Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

According to this guy, the AI generated image of burnt babies originated from the X account of the Israeli PM claiming they were shared with US Secretary of State Blinken.

"People are rightfully lambasting Shapiro for posting AI-generated images of incinerated babies but nobody is talking about the fact that they originated from Netanyahu's twitter account and were shown to US officials. Proof that Israel is 100% manufacturing a false narrative."
Update - Apparently Dom Lucre found the original image it was edited from. A picture of a puppy.



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"People are rightfully lambasting Shapiro for posting AI-generated images of incinerated babies but nobody is talking about the fact that they originated from Netanyahu's twitter account and were shown to US officials. Proof that Israel is 100% manufacturing a false narrative."
Yet another case of psychopaths never changing their modus operandi if the well-tested one works. Images of the Syrian boy in an ambulance did the trick too. Back then they had to change the entire narrative around how a photo was taken. These days it's enough to get AI to do the entire job for them. Unluckily for them, the rise of AI also marked the rise of AI detectors, so not all will be fooled.
Im trying to fathom why this war, part of the grand design, is happening at all from a 4d STS perspective. If 4d STS want control of Israel and the Greater Israel region of the Middle East, why do they want it so bad at this junction with the oncoming Wave?
Is it the portal that is supposed to exist there? Is it simply a means to eradicate the Ashkenazi gene that resists modification by psychopathic influences? Is there another reason, or is it completely irrelevant because the whole thing is about dividing and confusing people in order to smash their souls?

There are many factors playing into the situation as there are many players with different agendas (human and non). What I have been thinking about since this conflict started is an article that Laura wrote nearly 20 years ago, about how this part of the world protagonists in the End of Days prophesies of the most radical religious Jews, Muslims and Christians.

The Most Dangerous Cult in The World

While some of the eschatological prophesies might sound ridiculous and nonsensical to us, there are many powerful people out there who truly believe in it and would do whatever they can to bring it on.

Obviously, the above article is dated but it is still a good reading for a general understanding of how these people think.
I just looked throug my fb account and got these thoughts.

When the SMO started a whole bunch of my friends updated their profile with the ukr flag (I stand with ukr).
Almost none have now upgraded their profile with either the istraeli or the palestinien flag.
I have seen some "I stand with .....", but the flags not there.
Are people beginning to gain awareness of what is happening or are they to afraid to choose side?
La quatrième Première ministre d’Israël (1969 – 1974), Golda Meir, révèle la cause profonde du conflit actuel :
Quel était le nom de toutes ces terres avant la Première Guerre mondiale ? Lorsque la Grande-Bretagne a reçu un mandat sur la Palestine, à quoi ressemblait cette Palestine ? Elle occupait tout le territoire depuis la mer Méditerranée jusqu’à la frontière avec l’Irak. Les rives est et ouest du Jourdain étaient appelées Palestine. Je suis moi-même palestinien. De 1921 à 1948, j'avais un passeport palestinien.
Israel's fourth Prime Minister (1969 – 1974), Golda Meir, reveals the root cause of the current conflict:What were the names of all these lands before the First World War? When Britain received a mandate over Palestine, what did Palestine look like? It occupied the entire territory from the Mediterranean Sea to the border with Iraq. The east and west banks of the Jordan were called Palestine. I am Palestinian myself. From 1921 to 1948, I had a Palestinian passport.
Perhaps Albert Pikes 1871 letter to Mazzini is real:
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
This is what we're dealing with here ppl;
Intelligent lizards.
No empathy whatsoever.
Completely brainwashed
(ultimately to their own detriment)

But I say: Nature 🪷
She cannot be controlled;
Even when she allows you to believe that you can for a short while

You don't have to believe in the clouds / lighting / oceans for them to exist

You don't have to believe in Karma to suffer her consequences, the consequences that they are bringing upon themselves

Deceit and wishing bad on others have their price too. Doesn't matter if you are the one who placed the banana peel on the floor or not.
LIHOP is direct harming of others.
No matter who dunnit

I feel that psychos have had a "good" run, and from here on out it'll hardly be business as usual for them
Le quotidien à Gaza, essayer de trouver des survivants. Fuir ? Mais pour aller où ? Les autres vidéos qui circulent sur les réseaux sont insoutenables.
Daily life in Gaza, trying to find survivors. Flee ? But to go where? The other videos circulating on the networks are unbearable.
Le quotidien à Gaza, essayer de trouver des survivants. Fuir ? Mais pour aller où ? Les autres vidéos qui circulent sur les réseaux sont insoutenables.
View attachment 83245
Daily life in Gaza, trying to find survivors. Flee ? But to go where? The other videos circulating on the networks are unbearable.
Today I heard that many families were evacuated to Egypt

Unfortunately I do not know this for a fact and I do not know how many (if so)

I do know that the UN is behaving very weirdly, saying that people shouldn't be allowed to evacuate. Which is cruel, utterly illogical (unless you're trying to condemn them) and frankly disgusting

Sometimes I wonder if The "United Nations" should be called The "Divided Nations" instead

So Israel has issued an evacuation order for everything North of Wadi Gaza. That includes Gaza city and about half the territory and population. Here is the summary from the BBC as things stand.

View attachment 83227
It's everything North of that brown dotted line.

Everything about this is so obviously appalling it's absurd. It just reeks of provocation to wider conflict.

An analogy for people to try on for size:

In June 1982 the IRA detonates a series of bombs in London parks, killing and wounding over 70 people.

In response the UK Government of Margaret Thatcher orders the Royal Air Force to commence an unrelenting bombing campaign from the air of West Belfast in Northern Ireland and then issues an order that the 200,000 strong Catholic population leave their homes within 24 hours ahead of the British army marching in to hunt down IRA members hidden within the heavily built up city.

The western international community including the United States supports the United Kingdom in its actions. The United Nations declares these actions impossible and against international law. The United Kingdom responds by calling the United Nations shameful.
Did the UN do anything to prevent genocide in Rwanda? No. The UN has soldiers, who should be in Gaza right now, protecting the population. Are these soldiers there? No. The UN is simply a criminal organization.
Regarding the UN. In a pathocracy, everything looks like this. Take such a National Health Fund. All our lives we pay health premiums and when we get seriously ill (most often serious illness is the result of the system's treatment of previous light illnesses) we have to be treated privately.
Labels like "democracy", "human rights" etc. etc. are left behind....
Orwell and Lobaczewski's confusion.
The Peoples Voice in good company on this one - from Yandex search:

ThePeoplesVoice was listed sixth among the above. Sooo, some rogue CIA operatives on the loose? Granted, it is a confusing and baffling time, and it does take a network to keep it all as objective and truthful as possible - definitely my continued aim.
Plus, this is off-topic.

Please stick to the topic at hand, the situation in and around Israel.
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