Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I get it, I've followed Hal too and found he's often a legit source of info. But as I've discovered, all the best disinfo peeps have 90% good info to lure you in, and then they poison-pill you with that nefarious 10% bad juju. And: in my very last post on this very thread, I provided a link and a shout-out to Western Rifle Shooters Association. Just after I did that I read some more posts on that same site by people who absolutely believe that Islamic people are apes who plan to infest the rest of the world and take us over from the inside by out-procreating us because that's what their religion professes.

Yeah I'm not gonna go down that mind warp path, thanx. The Islamic people I've met in real life were just like me: loving beings who simply wanted peace. So, I continue to learn, too.

I do think that WRSA site has interesting viewpoints worth considering, as does Hal Turner. But the way I approach them now is as lanes of information to pursue for more truth, not AS the truth in and of itself. And also: there are NO other places on the internet where I would feel completely safe sharing what I just did in this post, than HERE. This remains the ONLY place on the current internet where I have tried to share information where I have not been judged for the political "tilt" of my information, instead of the TRUTH of it. And I learn more from the honest reactions and replies to my posts here than anywhere else, because of same.
Yeah I generally view Hal and just about every site the same way. I don't take anything as truth. I go for information from as many sources as possible, and evaluate myself whether credible based on underlying motives, bias, and totality of the evidence.
Basically, the US was not informed in advance about the attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus (because they would have said "no") and that attack was at least in part designed by Israel to provoke the Iranian response that would then force the US and "allies" to back up Israel.
Exactly, Israel is a 'loose cannon' even for its greatest ally. Often, analysts think of Israel as being the US's 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' in the Middle East, and to some extent that's true, but the problem with that idea is that it assumes that the US is the master and Israel is the vassal, and quite often they behave in ways that suggest it's the other way around. Would the US throw Israel 'under the bus' and turn its back on it in a serious way? If it got in a hot war with Iran, would the US not intervene in Israel's defense? Unlikely. Would Israel turn its back on the US if it suited it? Absolutely. I mean, there was 9/11 - obviously the US authorities know what really happened there, yet Israel got away with it, no problem. And the only reason I can think of that explains this sad state of affairs is the influence of the Israel lobby, plus that several US political figures are surely blackmailed Epstein-style on a personal level.

So again, Iran and the US can be 'ok' with the recent exchange of blows, and the US can tell Israel it doesn't want any further escalations, at least for now. And Israel might even pretend its ok with it. But will it really comply? It can't be trusted any more than we can trust a known psychopath to keep its word.
Another angle: Biden said US forces "helped Israel take down nearly all" drones and missiles launched by Iran on Sunday. This sets a precedent of the US helping Israel in apparent direct confrontation with Iran. Something the Biden admin did not want (at least officially), but Israel did.

Israel is a 'loose cannon' even for its greatest ally.

Yep, and they know it, but can do little about it. A predictable fate for such a sordid relationship.
Would the US throw Israel 'under the bus' and turn its back on it in a serious way? If it got in a hot war with Iran, would the US not intervene in Israel's defense? Unlikely.
Considering that all three presidential candidates (and even "rebels" like Tulsi Gabbard) are completely pro-Israel despite the genocide in Gaza, I would say it's close to impossible. Unless the public proclamations are insincere and they are waiting for the right moment to "throw Israel under the bus".

Israel Says Readying 'Imminent' Attack On Iran As Airlines Cancel Flights To Region​

by Tyler Durden
Monday, Apr 15, 2024


  • Middle East braces for Israeli 'retaliation' attack on Iran after Israel War Cabinet meets

  • Israeli Air Force says it has completed 'preparation' and that an attack is 'imminent'

  • US officials tell WSJ they believe Israel will launch an anti-Iran operation today

  • IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi: Iranian missile and drone attack on Israel “will be met with a response.”

  • Netanyahu orders military: draw up a list of targets

  • Several major airlines canceling flights to Tel Aviv and whole region.

  • State Dept spox: “commitment to Israel’s security is sacrosanct”.

  • G7 working on measures against Iran as China, Russia signal weekend attack won't hurt relations with Tehran

  • European allies urge Israel against military response

  • Tehran warns that it's ready to hit back harder.

