Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It's like what Maya Angelou used to say, "When people show you who they are...believe them".
Yeah, and he's certainly not hiding his bias is he? And you just know that he'd just call you a Hamas sympathiser and a mass murder apologist to boot, if you spoke out about this invasion and the catastrophic effects felt by real people! The best thing that can come out of this is that the few Gazans who survive can see past this Hamas yoke wielded over them by a ruthless and cunning Mossad. They're paying the price for Hamas' impudence, striking at a strangely slumbering foe.

Many have already opined that this was allowed to happen, just so they could go in and steamroller the place. Time will reveal the truth, it never fails to, for those with eyes to see that is. Peterson cannot see for looking, and he lacks a robust network to check for reading errors. I suppose I'll just have to get used to this new face he's showing off, Not a good look, and he's on the wrong side of history. How many lives will be lost before the likes of him can see? Psychopathy, we're an infested global political network, so many states with both skewed and compromised systems of rule. We're all staring into a kind of abyss at the moment, each facing our own version of the foe. Peterson sees the irate Arab as an eternal archetype of Jew hatred, but there is objective fury which cannot be overpowered in this. It is this that will reveal the unbridled hubris of the beast that Israel has become, lashing out at all and sundry while paying lip service to international law.

What has become apparent too is that there is a tremendous solidarity with Gaza felt by large portions of the Arab world. This should not be underestimated if we are going to turn this catastrophe around. I've found a whole bunch of people on X sharing excellent content. The voices are out there, but their voices remain quiet among the din. There's really no point engaging with Peterson at this point, not unless you just fancy an argument. Time to move on, and watch closely because things are about to get damn tough for the people of Gaza.
Israel has appeared to give orders for civilians to evacuate to the south via air-dropped leaflets, and then proceeded to bomb the ad-hoc humanitarian convoy which followed their directions. 70 Palestinians are reported as killed. I hid a more graphic video in a spoiler tag.
It’s hard to look at this and not feel your heart rip apart. These guys… they really are sick. I pray for all of humanity. May all our fallen receive peace and forgiveness. DCM help us all see.
Laura said: (reply 612)
Just thought I'd mention that Douglas Reed's book "Controversy of Zion" was pretty accurate in describing where everything was going to end up - as it is today. "World Revolution."
This spiral of ascending violence is truly worrying, I say ascending because there are no signs that it is going to descend, but on the contrary in a short time and with some pretext there could be a chain reaction that involves the union of Europe and America and then it will not take long to bring the always worrying and devastating economic consequences and the return to a regrettable state of real crisis now with total loss of conscience of the politicians and their accomplices involved in this conflict already announced for a long time; I say loss of consciousness, if they ever had one.

And winter is coming.
Three religions, one (Islam) the sworn enemy of the two allied (Judaism and pseudo-Christianity) in their hate.
And the prophesies that are “history written in advance” by the final victors. Not Muslim, Jew, or Christian.

It seems to me all that is evil in this world is the meddling of evil in this world. All that is good has come from the hearts and efforts of compassionate men and women who through knowledge and reason act with intention to preserve the right all have to the sovereignty of their own souls. Divine intervention acts through these hearts as it sought out by them.

I have been voraciously reading to try and come to terms with all this and I am so very very grateful for all of @Laura ‘s decades of study and research that has enabled us to know and understand. It most certainly is Amazing Grace.
Summary of article by Cynthia Chung of the Canadian Patriot. Gives an overview of the historical situation in the Middle East.

Source of Summary – “J” Enjeer on Superspreaders

Everything Is An Op
The Five Eyes and Hamas

Written by Cynthia Chung, Adapted by J

War and havoc in the Middle East today comes from the British-
orchestrated so-called “Arab Awakening”
• led by characters such as E.G. Browne, St. John Philby, T.E. Lawrence of Arabia, and Gertrude Bell.
• Origins in the 19th century
• British were able to reap significant results in 20th century.
• Only revealed by the Bolshevik Russians leaking the contents of the Sykes-Picot agreement
• Secret treaty between UK and France to carve up the defeated Ottoman Empire into the Middle-East we now know
• This leads directly to British Palestine administration and then to creation of Israel
• Puppet regimes installed
• Internal battles for power lead to the British-backed Wahhabite House of Saud claiming the throne of the regions that would become Saudi Arabia

While the British were promising Arab independence they simultaneously were promising a homeland in Palestine to the Jews
• Balfour Declaration of November 2nd, 1917
• Palestine seized by the British during this so-called Arab Revolt on December 11th, 1917
• General Allenby marched into Jerusalem and declared martial law over the city.
• Palestine has remained occupied ever since.
• Britain would receive the mandate over Palestine from the League of Nations in July 1922.
• 1920s and 1930s violent confrontations between Jews and Arabs took place in Palestine
• 1937, Peel Commission concluded that Palestine had two distinct societies with irreconcilable political demands, thus making it necessary to partition the land.

