Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The chief warmonger goes full Yahweh ballistic in his blood loyalty to Israel!

Sen. Graham Says Were in a Religious War, Calls to Level Gaza

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday declared that “we’re in a religious war” and called for Israel to “level” the Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million people, including about 1 million children.

“We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said on Fox News. The hawkish senator posted a clip of his call for the destruction of Gaza on X.

NYT: US Intelligence Shows Iranian Leaders Were Surprised by Hamas Attack

The New York Times reported on Wednesday that US intelligence shows Iranian leaders were surprised by the Hamas attack on southern Israel and that no evidence has been found indicating Iran helped plan the operation.

The report reads: “These key Iranian officials did not know the attack was coming, according to the intelligence. The United States, Israel and key regional allies have not found evidence that Iran directly helped plan the attack, according to the US officials and another official in the Middle East.”

The officials who spoke with the Times would not name which Iranian leaders they were talking about but said they are people who would typically be aware of operations involving Iran’s Quds Force, a branch of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) that specializes in unconventional warfare, which includes working with foreign forces.

Yeah, they didn't have the inside track on this latest Israeli false flag deception. Lindsey Graham will totally dismiss this information - he's as off the deep end as JBP is!

Biblical scholar shakes hands with the devil.
And failed to recognize him.
A quick 5 minute Scott Ritter:

The gist of it: Israel is going to lose, and lose badly. Weak army with no stamina, poorly trained, and committing war crimes. Their only resent experience is beating up unarmed civilians in Gaza.

Looks like things are going to get even more interesting:

Report: Hamas calls for global Jihad, invasion of Israel, attack Jews worldwide on Oct. 13

A leader and founding member of Hamas, Khalid Mashal, reportedly called for a global Jihad on Tuesday, asking Muslims around the world to target the people of Israel on Friday, Oct. 13.

This is breaking news that will be updated as more information becomes available. Keep reading below.

Video of Mashal’s reported call to violence was posted on YouTube and remains up on the platform as of Wednesday at 10 a.m.

According to a translation and analysis of the video by author Brother Rachid, Mashal referred to his proposed day of anger as “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood,” which will “send a message of rage to Zionists and to America.”

“The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa. He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews, starting with Muslims who live in the countries surrounding Israel: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt (but also other countries), to go to the borders and try to enter, each by his own means,” Rachid explained. “He said: This is the time for Jihad to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory. He asked the Mujahedeen to go in long caravans to spell their blood on the land of Palestine.”
“Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls [to be sacrificed for Palestine],” Mashal concluded, according to Rachid.

The call for global Jihad comes after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, killing 1,200 people and wounding thousands more. The terrorists also took the elderly, women and children as hostages. It is unclear how many people were taken.
I'll be in Paris all day tomorrow so I hope my contrymen won't bite each other heads off tomorrow😅. On a more serious note, I will probably avoid being near a sinagogue just in case...
Every day, Peterson posts something more unbelievable. I’ve tried to avoid saying to myself “I can’t believe it” every time he posts, because my aim is to always try to understand everything I possibly can. This Peterson thing, I cannot understand.

View attachment 83142
I'd hitherto regarded claims that he is 'controlled opposition' as paranoid or silly. The claims are usually made by those who blame the Jews for everything, and propose his development was coordinated by Jewish interests.

On the basis of the above X post, I can no longer dismiss these claims out of hand. What on earth is going on here?
Like when one thinks the Biden administration can't sink any lower.

Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government
In a time when Americans in Israel are relying on their government for support and protection, the U.S. State Department’s Consular Affairs Crisis Management System (CACMS) has left many American citizens hanging in the wind, demanding them to sign promissory notes as a precondition for any assistance in evacuating from the crisis-hit region.

The so-called “assisted departure options” were outlined in an email sent to American citizens stranded in the Middle Eastern nation, stating that the U.S. government would offer loans for transportation.

