Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The sands of time are running...

On the one hand we see Israel prepare for a military 'final solution' by violently clearing Gaza of all Palestinians, starting with Northern Gaza, and if successful (big question) pressurizing then further south to gradually squeeze all remaining Palestinians out and begin a 'biblical' exodus into Egypt.

Meanwhile the Americans are building up their forces both on land (Marines and Airborne Forces moving into the area) whilst undertaking monorail diplomacy - Biden calls Netanyahu multiple times. He has spoken to no Arab leaders. Blinken meanwhile rushes to Israel - with only a further stop off in Jordan planned. No other diplomatic initiatives.

On the other side of the fence of insanity:

On 11th OCTOBER the President of Iran called the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia who took his call - that's a huge development considering the past history between these two one time implacable rivals.

Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, received a telephone call on Wednesday (11th) from the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi.

During the call they discussed the ongoing military escalation in Gaza. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince emphasized that the kingdom is exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation and he asserted the Kingdom's opposition to any form of Civilian targeting and the loss of innocent lives.

That's a criticism of both Hamas and Israel

He stressed the necessity of adhering to the principles of international humanitarian law and he expressed deep concern for the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and its impact on civilians.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also underscored the Kingdom's unwavering stance in standing up for the Palestinian cause and supporting efforts aimed at achieving a comprehensive and fair peace that ensures the Palestinian people's legitimate rights.

This call between the President of Iran and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has elicited from the Saudis this clear, unequivocal statement of support for the cause of the Palestinians.

It has also confirmed the end of any pretense at a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

It also highlights the central role Saudi Arabia plays as the guardian of the two most important Muslim shrines at Mecca and Medina and its connection to protecting the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Before and since, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has been extremely busy:


He spoke to:
  • the Foreign Minister of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó.
  • the Foreign Minister of Iraq, Fuad Mohammed Hussein.
  • the Foreign Minister of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi.

He called:
  • the Foreign Minister of Oman, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi.
  • the Foreign Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.
  • the EU's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.
  • he then had conversations with the Secretary General of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, Hissein Brahim Taha.

He called:
  • he had a critically important conversation with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov.
  • the Foreign Minister of Kuwait, Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
  • the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry.
  • the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger.
  • finally, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres.

The Russians have also been very busy:

  • Sergey Lavrov spoke to the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry.
  • In Moscow Lavrov met with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmad Aboul Gheit.
  • He then spoke with the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
  • Lavrov met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Ali Allawi, and the Foreign Minister of Iraq, Fuad Hussein, who were also in Moscow in the company of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, who was simultaneously holding talks with President Putin.
  • Lavrov then had a telephone call with the Foreign Minister of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

On 9th October, Lavrov held a press conference with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmad Aboul Gheit.

Over the course of that press conference Lavrov was asked:

Today there are many initiatives on how to deal with the surge of tensions in the Middle East what are Russia's plans. is Russia ready to cooperate if the Israeli authorities ask Moscow for help in mediating The Liberation of hostages or identifying the whereabouts of missing person

In reply, Lavrov stated:

Did you say that there are many initiatives on how to deal with the surge of tensions in the Middle East? I know nothing about them. There are appeals for an immediate end to the Bloodshed and the commencement of talks but there can be only one initiative on implementing the UN resolutions concerning the solution to the Palestine problem. This implies coexistence of two states Israel and Palestine living in peace security and good neighbourliness. That is what we talked about earlier today. Our shared position is that this is the only initiative that can be on the table and should be the subject of direct talks between the Palestinians and the Israelis. As for mediating efforts, the parties themselves should stop the hostilities whilst the rest can be addressed in a normal non-military Forum.