• Arab Higher Committee refused Peel’s “prescription” and the revolt broke out again.
• This time, Britain responded with a devastatingly heavy hand.
• Roughly 5,000 Arabs were killed by the British armed forces and police.
• British mandate government dissolved the Arab Higher Committee and declared it an illegal body.
• British government issued the White Paper of 1939, which stated that Palestine should be a bi-national state, inhabited by both Arabs and
• Because the mandate was so unpopular, including within Britain itself, it was organised such that the United Nations would take responsibility for the British initiative and adopted the resolution to partition Palestine on November 29th, 1947.
• Britain would announce its termination of its Mandate for Palestine on May 15th, 1948 after the State of Israel declared its independence on May 14th, 1948.

The Muslim Brotherhood
• In 1902, Riyadh fell to Ibn Saud and it was during this period that Ibn Saud established the fearsome Ikhwan (translated as “brotherhood”)
• fighters from Bedouin tribes
• By 1912 the Ikhwan numbered 11,000 and Ibn Saud had both central Arabia’s Nejd and Al-Ahsa in the east under his control.
• 1920s onward, the new Saudi state merged its Wahhabi orthodoxy withthe Salafiyya movement
• Organised into the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928
• First formal treaty between England and Saudi Arabia signed in 1915
• Formally recognized Ibn Saud as the independent ruler of [Saudi Arabia] under British protection. In return, Ibn Saud undertook to follow British “advice”
• Egypt 1928, Muslim Brotherhood established by Hassan al-Banna with a grant from England’s Suez Canal Company

• al-Banna was a follower of Internationalist Jamal al-Din al-Afghani
• Britain’s Egyptian puppet King Farouq uses the Muslim Brotherhood as a truncheon against Egypt’s nationalists and later against Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser
• Brotherhood’s HQ was in Ismailia—location of a major British military base built during WWI to protect the Suez Canal. It was also, in the 1920s a centre of pro-British sentiment in Egypt.

Arab Independence
• In 1942, the Muslim Brotherhood established the “Secret Apparatus”
• an intelligence service and secret terrorist unit.
• This clandestine unit functioned for over twelve years almost entirely unchecked, assassinating judges, police officers, government officials and engaging in goon squad attacks on labor unions and communists.
• Muslim Brotherhood worked for the most part in an alliance with King Farouq (and thus the British)
• received political support and money from the Saudi royal family and the Wahhabi establishment
• As King Farouq began to lose his grip on the Egyptian people after WWII, the Brotherhood distanced itself from him while maintaining shadowy ties to the army and to foreign intelligence agencies and always opposed to the left
• The Palestine War (1947-1949) resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel at the cost of 700,000 displaced Palestinian Arabs and the destruction of most of their urban areas.
• Territory that was under British administration before the war was divided between the State of Israel (officially formed May 14th, 1948), which captured about 78% of it • The Kingdom of Jordan captured and later annexed the West Bank
• Egypt captured the Gaza Strip
• Arab League established the All-Palestine Government
• All came to an end in June 1967 when the Gaza Strip, along with the
West Bank, were captured by Israel in the Six-Day War.
• Egyptian people were furious over this, and the reign of British puppet King Farouq who had done nothing to prevent the dismantling of Palestine was on extremely shaky ground.

• Farouq’s accord with the Muslim Brotherhood broke down • December 1948, the Egyptian government outlawed the Muslim
• Weeks later a Brotherhood assassin murdered prime minister Mahmoud El Nokrashy.
• Two months later, in Feb. 1949, Banna was assassinated in Cairo by the Egyptian secret police.
• July 23, 1952, the Free Officers, led by Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser, staged a military coup that launched the Egyptian
Revolution of 1952, overthrowing the British puppet monarch.

• Cairo now under control of the Arab people after over 70 years of British occupation.
• Nasser seen as leader of a new, true Arab independence movement
• 1956 to 1958 Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon underwent rebellions, Iraq’s king was toppled, and Syria united with Egypt in Nasser’s United Arab Republic
• Yemen underwent a Nasser-inspired revolt, triggering a proxy war pitting Saudi Arabia against Egypt
• Algeria, moral and material support was given from Cairo towards the Algerian revolution that finally won them independence from French colonial rule in 1962
• Nasser’s leadership and the inspiration he stirred were so strong that even as late as 1969 the year before Nasser’s death, Libya’s king was
overthrown and Sudan’s right-wing regime was eliminated by military leaders loyal to Nasser.
• Nasser understood, that if the vast oil fields in Saudi Arabia were under Arab control, the potential for an economic boom would be enormous
for all Arab states, such that the old game of imperialism by Britain and France could no longer retain its chokehold on Arab independence.
• The real reason why the British and Anglo Americans wanted Nasser removed, was not because he was a communist or because he was
susceptible to communist influence; it was because he refused to obey his would-be foreign controllers and was rather successful in this endeavour
• What especially worried London and Washington was the idea that Nasser might succeed in his plan to unify Egypt and Saudi Arabia thus
creating a major Arab power

