Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

  • 31 October 2023
    15:41 GMT
    Thirty-six American citizens have been killed in Israel and Gaza since Hamas’ October 7
    attack, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testified on Tuesday at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on President Joe Biden’s proposed $106 billion in funding to Israel and Ukraine.
    The Pentagon chief said he had “repeatedly made clear to Israel’s leaders that protecting civilians in Gaza is both a moral responsibility and a strategic imperative.”

    • 15:00 GMT
      "US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday was interrupted by the anti-war group Code Pink, which staged a protest demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.
      As Blinken attempted to make the case for “not shrinking back” from Washington’s global engagements, Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin stood up with a sign reading No more $$$ for Israeland urged the assembled legislators to stop funding the “brutal massacre in Gaza,” arguing neither the international community nor the American people supported Israel’s bombardment of the enclave."
      Not one senator is calling for a ceasefire! Shame on you all! Benjamin shouted as she was escorted out of the chamber by Capitol security, and over a dozen protesters silently raised their hands covered in red paint."

    • Israel’s incursion into Gaza — Live Updates
All this, now, to make us forget that more than 3 thousand children have died under Israel's bombs. To justify their war against Palestinians that have nothing to do with the holocaust, demonize Palestinians, the true victims. To make us forget everything. That's how it is, I think.
Like spoiled brats who have been given too much, the good thing is that thanks to their atrocities more people are aware and no longer fall in their narrative.

Other groups enter the... fray
Houthi movement
This article is about the Islamic political and armed movement. For the tribe in northern Yemen, see Houthi tribe. For the Tajik Islamist group, see Jamaat Ansarullah.
"Ansar Allah" redirects here. For other uses of Ansar Allah, see Ansar Allah (disambiguation).
The Houthi movement[a] ([al.ħuː.θiː.juːn]; Arabic: ٱلْحُوثِيُّون, romanized: al-Ḥūthīyūn), officially called Ansar Allah or Ansarullah (Arabic: أَنْصَار ٱللَّٰه, romanized: ʾAnṣār Allāh, lit. 'Supporters of God') and colloquially simply Houthis, is an Islamist political and armed organization that emerged from the Yemeni governorate of Saada in the 1990s. The Houthi movement is a predominately Zaidi Shia force,[7] whose leadership is drawn largely from the Houthi tribe.[77]
UN Director General resigns over ‘text-book case of genocide’and ‘wholesale slaughter’ in Gaza

The Director General of the New York office of the United Nations High Commissioner of Human rights has resigner over the “text-book case of genocide,” unfolding in Gaza.
In a letter dated 28 October, the Volker Turk, director states that they are writing “at a moment of great anguish,” as the world sees “a genocide unfolding before our eyes.” The general also said that the organisation appears “powerless to stop it.

“The current wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people, rooted in ethno-nationalist settler colonial ideology, in continuation of decades of their systematic persecution and purging, based entirely upon their status as Arabs, and coupled with explicitly statements of intent by leaders in the Israeli government and military, leaves no room for doubt or debate,” the statement read.

Respect! The Director of the NY Office of UN High Commissioner of Human Rights just resigned: “Once again, we are seeing a genocide unfolding before our eyes, and the Organization that we serve appears powerless to stop it.” Letter below
— Mona Fawaz (@mona_fawaz) October 31, 2023
Yemen at war

Yemen's Houthis say they launched missiles, drones at Israel​

October 31, 20233:20 PM GMT+1Updated 3 hours ago

DUBAI, Oct 31 (Reuters) - Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi group said it launched a "large number" of drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel on Tuesday, after Israel's military said it downed an approaching "aerial target" off the Red Sea city of Eilat.
The operation was the third targeting Israel and there would be more, Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree said in a televised statement.
Saree said the attacks would continue until "Israeli aggression" stopped, referring to the war against Hamas in the Gaza strip.

There is no pan-Arab alliance, only interest$


Another middle finger for the Palestinians

While Palestinian children are being massacred, the 🇸🇦Saudi Defense Minister has arrived in 🇺🇸Washington to beg for American anti-aircraft systems

The parties will discuss the situation in the Middle East, the deployment of additional missile defense systems in the kingdom and the escalation in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. explore a defense treaty

The United States and Saudi Arabia are reportedly negotiating at a high level the terms of a mutual defense treaty similar to the military pacts already in force with Japan and South Korea. This is an attempt to get the Arabs to normalize their relations with Israel, although the support that such an agreement would provide is not superfluous either, because militarily they would defend themselves if the other is attacked.

