Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide


Bashar al-Assad:

"We must stop any political track with Israel, and Israel’s crimes must be stopped forever and not for a temporary period.

Talking with Israel will be of no use, as the judge cannot be put on trial.

Does the Palestinian need humanitarian aid from us first or does he need protection from the upcoming genocide against him?

The valiant Palestinian resistance imposed a new reality in our region, and with it we gained the political tools that enable us to change the equations."

NEW - Israeli Defense Minister to Nasrallah: "Hezbollah is close to making a grave mistake. Beirut may end up in the same situation as Gaza."
Trump v Biden

Ultimately, what role does former US President Donald Trump play in the escalating confrontations between Islam and the West? President Joe Biden staunchly advocates for globalisation, opposes Russia, and fervently supports unipolarity.

This precisely explains his unwavering backing of the new Nazi regime in Kyiv and his complete exoneration of Israel from its actions, including direct genocide.

Trump's position, however, is different. He embodies a classic nationalist perspective, prioritising the interests of the United States as a nation over hasty plans for global dominance.

Concerning relations with Russia, Trump displays indifference, focusing more on matters of trade and economic competition with China. Nonetheless, he is concurrently subject to and wholly influenced by the potent Zionist lobby within the United States.

Therefore, the imminent war between the West and Islam should not be met with complacency, not only from the Western perspective but also from Republicans at large.

In this context, if Trump were to reassume the presidency, it could potentially diminish support for Ukraine, a crucial concern for Russia. However, he might adopt an even more stringent approach towards Muslims and Palestinians, conceivably surpassing the severity of Biden's policies.

Realism is imperative, and we must prepare for a challenging, serious, and protracted conflict on the horizon.

It is important to realise that this is not a religious conflict but rather a materialistic, atheistic imposter's war against all traditional religions. This means that the moment for the ultimate battle might be upon us.

Biden staunchly advocates for globalisation, opposes Russia, and fervently supports unipolarity. Trump's position, however, is different. He embodies a classic nationalist perspective, prioritising the interests of the United States as a nation over hasty plans for global dominance.

— Alexander Dugin

Oh well, I guess he has already been instructed that in order to become president, he has to attack another country, something he did not do in his previous term. It is even obvious to me, what is being published, in the sense that they are validating the fraud of the past elections.

Thanks. I found a tweet of his so we can all share it.

I just don't understand why more of our representatives are not like Mr Barret. Are they all just cowards, senile, psychopaths? I guess we see clearly now who has a heart and who doesn't. Just watching a one minute video of the countless coming out of Gaza this past month would melt the heart of anyone who possesses one.

By way of context, Irish TD (representative) Richard Boyd Barrett is a Neo-marxist and fervent man-made global warming alarmist who for example has been allowed by the Irish government to 'independently' help push forward legislation that will lead to the delimiting of the constitutional right to own private property as enshrined in the Irish constitution for the 'common good'

The Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Right to Housing) Bill 2020, sponsored by socialist TDs Richard Boyd Barrett, Paul Murphy, Mick Barry, Bríd Smith and Gino Kenny, seeks to delimit the constitutional protections given to private property in favour of the common good.

I simply point this out to remind that like a broken clock, this man may be correct twice in the day but the rest of the time he's a pretty suspect figure when it comes to all other matters. FWIW.
If you can stomach it, a Christian lover of Israel talks to Israelis on the streets of Tel Aviv about how the world of Christianity stands with the Jewish people at this time (in slaughtering the innocent). Listening to the people he interviews one is struck by the self pity, the self righteousness, and the complete oblivion to ANYONE else's suffering. Onward Christian-Zionist soldiers marching as to war...

We've been talking about ethnic-specific weapons here for years.

Interesting reply:

KimDotcom is about 25 years late to say "developing" such a weapon. The following is from 1998!
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Israeli minister says

Avi Dichter, Israeli Minister of Agriculture and former Minister of Internal Security, on Saturday called the ongoing war "the Nakba of Gaza 2023" .

The minister made the comments in a live interview on Israeli Channel 12.

"This is the Gaza Nakba of 2023," Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter announces triumphantly.

- Chris on election day Abu Charbel (@crawlings13) November 11, 2023.

Hostage families direct anger at Israeli government in Tel Aviv.

According to Haaretz, a demonstration broke out in Tel Aviv, with families of hostages taken to Gaza on October 7, denouncing the Israeli government.

Jacky Levy, whose family was kidnapped in Nir Oz, said, "We are asked against whom our anger is directed, and it is against all humanity... but mainly, against those who are responsible for us, those who have a contract with us, the government of Israel," he said.


Fighting near hospitals in northern Gaza, as Palestinians flee to overcrowded shelters
Thousands of Palestinians are fleeing northern Gaza as Israel's army pushes deeper into dense urban neighborhoods in its battle against Hamas militants. Officials in the besieged enclave said the Palestinian death toll has topped 11,000.
The World Health Organization said on Friday that 20 of the 36

You may well be right (Boone was a much underrated actor). I appreciate that it is a bit off topic but when you analyse the movies of the 1960's you can see that behind the scenes producers and directors in Hollywood were changing the old stereotypes of good and evil in the movies. Before the 1960's, the message was much simpler, good always triumphed over evil, crime never paid and the hero always got the girl in the end (unless you were Bob Hope, since Crosby always got the girl :-D). Anyway, Eastwood's spaghetti westerns would certainly be part of the process of changing that.
Tyrone Power and Errol Flynn movies come to mind. Some of them are ridiculous. There is one that ends when Errol is shot in the street by "the girl" who then runs to him to become his girl. I think it is the one about sheep and cattle in Montana.
United in suffering. Is the prewave here?
A: Widespread suffering prewave approaches.

Q: (Pierre) So it's the suffering of human beings that has an influence on the global EM pattern?

A: Yes. When the levels rise, balancing will begin in earnest.

Q: (L) Are you saying that it's almost necessary for suffering to be even more widespread than it is for the changes to come?

A: Indeed, humanity will finally be united.

Q: (Perceval) Finally united in suffering?

A: Yes.
Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?

A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.
Maybe you can tell us a little bit about this book ? To us to understand your sentence.
As with all movies that are based on a book, the book has more info and detail. In the final scene/event where Shane puts his guns on and goes to town, he is in a gunfight and the boy is watching. What isn't in the movie is that some gunfighters would use their middle finger on the trigger and point their index finger along the barrel of the gun. You can point with your finger to just about anything with pretty good accuracy.

This may be part of the reason for the BATF to try to ban arm braces since that also has the potential for accuracy.
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Plus the presence of so many forces increases the possibility of an 'accident', a Gulf of Tonkin type fabrication, false flag etc. Or a genuine attack on a US asset which they have deliberately provoked by their presence. Powder keg doesn't even cover it.
A single trident submarine (Ohio class), has the ability to end life for much of the world in 30 minutes or less. The other governments know that.
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