Israeli attack on Gaza

About the gas fields mentioned above. What else drives Israel’s needs and who is in the way?

[quote author=Alana]
Global Research's Michel Chossudovsky wrote about this in January 2009, while the Israelis were massacring Palestinians during "operation cast lead", and republished it again about a week ago: War and natural gas: The Israeli invasion and Gaza's offshore gas fields

Israel has been a greedy bully (understatement!) regarding natural resources around the area since the establishment of the state.

From Diane Raines Ward ‘Water Wars’
Water Wars said:
Much of the Middle East needs Turkey’s resources, but so far only Israel has come to terms with the fact. At a meeting in 1997, representatives from seventeen Arab states and Palestine gathered in Damascus for a conference on water. Neither Turkey nor Israel were invited. Israel has made an agreement with Turkey to buy substantial quantities of water to be towed across the Mediterranean in Medusa-bags. And America’s Bechtel Corporation has had discussions with Israel over the feasibility of building water and oil pipelines to Turkey.

By 2006 something changed in the short term:
Israel, Turkey suspend deal to ship water in huge tankers
Critics have said plan, going back more than five years, was motivated more by politics than economics.
By Associated Press Apr.05, 2006 | 12:00 AM

Israel and Turkey have suspended what was meant to be a breakthrough deal: shipping water in huge tankers from Turkey to the parched Holy Land.
both governments have concluded the deal is not feasible, but hope to revive it in the future.
Between the gas fields, water, land, sea ports, and the disposal of unwanted people, Israel has plans indeed and they don’t include Palestinians or sovereign countries getting in the way.
Graalsword said:
Each day, what the Cs said about the Nazi's being a trial for current events, makes more and more sense. The Zionists are practically completing the job the Nazis began 80 years ago.

Interesting that the Nazis did, actually, accomplish their goal of creating the "master race" when they culled the Jews and made a psychopathic breeding ground possible with the creation of Israel.
Laura said:
Graalsword said:
Each day, what the Cs said about the Nazi's being a trial for current events, makes more and more sense. The Zionists are practically completing the job the Nazis began 80 years ago.

Interesting that the Nazis did, actually, accomplish their goal of creating the "master race" when they culled the Jews and made a psychopathic breeding ground possible with the creation of Israel.

Oh my, yes they did, didn't they. How ironic to have succeeded in such a way. The 'never again' slogan that the Jewish people have need only apply to themselves now.
I am just being told that, according to inside sources, tomorrow at the UN General Assembly in NY the following will happen. I hope it is not true:
* 40 additional states will "recognize israel as a jewish state" what will de-facto obviate the right of return of exiled Palestinians, apparently a pre-condition for the US and EU to give Abbas his operetta-state.
* Abbas will be given his "observer state" status
* Abbas has already signed a secret protocol with the USA saying that he will not accede to the ICC or seek to bring any israeli before any court for crimes against humanity
* UN Resolution 242 will be recalled or its status put in question or something along those lines

So really, really, there is no defense against traitors, sellouts and similar lowlifes.
I am absolutely disgusted - I couldn't eat as much as I'd like to vomit.
name said:
I am just being told that, according to inside sources, tomorrow at the UN General Assembly in NY the following will happen. I hope it is not true:
* 40 additional states will "recognize israel as a jewish state" what will de-facto obviate the right of return of exiled Palestinians, apparently a pre-condition for the US and EU to give Abbas his operetta-state.
* Abbas will be given his "observer state" status
* Abbas has already signed a secret protocol with the USA saying that he will not accede to the ICC or seek to bring any israeli before any court for crimes against humanity
* UN Resolution 242 will be recalled or its status put in question or something along those lines

So really, really, there is no defense against traitors, sellouts and similar lowlifes.
I am absolutely disgusted - I couldn't eat as much as I'd like to vomit.

What "inside sources"?
Laura said:
Graalsword said:
Each day, what the Cs said about the Nazi's being a trial for current events, makes more and more sense. The Zionists are practically completing the job the Nazis began 80 years ago.

Interesting that the Nazis did, actually, accomplish their goal of creating the "master race" when they culled the Jews and made a psychopathic breeding ground possible with the creation of Israel.

