Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

C’est l’horrible réalité de ce que l’UE et les États-Unis soutiennent à Gaza, c’est ce que von der Leyen dit au monde que nous, Européens, soutenons. Un convoi de véhicules fuyant les bombardements israéliens a été pris pour cible, tuant plus de 70 civils, femmes et jeunes enfants. Pas à mon nom.
"Ni au mien" PERLOU
This is the horrible reality of what the EU and US are supporting in Gaza, this is what von der Leyen is telling the world that we Europeans support. A convoy of vehicles fleeing Israeli bombing was targeted, killing more than 70 civilians, women and young children. Not in my name.“Nor mine” PERLOU
Once the IDF enters the territory in full force, the Palestinians and Hamas will have the support of Hezbollah and Syria along with who knows who else.

Well, that remains to be seen. There are a lot of ‘what ifs’ here, but the what-if we were talking about wasn’t about other organisations and countries getting involved, it was about the idea that once the Israelis go into Gaza on foot, the Palestinians will have some upper hand and will be able to defeat them on their own.

This is just emotionally clouded wishful thinking and I was doing my best to snap people out of that.
If I was an Israeli, I'd believe him.

Iran’s foreign minister has warned from Beirut that Israel will suffer a “huge earthquake” if it does not stop its attacks on Gaza.

“I know about the scenarios that Hizbollah has put in place,” Hossein Amirabdollahian told reporters in Beirut. “Any step the resistance (Hizbollah) will take will cause a huge earthquake in the Zionist entity.”

“I want to warn the war criminals and those who support this entity before it’s too late to stop the crimes against civilians in Gaza, because it might be too late in a few hours,” he added.
Well, that remains to be seen. There are a lot of ‘what ifs’ here, but the what-if we were talking about wasn’t about other organisations and countries getting involved, it was about the idea that once the Israelis go into Gaza on foot, the Palestinians will have some upper hand and will be able to defeat them on their own.

This is just emotionally clouded wishful thinking and I was doing my best to snap people out of that.

I don't think those who suspect things may not go as straightforwardly for the Israelis as you seem to assume TC believe Hamas will suddenly have the upper hand and defeat the IDF. Nothing close. Rather that the IDF is no longer the all powerful force it once was, that it is unlikely that Hamas will simply crumble before the Israeli assault, and that dense urban areas, especially those that have been decimated by air power, are known to be the single most difficult - and costly - territory for any formal military to be forced to fight an insurrection in. Saying its a great leveler goes too far but it certainly will make Israeli operations way more difficult and complicated. All Hamas has to do is start inflicting casualties on a regular basis, slow down any Israeli advance and if possible bog them down in specifically prepared strategic areas, and thereby seek to prolong the assault beyond what is politically sustainable for the Israeli's. Each day that goes by in which the IDF does not deliver a swift and total victory will be seen increasingly as failure to deliver on implicit promises of total superiority. Each day as horror stories emerge in the media the international pressure on them to halt will mount. Of course such a view point could prove a false hope, but the fog of war has a strange way of never making the outcomes of military operations as obvious as they first seem.
Do you really think anyone in Gaza uses civilians as "shields"? For this use of civilians to be effective requires that your opponent actually cares about civilians.
I have not seen it with my own eyes,
But Hamas is ruthless

I did know one person who was murdered at the party

I wish things such as this never existed
But not everyone has empathy
This we know
Little surprised to see JK Rowling, who has remained steadfast and been quite astute in her position against certain aspects of progressive liberalism like the “trans” issue, jump so quickly aboard the pro-Israeli train. Here she is spreading the “40 dead and decapitated babies” hoax.

I'm still catching up with this thread, but it seems like many in the 'intellectual dark web' and other conservatives who were speaking out about the far left idiocy have become so identified with their political leaning that it was instinct for them to go against the left and side with Israel. If they are mainly focused on right/left divides, it's easier to continue to go against the side that can't figure out what a woman is.

It's also curious how they cut down the potential for Russel Brand to get more followers just before this kicked off. Especially since he's recently had Gabor Maté on his show, a Jewish Holocaust survivor, giving an objective overview of what the Palestinians have suffered under the Israeli occupation.
All Hamas has to do is start inflicting casualties on a regular basis, slow down any Israeli advance and if possible bog them down in specifically prepared strategic areas, and thereby seek to prolong the assault beyond what is politically sustainable for the Israeli's.

Hamas did this for Israel, not for the Palestinians. IF they are actually intending to fight the IDF in Gaza, then I say again, they’re going to have to do it without food, water, electricity, or medical supplies.

Make sure that you are checking yourself for subconscious selection and substitution of data, since the above data is the biggest factor of all. I think Israel’s political sustainability is going to outlast Palestine’s economic sustainability, if the high-profile con-tards on X and the tone of western mainstream media is anything to go by.
I have not seen it with my own eyes,
But Hamas is ruthless

I did know one person who was murdered at the party

I wish things such as this never existed
But not everyone has empathy
This we know
That is the problem when you hear things and not see them and even then maybe it is not like it is on first. When the occupator is ruthless what do you expect? That they ll shower israelis that are according to Cs more then 50 percent psychopathic with flowers? What you put in is what you get out is the case with majority of people.
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