Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

When supranational or semi-outwordly groups decide time has come to make sacrifices, they do it.
I think this is what it comes down to, specially at certain degrees, some events do have a taste of semi-otherworldly.

Also, it may have been posted before, but I caught these remarks by Vladimir Putin, that I thought were interesting to consider:

President Putin clarifies Russia's position on geographic Palestine

Speaking on the occasion of Energy Week, Russian President Vladimir Putin recalled that initially, in 1948, the UN had decided to create a binational state in Palestine. It was not the unilateral Israeli declaration of independence that was endorsed by the United Nations, but the plan to create a binational state. Therefore, "it is impossible to solve the problem without the creation of a Palestinian state whose capital would be Jerusalem", the Russian president stressed.

President Putin expressed his surprise at the US announcement of sending the aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford and its naval group - the cruiser USS Normandy and the destroyers USS Thomas Hudner, USS Ramage, USS Carney and USS Roosevelt - off the Gaza coast. "I don't understand why the U.S. is sending a naval group - what will they do there?" he asked.

Finally, the Russian president also declared himself unpleasantly surprised by the current scapegoating. "Iran is accused of all serious things, as usual, without proof," he observed.

This take on the position does not change the Russian Federation's doctrine on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The difference lies in the fact that until now Moscow refrained from publicly expressing its point of view on the issue.
Do you think posters can put images of dead people within a spoiler so the images only appear if someone clicks on the spoiler button, or is that too much to ask?

Dr. Gabor Maté is a beautiful man. What a difference with JP! And R.K. Junior.

I've found a video of interest from Gabor Mate
This video is very good, and my kids watched it with me. It's a short series of clips edited from apparently a long interview.
Do you think posters can put images of dead people within a spoiler so the images only appear if someone clicks on the spoiler button, or is that too much to ask?

This video is very good, and my kids watched it with me. It's a short series of clips edited from apparently a long interview.
This is excellent

Thank you for posting hlat 🪷
Have you noticed how anyone demonstrating for the freedom of Palestine or against the bombing of Gaza, etc, suddenly turned into a "Hamas supporter"? I've seen a couple of videos on social media with that same phrase. Also, I just went to Jordan Peterson's Twitter and he's been reposting articles criticizing those mysterious "Hamas supporters" - yet they all show pictures of pro-Palestinian demonstrators. I bet that actual Hamas sympathizers in the Western world right now are close to none. Palestinian sympathizers, that's another story. And it still blows my mind that JP can't seem to see that nuance. Just as he cannot see what "Give'em hell" implies. I mean it shouldn't be hard at all.
No matter the events, one can always find some religious advices in Israel, from the Jerusalem Post:
Remembering Paul's writings about the law...


Rabbinate releases instructions for keeping Shabbat during wartime​

Some laws can be altered or followed differently due to the principle of "pikuach nefesh," saving a person's life.​

OCTOBER 12, 2023 19:46
The Rabbinate released instructions on Thursday for observing Shabbat within the context of the ongoing war against Hamas, signed by both chief rabbis, David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef.

The instructions provide guidance on how best to avoid breaking Shabbat without putting oneself or others in danger due to the war.

Several issues arise from strictly keeping Shabbat during wartime, from carrying weapons to listening for updates about the situation, it is important that the religious authorities provide guidance on how best to obey God while maintaining readiness during wartime.

Some laws can be altered or followed differently due to the Halachic principle of "pikuach nefesh", which prioritizes saving lives over following the rules strictly.

Halachic instructions from the Israeli Rabbinate on keeping Shabbat during wartime. (credit: CHIEF RABBINATE)

The instructions:​

  • One should only pray in synagogues that have protected spaces in or near them.
  • The elderly and sick who walk too slowly should pray at home.
  • If you have a weapon license, it is a mitzvah (prescription) to carry your weapon, also during Shabbat.
  • If sirens are heard in the middle of the Amidah, one must go silently to the protected area and return to prayer from the beginning of the Amidah.
  • Try to have one armed person in every synagogue.
  • Every synagogue must have a telephone available for use on Shabbat, in case it is needed. You can keep a cell phone on vibrate in your pocket.
  • You must leave a radio running quietly in the background to keep up to date with updates from the Home Front Command."
The rabbis concluded that "all instructions and recommendations of the Home Front Command must be strictly obeyed, when you are instructed to shut yourself in at home. Do not leave the house at all, not even for prayer."

The instructions are signed by Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau and Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef.