In our local news paper there are, as everywhere I suppose, these pro-Israel minded writers who obviously see as their duty to defend Israel. Often, they appear to be older men who are fundamentalists, and sometimes these "nice old ladies" come and join the chorus because they are 'friends of Israel, Gods chosen people'.

A reoccurring pattern is, that they start with the usual 'constant flow of rockets by Hamas, the terrorists' and 'Israel's right to defend itself'. When cornered, they bring out the trump card of 'antisemitism'. As in today's paper, there was a long pathological posting to the editors section condemning all criticism as antisemitism.

As tragic as the holocaust was, it is an almost invincible trump card in the hands of the Zionists. Reading Pappe's book makes it clear that this card was used from the very beginning to brain wash the early settlers. Ben-Gurion rambling about a 'second holocaust' etc. For the 4D STS the 'Nazi trial' was a success, without a doubt.
I have posted to try and expose people to the truth before the ceasefire and to my surprise there were friends of mine who paid attention. Mostly old friends from Hungary. None of my American friends even seemed to notice anything.

It is unbelievable to see how people - not even turn their heads away from information - don't even see it. They hear words in the MSM like 'Children are dead' or even 'Palestine' and their brain shuts off. They've become immune. People at work and everywhere else were going about their daily lives as if nothing happened.

And due to my posts a so-called actress friend of mine revealed herself to be ex-israeli military..and she attacked me in PMs.

All in all, I keep going back to the feeling that Bo mentioned in his comment.

D, thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

I've been also wondering what could be behind the current ceasefire and what might follow. And also, what Lisa G. mentioned, that people pay the least amount of attention during holidays. They will most likely make use of this fact this month.

Tears of Gaza is back on youtube:
I suspect it doesn't matter how many times they'll take it off, someone will repost it. Again. And again.

It's times like these that I admire how level-headed and peaceful Lobaczewski's approach to dealing with Essential Psychopathy and other psychopathologies were. For I am having a hard time trying to see it that way...
People are immune because they are zombies. They don't know they are zombies, that they have a terrible illness. They don't care now, in Holiday times nor when there is no Holiday times. They don't care at all, simply like that. Is there something that they drink, in the water? Or that they put in the vaccines? that make people so blind. I am unable to talk about Palestine with anyone at all. My few friends that I have in real dimension are zombies. My family also. The people in my village also.

Some friends have erased me from Facebook in fact because they are Jewish and think that Gaza is a paradise (they really think), a sort of Mediterranean Club. There was a page in FB about Gaza showing pictures of marvelous hotels, completely crazy page. I don't know if that page is still there. I will check today.

So I live Palestine in a total solitude except here.
I'm half way through Pappe's book, and one thing that keeps puzzling me is why did the communists (Soviet) provide the Zionists with weapons? I'm obviously missing a piece of the puzzle here, and maybe it's explained further in the book, but I'm too curious. Any ideas?
Aragorn said:
I'm half way through Pappe's book, and one thing that keeps puzzling me is why did the communists (Soviet) provide the Zionists with weapons? I'm obviously missing a piece of the puzzle here, and maybe it's explained further in the book, but I'm too curious. Any ideas?

What era are you talking about? Stalin or the Bolsheviks? Stalin probably armed them in an effort to "keep in" with them with a view to having good relations with the soon to be state of Israel and its influence in the Middle East. Basically, the same reasons Western powers facilitated the creation of the state of Israel.
Perceval said:
Aragorn said:
I'm half way through Pappe's book, and one thing that keeps puzzling me is why did the communists (Soviet) provide the Zionists with weapons? I'm obviously missing a piece of the puzzle here, and maybe it's explained further in the book, but I'm too curious. Any ideas?

What era are you talking about? Stalin or the Bolsheviks? Stalin probably armed them in an effort to "keep in" with them with a view to having good relations with the soon to be state of Israel and its influence in the Middle East. Basically, the same reasons Western powers facilitated the creation of the state of Israel.

I'm thinking of the 1930's and 40's, the era of Stalin. Some sources say that he didn't like Jews, but it seems that his opinion kept changing all the time.

