Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Peterson's deep reverence for the Old Testament in particular and his wishful thinking projection on to it of an almost absolutist moral compass has rotted his ability for discernment because I suspect he considers a people who created such a noble and pivotal work to be above all reproach.
The Greeks? :lol:

Here's an Israeli report that shows that hours before the attack Tzahal (Israeli military) was already aware of Hamas intentions:
Yesterday afternoon, Dimona attacked?
Two very interesting news items. Slavyangrad says the following about the Dimona incident:
Due to panic associated with the situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

1. There were reports of the launch of 15 Hezbollah drones.
2. An air raid alert was announced on Israeli territory.
3. They came to the Dimona from Lebanon.
4. Reports of an explosion in Dimona appear.
5. There are reports of the evacuation of US citizens from Lebanon.
6. It turns out that nothing flew to Dimona and there was some kind of showdown in the industrial zone.
7. It turns out that the drones did not fly anywhere from Lebanon.
8. The United States says it is not withdrawing the embassy or declaring an evacuation.
9. Lebanese media say it was possibly birds.
10. It is also reported that Hezbollah may have trolled Israeli detection systems.
11. The IDF says nothing arrived.

The Iranian Foreign Minister landed in Lebanon after Israelis bombed the airport at Damascus. Statement to Al-Mayadeen:
Lebanon: Iranian foreign minister Amir Abdullahian to Al-Mayadeen (قناة الميادين | عاجل):

"In light of the continued aggression, war crimes, and siege on Gaza, opening other fronts is a real possibility."

"Our discussions with Saudi Arabia are within the framework of our strategy to support Palestine."

"The Zionist entity and its supporters will be responsible for the results of continued attacks on the Palestinian people."

"Operation Al-Aqsa Flood came in response to the crimes of the Zionist entity."

Cutting off water and electricity and targeting civilians from Gaza is a war crime committed by the Zionist occupation entity.

Even if the civilians all evacuate, the IDF is looking at a months-long ground war to clear Gaza:

'Burnt baby corpse' turns out to be an AI image:

On the lighter side:
In my view, this is why you have conservatives united on the side of Israel but torn about Ukraine. The situation between Israel and Palestine is black and white. It's easy to pick a side.

The situation between Ukraine v Russia is a bit complicated. You don't have the racial difference to help you pick a side so it kind of gets a bit messy and they have no choice but to go a layer down to who's right and who's wrong?

With Israel v Palestine, they don't give a sh*t about who's right and who's wrong. It's who looks most like us and that's the team you root for - screw the whole right / wrong shenanigans.

I'm not too sure if it's about the race and "who looks most like us". Jews and Arabs look very much alike, to the point that even earlier reports in this thread mentioned that IDF and Mossad soldiers fluent in Arabic infiltrate Palestinian forces without being recognised. Below is an excerpt where it was mentioned by Perlou, and here's a Wiki entry about the Duvdevan unit that corroborates this description.

Journalist Michael Ganoe has often visited the border fence between Gaza and Israel. Israeli military bases are spread throughout the territory. And we must really believe that Muslims can cross the border by truck without being worried and without the army intervening?"I just can't believe it. I really can't do it," Ganoe emphasizes.Ganoe recalls that there is a special unit in Israel called Duvdevan. This is made up of Sephardic Jews who speak Arabic fluently. They infiltrate the Gaza Strip, disguise themselves as Arabs and put the terrorists incapacitated. How come they didn't know such a thing was going to happen?And what about the Shabak, the Israeli FBI? Or Mossad? They didn't know anything either? They are able to smuggle a Sephardic Jew who speaks five languages into Iran, but they have no idea what is happening on their own border? “I just can’t believe it,” Ganoe repeats.He is convinced that the Israeli government allowed this to happen. He cannot and does not want to believe that it is a surprise attack.

I'd say it's more about the very successful marketing campaign Jewish leaders have been running for as long as decades - if not centuries. They have been portraying themselves as victims to the point that even some generally smart people take it as an obvious truth. Kind of the same way that people parrot other "obvious truths" such as: fluoride is good for our teeth, or smoking is bad. Only crazy people question that.

Then there is also the fact that it's commonly accepted that the Jewish version of truth cannot be questioned and Jews themselves cannot be criticised. They even made it illegal to question the Holocaust shortly after WW2, and accusations of antisemitism are among the most career destroying ones out there. Look what they did to Jeremy Corbyn a few years ago.

The below YouTube short from a stand-up comedy illustrates the extent to which Jews have made themselves untouchable in our collective consciousness (the gig itself predates the current events). I found the extent to which it is common knowledge and somehow an accepted fact that Jews are some sort of a taboo subject that no one is allowed to speak badly about, or mess with, to be quite curious. I guess the well-known saying that if you want find out who rules over you, you should find out who you're not allowed to criticise hasn't been much of a call to action.

Just a little warning that the comedian uses some strong language, and I'd suggest skipping the part after he starts making references to humus, it gets quite distasteful after that.

The C's were right: this month is very interesting. And in the good sense of this word. I checkrd in the dictionary and found some words related to the word interesting.