Meanwhile, following his meeting with the Iraqis, Putin stated on 11th OCTOBER:

Yesterday my colleague (the Prime Minister of Iraq) and I discuss this issue. It is simply impossible not to. Iraq is a country in the Middle East and the Palestinian problem touches the heart of every person in this region and I think every Muslim’s heart. This is where life has led. There are obvious things and people view all this, not only what is taking place but what has occurred for decades, as a manifestation of the injustice that has ramped up dramatically. Why? Because initially when a decision was adopted on creating the state of Israel a parallel decision was made on creating a second state - so initially it was about establishing two independent sovereign states, Israel and Palestine. As we know Israel was established while Palestine as an independent sovereign state was never created. It did not happen for a variety of reasons I will not go into details now.

Furthermore part of the land that the Palestinians have always considered as originally belonging to them has been occupied by Israel at different times and in different ways but for the most part obviously through military force. But what is the current problem? Resolution mechanisms exist but the United States has neglected them over the past few years choosing to regulate everything on its own. It did not use these mechanisms instead relying on its own efforts to meet the material needs of those living in the Palestinian territories. The United States basically tried to replace solutions to fundamental political issues with handouts of one kind or another. Obviously this is very important for people with a low standard of living, important to address socioeconomic issues, but we have always argued that this will never be enough you cannot solve the problem in its entirety without addressing fundamental political issues, the main one being the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. However, this is exactly the bet that was made. Also the settlement policy and certain other aspects have ultimately led to this explosion of violence.

What is happening now is horrible. We understand that the bitterness is immense on both sides, but regardless of its level, every effort should be made to minimize or reduce to zero the loss among civilians, among women, children and elderly. If the men choose to fight let them fight amongst themselves but leave children and women alone. This applies to both sides.

We do not know whether the situation will calm down anytime soon, but every effort must be made to this end because expansion of the conflict could have drastic effects including for the energy sector.
I would add that the position of Russia which I have just outlined, did not develop today and not just in connection with these tragic events. It has developed over decades and this position is well known to the Israeli side and to our friends in Palestine. We have always advocated the implementation of decisions of the UN Security Council bearing in mind first of all the creation of an independent sovereign Palestinian State. This is the root of all problems and naturally everything that has accompanied this problem in recent years has aggravated it. Settlement activity. This does not mean that Israel's position is that it is necessary to do as they do. The position of the United States is what I said to resolve only issues of a material nature and Russia's position is another - to create an independent state. In fact the position is more complicated. In the states which are involved there are many politicians and experts who believe that we need to listen and follow the path of creating an independent Palestinian State and there are such people in Israel. But those who have been trying to solve this problem by Force four decades are gaining the upper hand which unfortunately leads to the tragic incidents that we are seeing now.

The Chinese Government has for now remained steadfastly silent whilst allowing its media to publicly promote full support for the Russian position.

Thus on the one hand we have Machiavellian US diplomacy preparing another proxy war against Russia/China via the destruction of stability and hope in the Middle East, using the Israeli's this time as proxy.

On the other we have a rapidly mounting consensus, led by the BRICS, to unite Arab powers around an initiative to finally create/force the creation of a formal Palestinian state as the only solution before it is too late.

Can we expect such an initiative emerging from perhaps an emergency meeting of BRICS, movements at the UN Security Council and if blocked via the General Assembly plus via the Arab League in the next few days?

Do they have the time?

Can they delay the Israeli's?

Will the US risk the confrontation that is bound to emerge should they allow their pet state of Israel to push ahead regardless without allowing the diplomacy time?

The stakes could not be higher - but the Russian's, Chinese, Saudis, Iranians and other Arab States clearly mean business this time - and for the first time in 70 plus years there is a seriously powerful block uniting around stopping the Zionist project in its tracks at its most dangerous of all moments...

The darkest hour before dawn...?

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The sands of time are running...

On the one hand we see Israel prepare for a military 'final solution' by violently clearing Gaza of all Palestinians, starting with Northern Gaza, and if successful (big question) pressurizing then further south to gradually squeeze all remaining Palestinians out and begin a 'biblical' exodus into Egypt.