Here's a description I found:

Some on the left still maintain the myth that Stalin was "a great fighter against world Zionism". In reality his policy on this question was a zig-zagging one that went from support for Zionism to outright anti-Semitism. A Kramer, in Israel, unravels the truth.

On February 11, 1945 in Yalta president Roosevelt asked Stalin, what he thought of Zionism. The answer he got shocked the translator Charles Bolen who had read Stalin's work on "Marxism and national question": "In principle I support Zionism, but there are difficulties with solving the Jewish question. Our experiment in Birobidzan (1) failed, because the Jews prefer to live in cities".

It is a well-known fact that Stalin personally did not like Jews. He also detested the British, the Chechens and several other nationalities. He had a narrow Russian nationalist chauvinist outlook. He was very far removed from the internationalism that was characteristic of Lenin and the Bolshevik party before the party succumbed to the Stalinist degeneration. While he definitely had these traits he also liked to cosy up to different petit-bourgeois nationalist movements in different countries.

In 1920 the Second Congress of the Comintern had issued a statement on the colonial and national question, in which we can read the following: "A glaring example of the deception of the working people of oppressed nations by the united forces of imperialism of the Entente and the bourgeoisie of these nations is the Palestinian adventure that is being put forward by the Zionists (and Zionism in general, which, in claiming to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, in practice is advocating the expulsion of the Arab working people from Palestine, where the Jewish workers constitute only an insignificant minority, a role that is exploited by Britain.)" (2) But Stalin completely ignored the genuine traditions of the Bolshevik Party and the Communist International (when it was led by Lenin and Trotsky). A sympathy for Zionism was typical of the "right Bolsheviks". Another supporter of Zionism was Felix Dzerzinsky, the head of the GPU, who was also a "right Bolshevik".

However, in line with the ultra-left turn of the Stalinists in the late 1920s, when most of Bolshevik oppositionist leaders were in prison, this sympathy towards Zionism was suddenly suppressed and it was outlawed in Soviet Russia. In spite of this, criticism of Zionism was never strong and systematic in the 1930s. In fact not all relations were bad between Zionism and Stalinism.

However, after having had their hopes raised about the "positive" aspects of Zionism, by the late 1920s many left wing Zionists had been disappointed by their experiences in Palestine and they returned to the USSR. The majority of these people were later executed in 1937.

Others understood that there was no way back from the "Zionist paradise". In the late 1930s the official position on Zionism in the USSR also began to change to a more favourable one. In the huge official Soviet Encyclopedia published in those times we find a positive attitude towards Zionism. It said that Jewish migration to Palestine had become a "progressive factor" because many of the immigrants stood on the left and were also workers and these could be used against the pro-British Arab sheikhs!

At the beginning of 1947 a very strange coalition had come into being over the Palestinian question – the USA, the USSR and the Zionists. They all supported the partition of Palestine.
Of course each one of these had their own specific interests. The USA wanted to push out the old British colonial lion and replace him in the oil rich and strategically important Middle East. As for Stalin, he wanted to use the Jews in Palestine against British imperialism, and to establish a point of support for the Soviet bureaucracy in the Middle East. We also know what Ben-Gurion and his gang wanted – a "Great Israel" on both sides of the Jordan or at least encompassing the Sinai peninsula.

We could ask ourselves the question as to whether Stalin had any inkling of a Marxist understanding when he supported Zionism? The answer is, of course, that he did not. His approach was all reduced to playing the old game between Russian and British imperialism for control of this region. Stalin didn't support any drastic social changes in Palestine and thus a bloody conflict to divide Palestine was absolutely predictable.

The only solution would have been a united Socialist Palestine for both Jews and Arabs as part of a Socialist Federation of the Middle East, but this was a closed book for Stalin. Even worse than this was the fact that the Soviet authorities gave a "green light" for supplying Israel with weapons. Through their puppet regime in Czechoslovakia arms were indeed sent to Israel, and at the same time "communists" were encouraged to serve in the Israeli armed forces, those same forces that committed terrible crimes against the Arabs workers and peasants. The "Great Leader" of course had hoped to became a patron of the future Jewish state, and to achieve a so-called "Finlandisation" and thus to make Israel a capitalist ally of the Soviet Union.

