administration officials said the request will also include funds to manufacture weapons to replace what’s being sent overseas as the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel and the US military buildup aimed at China are a boon for US arms makers.

The Washington Post first reported on Monday that the White House planned to link aid for Ukraine and Israel in an effort to “jam the far right,” referring to House Republicans who are against the proxy war in Ukraine but are staunch Israel supporters. Many Republicans who oppose funding Ukraine do favor sending weapons to Taiwan, which began receiving unprecedented military aid from the US this year.

additional funding for border security
Who are they kidding! Our porous border and mass infiltration was all part of the predetermined depopulation plan.
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