Nasser’s Assassination
• 1954 Egypt and the United Kingdom had signed an agreement over the Suez Canal and British military basing rights. It was a short lived. By 1956 Great Britain, France and Israel concocted a plot against Egypt aimed at toppling Nasser and seizing control of the Suez Canal, a conspiracy that enlisted the Muslim Brotherhood.
• British hold secret meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood in Geneva
• MI6 organize a clandestine anti-Nasser opposition in the south of France and in Switzerland
• Nasser’s showdown with the Muslim Brotherhood occurred in 1954

• timed to add pressure during the British-Egyptian negotiations over the transfer of the Suez Canal and its military bases to Egypt.
• The British, after over 70 years of direct occupation in Egypt, were not going to give up on one of their most prized jewels, their gateway to the India, so easily.
• 1954 the Muslim Brotherhood and Nasser went to war, culminating in Nasser outlawing them as a terrorist group and a pawn of the British.
• 1967 the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab states Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Iraq,
• Started by Israel in a coordinated aerial attack on Egypt, eliminating roughly 90% of Egyptian air forces that were still on the ground, followed
by an aerial attack on Jordan, Syria and Iraq.
• Israel then went on to conduct a ground attack with tanks and infantry, devastating whole Arab regions.
• people of Egypt refused to accept Nasser’s resignation and took to the streets in a mass demonstration calling for Nasser’s return. Nasser accepted the call of the people and returned to his position as president where he remained as until his death in Sept 1970. In the 1950s the so-called enemy of the West was not only Moscow but the Third World’s emerging nationalists
• Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt to Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran.
• The United States and Britain staged a coup d’état against Mossadegh (sound familiar?), and used the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist movement and the grandfather organization of the militant Islamic right, in an attempt to remove Nasser, the leader of the Arab nationalists (also sound familiar?). In the 1960s, left wing nationalism and Arab socialism spread from Egypt to Algeria to Syria, Iraq and Palestine.
• A threat to the old imperialist game of Great Britain
• USA a recent recruit to the Grand Chessboard
• Working alliance with Saudi Arabia intent on using Wahhabi fundamentalism as their foreign policy arm in the Middle East, along with
the Muslim Brotherhood.

Modern Islamist “Terrorism”
After being ousted by Nasser in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood morphs into modern militant Islamic extremism we are supposedly fighting today
• Islamic banking was born in Egypt and financed by Saudi Arabia and then spread to the far corners of the Muslim world.
• Islamic banking movement became a vehicle not only for exporting political Islam but for sponsoring violence.
• Islamic banking did not get off the ground on its own
• Ibrahim Warde explains in his book “Islamic Finance in the Global Economy,” Islamic banking:
• “[Islamic Banking] operates more out of London, Geneva, or the Bahamas than it does out of Jeddah”
• BCCI was an international bank founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a Pakistani financier. The bank was registered in Luxembourg with head offices in Karachi and London. A decade after opening, BCCI had over 400 branches in 78 countries in excess of $20 billion USD, making it the seventh largest private bank in the world. • 1980s investigations into BCCI led to the discovery of its involvement in massive money laundering and other financial crimes, and that the BCCI had illegally and secretly gained the control of a major American bank,
First American
• BCCI was also to be found guilty for illegally buying another American bank, the Independence Bank of Los Angeles. The American depositors lost most of their money when BCCI was forced to foreclose since it was essentially operating a Ponzi scheme to fund illegal activity of all sorts.
• Investigators in the United States and the UK determined that BCCI had been “set up deliberately to avoid centralized regulatory review, and operated extensively in bank secrecy jurisdictions
• This means that the so-called terrorists we are supposed to be fighting in this “War on Terror” are essentially working for the orchestrators that justify said narrative.
• Capital from these Whabbist-Saudi controlled money-laundering and banking system directly fund every highly-centralised Arab “terror” organisation from AlQaeda to ISIS
• The only people who don’t know this are the average citizen of western countries whose righteous altruism is used to mine hatred towards those pesky Arabs—who just can’t seem to settle down and accept the yoke of City of London and Five-Eyes slavery


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I hope terrorists will be stopped sooner rather than later

Yesterday a volunteer told me that Hamas shot their own dogs because they began barking at them

Also the use of civilians in Gaza as shields for terrorism is appauling

Something has to give

At least it seems as though some level headed voices have taken an interest in the situation

May they persevere
Joke a side, Israel is special because it has been created ab nihilo by the empire. As one Palestinian told me: "Those Israelis who were born in Israel, it's their home too".
While I can understand why Israelis born in Israel see it as special simply because it's their home, how does "creatio ab nihilo" give something special status? You could say that everything in the Universe is "creatio ab nihilio".