The Biden regime’s assistance to Americans wishing to depart Israel will come at a financial cost. Specifically, the email states that “departure assistance is provided via a loan from the U.S. government, which requires travelers to sign a promissory note (an agreement to repay) prior to departure .”
"The situation in Israel is still unpredictable; mortar and rocket fire may take place without warning. Please continue to follow the instructions of security and emergency response officials. Commercial flights are available but limited. If you wish to leave Israel, we encourage you to take advantage of those options now. U.S. carriers have temporarily suspended flights to Israel, if you choose to depart, you will need to fly to an intermediate location and book onward travel from there to the United States.We understand there is high demand from U.S. citizens wishing to depart and the flight options are reduced. In the coming days we hope to assist U.S. citizens with transportation options to depart Israel. Due to the large numbers of U.S. citizens indicating interest in departure assistance, we will plan to offer transit over several days. If you choose to take this departure assistance, transportation may be by air or sea and will be to a nearby safe location and not to the United States. Travelers should be prepared to arrange their own lodging at the safe location and pay for their own onward travel from the third country to their chosen destination. Departure assistance is provided via a loan from the U.S. government which requires travelers to sign a promissory note (an agreement to repay) prior to departure."
The communications manager at the American Accountability Foundation, Yitz Friedman, shared a harrowing tale of his experience while trapped in Israel in an X post.
Friedman brought to light the abysmal failure of the U.S. State Department to aid its citizens in crisis situations.

Friedman and his wife found themselves trapped in Israel after their original flight back to the U.S. was canceled. When they reached out to the U.S. embassy for assistance, Friedman recounts that they were basically told to “pound sand.”
“My wife and I have finally gotten ourselves on the way home to the US from Israel after days of fear and tremendous anxiety. Our original flight was canceled. While Poland, Hungary, Brazil, Romania, and other countries sent planes to bring their citizens home from the war zone, our government told us to fend for ourselves. I literally called our embassy asking for help and was essentially told to pound sand,” Friedman wrote.
“Is this what it means to be an American abroad? Almost all American airlines received taxpayer bailouts, and they were the first to abandon us. They were the first to cancel all flights,” he added.
This is not the first time the Biden regime abandoned its citizens. According to the report by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, up to 9,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan to fend for themselves against the Taliban in 2022.
Today in democratic Europe, it's illegal to protest genocide.

And truth supression just got another boost:

X Safety Team Announces Removal Of Hamas-Affiliated Accounts Amid Attacks On Israel

The internal safety team of the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, stated they will be removing accounts that are “Hamas-Affiliated” following the group’s attacks against Israel.

On Monday, the safety team shared a post on the platform, stating that they will be taking action to restrict hateful speech, violent posts, and misinformation about the Hamas attack on Israel.

Excellent, excellent site!
If Americans Knew!

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation.

It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue, and on our power – and duty – to bring a resolution.

To see a detailed presentation on this issue go here.
Hard hitting facts!
Lecture by journalist Alison Weir at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists on February 16, 2017. Drawing on her best-selling book, "Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the US Was Used to Create Israel" (, Weir discusses the issue of Israel-Palestine, its history and current reality, media coverage of Israel-Palestine, and the role of Israel partisans in promoting the Iraq War and in the continued demonization of Iran.

To learn who promoted the disastrous Iraq War see this.
The internal safety team of the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, stated they will be removing accounts that are “Hamas-Affiliated” following the group’s attacks against Israel.

On Monday, the safety team shared a post on the platform, stating that they will be taking action to restrict hateful speech, violent posts, and misinformation about the Hamas attack on Israel.
Interesting timing . . .

EU Threatens Elon Musk With Investigation Of X Over Alleged 'Illegal Content And Disinformation' Regarding Hamas' Terrorist Attacks

The European Union recently threatened Elon Musk with a potential investigation into X, formerly Twitter, over alleged "illegal content and disinformation" regarding Hamas' terrorist attacks against Israel.

On Tuesday, European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton shared a letter on X addressed to Musk demanding that he ensure the platform complies with the EU's Digital Services Act.

According to the EU, the DSA aims to "create a safer digital space" and "establish a level playing field to foster innovation, growth, and competitiveness." The regulations require platforms to remove illegal content and so-called hate speech and disinformation.