There are more synonyms of the word interesting. I think the C's choose a good word to define this month.
The Peoples Voice in good company on this one - from Yandex search:


ThePeoplesVoice was listed sixth among the above. Sooo, some rogue CIA operatives on the loose? Granted, it is a confusing and baffling time, and it does take a network to keep it all as objective and truthful as possible - definitely my continued aim.

Rather than "some rouge CIA operatives on the loose", I'd say it's yet another case of lies sandwiched between truths to make the lies easier to swallow. They can't just lie all the time, this is the job of the MSM ;-) But what a great way to neutralise those who don't trust the MSM anymore by planting trojan horses in the sources they go to when they want to find the truth. Some will throw the baby out with the bathwater. Others will take both, the baby and the bathwater. It takes a lot of persistence and skill to keep digging and they just don't want to make it easy.
Are they losing the info war.?

JUST IN: The military secretary to the Israeli Prime Minister met today with a number of social media influencers to instruct them to promote content that strengthens the Israeli narrative regarding what is happening in Gaza

Critical journalistic content about Israel-Palestine is now banned in the EU under its authoritarian Digital Services Act.

Self-proclaimed liberal democracies are afraid of their own citizens learning the truth about their support for apartheid.
Rather than "some rouge CIA operatives on the loose", I'd say it's yet another case of lies sandwiched between truths to make the lies easier to swallow.
I wouldn't say any of those sites are "good company" either, except maybe Global Research. Not sure what incidences of schizophrenia or psychosis in c vaccinated people have to do with massive, spreading, pro-Palestine protests, either. Seems like the same risk could apply at a football match or any public event when emotions are high.
Rather than "some rouge CIA operatives on the loose", I'd say it's yet another case of lies sandwiched between truths to make the lies easier to swallow.

That CIA part was said in mostly in jest (I do tend to inject levity in the spirit of lighten up - don't take everything so seriously - otherwise it can all get too depressing) and it was followed by exactly what you just wrote:

and truth wrapped in lies is an effective manipulation [...] Discernment is key. I appreciate your input and will keep it in mind regarding future videos.

And in my next post:
and it does take a network to keep it all as objective and truthful as possible - definitely my continued aim.

I don't take lightly input from senior forum/FOTCM members such as Niall and yourself and I thought that I adequately conveyed that. If I'm wrong about something, then it behooves me and everyone else to get it right. Niall verified that "Occasionally their reports have actual information in them" which seems to be the case in this instance. However, he made the point and I get it that anything they report should be sourced from reliable sites - and no, I don't recall his warning about that previously - must have missed it.

So thanks for following up on this - after all, it may take a village most of the time, but for us, it takes a network! And ours is the best!
I wouldn't say any of those sites are "good company" either, except maybe Global Research. Not sure what incidences of schizophrenia or psychosis in c vaccinated people have to do with massive, spreading, pro-Palestine protests, either. Seems like the same risk could apply at a football match or any public event when emotions are high.

Yes, well, the Gateway Pundit has gone down in flames, so who's to know for sure what sites are totally reliable? And sure, mass hysteria exists, but do we know for sure that the vax doesn't have neurological effects factored in that will set people off if the right circumstances or signal happens? I wasn't suggesting that the vax was fueling mass protests - be it either side; rather,
zombie apocalypse or Greenbaum programming timed to coincide with declared jihad?

Guess we'll have to see what tomorrow brings - hopefully, absolutely nothing.
'Burnt baby corpse' turns out to be an AI image:
Not sure this is the most reliable app...
Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 7.22.33 PM.png

BTW, Daily Mail has some more of the pics shared by the Israeli govt. RT in Russian posted more, uncensored - a couple baby bodies, one more which is burnt, and another dead in a crib. Didn't look like any were beheaded.

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I'm not too sure if it's about the race and "who looks most like us". Jews and Arabs look very much alike, to the point that even earlier reports in this thread mentioned that IDF and Mossad soldiers fluent in Arabic infiltrate Palestinian forces without being recognised.
Just to remark en passant that even in an ethno-centric "nation" where everybody's supposed to be "equal", there are those who are less equal than others. There are the elites and the plebs of course, but even among the plebs there are ethnic differences which make some groups more disposable than others. There are stories about experimenting on children of certain descents or discrimination about certain groups because of where they come from etc. When supranational or semi-outwordly groups decide time has come to make sacrifices, they do it.
The seeds of that "curveball" in are in recent events, which are a significant departure from the usual butchery of Palestinians, if you can read the signs.
Yeah. The FF on US soil is being promoted and has a good chance but I don’t find that too interesting More like oh no, here we go angain. Aliens appearing or epic natural disasters would be interesting. Exposure of lies is another one. Biden thrown under the bus would be pretty cool. And a lifting of the veil on some level too.

FBI says currently there is no information indicating a specific threat to the homeland

That's funny actually, I have started to see a sign on the road that I had never seen before, it has been a few months, the sing reads something like: "Report terrorism suspicious activity" or something like that. I had seen the whole " if you see something say something, never one with the word terrorism in it.

Not sure if it has been posted before or not, though I found it to be refreshing and interesting, Russell Brand reports on the arms stock prices and US Congressmen taking advantage of this to make a quick buck, I think it's worth the watch.

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