"Update(1329ET): It appears things are moving fast, via Israel's Channel 12 broadcaster, following the earlier conclusion of Israel's War Cabinet meeting:"

"The Times of Israel top headline has switched to: War cabinet decides to hit Iran back hard, hopes it won’t spark regional war"

"A host of airlines have canceled flights to the region, including the following:"

I think the last time it was Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War with the famous SCUD...
Well that's the thing with escalation, if every attack needs to be responded to uphold "deterrence" you eventually end up in a full blown war, potentially with mushrooms clouds going up on every side (and I think Iran has had access to nukes for at least 2 decades, they just pretend otherwise for good reason). Iran understands that, which is the reason they have put up with Israel killing their people all over the world, and they deliberately were restrained in their attacks this weekend - most of those rockets and drones were probably decoys to overwhelm air defenses. US generals certainly understand that, which is the reason there are forces within the US and their allies trying to put the leash in Netanyahu. The Israelis are the bat shit insane people that most of the world always thought the Iranians were. And if Israel has to "respond" then Iran is going to have to "respond" given their statements the other night. This does not end well.

But if you are in Iran's shoes think about this. You have morons in Israel who have shown they have this obsession with destroying Iran's nuclear infrastructure. They also have nukes and have acted in a way no sane person would react. Every missile that is incoming now you have to assume could have a nuclear warhead. So what do you do? Rely on your air defenses to take them out, or do you do what the Russians or Americans would do if they saw even one ICBM headed towards their territory from the other side? Iran has to at least consider launching EVERYTHING including their nukes because the Israeli's might be nuking their facilities with the incoming missiles. Even a conventional strike could seriously degrade their capability to respond. Iran almost has to be at a launch on warning status now given Israel's insanity unless saner heads broker something on the back channels, or they get a guarantee from Russia or China that is they are nuked Russia or China will make sure Israel pays and does not get away with it.

Hopefully SOMEONE in Netanyahu's demented cabinet points this out and they put their pride away for a bit understanding that is the cost of turning the Vienna Convention into a piece of worthless toilet paper.
A summary of some points of Pepe Escobar's analysis. To highlight, he celebrates the staging made by Iran and sees it as an "elegant" military strategy very purposely made to to achieve results in terms of deterrence and leadership.

How Iran’s ‘strategic patience’ switched to serious deterrence

-The Russian
side keeps in contact with Iranian partners on the situation in the Middle East after the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria.
Ryabkov added,

-Strait of Hormuz
That was an eminently elegant manoeuvre – reminding the collective west of Tehran’s hold on the Strait of Hormuz, a fact immeasurably more dangerous to the whole western economic house of cards than any limited strike on their “aircraft carrier” in West Asia. That did happen anyway.

-The Iranian

targeted key Israeli military sites such as the Nevatim and Ramon airbases in the Negev and an intel center in the occupied Golan Heights – the three centers used by Tel Aviv in its strike on Iran’s Damascus consulate.

This was a highly choreographed show. Multiple early warning signs gifted Tel Aviv with plenty of time to profit from US intel and evacuate fighter jets and personnel, which was duly followed by a plethora of US military radars coordinating the defense strategy.

It was American firepower that smashed the bulk of what may have been a swarm of 185 Shahed-136 drones – using everything from ship-mounted air defense to fighter jets. The rest was shot down over Jordan by The Little King’s military – the Arab street will never forget his treachery – and then by dozens of Israeli jets.

The whole show had the budget of a mega blockbuster. For Israel – without even counting the price of US, UK, and Israeli jets – just the multi-layered interception system set it back at least $1.35 billion, according to an Israeli official. Iranian military sources tally the cost of their drone and missile salvos at only $35 million – 2.5 percent of Tel Aviv’s expenditure – made with full indigenous technology.


Were the biblical psychopaths to engage in a real Hot War against Iran, there’s no chance in hell Tel Aviv can intercept hundreds of Iranian missiles – the state-of-the-art ones excluded from the current show – without an early warning mechanism spread over several days. Without the Pentagon’s umbrella of weaponry and funds, Israeli defense is unsustainable.
That could permanently end the area as an oil-producing region and astronomically raise the oil price to levels that will crash the world financial structure. It is conceivable that the United States banking system could similarly collapse if the oil price rises to $900 a barrel should Middle East oil be cut off or destroyed.
It’s no wonder that the Biden combo, days before the Iranian response, was frantically begging Beijing, Riyadh, and Ankara, among others, to hold Tehran back. The Iranians might have even agreed – had the UN Security Council imposed a permanent ceasefire in Gaza to calm the regional storm. Washington was mute.

- Mohammad Bagheri, chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, went straight to the point:
We have conveyed a message to America through the Swiss Embassy that American bases will become a military target if they are used in future aggressive actions of the Zionist regime. We will consider this as aggression and will act accordingly.
Well here we go. Netanayahu is not even taking calls from other leaders according to this video
that is not a good sign if you are trying to de-escalate through back channels. Iran has stated that they will immediately launch a counterattack, which is what I would do given Israel could be sending nukes their way. I guess we get to see how the S-400s measure up now. Iran has also said they would use weapons they "have never used before" Israel better hope that does not include nukes or cobalt bombs. Iran also has stealth tech for its missiles that was used in the counterattack for the Suleimani assasination years ago, which apparently did not get used last night; I wonder if Israel gets a taste of that as well. Steve Ben Nun reported the other night his sources in the Middle East told him Israel was even considering using earthquake weapons and space based weapons. If the back channels are all shut down because Israel has stopped listening, this could get really really ugly. Hopefully Russia and US both stay on the sideline if that is the case.

