Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It seems a day won't pass anymore without Peterson saying something stupid. Now he is angry at CBC news for reporting of the death of Reuters journalist in Lebanon from Israel's bombing, and that food and other crucial supplies are running low in Gaza. What a fall from grace.

Every time I see him tweet I think of the "yeah.." meme:


Guy's just a mad dog at this point.

I guess that's the danger of not having a network. RIP JPB.
It really is sad 😑

Yes, and I think he has a stubborn streak which means he won't be turned by anything close to objective data. I think he'll see this through to the bitter end, convinced that he is living in truth, that the Zionist enterprise isn't a rotten den of thieves and connivers. And you'd be a vile antisemite if you suggest so! He needs to read "Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed, followed by "From Yahweh to Zion", to correct his foundational beliefs. But he's forgotten one of his own golden rules, namely, "always consider the fact that someone else may know something you do not". His own words paraphrased. Sad indeed!
Have you noticed how anyone demonstrating for the freedom of Palestine or against the bombing of Gaza, etc, suddenly turned into a "Hamas supporter"? I've seen a couple of videos on social media with that same phrase. Also, I just went to Jordan Peterson's Twitter and he's been reposting articles criticizing those mysterious "Hamas supporters" - yet they all show pictures of pro-Palestinian demonstrators. I bet that actual Hamas sympathizers in the Western world right now are close to none. Palestinian sympathizers, that's another story. And it still blows my mind that JP can't seem to see that nuance. Just as he cannot see what "Give'em hell" implies. I mean it shouldn't be hard at all.
And then there is this . . . to support the idea that Hamas is still a CIA/Mossad group. I didn't have time to check the authenticity of this quote, so be aware of that.

"Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is our strategy"

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. 2019
The Biden govt. doesn't want anyone spoiling Israel's ongoing slaughter party by mentioning that it's a slaughter party.

Leaked emails show the State Department is discouraging its staff from making public statements suggesting the U.S. wants to see less violence by Israel

In messages circulated on Friday, State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: “de-escalation/ceasefire,” “end to violence/bloodshed” and “restoring calm.”

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Absolutely disgusting - I feel sick It's right out in the open now, their murderous intentions.
Absolutely disgusting - I feel sick It's right out in the open now, their murderous intentions.
If the Palestinian people are wiped out, whats next? Wiping out all the Israeli's seems like it. Depopulation plan in the works by the usual suspects. 2 groups of humanity wiped out by the ptb and All of Humanity is the target . Hopefully there will be mitigating events to avoid total catastrophe and my imaginings are worthless.
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It seems a day won't pass anymore without Peterson saying something stupid. Now he is angry at CBC news for reporting of the death of Reuters journalist in Lebanon from Israel's bombing, and that food and other crucial supplies are running low in Gaza. What a fall from grace.

Did he delete these tweets? They don't open for me but I don't have a twitter account so not sure.

In any case, I've been souring on JBP for months now. He's been either repeating himself ad nauseam or making an ass of himself by being wrong about so many things, so I can't say that I'm surprised by his twitter tantrums (twantrums?).

I was looking for the above posts and found this: where he links to this article BILL HURRELL: Why wokeness faces extinction after Israel

It's basically saying that wokeness will go extinct because of its support for Palestine.
Well, looks like all of us here have been part of the Woke brigade all along. News to me.

The black and white thinking is just astonishing to me, though, and, as others pointed out earlier, it seems to be a herald of a whole new chapter in the Culture Wars.
People are expected to take sides in a clearly delineated landscape of ideas and political positions.
If you're taking a non pro-Israeli stance, then you're also a Marxist, CRTist, Transgenederist snowflake. If you're pro-Israel, you must be against all those things.

It looks to me like what this is doing, is infecting all sides with lies. If you're not inclined to find your own path, as most people aren't, there's no chance you'll be aligned with the truth.

Also, I've just been waiting for this to happen, and was wondering how it would be achieved. The Right will take over the reins once again and it looks like it might be a lot worse than the Left was these past years.
Either way, it's gonna be more authoritarianism.

At the same time, I'm happy to see Russia and Putin take the side of truth and reason in this matter. I think it validates the consensus about Russia here on the forum and shows that they've really grown into their role of powerful champion of justice and fairness on the global stage. Hopefully, their initiatives will bear fruit and the JBPs and Netan-Yahoos of this world will soon become a dream in the past... tragic that I can make this comparison between these two people.

More ranting....
Reading this back, I find that my thoughts about this culture war thing are still not clear enough. There's more going on there. It seems like a master stroke of the controllers. With a single event, one that isn't even that much out of the ordinary (this is just more of what was already happening for decades), they've managed to sow even more discord between the people in the West (and the Middle East). The divisions in society were already incredible but now they have the potential to grow to epic proportions.

Alas, all we can do right now is pray for the Gazans, the Jews, the Arabs and the entire World. God give us all wisdom and strength to get through this and come out on the other side as better people and better societies. And may the passing over to 5D be as painless and with as little suffering as possible for those whose fate is to leave this world.
HistoryLegends produced a video on Hamas's military tactics. Gotta give them credit - help or not. Plus, he shows images of some of them wearing uniforms seemingly designed to look exactly like IDF uniforms. If Israelis can pose as Palestinians, Palestinians can pose as Israelis. Seems to have worked in many cases!

Follow-up video from HL on Hamas's tactics, and the lessons the IDF should learn as a result.

In a video released by the Qatari authorities, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani warns that they are threatening to create a global gas shortage in support of Palestine, warning they will
with creating a global gas shortage in support of Palestine, warning that they will cut off gas supplies to the world if the bombing in Gaza does not stop.

He was in Berlin where he met with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Chancellor Olaf Scholz. In view of this last video, it seems that the visit did not lead to any hopeful compromise for Europe with these two geniuses as negotiators.

There is a whole convenient chain of news manipulation. I hope that the above note has been corrected correctly in its translation:

Disproving this hoax is as easy as knowing Arabic. They write that the Emir of Qatar says "If the bombing of Gaza does not stop I will cut off gas supplies to the world". When in fact he says: "The history of Palestine is the history of a people massacred and expelled from its territory".

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Alas, all we can do right now is pray for the Gazans, the Jews, the Arabs and the entire World. God give us all wisdom and strength to get through this and come out on the other side as better people and better societies. And may the passing over to 5D be as painless and with as little suffering as possible for those whose fate is to leave this world.
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