Israeli attack on Gaza

Today I hear a very interesting interview of Walter Martinez with a Syrian war correspondent of Syria, Mr. Hisham Wannous that received a price from the Venezuela government and works for Telesur. He said that the Mediterranean, specially in front of Gaza, is the most big resource of natural gas and that this is one reason of why the Israelis waned to eliminated all Palestinians. Is there more information concerning this subject?
Here is an article by F. William Engdahl on the gas fields of the Eastern Mediterranean......
go2 said:
Here is an article by F. William Engdahl on the gas fields of the Eastern Mediterranean......

Thanks! I just saw it now in the page of Sott.
loreta said:
Today I hear a very interesting interview of Walter Martinez with a Syrian war correspondent of Syria, Mr. Hisham Wannous that received a price from the Venezuela government and works for Telesur. He said that the Mediterranean, specially in front of Gaza, is the most big resource of natural gas and that this is one reason of why the Israelis waned to eliminated all Palestinians. Is there more information concerning this subject?

Global Research's Michel Chossudovsky wrote about this in January 2009, while the Israelis were massacring Palestinians during "operation cast lead", and republished it again about a week ago: War and natural gas: The Israeli invasion and Gaza's offshore gas fields

Israel has been a greedy bully (understatement!) regarding natural resources around the area since the establishment of the state. If you search SOTT you'll find articles about it. Just a couple:

Resources Wars: Another fabricated conflict is in the works? Israel sends drones over Mediterranean gas fields
Greed! Israel takes over 2 offshore Egyptian gas wells, geologist says

The recent finds of oil around the area between Cyprus and Syria might explain the destabilization that we have been witnessing in the latter state by the US and allies. The new battles over Mediterranean gas also explain in part the sour relations between Israel and Turkey. It's all about who has the biggest weapons to have the most control over natural resources.

I just saw your reply, that you read the SOTT article :)
Gawan said:
Kaigen said:
This is really beyond my imagination, how far will they go. They really copy the Nazis.

Official Israeli military T-shirt depicts a pregnant Palestinian woman in rifle cross hairs, "One Shot, Two Kills".

This is from the FB _

I asked for the source of this pic.

As far as I can remember these disgusting T-Shirts are available since a longer time (at least since 2009):

It can be seen about in the middle of the article:

Connecting the Dots: Come join the New World Order! Pull some strings for Israel! But ignore those lights in the sky!

You know, I don't know if this sounds wild, but after reading all of these articles I was deeply impacted by the inescapable (and I mean inescapable) conclusion: these psychos are going to kill us all. I don't know if I missed the above SOTT article a few years back, or if I wasn't ready for that level of Truth, but seeing Israelis act the way they have has given me chills. The videos of them chanting for the extermination of Gaza are so beyond me that I just have no words for it all. Hopefully people sharing pictures and videos on Facebook is helping to open normal peoples' eyes to reality. But even then it's all still a puppet show.

I guess a part of me was still in denial that people could actually, truly relish murder like they have been.
The course that events have taken and their probable destination, connected well with this from The Noah Syndrome:

pg 167 said:
The ultimate irony is that the forces operating through the individuals who have been responsible for the attempts to conceal the light of truth, have only served to set the stage for the playing out of the final act of the great cosmic drama.

Hesper said:
You know, I don't know if this sounds wild, but after reading all of these articles I was deeply impacted by the inescapable (and I mean inescapable) conclusion: these psychos are going to kill us all. I don't know if I missed the above SOTT article a few years back, or if I wasn't ready for that level of Truth, but seeing Israelis act the way they have has given me chills. The videos of them chanting for the extermination of Gaza are so beyond me that I just have no words for it all. Hopefully people sharing pictures and videos on Facebook is helping to open normal peoples' eyes to reality. But even then it's all still a puppet show.

I guess a part of me was still in denial that people could actually, truly relish murder like they have been.