There is no pan-Arab alliance, only interest$


Another middle finger for the Palestinians

While Palestinian children are being massacred, the 🇸🇦Saudi Defense Minister has arrived in 🇺🇸Washington to beg for American anti-aircraft systems

The parties will discuss the situation in the Middle East, the deployment of additional missile defense systems in the kingdom and the escalation in Yemen.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. explore a defense treaty

The United States and Saudi Arabia are reportedly negotiating at a high level the terms of a mutual defense treaty similar to the military pacts already in force with Japan and South Korea. This is an attempt to get the Arabs to normalize their relations with Israel, although the support that such an agreement would provide is not superfluous either, because militarily they would defend themselves if the other is attacked.

So why not Russian defence systems? Hope KSA is not so foolish as to fall for this ruse. Will put them back in the fray with Iran and Yemen etc. Plus extend the fighting zones. Who do they have to fear if all focused on the common enemy and kept their truce agreements with each other. Possibly may see more turncoats to come. Hope the lure of gas pipelines is overcome too. After all would one not make such excavations the first target, to hurt the Israeli leaders where it can only hurt them - their pockets and greed and not their hearts? How blind.

Edit: spelling


-If the countries of the region are ready to cooperate together, then we as 🇹🇷Turkey are also ready to participate!

-We believe that 🇮🇱Israel, which seems to have completely lost its mind and is behaving like an organization, must be stopped as soon as possible.

-A new security mechanism must be created with the cooperation of existing forces in the region. If such a step is taken, we as Turkey are ready to make our contribution.

-The Israeli administration, relying on the unconditional support of Europe and America, has been committing crimes against humanity in front of the whole world for exactly 25 days.

-The international press is also silent and seeking coverage for Israel.

-The total volume of humanitarian aid of our country reached 213 tons. We will increase assistance as transitions are allowed.

- Turkey will file a lawsuit against Israel at the International Criminal Court

Pro-Palestine protesters fill London’s Liverpool Street station

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters staged a protest in London’s Liverpool Street station, calling for a ceasefire.
Many of the protesters waved flags and demanded an end to the aggression and killing of civilians in Gaza.

We cannot be silent or silenced
This is Liverpool Street Station, London
— Claudia Webbe MP (@ClaudiaWebbe) October 31, 2023

Biden nominates Jack Lew as US ambassador to Israel
US President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday he would nominate former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew as the next ambassador to Israel, amid tensions in the relationship between the two countries and a push by Washington to broker an Israeli-Saudi normalisation agreement.

Lew, an observant Orthodox Jew and native New Yorker, has worked his way up through the Democratic Party. A graduate of Harvard and Georgetown Law School, he served as chief of staff to President Barack Obama and later head of the Treasury Department.

The snake's strategy... offering a pot of gold

JUST IN: "We, the Egyptians, are ready to sacrifice millions of lives so that nobody approaches a grain of sand"

The Prime Minister expressed a willingness to protect North Sinai at any cost

The Egyptian government is concerned about a potential mass exodus of Palestinians who might have to choose between staying in the midst of Israeli bombing or leaving Gaza

Source: Newarab

The Zionists' attractive offer to Egypt: accept the Gazans and we will pay off your debt.

The Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharanot writes that Israel has approached Egypt with a proposal - if this country agrees to move the residents of Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula, then Tel Aviv is ready to pay Cairo's debt to the International Monetary Bank.
The recent report from Yediot Aharanot about Israel's proposal to Egypt—transferring Gaza residents to the Sinai Peninsula in exchange for paying off Cairo's International Monetary Bank debt—brings to the forefront several legal and ethical considerations.

International law, particularly the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibits the forced transfer or displacement of populations. Both Israel and Egypt, as signatories, are bound by this convention which explicitly states that "forcible transfer, as well as deportation of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country" is not permissible. Such actions could also be construed as crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Additionally, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) both underscore the right of individuals to choose their residence freely and to not be subjected to arbitrary displacement.

Beyond the realm of legalities, the humanitarian implications of such a proposal are profound. The displacement of the Gaza population would not only disrupt lives and communities but could also sow seeds of further regional instability.

It's imperative that any discussions or negotiations in this context be underpinned by a thorough understanding of international legal obligations and the potential humanitarian repercussions. Upholding the principles of international law and human rights is paramount in such deliberations.