This is not how true democracy should work, when the people have absolutely no say in what actually happens only who gets what title.
That's a common sentiment, but untrue, alas. Democracy is not about running things "by committee", or at least, it shouldn't be. Ideally, people should be elected based on their demonstrated competence with their elected role having sufficient executive power to exercise that competence freely. If their competence proves to be insufficient for the task, they get replaced. Of course, this assumes a democracy founded on psychologically healthy principles, such as Lobaczewski describes in Logocracy.

The Biden govt. doesn't want anyone spoiling Israel's ongoing slaughter party by mentioning that it's a slaughter party.
Must be tough for the psychos not to blow their cover now that they've had depopulation quotas imposed on them.

I guess that's the danger of not having a network. RIP JPB.
Yeah, very sad to see. Considering what happened to his health last time he bought a big lie, I don't hold out too much hope for him unless he wakes up and smells the cordyceps.
That's a common sentiment, but untrue, alas. Democracy is not about running things "by committee", or at least, it shouldn't be. Ideally, people should be elected based on their demonstrated competence with their elected role having sufficient executive power to exercise that competence freely. If their competence proves to be insufficient for the task, they get replaced. Of course, this assumes a democracy founded on psychologically healthy principles, such as Lobaczewski describes in Logocracy.

I truly hope one day this will be achieved, somehow !
One of the more staggering examples of how our priors literally determine our perception is that Peterson and the rest of "club conservative meltdown" can't see that they are squarely on the MSM side, on the Biden side, the Trudeau and Haley and Green Party and Macron and Merkel and CNN... the uniparty side.

Simce they don't want to see this obvious fact, they are grasping for silly straws, such as the "Biden money maybe went ro Iran which maybe went to Hamas" stuff, or they find the one MSM article that at least gives some airtime to the Palestinian position, while completely ignoring the overwhelming onslaught of pro-Israel propaganda by the same folks who brought us lockdowns, pronouns and non-binary genders.
There is one caveat to the above though: I guess the switcheroo game played here might be a bit too much even for the MSM and the Wokesters. I mean, you can't drill into people's heads for decades that brown people are always the victims, there is no racism among them, historical grievances must be paid back etc. and then going all Israeli suppremacy the next day. I mean you can try, and given people's mush-for-brains it might even work. But I think public opinion could switch against Israel fast.

If Israel was actually acting in its own self-interest, it would be measured and de-escalating in its response. And if the US actually cared about Israel, they would relentlessly push for a ceasefire and deescalation. Alas...

Another point I heard somewhere is that the radical elements in Israel actually believe that a weakened US might be their chance to go all-out "Greater Israel" amd build the new temple. All of that is of course deluded and will only lead to Israel's destruction.
Bernie Sanders accuse Israël de « grave violation du droit international » et appelle à « la retenue des forces israéliennes attaquant Gaza
Sanders a déclaré que Gaza était devenue une « prison à ciel ouvert ».
Il a déclaré que « prendre pour cible des civils est un crime de guerre, peu importe qui le commet ».
Mail Online (Bernie Sanders accuses Israel of 'serious violation of law')
Bernie Sanders accuses Israel of a 'serious violation of international law' and calls for 'restraint from Israeli forces attacking Gaza'
The 82-year-old democratic socialist issued a statement in the wake of terror group Hamas's murderous assault on Israel.
Bernie Sanders accuses Israel of “serious violation of international law” and calls for “restraint of Israeli forces attacking GazaSanders said Gaza had become an “open-air prison.”He said that “targeting civilians is a war crime, no matter who commits it.”Bernie Sanders accuses Israel of a 'serious violation of international law' and calls for 'restraint from Israeli forces attacking Gaza'The 82-year-old democratic socialist issued a statement in the wake of terror group Hamas's murderous assault on Israel.
Pendant que Scholz, le chancelier Allemand, condamne le Hamas, et ferme les yeux sur ce qu'Israël s'apprête à faire, il recoit l'émir du Quatar... Oui il a besoin de pétrole... Comment encore croire en ses politiques ???
While Scholz, the German chancellor, condemns Hamas, and turns a blind eye to what Israel is preparing to do, he receives the Emir of Qatar... Yes he needs oil... How can we still believe in his policies???
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