The masks are simply falling away, revealing the reality of the situation to all. It ain't a pretty sight, but if we are to have even the slightest chance of passing through these times intact, then we must face reality without flinching, with the sobriety of a warrior in a state of total war.
Approaching Infinity said:
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

Moreover, read his book. There are some chilling quotes from David Ben Gurion and other Zionist leaders that are bone-chilling and make it very clear what psychopaths they were.

The other day I thought that the least I can do to support the unbiased view of the Palestinian tradegy is to buy Pappe's book. I was happily surprised to see that his book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" was available as a Kindle version, so I bought it. I'm 1/5 into this book and all I can say is wow, there's so much that has been suppressed by the media, so much more to know. It's like reading a description of the Nazis, calculated and cold plain evil at work.

Great book, highly recommend it. Here's a direct link to the Kindle edition:

Aragorn said:
Approaching Infinity said:
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

Moreover, read his book. There are some chilling quotes from David Ben Gurion and other Zionist leaders that are bone-chilling and make it very clear what psychopaths they were.

The other day I thought that the least I can do to support the unbiased view of the Palestinian tradegy is to buy Pappe's book. I was happily surprised to see that his book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" was available as a Kindle version, so I bought it. I'm 1/5 into this book and all I can say is wow, there's so much that has been suppressed by the media, so much more to know. It's like reading a description of the Nazis, calculated and cold plain evil at work.

Great book, highly recommend it. Here's a direct link to the Kindle edition:


As soon I will have money I will buy the book, also. I wanted to be informed about the Palestinian situation. This last week with the situation in Gaza was too much, I felt terrible. I need information and awareness. I will read all the articles about it in Sott. Than I will continue with books. I think I was refusing to see the Palestinian tragedy, escaping it, too afraid to face it. Now, after last week my conscience can not go back! I was unable to see all the consequences about the horror that Palestinians are living since 48.
loreta said:
As soon I will have money I will buy the book, also. I wanted to be informed about the Palestinian situation. This last week with the situation in Gaza was too much, I felt terrible. I need information and awareness. I will read all the articles about it in Sott. Than I will continue with books. I think I was refusing to see the Palestinian tragedy, escaping it, too afraid to face it. Now, after last week my conscience can not go back! I was unable to see all the consequences about the horror that Palestinians are living since 48.

To me it happened that I thought I was being aware of all that was happening there, but actually I realized that I was skipping a lot of details in order to avoid seeing the most painful things.
Each day, what the Cs said about the Nazi's being a trial for current events, makes more and more sense. The Zionists are practically completing the job the Nazis began 80 years ago.
Mariama said:
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

I watched both videos last night. But I was under the impression that Pappe stayed away from some interesting issues, OSIT. Like who financed the whole operation, who trained the Israeli military.

The other video showed how Palestinian women, men and children are being kidnapped and incarcerated by the Israelis. Having watched the videos on pedaphile networks and read the articles I couldn't help but wondering how many Palestinian kids are being kidnapped and supplied to these rings in Israel? Do these kids that were kidnapped/incarcerated come back? Do parents know where they are? How many of them have been kidnapped?

Rape is another war crime.

The Pappe video is also cut before he finishes, just as he was talking about how the Israelis is masters of using words that makes people think what happens is something else, like calling occupation, a conflict.
Searching for the last part (that I didn't find) I came across this one: Palestine: The Missing Narrative. Paolo Barnard which provided a few more pieces of information of how it began, (he also mentions rape). I haven't heard much mentioning of the American involvement in those lectures though, perhaps because it was later, and they focus on the start.

Another thing I've been thinking is, that it is almost impossible for people to understand anything, without them first understanding the problem of psychopathy. (Thank you SOTT for informing me about that, so I can understand better)
Is anybody familiar with this breaking news:



Yozilla said:
Is anybody familiar with this breaking news:




This is really strange. Mabey they are going to try to change the meaning of Zionism to hide what it really is and the history behind all of it? Alot of people dont even know what zionism is. So what a better way to cover up the truth and change what it means to the public.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
Yozilla said:
Is anybody familiar with this breaking news:




This is really strange. Mabey they are going to try to change the meaning of Zionism to hide what it really is and the history behind all of it? Alot of people dont even know what zionism is. So what a better way to cover up the truth and change what it means to the public.