For a more in-depth exploration of the legal frameworks surrounding forced displacement and the rights of populations, @LawDiscoveries offers extensive insights and expert analyses.

Law Discoveries Authority via X
The Israelis recommended (back in the day) that Bachar al-Assad be assassinated. Kevork explains past assassinations and how the idea became an extraordinary failure and led to significant collateral damage to the general population.

What happened in the Jabalia refugee camp attack? | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
Oct 31, 2023 #Aljazeeraenglish #News
A densely populated neighborhood in the Jabalia refugee camp was hit by a major Israeli strike, killing dozens of Palestinians. The Israeli military says it was targeting Hamas. Here’s what we know so far.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 22-35-25 Press TV on X.png

Found this on Twitter, great read:

By @KeithWoodsYT
Read on Twitter

One in four American Christians say they believe it is their biblical responsibility to support the nation of Israel.
But why are there so many Christian Zionists in America?

A thread 🧵



2/13 What is Christian Zionism?

Christian Zionists believe that the Jewish people have a biblically-mandated right to a homeland in Palestine, and that Christians should be active in advancing this.

This belief is rooted in a traditional heresy known as "dispensationalism".


3/13 Dispensationalists believe that the nation of Israel is distinct from the Christian Church, and that God has yet to fulfil his promises to the national Israel.

Adherents believe the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 was a necessary fulfilment of prophecy.


4/13 These beliefs are very foreign to traditional Christianity - the church fathers viewed the church itself as the New Israel.

Dispensationalists disregard tradition and take a literalist reading of scripture, viewing the church as a temporary insert into the flow of


5/13 How did this literalist reading of the bible become so prevalent in the US?

This is mostly thanks to C.I. Scofield, author of the Scofield Reference Bible of 1909.

His notes induced generations of American evangelicals to believe God demanded their support for Zionism. Image

6/13 Intro'ing his Bible, Scofield claimed the degree of Doctor of Divinity, though no seminary in America that claimed him as a student

Central to Christian Zionist belief is Scofield’s commentary on Genesis, which is said to have a command by God to serve the nation of Israel.

7/13 One scholar called the Scofield Bible "Perhaps the most influential single work thrust into the religious life of America during the twentieth century."

But how did one born-again Christian with little qualification have such a huge impact? Image

8/13 In the biography The Incredible Scofield and His Book, the author writes “The admission of Scofield to the Lotus Club, which could not have been sought by Scofield, strengthens the suspicion that has cropped up before, that someone was directing the career of C.I. Scofield.”


9/13 That someone, it is suggested, was the Wall Street lawyer Samuel Untermeyer.

Scofield’s theology was “most helpful in getting Fundamentalist Christians to back the international interest in one of Untermeyer’s pet projects—the Zionist Movement.” Image

10/13 Samuel Untermeyer was a wealthy Jewish lawyer and Zionist.

Untermeyer funded the creation of the Jewish Theological Seminary, was president of Keren Hayesod - the leading Zionist organisation in America at the time, and was Vice-President of the American Jewish Congress.

11/13 In 'Unjust War Theory: Christian Zionism and the Road to Jerusalem' Prof. David W. Lutz writes:

“Untermeyer used Scofield, a Kansas City lawyer with no formal training in theology, to inject Zionist ideas into American Protestantism."


12/13 "Untermeyer and other wealthy and influential Zionists whom he introduced to Scofield promoted and funded the latter’s career, including travel in Europe.”

While in England, Scofield met the head of Oxford University Press, who became enthusiastic about the project. Image

13/13 If not for the Scofield Bible, US Presidents influenced by Christian Zionism might have been more willing to put their country's interests above Israel, and more American Christians would take a critical look at a state where Christians currently face intense persecution.

On the issue of immigrants, one wonders if the same people on the right, realise that a greater conflict in Israel will create another massive wave of refugees. Those refugees will first and foremost go towards Europe but it will also be felt elsewhere. Such a massive migration will create more tension, chaos and divisions in Borrell's 'garden'.
And not just because there are more migrants. Such a wave of refugees will come with heightened, emotionally charged controversy, IMO, and therefore more likely to bring instability wherever they land. War refugees will be either more resisted or more welcomed by their local hosts depending on what "side" their hosts are on, which will vary from house to house, person to person - thus a polarizing effect. I think the effect may be different from the current, "ho hum, here come more economic migrants" with which many Europeans have been familiar for many years.
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