Stay Informed
As Operation Swords of Iron unfolded, our unwavering newsroom’s commitment to covering Israel's most profound crisis has never wavered."
Not sure where to put this so I'll put it here (feel free to move it if it's off topic) but I was looking Puma's latest posts on the earthquake thread and it got me thinking about the Dead Sea Transform which is the fault creating the Jordan Rift Valley, Jordan Rift Valley - Wikipedia which runs straight through Israel and the whole of that area. Could that activate causing an earthquake? I think the C's said that the earth responds to the suffering of the people on it (but I can't find the session right now). The PTB may have thought of eveything human, but an unexpected earthquake could destroy their plans and the earth changes are due. Just a thought.
Have you noticed how anyone demonstrating for the freedom of Palestine or against the bombing of Gaza, etc, suddenly turned into a "Hamas supporter"? I've seen a couple of videos on social media with that same phrase. Also, I just went to Jordan Peterson's Twitter and he's been reposting articles criticizing those mysterious "Hamas supporters" - yet they all show pictures of pro-Palestinian demonstrators. I bet that actual Hamas sympathizers in the Western world right now are close to none. Palestinian sympathizers, that's another story. And it still blows my mind that JP can't seem to see that nuance. Just as he cannot see what "Give'em hell" implies. I mean it shouldn't be hard at all.
Yes, that's a fact, but that's the way it's always been, confusing and manipulating. They want people to believe that Israel is bombing and eliminating Hamas in Gaza, but not Palestinians. Hamas are terrorists, so everyone living in Gaza is a terrorist. They want to erase the history of Palestine. To erase the humanity of Palestine, to erase the heart of Palestine. In fact, it goes further than that. For them, Palestinians no longer exist. So Israel has the right to kill terrorists. In a word: Palestinians have become terrorists, not Palestinians. There's also the game of confusion, so that people no longer know or see whether there's a difference between Palestinians and Hamas.

And then, in this new world order, it becomes forbidden to have compassion for those who suffer. Again, the victims are the culprits. Malcolm X was right.
Peterson's deep reverence for the Old Testament in particular and his wishful thinking projection on to it of an almost absolutist moral compass has rotted his ability for discernment because I suspect he considers a people who created such a noble and pivotal work to be above all reproach. For Peterson it is the very foundation of all western 'values'. He is the classic Judaic (christian) apologist whether consciously or not. Plus he also carries untold amounts of Holocaust guilt by association.

Not particularly a Sam Harris fan, yet recall this short clip with the reanimated (did he finally undergo his reprograming in Canada, not sure) explaining his mental 3,000 year old gymnastics of the conflict (not the current one, although the same) and Harris adding his Elton John debate rounder on him.

Note: Currently, Harris waxes on over Gaza and the Hamas problem; Jihadis from caves, he more or less said, where apparently he tells us that Israel nicely vacated the property and moved out in 2009, digging up graves as they went while leaving Palestinians alone, and if not for the attacks on them since, it would be peace and harmony. Harris then does a flip the scrip analogy, saying what if the Israelis used their own woman and children as shields in a juxtaposing view - which he said was preposterous. Agree, preposterous for the most armed and surveilled country on earth. However, in essence he might also be saying that the leader of Israel did leave 'their' woman and children unprotected against James Bond'ish hand gliders and generally open borders, for allegedly allowing certain someone's that could come and go at will, who then carried out unspeakable acts against the Jewish nations woman and children.

Is the Israeli–Palestinian conflict irrational? Sam Harris vs Jordan Peterson​


So Israel has issued an evacuation order for everything North of Wadi Gaza. That includes Gaza city and about half the territory and population. Here is the summary from the BBC as things stand.

  • The UN says Israel has given a 24-hour deadline for everyone in the northern part of the Gaza Strip - home to about 1.1 million people - to evacuate to the south
  • Israeli military directly addressed Gaza City residents, telling them to leave for their "safety and protection"
  • The warning comes as Israel is expected to launch a ground offensive into Gaza to root out militant group Hamas
  • The UN wants the evacuation order withdrawn, warning that it is "impossible" and could lead to "devastating humanitarian consequences"
  • Israel has defended itself saying it was trying to minimise harm to civilians and said the UN's response was "shameful"
  • US state secretary Antony Blinken is expected to meet Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas later today. US defence secretary Lloyd Austin is also due to arrive in Israel
  • The UN Security Council has scheduled a closed-door meeting later today to discuss the Israel-Gaza conflict

It's everything North of that brown dotted line.

Everything about this is so obviously appalling it's absurd. It just reeks of provocation to wider conflict.

