Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Today I volunteered by helping families who have lost loved ones, homes etc'

There was the gathering of food and clothing and children's toys etc, diapers
putting them cardboard boxes and making sure they arrived where they were needed.

I had some conversations during the day with quite a few people and I'd like to say:

There are more of us that see beyond the heinous attempts at polarization every day.

There are more of us that blame "politicians" and snakes in suits / uniforms than ever before
(in any position and on every "side")

Every time an event such as the one that happened takes place, the snakes are quick to rear their heads and start hissing in this and that direction.

This time, the cacophony is so great, that the snakes are literally easy to spot (for anyone that has neurons still functioning after the past thousands of years of instilling black and white (11) thought amongst EVERYONE)

They see the younger generations, who see the world in color, and they are jealous. They feel their militarism and divide-and-conquer mindset is irrelevant and outdated and that deeply wounds their egos.

They feel their utter irrelevence and impending doom.

They want to take everyone down with them

But even if they murder every last one of us, we will have learned the most valuable lessons available along the way. And will continue to be steadfast wherever the DCM sees appropriate to station us next.

Stop thinking black and white
Starve them

Help whoever asks as long as they are not being deceitful or tricking you

Many are already doing this

You are not alone
Thank you Dekel for posting this. I am happy to know that some people in Israël don't fall for this polarisation. Take care of you🙏
How many times do I have to say it?


(Occasionally their reports have actual information in them, but you have to pluck it out and then fact-check it)

The vid in question:

Insider: Israel Attack Was 'False Flag' To Start 'Holy War' and Usher In 'One World Government'

Umm . . .

Sen. Graham Says Were in a Religious War, Calls to Level Gaza

Consider the Holy War part plucked. No doubt not every utterance is 100% true - and truth wrapped in lies is an effective manipulation - but neither are almost all of the articles and vids on the subject. Discernment is key. I appreciate your input and will keep it in mind regarding future videos.
How many times do I have to say it?

Yet another factor in what could happen in conjunction with this latest false flag operation:

Fully Jabbed Suffering Psychosis, Violent Rage, and Hearing Voices

The Peoples Voice in good company on this one - from Yandex search:

ThePeoplesVoice was listed sixth among the above. Sooo, some rogue CIA operatives on the loose? Granted, it is a confusing and baffling time, and it does take a network to keep it all as objective and truthful as possible - definitely my continued aim.
Call it what it is - racism, tribalism what have you.

In my view, this is why you have conservatives united on the side of Israel but torn about Ukraine. The situation between Israel and Palestine is black and white. It's easy to pick a side.

The situation between Ukraine v Russia is a bit complicated. You don't have the racial difference to help you pick a side so it kind of gets a bit messy and they have no choice but to go a layer down to who's right and who's wrong?

With Israel v Palestine, they don't give a sh*t about who's right and who's wrong. It's who looks most like us and that's the team you root for - screw the whole right / wrong shenanigans.

At the end of the day I strongly believe the whole of Gaza can be levelled and unless the other Arab states try and do something about it, ain't no one else will do anything about it.

ALSO - I don't believe those numbers of dead. You mean to tell me Israel is busy carpet bombing all those apartment buildings and less than 5000 Palestinians have died whilst there's meant to be like 2 million cramped in that little strip of land? I don't believe it - the maths isn't adding up in my book.
Speculation, so FWIW:

Watching someone standing next to you or standing with you, just drop out, when the new thing come around, and they go all-in on the MSM is definitely weird like playing musical chairs. I remember the scripture saying God has sent them delusion to believe in lies, and the Christ figure saying essentially, “leave them alone” i.e., don’t try to help them.

If the sifting of the harvest is done through the truth or lie screen. These issues with in-your-face evidence e.g. JFK, 911, covid, Ukraine, Palestine, each being the next shaking of the sifter. Testing each soul’s knowledge, agility, and commitment to objective reality. And here gain, we are losing many that made it this far, only to fall at the Palestine section of the test. And we are not done yet. This time, I’m feeling like we and those of like FRV are being consequently more exposed. Each time fewer and fewer can see what's happening.

Speculation from Shiek Hossain:

Shiek Imran Hossain interprets the scripture as saying, the British empire will last one month, the US empire will last one week and the last empire will be Israeli and last one day before God ends it all. So, I’ve been watching for a possible Israeli empire to rise in some form or fashion. But wait, maybe we are already in the Israeli empire…the last day? If the Zionist control the US, and let say they have been controlling the US empire (by deception) since JFK’s demise. Then we would be in the last empire already. Biblically speaking Israel doesn’t do well in the final battle.