The most ardent exponent of this line was Vacheslav Molotov, the man that was in charge of the Soviet foreign office between 1939 and 1949. He was the one who put his signature to the infamous Stalin-Hitler pact together with Ribbentrop in 1939. He was absolutely convinced that the USSR should abandon its policy of supporting the Arab communists because he regarded them as being powerless and that it should shift its support to the Zionists as he believed these were in a position to cut out a large chunk from the British Empire. Experts from the Middle East subdivision of the international department of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party had criticised this perspective, but nobody at the top of the Soviet regime would listen to them, and the head of this subdivision, Doctor of History, Peter Vladimirovich Milogradov, who had criticised Molotov's position, was consequently replaced.

But Stalin and Molotov had made a serious miscalculation. The Israeli bourgeoisie and the bureaucracy of the emerging Israeli state had always maintained deep economic and political links with the West and in particular with the USA. Golda Meir said at that time: "We cannot buy Soviet weapons with money that we have received from American Jews". Thus the Israeli ruling class cynically exploited Soviet help to their own advantage when they were setting up their state, but after the so-called "War of Independence" was over they began to develop closer relations with the West.

This end to the "friendship" between the USSR and the Zionists was easily predictable. The academic Ivan Michailovich Maisky, the soviet ambassador in London between 1934 and 1943 visited Palestine in 1943 on his way home. He met the Zionist leaders, and from the results of this meeting he drafted a report for the Soviet Foreign Minister, Molotov, in which he wrote the following:

"They are a very nice people, they have all completed their education in Russian colleges or gymnasiums. We spoke about classical literature and the Russian language, but they think in English with an American accent". This is an eloquent description of the real position of the Zionist leadership.

The failure of Soviet policy in the Middle East had become abundantly clear. Israel was lost to the Soviet sphere of influence. But as a consequence of this disastrous policy of Stalin many of the Communist parties in the Arabs countries disintegrated and lost their influence.

In Damascus mobs looted the offices of the local Communist Party after Gromyko had made his speech in the United Nations in favour of the partition of Palestine. The Communist Party of Palestine had both Arab and Jewish members and had always supported the position of one state for two peoples. But because it was linked to the Soviet Union it also suffered a large fall in support. Traditionally it had had close contacts with the Communist parties and movements in the neighbouring Arab countries, such as Palestine, Egypt and the Lebanon, but these were now broken.

Now Stalin did a complete 180-degree turn as he had done many times in the past. In 1933 Stalin had shifted his position from an extremely ultra-left course, in which even the Socialist parties were regarded as enemies, (or "social- fascists"), to an alliance with the so-called "liberal bourgeoisie" (the "Popular Front") .Thus towards the end of the 1940s Stalin moved from supporting Jewish nationalism to an outright anti-Semitic position. This manoeuvre also fitted well with his policy of the "creeping Thermidor" which included the restoration of some reactionary customs that harked back to Tsarist Russia.

Thus anti-Semitic hysteria was whipped up right until the death of Stalin in 1953. It was to be his last present to the Zionists. As result of this Stalinist policy of discrimination and oppression thousands of Russian Jews were pushed into the hands of the Jewish nationalists, the Zionists. Thus rather than weakening Zionism, Stalin's policy enormously strengthened it and provided it with more recruits.

It is curious to note today in Russia how some old hard-line Stalinists regard Stalin as "a great fighter against world Zionism". This had its mirror image even in Israel itself, among some on the left. In some kibbutzim until the beginning of the 1980s it was still possible to find pictures of Stalin hanging on the walls! For some he was regarded as the man that helped realize the Zionist dream. In spite of all these myths, however, the genuine Marxists in Israel today know the real truth.

