Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It’s hard to look at this and not feel your heart rip apart. These guys… they really are sick. I pray for all of humanity. May all our fallen receive peace and forgiveness. DCM help us all see.
All the conditions are in place for a deluge of massacre, hatred and blind vengeance at all costs, and this snowball effect will bring with it even more violence and suffering, death and souls damaged on all sides, everyone's wounds will never heal, everyone will seek to destroy the other and, if need be, themselves...

There is no longer a limit, a voice strong and wise enough for reason to return, at least just for a moment to avoid the worst.
On the contrary, the dams have been breached and tonnes of petrol and oil are being poured onto this already blazing fire. The nights will no longer be dark, but the shadows of darkness will dance there without distinction of time or space.

In my condition and dimension as a human being, faced with so much monstrosity, I have faith that the Divine Cosmic Mind will not deprive us of our lessons, but that for all those who are still going to suffer so much and reach their limit, that the DCM will relieve their body, heart and soul of so much weight.

The quote from the Fotcm calendar for this very interesting month of October, which is just beginning:
"Accordingly then, let us not sleep, as the rest do, but let us keep wide awake (alert, watchful, cautious, and on our guard) and let us be sober (calm, collected, and circumspect)."
1 Thess 5:6

And the quote from August is even more interesting in a solo to a wider context:
"The kind of attention we bring to bear on the world changes the nature of the world we attend to, the very nature of the world in which those 'functions' would be carried out, and in which those 'things' would exist."
Iain McGilchrist

However, today's reality is still unfolding, and we need to know and be able to live it fully and serenely.
Hamas did this for Israel, not for the Palestinians. IF they are actually intending to fight the IDF in Gaza, then I say again, they’re going to have to do it without food, water, electricity, or medical supplies.

Make sure that you are checking yourself for subconscious selection and substitution of data, since the above data is the biggest factor of all. I think Israel’s political sustainability is going to outlast Palestine’s economic sustainability, if the high-profile con-tards on X and the tone of western mainstream media is anything to go by.

Then let's agree to disagree at this moment. But I do agree none of us should be emotionally committed to a fixed position.

Israel has 'extended the deadline' for evacuation of a hospital in Gaza City. It's madness.

Amid the ongoing evacuation from northern Gaza, the Palestine's Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has received a revised deadline of 13:00 GMT (16:00 local time) to move patients and staff from their Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza City.

PRCS says an initial deadline of 03:00 GMT (06:00 local time) was given. This was then revised to midday, before finally being changed to this afternoon.

We are talking about moving critically ill and injured patients from a hospital into a war zone. Other hospitals in the South of the strip have clearly stated that they are full.

Israel knows all this, it knows the evacuation order is impossible and inhumane. It is intentionally so. Still, they are keeping up the thin pretence of being civilised, but even that just comes across as them toying with their captives.

They just intentionally struck a civilian convoy taking the route that they indicated as safe, the MSM has even had to address this because of the footage people have been able to capture. It's clear that there are no limits and the hospital is not guaranteed to be left alone. I just hope that people in Gaza are able to continue to get some internet access and record what they can.
There was either a post in this thread or an article on SOTT where two ex-IDF members were surprised by the attack being unforeseen. I believe there was two videos.

I can't seem to find it anymore.

Does anybody remember this?

Thx in advance!
Why has Egypt closed the border crossing with Gaza when Israel has told all Palestinians to leave north Gaza?

Some cynical commentators are saying that Israel wants to have all the Palestinians in a small area so they can use the lowest number of bombs to essentially commit genocide. I hope this is not true.

It does look like a final solution is being implemented by Israel.
Why has Egypt closed the border crossing with Gaza when Israel has told all Palestinians to leave north Gaza?

Some cynical commentators are saying that Israel wants to have all the Palestinians in a small area so they can use the lowest number of bombs to essentially commit genocide. I hope this is not true.

It does look like a final solution is being implemented by Israel.

Perhaps because (1) Egypt knows that by opening its boarders it will see an unmanageable flood of up to 3 million refugees that it will have to accept as near permanent residents, further undermining an already fragile social balance within Egypt (2) because Gaza is Palestinian land and if they facilitate Israel in ethnically cleansing it they will only be seen by all other Arab countries as having collaborated with Israel so as to make this task easy (3) if they do this Gaza will be more easily incorporated into greater Israel with no coming back from that post the conflict.

Any 'final solution' being implemented by Israel is principally about land. They have no strategic need to kill more than necessary to achieve that... wicked enough as that is.
Any 'final solution' being implemented by Israel is principally about land. They have no strategic need to kill more than necessary to achieve that... wicked enough as that is.
How can we be sure of this? They just bombed part of the civilian convoy heading south?

Why has Egypt closed the border crossing with Gaza when Israel has told all Palestinians to leave north Gaza?

Some cynical commentators are saying that Israel wants to have all the Palestinians in a small area so they can use the lowest number of bombs to essentially commit genocide. I hope this is not true.

It does look like a final solution is being implemented by Israel.
This is a great question

Pamphlets have been raining down the air in Gaza asking for civillian evacuation

Has Egypt opened its borders to rescue lives / will they ?
I sincerely hope so
They just bombed part of the civilian convoy heading south?
Yes, SouthFront reported about it (disturbing videos in the article below):

On October 13, at least 70 Palestinians were killed and 200 others were wounded in Israeli strikes on a convoy of displaced civilians heading from northern Gaza to south.

Iyad Al-Buzm, an Interior Ministry spokesman, told Al Jazeera that the convoy was targeted as around 150 civilians were making their way through Salah Aldin Street in al-Zeytoun neighborhood.

Al-Buzm noted that despite Israeli calls to find refuge in the southern region of the Gaza Strip, the bombings are still heard throughout the strip.

The Hamas Movement, which governs Gaza, said the convoy was targeted in three places. Videos posted on social media showed the convoy before and after it was targeted by the Israeli strikes. The dead bodies of several victims can be seen in one of the videos.

How can we be sure of this? They just bombed part of the civilian convoy heading south?

I don't mean that Israel won't willingly commit crimes against humanity/war crimes. It has already openly declared its intention to do so by:
  • Ordering the evacuation
  • Deny food, water, electricity and particularly medicine to civilians
  • Deliberately targeting non combatants, etc
  • Deliberately bombing civilian areas to create maximum damage.
  • etc
These are all against international law. Israel openly flouts this as it has done for decades.

The convoy attack was likely either a callous product of an indifference to managing internal communication between military branches or a deliberate war crime designed to panic the population into getting out any way possible because they have been sent a message that there will be no limits if they remain...

But that still doesn't mean genocide is their specific strategic intention.

But that also doesn't mean it will not become a 'natural' byproduct of their systemic callous cruelty...
What better way to win public opinion than to create panic over the imminent terrorist attack on symbols of a nation.

The Louvre Museum in #Paris #France 🇫🇷 has been evacuated due to bomb threat.
They report at least 7,000 people have been evacuated.
#Israel #Louvre
October 14, 2023

Now it is the Palace of Versailles, 19km west of #Paris #France 🇫🇷 that is evacuated due to bomb threat.
#Versailles #Versailles
October 14, 2023
The hardest part in the play (Devine comedy) we all contribute belongs to Jews.
Their contribution to consciousness level we as humanity achieved so far is enormous. Ultimate slavery to their Yahweh probably leads to ultimate punishment (as deserved) . However the process of development in this realm really sucks. I am not sure how would I cope without Cass. ,and previously Ra mat. So thank you all !
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