Hard Right Turn:

@Keyhole wrote: , “I can see how the groundwork has been laid for some kind of an ultra-nationalistic backlash and a major swing to the far-right who were gunning for all-out war with the Muslim world.”

I have suspicioned for some time that the US has be set up for a hard right turn, going after the blue meanies first (crazy lefties) while everyone cheers, and of course, the state would eventually turn on everyone else. We should see if that theory has any value soon enough.

Free floating anxiety:

I stole the term, but I think it works here. Feeling anxious without a known reason. Feeling of impending doom and no evidence or proof of it. I have had it a few times. It last for a day, and sometimes up to a week. I’m confident others are feeling it too. Kind of feels like looking out of the windshield (of the car) and its completely foggy, and looking in the rear-view mirror you can see you are on a very dangerous road in the dark, and you can’t stop the car. We can’t see future like we used to. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Driving by faith now.

Russia vs the US:

To the best of my knowledge, (and that is limited) Russia could take out the US forces in a day if they had the mind to do so.
11 hyper-sonic missiles to 11 carriers. No more fleet worth much with the carriers and fighters-jets on board gone. Submarines could finish off the other ships, and block the Atlantic if the felt the need. The many countries in the world who are holding animosity toward the US could then pile on. One wonders if a prolonged war must--be for some reason?
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In other words, it happened, even if Biden gaffed, it happened - trust us. And here by way of proof is a carefully crafted stage set designed to trick your emotions into actually convincing you that you also saw photos showing beheaded babies...
They so needed to show the "We say so proof". Perhaps these are the pictures in question. Although, it does not specify from where.


Please do not open these photos if such content is not acceptable to you.

The photos were released by the Israeli Prime Minister's Office. The report says the babies were killed and burned by Hamas members.

The post claims that Netanyahu showed these pictures to Blinken.

🟩 RT in Russian
When the Cs said there would be pushback, I wasn't expecting it would be by something like this!

'Nonbinary' NYU bar association president loses big-time job after siding with Hamas; Harvard students reportedly get blacklisted

Leftist students at various prominent American universities blamed Israel for the savage attacks it suffered at the hands of Hamas terrorists over the weekend.

Four days into the war, in which over 1,000 Israelis and at least 22 Americans have been killed, some students are now waking up to the prospect that in their rush to denounce Israel and equate the mass murder of civilians by Islamist militants to "resistance," they may have jeopardized their future career plans. Others have already begun to reap the whirlwind.

Ryna Workman, the president of the New York University Student Bar Association, refers to herself as a gendered plurality and claims to be "nonbinary." She recently made clear to her comrades that she believed the terrorism perpetuated by Hamas on civilians was "necessary."
Responding to Workman's angry missive, one freshman told the New York Post, "It just struck me as inappropriate, especially considering the death count and the fact that so many Israelis are being held captive. ... You're free to have an opinion, but to voice it so publicly and so unequivocally without even acknowledging that a literal massacre took place seems, at the very least, insensitive."

A sophomore stressed that Workman's views did not represent the whole of the NYU student body, stating, "There’s no interpretation of the events that occurred Saturday morning outside of that terrorists carried out a planned attack on civilians and started a war. There’s no justification for it. It’s shameful, and embarrassing that I have to be associated with it."

It turns out, just as the NYU sophomore wanted nothing to do with Workman or her pro-terror views, neither did the law firm where she was set to make a small fortune as a lawyer.

Winston & Strawn LLP issued a statement on Tuesday revealing it had rescinded Workman's offer of employment.

The first ripples of a turning tide?


I have suspicioned for some time that the US has be set up for a hard right turn, going after the blue meanies first (crazy lefties) while everyone cheers, and of course, the state would eventually turn on everyone else. We should see if that theory has any value soon enough.
You must be psychic!
Also JBP isn't hard to figure out. He picks his team. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

People take him for what he is not.

He's going a bit crazy though because (in my view) he doesn't realise his team ('how he defines his team") is 100% based on physicality and not what is underneath all that - the thing that you can only decipher by how people act and carry themselves. So he's stuck reconciling certain things in his mind that don't quite fit together which then means he has to make more and more compromises on what he thinks he is which then is making him slowly but surely go crazy..
I've found a video of interest from Gabor Mate, he's always worth a listen. In this short vid, he talks in detail about the issues in the ME, and how the media are biased in reporting. He knows a lot about the impact of trauma on a person's psyche, and here he states that the Palestinians don't suffer from PTSD, because the trauma never ends, there's no "post" state about it. How it feels to be a Gazan today is almost unfathomable to me.

