Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Russia pushes the Doomsday clock but not Israel.

Has anyone seen if the scientists have moved the doomsday clock after the Hamas massacre and the strong retaliation against Gaza by the Israeli army? Earlier this year scientists moved the clock forward to 90 seconds before midnight. They said “Unprecedented Danger”:​


Doomsday Clock set at 90 seconds to midnight​

"Unprecedented Danger”: Russia-Ukraine War Pushes Iconic Doomsday Clock Closest to Midnight Ever in its History.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – January 24, 2023 –The Doomsday Clock was set at 90 seconds to midnight, due largely but not exclusively to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the increased risk of nuclear escalation. The new Clock time was also influenced by continuing threats posed by the climate crisis and the breakdown of global norms and institutions needed to mitigate risks associated with advancing technologies and biological threats such as COVID-19.

Now that Israel's revenge against Palestine is really pushing the doomsday clock towards nuclear midnight, there is absolute silence from scientists.

They stand for Israel and Ukraine.

Floyd Mayweather shares message of support after Hamas attacks: “I stand with Israel”

He is now sending his private jet, Air Mayweather, to the Middle Eastern country to deliver food and other supplies, including bullet-proof vests, for Israeli Defense Force soldiers.
MAD disallows nukes. Also, aliens don't allow them.
Also, according to the Cs Iran does have nukes. If that's the case, then Israel knows this and the MAD logic applies. But even if that's not the case, nukes may assure that Israel's enemies are destroyed, but that doesn't guarantee Israel's survival. Just look at the map - there's a couple of large cities along a narrow strip between the sea and the West Bank, Gaza to the south and the rest is desert. I think enough conventional bombs and an army will bring it to its knees, simply because the country is so small.
Pepe Escobar

Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz: “Before these days, we supplied the Gaza Strip with 54,000 cubic meters of water and 2,700 megawatts of electricity per day. Now this is not the case. They will have enough fuel for the generators for a few more days, and in a week without electricity, the sewage system will completely stop working. This is what the nation of child killers deserved. What happened will no longer happen."

This thread has advanced rapidly since my last look (I'm back on post #509), so hope this isn't a repeat post:

Los Angeles Times Retracts Allegations of Hamas Rapes: 'Such Reports Have Not Been Substantiated'

The Los Angeles Times has retracted a claim from columnist Jonah Goldberg that Hamas was raping women as part of their attacks, stating "for the record" that "such reports have not been substantiated."

"An earlier version of this column mentioned rape in the attacks [committed by Hamas], but such reports have not been substantiated," the LA Times said.

So, no 40 beheaded babies or females raped - too bad those lies have already emotionally embedded.

Someone save us from celebrities.

I am so sick of them that I just want to throw up whenever they are spotlighted. They are such narcissistic show offs especially on celebrity game shows that I never watch because they are too obnoxious! And, of course, their proclamations on the values the rest of the world should have are in the same category. It's beyond sad that so much of the population is spellbound by them. :barf:
HistoryLegends produced a video on Hamas's military tactics. Gotta give them credit - help or not. Plus, he shows images of some of them wearing uniforms seemingly designed to look exactly like IDF uniforms. If Israelis can pose as Palestinians, Palestinians can pose as Israelis. Seems to have worked in many cases!

Peterson's deep reverence for the Old Testament in particular and his wishful thinking projection on to it of an almost absolutist moral compass has rotted his ability for discernment because I suspect he considers a people who created such a noble and pivotal work to be above all reproach. For Peterson it is the very foundation of all western 'values'. He is the classic Judaic (christian) apologist whether consciously or not. Plus he also carries untold amounts of Holocaust guilt by association.
He has talked a lot about 'Judeo-Christianity' as the best civilization option out there. I guess he's ideologically possessed of this notion, so in his mind 'the Jewish state cannot possibly do any wrong, mkay?'

This shows his ignorance about both Judaism and Christianity. For example, the fact that St Paul established the foundations of Christianity largely by making a distinction from the more 'juvenile' (ritualistic, dogmatic, concerned with form rather than substance) type of spirituality of Judaism. Also, the ideas within Judaism of the jealous god and the chosen people, which encourage a tribal confrontational perspective, 'my god is bigger than yours', and all the very unfortunate consequences that carries. This is not to say Christianity is perfect, but it is quite different philosophically from Judaism at its core. In contrast, it allows for the 'brotherhood of mankind' idea.

Reading a bit of history would have sorted those misconceptions for JP, and him being so well read and a smart guy, I don't know what's his excuse. Personally I'm very disappointed and I too have shared a piece of my mind on his Twitter feed.
JP Sears appears to be yet another supporter of Israel. In the video below he talks about students protesting for Hamas’ rights to resist Israeli oppression. He says Israel is a democracy while the Palestinian resistance is simply a terrorist attack which he vehemently condemns. 🙁

He has talked a lot about 'Judeo-Christianity' as the best civilization option out there. I guess he's ideologically possessed of this notion, so in his mind 'the Jewish state cannot possibly do any wrong, mkay?'

This shows his ignorance about both Judaism and Christianity. For example, the fact that St Paul established the foundations of Christianity largely by making a distinction from the more 'juvenile' (ritualistic, dogmatic, concerned with form rather than substance) type of spirituality of Judaism. Also, the ideas within Judaism of the jealous god and the chosen people, which encourage a tribal confrontational perspective, 'my god is bigger than yours', and all the very unfortunate consequences that carries. This is not to say Christianity is perfect, but it is quite different philosophically from Judaism at its core. In contrast, it allows for the 'brotherhood of mankind' idea.

Reading a bit of history would have sorted those misconceptions for JP, and him being so well read and a smart guy, I don't know what's his excuse. Personally I'm very disappointed and I too have shared a piece of my mind on his Twitter feed.

There's perhaps something also about the way ponerologized elements secreted within otherwise normal or worthy seeming texts stealthily seep into the unconscious without the unaware 'victim' even knowing (i.e. if you accept the whole you somehow also ingest the seemingly insignificant 'other' - like a vaccine - you give your permission). There is maybe an example of this at work in the video Jacques posted earlier where Mathew Ehret goes near full out apologist for the Talmud by claiming its a highly moral volume with only about 4 or 5 satanic scribes - yes what they write is filth but really the Talmud is a great moral book! And for the life of me he says, I can't understand how or why the bad stuff was allowed to remain...!? Mathew sees himself as something of an 'expert' on Secret Societies and is about to do a video series debunking UFOs as a psyop... and as far as I can detect is a classic materialist by way of his understanding of history etc - so even if he understands ponerology and psychopathy, he misses its metaphysical origins and purposes... I think Peterson follows similar patterns.

(Conversation on Talmud set to begin below)

Edward Riordan shares his group's remote viewing sessions and the drawings for one of them show stacks of dead bodies on the ground, with a solar eclipse looming over:

There are two solar eclipses on the horizon:
  • October 14, 2023 (Annular)
  • April 8, 2024 (Total)

If it is in the cards for next April, could this be related to the April drop dead date?

Their has been the trend of increased military conflicts and escalations as of late. As it might relate to the session image above the given solar eclipse dates could be portending markers. It may occur on either/or, both, farther out in the future, or perhaps none at all.

The session image is seen around the 16m mark here in this video:

Edit: Eclipse paths

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