Before the law took effect in August, Musk permitted the EU to conduct a "stress test" on X to assess initial compliance. In June, Breton stated that the platform's "work needs to continue" to meet the new strict requirements.

Problem corrected!
Just thought I'd mention that Douglas Reed's book "Controversy of Zion" was pretty accurate in describing where everything was going to end up - as it is today. "World Revolution".
If hope this is the correct book i found at the Internet Archive.

Douglas Reed - "Controversy of Zion" - English

Here the Audio book in English

And this one is in Spanish, i think (first pdf in Spanish, second in english)
A ray of light! - [my bold]

Mainstream broadcasters include the Palestinian perspective at last

Despite the near unanimity of support for Israel in the American political establishment these days, it is remarkable that some voices are making into the mainstream media to explain the causes of violence and state that while they condemn the Hamas attacks on civilians, they were not “unprovoked.”

For instance, when House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries said on WNYC radio Monday that the attacks were unprovoked, he was criticized sharply by a Jewish caller into the show, for his “ahistorical” view of Palestinians and his support for U.S. funding for Israeli oppression.

There are evidently more such voices on air today than made it into the mainstream media to explain the causes of the 9/11 attack in 2001. The BBC, NPR, and MSNBC have all had reports on the history of Palestinian dispossession. To the point that Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL complained on MSNBC two days ago: “I love this network, but I’ve got to ask who is writing the scripts– Hamas. The people who did this they are not fighters, they are not militants, they are terrorists.”

Greenblatt was likely referencing reports by Ali Velshi, Joy Reid and Ayman Mohyeldin. Velshi hosted Diana Buttu, who said the causes of violence was the “denial of freedom” for 75 years, including the killing of over 250 Palestinians earlier this year. Velshi criticized the press’s blindness: “Palestinians are exclusively the bad guys here…Anybody that wants to help the Palestinians, watch out.”

Mohyeldin explained to Velshi that Hamas had dealt a blow to Israeli hubris by showing that “You cannot ignore the Palestinians” by saying there is peace between Morocco and Israel. And later, Mohyeldin (who is from Egypt and has Palestinian ancestry) two days ago explained to Joy Reid who Gazans are, with compassion:
It is a people who have been besieged and blockaded primarily by Israel but also by Egypt for the better part of 15 years…We’re about to see the fifth operation if you will in the span of 15 years…The amount of mental and post-traumatic stress disorder that a generation of Palestinians have been living through cannot even be fathomed, cannot be described. And that’s the generation that’s 15 years old…We’re not talking about the [earlier] generations of Palestinians who have survived several incursions, air raids, wars, the 1973 war, the 1967 war, the 1948 war–generations of refugees that have been compounded into the Gaza strip.

[Gaza] has no bunkers, it has no early warning systems, the health system has completely been decimated over the years. There is really no place for Palestinians who are in Gaza to go, and the honest truth is that everyone living in Gaza right now is simply being portrayed as a Hamas sympathizer or somehow as a Hamas accomplice and that obviously makes it very difficult for the Palestinians to escape either their realities or the Israeli bombardment.

As the Israeli bombardment proceeded, MSNBC has done reports on the collective punishment of 2 million Gazans.

CNN has also aired thoughtful statements about the Palestinian experience. Mustafa Barghouti was interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on CNN and emphasized Palestinians’ right to resist apartheid and annexation. He wove in history and international law.

This must be a reflection by the media of the Left's support for Palestine and in opposition to the "I'm with Israel" Right. Nonetheless, the Palestinian's side is getting at least some mainstream exposure! Oh, the irony!
Yet another factor in what could happen in conjunction with this latest false flag operation:

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

Again, zombie apocalypse or Greenbaum programming timed to coincide with declared jihad? This article also has this vid prominently displayed:
View attachment 83206
How many times do I have to say it?


(Occasionally their reports have actual information in them, but you have to pluck it out and then fact-check it)
Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas

Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.

During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)

The truth will out.
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