A quick 5 minute Scott Ritter:

The gist of it: Israel is going to lose, and lose badly. Weak army with no stamina, poorly trained, and committing war crimes. Their only resent experience is beating up unarmed civilians in Gaza.

Add the jabs on top

Then there is also the issue of that most of the soldiers had to take the jabs several times … how that might already have impacted judgement and overall performance… ? (Assuming that the Israeli soldiers really got the jab)
Buildup/warning concerning tomorrow - Friday the 13th? Dated Oct. 10.

NYC Residents Were Just Warned.

Added - from timcast, dated yesterday:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is now among a list of public officials issuing warnings about the potential for a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

FBI says currently there is no information indicating a specific threat to the homeland

Adams advised New Yorkers not to underestimate the potential for “lone wolf” attacks in the wake of a devastating assault recently carried out against Israel by militant Islamic group Hamas, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by numerous countries.
“This is really an opportunity, we have to be high alert. We have to be on high alert, we cannot let our guards down,” Adams cautioned during an Oct. 10 press conference, as he reminded New Yorkers that the city has the largest Jewish population in the world outside of Israel.

“Lone wolves are real,” the mayor added.

Adams’ warning came just a day after multiple national-level officials issued similar advisories about the potential for violence perpetrated by Hamas sympathizers who want to murder Americans for supporting Israel.

Again, feeling uneasy about this - a false flag about to be perpetrated?
Now I have a much greater appreciation for why they call him "Juden Peterstein"...

He really is best buddies with that butcher Netanyahu:

View attachment 83208
So Peterstein is part of the club! I cannot comprehend how you anyone can't have any revulsion about what's happening to the people in Gaza. Although their reactions certainly do show who and what they really are🐍. Someone as intelligent as him, yet so blind to what's going on. Palestinians have been repressed and murdered for years and years. Now it's mass murder, genocide with all prominent western figures supporting Israeli actions. They actually revel in the murder of women and children. Sickening is not the right word.
I feel this one will escalate as the collective madness of Western nations has finally gone too far. Other nations will have to say enough is enough. Hopefully good people will stand up when it really matters.
So thankful for this network. All the wonderful individuals who contribute here. I've at least got some idea what is going on.
I don't know who this Inversion person is on X, but they did a remarkable job summing up the situation in this tweet, imo.

This is the entire perspective I've been trying to get across to everyone since the Hamas attack on Israel, and why I've been speaking so strongly against the people pounding on us for war and not questioning the government.

Before the attacks, it felt like we were finally starting to see a movement of people who were unified against that enemy within. We didn't agree on everything and there was still discussion to be had on issues, but we largely shared the sentiment in that we knew basically every government across the world was captured and apart of the same anti-human agenda, we knew they were willfully harming and killing people with the vaccine and other measures, and we knew they were lying to us constantly throughout.

After the attack, 9/11 brain has stricken many and we're back to arguing over what narratives we trust, what people we should listen to, which authority is the good guy and the bad guy, and who we should support in enacting revenge on the perpetrators of the Hamas attack, instead of asking the obvious questions like

"How did Israel fail to protect it's people exactly?"

"Who does this benefit in the end?"

"What could this be distracting us from?"

How was Hamas was able to ride into the country on bulldozers, boats, paragliders, and trucks, spend several hours killing civilians and capturing them as hostages, to then drive out of the country with said hostages with no contact from the Israeli military? Does no one notice how absurd this sounds?

It's one of the best militaries in the world with the world super power of the United States behind it, and somehow they dropped the ball this badly and allowed their people to be killed? The exact same questions were asked on 9/11, and we were met with the same ridicule for asking them, to only find out years later they knew the attack was coming and let it happen for the war plans that made long in advance.

Roseanne also brought up a very important point with the vaccine that it seems like everyone has already forgotten and completely removed from the context of the current situation with Israel, the US, or any other government saying "it's a tragedy" about Hamas murdering babies and civilians.

News flash, governments have been experimenting on it's citizens and murdering babies with vaccines for decades. We have 6 month old infants getting the COVID vaccine as we speak, with every single death being attributed to something else to protect criminal pharma corporations. The governments know this, and yet they're not outraged. Why?

Do you remember when the Israeli government used their own citizens as guinea pigs for the COVID vaccine? Remember when they forced them to get it to keep their jobs or exist in society? Remember when they were the first country to implement the WHO/WEF vaccine passport system?

How can you possibly argue that the Israeli government actually cares about it's citizens with this reality in mind?

It's absurd cognitive dissonance with gold medal tier mental gymnastics and hypocrisy.

The enemy has always been within, and that enemy is now trying to push us to war with Iran for more death, destruction, and depopulation.
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