Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Clint Eastwood changed that.

I still watch the old westerns. Lots of interesting things to learn there. And when I am at my mom's house (she is nearing 90), there is no choice.
I must say I loved them as a child and still watch them occasionally even now. But you are right, Clint Eastwood and other actors changed things when they introduced the western anti-hero during the more cynical 1960's and 1970's.​
The attacks on Palestine continue unabated as the US tries to tone down Netanyahu's cries for bloody revenge.

US secretary of state says that despite Jerusalem’s insistence it doesn’t want to remain in enclave, it must think about ‘day-after’ strategy, even as it plans ground operation

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that Israel should already be devising a strategy for who will rule Gaza if the IDF completes its stated mission of toppling Hamas.

“There are different ideas out there about what could follow, but all of that needs to be worked out and it’s something that needs to be worked out even as Israel is dealing with the current threat,” Blinken told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This appeared to be the first time that Washington has publicly urged Israel to think about its broader strategy, after officials speaking anonymously earlier said US President Joe Biden and other administration officials have privately been pressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides to come up with one, in order to avoid making the same mistakes that the US made after the attacks of September 11, 2001, which led to it being bogged down in Mideast wars for years.

Israeli officials have said publicly that they are currently focused on eradicating Hamas and are not thinking about what might come afterwards. Netanyahu said the same thing to Biden during the US president’s visit to Israel last week, according to a US and an Israeli official, who said that the government’s newest ministers from the National Unity party — which joined from the opposition to form a wartime cabinet — have demanded the crafting of a more holistic strategy upon entering the government.

Netanyahu’s office issued a statement on Friday declaring that the premier’s defined goal for the Gaza war is “the elimination of Hamas. All talk of decisions to hand over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority or any other party is a lie.”

Netanyahu has come under fire since the start of the war with Hamas from critics who have accused him of working to strengthen Hamas over the past 15 years, in order to divide the Palestinian factions and weaken the more moderate PA, which has expressed support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Asked who Israel would like to see govern Gaza after the war is over, Blinken told “Meet the Press”: “We can’t go back to the status quo. They can’t go back to the status quo, with Hamas being in a position in terms of its governance of Gaza to repeat what it did… At the same time, what I’ve heard from the Israelis — is absolutely no intent, no desire to be running Gaza themselves.”

“So, something needs to be found that ensures that Hamas can’t do this again, but that also doesn’t revert to Israeli governance of Gaza, which they do not want and do not intend to do,” the secretary said.

Blinken told CBS’s “Face the Nation” earlier on Sunday that the US was also continuing to work to evacuate American citizens who are trying to leave Gaza, saying that “Hamas has blocked them from leaving, showing, once again, its total disregard for civilians of any kind who are stuck in Gaza.”

Blinken added in the NBC interview that the US would like to see Israel expand the water supply into Gaza.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that Israel should already be devising a strategy for who will rule Gaza if the IDF completes its stated mission of toppling Hamas.

“There are different ideas out there about what could follow, but all of that needs to be worked out and it’s something that needs to be worked out even as Israel is dealing with the current threat,” Blinken told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

This appeared to be the first time that Washington has publicly urged Israel to think about its broader strategy, after officials speaking anonymously earlier said US President Joe Biden and other administration officials have privately been pressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides to come up with one, in order to avoid making the same mistakes that the US made after the attacks of September 11, 2001, which led to it being bogged down in Mideast wars for years.

Israeli officials have said publicly that they are currently focused on eradicating Hamas and are not thinking about what might come afterwards. Netanyahu said the same thing to Biden during the US president’s visit to Israel last week, according to a US and an Israeli official, who said that the government’s newest ministers from the National Unity party — which joined from the opposition to form a wartime cabinet — have demanded the crafting of a more holistic strategy upon entering the government.

Netanyahu’s office issued a statement on Friday declaring that the premier’s defined goal for the Gaza war is “the elimination of Hamas. All talk of decisions to hand over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority or any other party is a lie.”

Netanyahu has come under fire since the start of the war with Hamas from critics who have accused him of working to strengthen Hamas over the past 15 years, in order to divide the Palestinian factions and weaken the more moderate PA, which has expressed support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Asked who Israel would like to see govern Gaza after the war is over, Blinken told “Meet the Press”: “We can’t go back to the status quo. They can’t go back to the status quo, with Hamas being in a position in terms of its governance of Gaza to repeat what it did… At the same time, what I’ve heard from the Israelis — is absolutely no intent, no desire to be running Gaza themselves.”

“So, something needs to be found that ensures that Hamas can’t do this again, but that also doesn’t revert to Israeli governance of Gaza, which they do not want and do not intend to do,” the secretary said.

Blinken told CBS’s “Face the Nation” earlier on Sunday that the US was also continuing to work to evacuate American citizens who are trying to leave Gaza, saying that “Hamas has blocked them from leaving, showing, once again, its total disregard for civilians of any kind who are stuck in Gaza.”

Blinken added in the NBC interview that the US would like to see Israel expand the water supply into Gaza.

Israel turned one of the water pipelines into Gaza back on last week, but “there are a couple of other pipelines that we’d like to see restored,” Blinken said.

The top US diplomat added that desalination plants need to be powered back on, in order to ensure that the drinking water in Gaza is clean, noting that the Biden administration is concerned about the spreading of disease in the enclave caused by civilians drinking dirty water.

The secretary of state said the US is working “every day” to get more humanitarian aid into Gaza for Palestinian civilians.

Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 00-42-11 TIMES OF GAZA on X.png

Iran to host Armenia-Azerbaijan peace process talks amid Middle East tensions​


Foreign ministers from Iran, Turkey and Russia will meet their counterparts from Azerbaijan and Armenia in Tehran on Monday and discuss progress towards a peace agreement between the two South Caucasus neighbours, Iranian and Russian state media said.

The first meeting of foreign ministers of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan after the September lightning offensive by Azeri forces in Nagorno-Karabakh will also take place amid rising tensions in the Middle East.

IRNA news agency quoted the foreign ministry as saying the countries wanted to talk about regional issues "without the interference of non-regional and Western countries".

That was an implicit reference to the United States and the European Union, whose involvement in the search for a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan has particularly annoyed Moscow.

Russia's Interfax news agency said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would travel to Tehran for the meeting.

Good opportunity to make alliances and talk about possible actions to be taken when the US and Israel decide to escalate the war.
Although winds and earthquakes have been mentioned in recent posts on this and other threads, now we may need to add volcanos to the mix, and this one is near the Mediterranean too: MSN

Super volcano on brink of eruption for first time in 500 years as evacuation plans made​

Authorities are putting together evacuation plans with a super volcano on the brink of eruption for first time in almost 500 years after a 4.0-magnitude earthquake rocked the region.

Detailed plans are being drawn up to evacuate tens of thousands of people living in fear with the peak looking like it is about to blow. Locals in Campi Flegrei near the Naples, Italy, want to know what to do if the worst should happen after scientists issued a warning earlier this year.

The volcano has been “restless” since about 1950. The last significant eruption was back in 1538 but one over 39,000 years ago may have led to the extinction of Neanderthal man, researchers have claimed. Since 2022, volcanic activity has increased, as have earthquakes, with the strongest in 40 years taking place in September.

Another 4.0 quake happened on October 2, with experts now worried about the super volcano exploding. Nobody has actually given a solid prediction about when or if the super volcano could erupt, however, but plans to evacuate are leading many in the area to panic about what the future could hold for it.

Things seem to be hotting-up in more ways than one in the Mediterranean.
Remember Syria

Herzog: Hamas brought instructions on making chemical weapons to Oct. 7 onslaught​

President Isaac Herzog revealed in an interview with Sky News that Hamas had plans to use cyanide agents against Israeli civilians.

Herzog showed off material recovered from a USB drive on the body of a Hamas terrorist who infiltrated into Israel on October 7 which was copied from al-Qaeda and included “detailed instructions on creating chemical weapons,” including “precise instructions for preparing a device for dispersing cyanide agents,” the President’s Office said.

“This is material which was found on the body of one of those sadistic villains. It’s al-Qaeda material, official al-Qaeda material,” Herzog told the TV network. “When dealing with ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Hamas, this is what we’re dealing with. And in this material, there were instructions, how to produce chemical weapons.”

Among the other disturbing items found on gunmen who rampaged across southern communities two weeks ago were Islamic State flags, documents detailing extensive plans to target an elementary school, a youth center, and kill as many people as possible, as well as manuals with instructions on how to torture and kidnap those they found.

In 24 hours, Israel attacked as many as four Arab countries today: Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.

The total population of the countries attacked by Israel over the past 24 hours is more than 135 million people. Israel's population is just under 10 million.

HAPPENING NOW: Israel Has Turned Gaza into A Living Hell on Earth With The Most Intense Day of Bombing on Record ⚠️
Jewish journalist Israel Frey, who lives in Zionist apartheid, denounces death threats and assassination attempts against him and his family for empathizing with the thousands of innocent Palestinians murdered by the Zionists.

He also denounces that the Zionists are carrying out more massive ethnic cleansing in the West Bank under the cover of the genocide against Gaza.
Remember Syria

Herzog: Hamas brought instructions on making chemical weapons to Oct. 7 onslaught​

First was Irak.

Lies and more lies.

The distorted information brought you by Yoav Gallant via BBC, at the clip the president Herzog says that Hamas misils brought down the electricity infraestructure in Gaza, that it was not them, whatever that means.
BBC - Gaza 'soon without fuel, medicine and food' - Israel authorities
On Monday, Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said it would impose a "complete siege" on the territory.

"No electricity, no food, no water, no gas - it's all closed," he said, adding that "we are fighting animals and are acting accordingly.

Israeli President Herzog shows Sky News documents, complete with diagrams, he says are "official Al Qaeda material" that showed how to build a weapon with cyanide.

He says Hamas members who broke into Israel were carrying instructions on how to make chemical weapons.

Israeli forces claim they discovered the material on the body of a dead fighter in Kibbutz Be'eri.

"It's Al Qaeda material. Official Al Qaeda material. We are dealing with ISIS, Al Qaeda and Hamas. This is how shocking the situation is where we're looking at the instructions that are given on how to operate and how to create a kind of non-professional chemical weapon with cyanide."

Interesting preparations for the current situation and a very possible escalation:

I had a little look around the Atlas site to see some of these bunkers and, holy crap, they range from single rooms to small villages. You start putting some of these together and you could easily make a town or small city. For instance, here is one of the plans called "Platinum Series- Florida". Now, I understand the purpose of bunkers and I'm not going to knock them. But when I saw these plans, the first thing that popped into my head was the Egyptian/Cretan Labyrinth. I've never tried, but I'm not sure if I could actually live in one for extended periods of time.

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