Israel envoy says UN response to evacuation order is 'shameful'​

In the last few minutes Israel has issued a response to the UN, defending its evacuation order and saying the international body's statement was "shameful".
Gilad Erdan, the country's ambassador to the UN, said Israel was giving an early warning to the residents of Gaza and was trying to "minimise harm to those not involved" in its military operation against Hamas.
"For many years, the UN has turned a blind eye to the arming of Hamas and its use of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as a hiding place for its weapons and murder," he said.
"Now, instead of standing by Israel, whose citizens were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists... it preaches to Israel," said Erdan.
"It is better for the UN to focus now on returning the hostages, condemning Hamas, and supporting Israel's right to defend itself,” he added.
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I'm not too sure if it's about the race and "who looks most like us". Jews and Arabs look very much alike, to the point that even earlier reports in this thread mentioned that IDF and Mossad soldiers fluent in Arabic infiltrate Palestinian forces without being recognised. Below is an excerpt where it was mentioned by Perlou, and here's a Wiki entry about the Duvdevan unit that corroborates this description.
That's a possibility. Having said this, I thought the current Jews in Israel were mostly from Eastern Europe?

My other counter argument is given how small and compact Gaza is and that inhabitants are in a prison I think it's safe to assume that people know people i.e. you are so and so from so and so family. It's not like people come in and out of the place. It's literally the same people who've been there for decades.

So, I don't know how IDF and Mossad can send in agents who embed themselves and rise to positions where they can influence the operations of Hamas. How long before someone asks - who are you? what's your family? where's your address? And does some digging.

It's not like fake papers or digital records will work when each person should be known by a whole web of other people given they've all been in that space for a while.

To me, until someone explains the above, I can't see how Hamas can be infiltrated.

What I can see is Hamas operatives can be blackmailed and bought out. Phones and computers can be hacked etc. Short term infiltration certainly can happen but an agent can't infiltrate long term without Mossad establishing some crazy multi generation roots for the agent inside Gaza.
Im trying to fathom why this war, part of the grand design, is happening at all from a 4d STS perspective. If 4d STS want control of Israel and the Greater Israel region of the Middle East, why do they want it so bad at this junction with the oncoming Wave?
Is it the portal that is supposed to exist there? Is it simply a means to eradicate the Ashkenazi gene that resists modification by psychopathic influences? Is there another reason, or is it completely irrelevant because the whole thing is about dividing and confusing people in order to smash their souls?
BTW, Daily Mail has some more of the pics shared by the Israeli govt. RT in Russian posted more, uncensored - a couple baby bodies, one more which is burnt, and another dead in a crib. Didn't look like any were beheaded.
According to this guy, the AI generated image of burnt babies originated from the X account of the Israeli PM claiming they were shared with US Secretary of State Blinken.

"People are rightfully lambasting Shapiro for posting AI-generated images of incinerated babies but nobody is talking about the fact that they originated from Netanyahu's twitter account and were shown to US officials. Proof that Israel is 100% manufacturing a false narrative."

Israeli PM tweet.png

The tweet is real and can be found here...

I thought the current Jews in Israel were mostly from Eastern Europe?

Only half of them. Here's a detailed information:

According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of January 1, 2020, of Israel's 9.136 million people, 74.1% were Jews of any background.[31] Among them, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim (Jewish immigrants to Israel)—22% from Europe and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries. Nearly half of all Israeli Jews are descended from Jews who made aliyah from Europe, while around the same number are descended from Jews who made aliyah from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey, and Central Asia. Over two hundred thousand are, or are descended from, Ethiopian and Indian Jews.[32]

So, I don't know how IDF and Mossad can send in agents who embed themselves and rise to positions where they can influence the operations of Hamas. How long before someone asks - who are you? what's your family? where's your address? And does some digging.

That's why Shin Bet and Mossad usually use "sayanim".

Or they are being duped, thinking that they work for Hamas or something. 🤷‍♀️ They could also use Israeli Arabs who serve in the military.
Im trying to fathom why this war, part of the grand design, is happening at all from a 4d STS perspective. If 4d STS want control of Israel and the Greater Israel region of the Middle East, why do they want it so bad at this junction with the oncoming Wave?
Is it the portal that is supposed to exist there? Is it simply a means to eradicate the Ashkenazi gene that resists modification by psychopathic influences? Is there another reason, or is it completely irrelevant because the whole thing is about dividing and confusing people in order to smash their souls?
Perhaps Albert Pikes 1871 letter to Mazzini is real:
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
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