Meanwhile the Americans are building up their forces both on land (Marines and Airborne Forces moving into the area) whilst undertaking monorail diplomacy - Biden calls Netanyahu multiple times. He has spoken to no Arab leaders. Blinken meanwhile rushes to Israel - with only a further stop off in Jordan planned. No other diplomatic initiatives.

On the other side of the fence of insanity:

On 11th OCTOBER the President of Iran called the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia who took his call - that's a huge development considering the past history between these two one time implacable rivals.

That's a criticism of both Hamas and Israel

This call between the President of Iran and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has elicited from the Saudis this clear, unequivocal statement of support for the cause of the Palestinians.

It has also confirmed the end of any pretense at a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

It also highlights the central role Saudi Arabia plays as the guardian of the two most important Muslim shrines at Mecca and Medina and its connection to protecting the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Before and since, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has been extremely busy:


He spoke to:
  • the Foreign Minister of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó.
  • the Foreign Minister of Iraq, Fuad Mohammed Hussein.
  • the Foreign Minister of the Taliban in Afghanistan, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi.

He called:
  • the Foreign Minister of Oman, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi.
  • the Foreign Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani.
  • the EU's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.
  • he then had conversations with the Secretary General of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, Hissein Brahim Taha.

He called:
  • he had a critically important conversation with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov.
  • he spoke to the Foreign Minister of Kuwait, Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.
  • he spoke to the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry.
  • he spoke to the Head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric Egger.
  • he finally spoke with Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres.

The Russians have also been very busy:

  • Sergey Lavrov spoke to the Foreign Minister of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry.
  • In Moscow Lavrov met with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmad Aboul Gheit.
  • He then spoke with the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
  • Lavrov met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Ali Allawi, and the Foreign Minister of Iraq, Fuad Hussein, who were also in Moscow in the company of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani, who was simultaneously holding talks with President Putin.
  • Lavrov then had a telephone call with the Foreign Minister of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

On 9th October, Lavrov held a press conference with the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmad Aboul Gheit.

Over the course of that press conference Lavrov was asked:

In reply, Lavrov stated:

Meanwhile, following his meeting with the Iraqis, Putin stated on 11th OCTOBER:

The Chinese Government has for now remained steadfastly silent whilst allowing its media to publicly promote full support for the Russian position.

Thus on the one hand we have Machiavellian US diplomacy preparing another proxy war against Russia/China via the destruction of stability and hope in the Middle East, using the Israeli's this time as proxy.

On the other we have a rapidly mounting consensus, led by the BRICS, to unite Arab powers around an initiative to finally create/force the creation of a formal Palestinian state as the only solution before it is too late.

Can we expect such an initiative emerging from perhaps an emergency meeting of BRICS, movements at the UN Security Council and if blocked via the General Assembly plus via the Arab League in the next few days?

Do they have the time?

Can they delay the Israeli's?

Will the US risk the confrontation that is bound to emerge should they allow their pet state of Israel to push ahead regardless without allowing the diplomacy time?

The stakes could not be higher - but the Russian's, Chinese, Saudis, Iranians and other Arab States clearly mean business this time - and for the first time in 70 plus years there is a seriously powerful block uniting around stopping the Zionist project in its tracks at its most dangerous of all moments...

The darkest hour before dawn...?

Thank you Michael B-C

Yes, one wishes this to be the darkest hour before the dawn for ALL people caught in this situation

I am heartened to know that balanced forces are weighing in and doing so carefully 🪷
Are people beginning to gain awareness of what is happening or are they to afraid to choose side?

Suspect its mostly the latter - they see that they are damned if they do and damned if they do! There is also perhaps some latent awareness that this situation is 'complicated' and having no idea how or why but knowing it is, feel coming down either way leaves them utterly exposed in a way that Covid and Ukraine didn't... so best stay out of it. I.e. a worse sign in some senses because it means there are now many who have absolutely no moral compass and ability to stand with justice against genocide despite the apparent ambiguities.

