Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Have you thought of leaving the area yourself Dekel? It's likely to get much uglier than the current situation, and your life may be in danger. Israel seems to be hellbent on a bloodbath - on both sides.
We will go for a vacation when things relax more
I am not leaving behing my partner's family nor my cat Peter who has been going through some immunological digestive issues, and he was born deaf
Perhaps, but some are more responsible than others, notably that "shitty little country", Israel.
What is "Israel" though Ryan ?

When you say 'Israel' do you mean the ground itself ? Or the "politicians" ?

I hope you can see that the people are not responsible to bear the burden for those that have been (allegedly) elected to "run the show" (?)

We've had enough of divide and conquer.

The people on all sides of the fences want freedom and peace
Like I posted earlier, the claim that the image of the charred body is AI comes from an app that gives contradictory and unreliable results. I tried it, and it told me the image was not AI-generated. People on Twitter going around saying it is an AI-generated image are jumping the gun. And if you reverse-image google the puppy image, it originates on that 4chan post, from an anon saying the source is his dad who works in CENTCOM.

As for the charred carcass, it is so charred as to be unrecognizable. Someone on Twitter thought it was a charred dog carcass. Could be? Fact is, someone did burn buildings in the kibbutz in question, and some families reportedly died in the fires, including children.
yes, the AI detection software is clearly defective and cannot be trusted or used as an argument, the photo of the puppy, despite what I said, is still more credible (despite being taken from 4chan), there is even a better interaction of the blanket with respect to the small dog, in the photo of the supposed burned baby the edges look strange and it does not interact so well with the environment.... even if it were a charred dog, the humerus is still disproportionate compared to the mass and the rest of the bodies, I see how someone can see that part as the head of a dog, but again the tip is too cylindrical, it does not correspond so well with a snout... it is not so clear to me that it is a baby or child or even a dog... maybe it's even different parts of a larger body and the baby shape is just a brain trying to find a shape.Picsart_23-10-13_13-42-39-181.jpg
As for the charred carcass, it is so charred as to be unrecognizable. Someone on Twitter thought it was a charred dog carcass. Could be?
The head does look quite a lot like a dog's head. Whoever created the AI puppy image probably knew this, and created an image that was the 'next best lie' (ie. a living dog instead of a dead one) as a form of damage control, given that the original photo and claim was made by the office of the Israeli Prime Minister directly. So the original photo is probably real, but was misrepresented, and the AI image detector app gave inconsistent results when people checked.
I think it's too easy to make generalizations especially on such subjects, and some nuance doesn't hurt. I've met Palestinians and Israelis, and like in every other part of the planet, people are different. Of course, there is a selection bias because those who talk to me are nice and those who do not are not nice (it's a law of nature). Joke a side, Israel is special because it has been created ab nihilo by the empire. As one Palestinian told me: "Those Israelis who were born in Israel, it's their home too". Now the ruling elite in Israel and elsewhere (nowhere really), and those who choose to go there knowing the history and the crimes committed by the state, while having the option of living elsewhere, that's another story altogether.
I think it's too easy to make generalizations especially on such subjects, and some nuance doesn't hurt. I've met Palestinians and Israelis, and like in every other part of the planet, people are different. Of course, there is a selection bias because those who talk to me are nice and those who do not are not nice (it's a law of nature). Joke a side, Israel is special because it has been created ab nihilo by the empire. As one Palestinian told me: "Those Israelis who were born in Israel, it's their home too". Now the ruling elite in Israel and elsewhere (nowhere really), and those who choose to go there knowing the history and the crimes committed by the state, while having the option of living elsewhere, that's another story altogether.
For the record, I never chose to come here even though I was born in Canada

Under the thumb of a violent, schizophrenic father, I was basically moved here against my will at the age of ~13

Somehow, I managed to survive during those uneasy times and grow to be a nurturing person. I learned from him how NOT to be

The forum has been a light in the darkness for me when times were tough and this is why I am chosing to be here (the forum) more and also to help people here (physical reality around me) who are in difficult situations
The people who define the nation, and their leaders who represent them. Geographic borders are obviously flexible and can change based on the agreement (or not) of peoples.
The problem is that just because a place calls itself a "democracy" doesn't mean that it actially is. Far from it.

Needless to say, I have never not once cast a vote for the person "in charge".

BUT, even if the person they elected enters office, that figure is then able to do whatever they wish, sometimes going completely against their campaign that got them "elected" in the first place.

This is not how true democracy should work, when the people have absolutely no say in what actually happens only who gets what title.

It's true for here and it's true in other so called democracies

Some of them could just as easily be called 'demonocracies'
Which Ashkenazi gene are you talking about?
The Cs reference to the gene profile that enables greater receivership capability. I don’t recall the session, it’s been posted in this thread earlier also.
As I understand it and correct me if I’m wrong this is dispersed around the world anyway. The mutual destruction of Semitic people won’t eliminate it.
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The Cs reference to the gene profile that enables greater receivership capability. I don’t recall the session, it’s been posted in this thread earlier also.
As I understand it and correct me if I’m wrong this is dispersed around the world anyway. The mutual destruction of Semitic people won’t eliminate it.
Yes and also there is epigenetics
and cosmic influences

So that your "origin" doesn't necessarily place you into a box as long as you're open
The Grayzone has just gone live with a new report on the war. I'm very worried for the entire region at the moment, you can never tell how these kinda acts can cause a sudden escalation. Given history, it's very difficult to see Gaza surviving this time. Hamas clearly chose to die on their feet, rather than live on their knees. Many have predicted a Gazan exodus this last week, well, now it looks most likely to be a 5d migration. I've tried to put myself in their shoes and I struggle to articulate just what I'd do in that situation. Prolonged Palestinian grief is a given, while the psychopaths governing Israel let themselves off their admittedly long leash. They've wanted to finish off Gaza for years, maybe now it finally happens.

For the record, I never chose to come here even though I was born in Canada

Under the thumb of a violent, schizophrenic father, I was basically moved here against my will at the age of ~13

Somehow, I managed to survive during those uneasy times and grow to be a nurturing person. I learned from him how NOT to be

The forum has been a light in the darkness for me when times were tough and this is why I am chosing to be here (the forum) more and also to help people here (physical reality around me) who are in difficult situations
Wasn't singling you out. Indeed there are many different individual circumstances. It's difficult (if not impossible) to cite every possibility. The idea was not generalizing because every person or individual has reasons and circumstances. What I had in mind was those colonists who wait to have a piece of land that had until recently its own inhabitants. In the 90's there have been a few TV documentaries of French TV showing such families (impossible to show that today). They weren't persecuted or anything, and some were economically well established. Sometimes it was for better economic perspectives and sometimes it was for religious reasons. Those were a few examples but it doesn't apply to everyone of course.
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