If none of you have seen this video before
, it discusses a guy who went into a meeting in 2005 and heard them discussing kicking things off with Israel deliberately provoking Iran into striking them with a nuclear weapon, and then Israel responding in a limited nuclear war, with basically the goal of scaring the nations into more totalitarian controls on populaces worldwide to prevent nuclear proliferation. Interestingly enough after that was supposed to be a "flu like disease" starting in China that would "lock down the world" (it looks like we got that one out of sequence, although they could try round II with bird flu or Disease X), followed by the real WWIII. Interestingly enough the guy speculates in the video the reason the elites are doing this is they are expecting an upcoming cataclism and the war is to determine who controls the aftermath (and probably to cull the masses of survivors ahead of time so easier to manage afterwards). Yes it is a Project Camelot video (I noticed they changed the title to Project Avalon since I first saw years ago to obscure that a little more LMAO :) ) take it for what it is worth. But I always find it interesting to hear people talk about things that have happened or are about to happen. If we see an actual limited nuclear exchange, it looks like they actually got their wish despite the best efforts of Iran, etc. to prevent it.
Even Zionists are against Orthodox Jews. Israel is anti-Semitic.

Currently happening: 🚨
Israeli police raid the anti-Zionist Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem with armored vehicles.
Jews who support Palestine and oppose Zionism and Israel are arrested and beaten, and most of them are hospitalized with serious injuries.

The Zionists attacked the Torah Jews Center in Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, where they brutally beat the coordinator, and several others were taken to the hospital after receiving brutal injuries from the Zionist Nazis.

Israeli Military Police have Invaded a Anti Zionist Synagogue in Jerusalem and are beating the Religious Jews Inside!
And on top of it all, the expected hike in oil prices the world over, as it usually does when there's tensions in the region, hasn't happened. In fact prices have dropped, from Sputnik

But so far that has not happened and instead there has been a subdued reaction to the latest developments, with oil prices showing a slight decline during the day on Monday, April 15. Brent futures for June were down 0.2% to $90.25 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures for May delivery fell 0.4% to $85.33 per barrel.
Amid falling global oil demand, despite the ongoing European security crisis, Houthi attacks on Israeli, British and US commercial ships in the Red Sea and the ongoing Israeli operation in Gaza, OPEC+ has suspended voluntary Q1 oil production cuts of 2.2 million bpd in Q2, which will remain in place until the end of June, adding to existing cuts of 3.66 million bpd agreed in 2022.
I agree. When it comes down to it, being alive in a physical body is a horrifying situation in and of itself.
It shouldn't be like that. At least, in an ideal world, life should be a celebration. However, I suppose it depends on where and under what circumstances a person finds themselves. Perhaps the reality of having no power over a situation is what is horrifying? And, obviously very depressing.
I do wish that each person would somehow only bear responsibility for their own actions / lessons. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case on terra firma.
Agreeed, not when psychopaths rule our world, pretend to be 'the good guys' and divide and conquer us, using fear, anger and hate. Sigh, :-( so that's two things we have to do.... 1. take responsibility for our own actions and 2. be part of a collective that is run by a bunch of loony psychos and/or idiots. It takes a brave person to deal with all that.
I don't think it's quite that black and white. It seems like Karma is one aspect regarding the direction of future lessons, so it's not that people automatically have 'done unto them as they did to others', but rather that potentially being 'done upon as they once did' provides a little extra incentive in the lesson of 'learning to do differently'.
The difficulty arises when people don't know what's been done to them in the past - or what they've done (or sometimes haven't done) to others in the past. So when Karma rocks up (and I see it as an equalizer of energies as well as a chance to learn), the challenge is to become stronger and to act for the good of both self and others. It gives the person the opportunity to 'do things differently' this time, or at least attempt to do so.

We can see how Karma works both individually and collectively now. Perhaps not so weirdly, it can work both individually and collectively on a single person. With the individual Karma having the most effect on what's uppermost in a person's mind. Group Karma is something the individual doesn't have a lot of control over. I believe it occurs because a group (whatever group that may be) 1. acted in a negative way (as a group) towards another group and 2. individuals within the group didn't stop this from happening at the time.
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