I do know that the UN is behaving very weirdly, saying that people shouldn't be allowed to evacuate. Which is cruel, utterly illogical (unless you're trying to condemn them) and frankly disgusting

Maybe Dekel. It is hard to fathom which way the UN will fall on this matter - but with the Chinese and Russians applying counter pressure along with I suspect a huge weight of the so called Global South, the UN may be forced to finally get off the fence to some degree... so Im wondering if the UN's calls for people not to evacuate is so as to force the Israeli's to back down in the face of actually and very publicly having to commit genocide... which would herald the end of the UN in most of the World's eyes. Could be wrong but it might be something like this that's in play.


Interesting that the first cracks may be starting to appear in the blanket western support for Israel as the full realization of what could be ahead starts to sink in:

First Wembley refuses to project Israeli flag onto the stadium ahead of the international football match between England & Australia tonight.

And the despicable Taoiseach (PM) of Ireland - pure WEF bought and sold Deep State creature - Leo Varadkar has come out and warned the Israelis:

“From Ireland’s point of view, we are saying to Israel, that, yes, you have a right to defend yourself, you’re surrounded by enemies who want to end your existence, but any response must be proportionate,” he said.

He added: “There’s a lot of solidarity internationally for Israel at the moment. I believe that will fall apart if Israel goes too far in terms of its actions in Gaza.

“And there’s a risk then of violence flaring up in the West Bank and Lebanon other places. So we’re very much calling for restraint.”
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There are many factors playing into the situation as there are many players with different agendas (human and non). What I have been thinking about since this conflict started is an article that Laura wrote nearly 20 years ago, about how this part of the world protagonists in the End of Days prophesies of the most radical religious Jews, Muslims and Christians.

The Most Dangerous Cult in The World

While some of the eschatological prophesies might sound ridiculous and nonsensical to us, there are many powerful people out there who truly believe in it and would do whatever they can to bring it on.

Obviously, the above article is dated but it is still a good reading for a general understanding of how these people think.

IMHO - the above is the most overlooked part of this whole operation.

The big players see themselves as "elected" to be part of fulfilling a Biblical drama - even when the other side is "against" you as in the LDS Church sending 10's of millions over the years to various aggressive Israeli settler organizations. Bringing on the "Apocalypse/Armageddon" is what many competing sides want. It's just that each "end times" narrative has different "winners" - each group believing they will come out on top. Pure delusional, messianic wishful thinking on all sides...
Both seem false to me, the puppy looks too clean and healthy compared to the dirt around him, and the baby's humerus bone is too thick compared to the skull and the rest of the body.
Like I posted earlier, the claim that the image of the charred body is AI comes from an app that gives contradictory and unreliable results. I tried it, and it told me the image was not AI-generated. People on Twitter going around saying it is an AI-generated image are jumping the gun. And if you reverse-image google the puppy image, it originates on that 4chan post, from an anon saying the source is his dad who works in CENTCOM.

As for the charred carcass, it is so charred as to be unrecognizable. Someone on Twitter thought it was a charred dog carcass. Could be? Fact is, someone did burn buildings in the kibbutz in question, and some families reportedly died in the fires, including children.
IMHO - the above is the most overlooked part of this whole operation.

The big players see themselves as "elected" to be part of fulfilling a Biblical drama - even when the other side is "against" you as in the LDS Church sending 10's of millions over the years to various aggressive Israeli settler organizations. Bringing on the "Apocalypse/Armageddon" is what many competing sides want. It's just that each "end times" narrative has different "winners" - each group believing they will come out on top. Pure delusional, messianic wishful thinking on all sides...
Exactly !
Maybe Dekel. It is hard to fathom which way the UN will fall on this matter - but with the Chinese and Russians applying counter pressure along with I suspect a huge weight of the so called Global South, the UN may be forced to finally get off the fence to some degree... so Im wondering if the UN's calls for people not to evacuate is so as to force the Israeli's to back down in the face of actually and very publicly having to commit genocide... which would herald the end of the UN in most of the World's eyes. Could be wrong but it might be something like this that's in play.
Okay good
Yes I hope so too
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