It doesn't look like he's kicking out any Zionists from me, but simply going ahead with the centralization of power. I could be wrong of course.

When they say...

_ said:
The president has openly announced a move against violent plotters inside the US government and espionage agents. He does not use the terms “AIPAC” or “the Israel lobby” but it is highly unlikely he could be referring to anything else.

In fact, we can think of no other group.

...I think there's a lot of wishful thinking going on there.

Here's more analysis from Canada Free Press:

This memorandum quietly inserts yet another plank in the framework for absolute control by Barack Hussein Obama. It is he, not laws enacted by congress or the workings of the judicial branch, who will now determine who and what constitutes an “insider threat.” The mechanisms for reporting such threats are now in place, and actual or perceived threats to our government are to be identified and reported on by the very people he appointed to key government positions. It is the very essence of “Big Brother” within the government itself.

Everyone needs to wake up and understand exactly what’s happening not only in the U.S., but across the world. We are witnessing the consolidation of power that historically precedes a war for absolute control.

Duff said:
The president has openly announced a move against violent plotters inside the US government and espionage agents.

Sez who?

Duff said:
He does not use the terms “AIPAC” or “the Israel lobby” but it is highly unlikely he could be referring to anything else.

Sez who?

Duff said:
In fact, we can think of no other group.

I was privately briefed on some of the reasons behind this document. On what is known, not “surmised,” I will explain:

There is, currently, within the US military, the Executive branch of government and among extremist “power brokers” in America an active plot to “alter” America’s form of government through “decapitation.”

Sez who?

Duff said:
The Benghazi attack was planned and financed by this group.

Many writers in the alternative media have noted much of what is going on but not all. Some have shown access to very knowledgeable sources.

You don't need access to inside sources to figure out what's going on!

Duff said:
Behind the plotters are drug cartels that have penetrated the US government, former lobbyists who were moved into government during the Bush (43) administration and now are suspected of being involved in a coup attempt.

So it's business as usual at the top then.

Duff said:
What we are seeing is a hunt for traitors within the American government and military, some of which is working its way onto the news.

How did Duff infer this from Obama's memorandum?

White House said:
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies

SUBJECT: National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs

This Presidential Memorandum transmits the National Insider Threat Policy and Minimum Standards for Executive Branch Insider Threat Programs (Minimum Standards) to provide direction and guidance to promote the development of effective insider threat programs within departments and agencies to deter, detect, and mitigate actions by employees who may represent a threat to national security. These threats encompass potential espionage, violent acts against the Government or the Nation, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information, including the vast amounts of classified data available on interconnected United States Government computer networks and systems.

The Minimum Standards provide departments and agencies with the minimum elements necessary to establish effective insider threat programs. These elements include the capability to gather, integrate, and centrally analyze and respond to key threat-related information; monitor employee use of classified networks; provide the workforce with insider threat awareness training; and protect the civil liberties and privacy of all personnel.

The resulting insider threat capabilities will strengthen the protection of classified information across the executive branch and reinforce our defenses against both adversaries and insiders who misuse their access and endanger our national security.

Barack Obama

For all we know, the real intent behind this move is to control restlessness among civil servants in the lower ranks. It may be that the government WANTS us to believe that it's on a good, clean, virtuous hunt for spies 'n' traitors.

Duff said:
The question of the moment, however, is this:

How can a President of the United States announce that the government is infiltrated with terrorists and spies and no newspaper, television network or other form of media notices?

Because the POTUS didn't announce any such thing?

Or am I missing something?
Yozilla said:
Is anybody familiar with this breaking news:


I agree with what Kniall said above.

Also, if Obama's going to kick out any Zionists, his vice president should be the first to go.

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