(1) After the 1917 revolution Lenin and the Bolsheviks granted those Jews who wished to live in their own autonomous region, the area known as Birobidzan. This was a gesture on the part of the Bolsheviks to demonstrate that the new workers' state was putting an end to all forms of discrimination. The vast majority of Jews did not take up the offer because they felt that their rights were now guaranteed in post revolutionary Russia. Unfortunately this was not to be the case under the later Stalinist regime.
[quote author=Aragorn ]
I'm thinking of the 1930's and 40's, the era of Stalin. Some sources say that he didn't like Jews, but it seems that his opinion kept changing all the time.

There was work done on a short book called 'Stalin’s Great Secret’ by Isaac Don Levine, (published 1956). In it he tries to prove that Stalin was a czarist spy. If so, then this may or may not add reason to some of his acts.
Yet another killing by the IDF. This time it was a 17-year old boy who supposedly had a "toy gun". They are obviously trying to provoke a reaction so that they can start killing on a large scale, again.

Here's the IDF:s version of the incident. Notice how pleased the murderer is with her 'successful shooting'


Border Guard officer kills Palestinian waving toy gun
Security forces engage gun-wielding teen near Cave of Patriarchs, believing he was about to execute terror attack. Border Guard commander: Troops acted as expected
Itamar Fleishman
Latest Update: 12.12.12, 22:53 / Israel News

A Border Guard officer shot and killed a Palestinian youth Wednesday after he threatened troops stationed near the Cave of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron, with what later turned out to be a toy gun.

An initial inquiry derived that the Palestinian walked up to the troops stationed at the checkpoint and pulled a gun on one of the officers. A female Border Guard officer noticed the event and fired at him, killing him.

Medical sources in Hebron identified the teen as 17-year-old Muhammad Ziad Salameh. They said he suffered gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen, adding that the Palestinian EMTs that arrived at the scene were not allowed to take him to a hospital.

A few dozen Palestinians began rioting following the incident. Security forces used crowd-control measures to disperse the demonstration.

The IDF launched an investigation into the event. A statement by the by the Border Guard spokesman offered the following information:

"At about 6:30 pm a Palestinian youth arrived at a Border Guard post near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. When one of the soldiers asked him to present identification, the youth attacked him, pulling a gun and holding it to the soldier's head.

"A female Border Guard officer standing at the post saw what was going on and opened fire. The youth was critically injured and rushed to a local hospital, where he died of

According to the statement, "A riot followed the incident, but was controlled by the troops at the scene. A military sapper later determined that the weapon was a metal toy gun. The Judea and Samaria Police are looking into the matter."

'I only had seconds to react'
The soldier who shot the teen recounted the event: "I saw the Palestinian pull a gun out of his back pocket and hold it up to the other soldier. I knew I only had a few seconds so I cocked my weapon and looked for the right angle – so not to hurt the soldier."

According to the soldier, she was a few yards away, at the checkpoint post, during the incident. "He (the soldier) asked a Palestinian teenager for his ID. I stepped out to fill out a checkpoint report and I saw the Palestinian attack the soldier and take out a gun."

She said she fired three shots. "I knew that if I did anything wrong the other soldier could get killed. I know this was the mission – that I had to do it for my friend."

According to the young soldier, fear made way to focus. "I think it was the adrenalin. The other soldier said that he owes me his life. But there's no heroism here. This is what we're trained to do."

Border Guard Commander Amos Yakov said that the officer who shot the teen "Acted with professional resolve to end the event and I commend her for it. This is exactly who we expect our troops to act – this is what we train them for."

The event took place near a curve in the road known as "Turn 160," which links the area with Kiryat Arba.

Turn 160 has been the scene of several terror attacks in the past, including an attack on dozens of Israeli worshipers some 10 years ago.
Not surprisingly, the story keeps changing...


This from Maan News Agency on the funeral:
Al-Salaymeh's family said Israeli forces prevented them from burying Muahmmad in the al-Raas cemetery next to their home as it is close to an Israeli settlement, Kiryat Arba. The funeral procession instead headed from al-Ansar mosque before laying him to rest in a cemetery in Limboa in the north of the city.
Even after his death, the Israeli occupation obstructed Mohammad's path to a final resting place.

***UPDATE II****

It seems the Israeli story on this is evolving. Yesterday immediately after the killing it was called an "attack". Haaretz said Mohammad "pounced" on the soldier holding the gun to his head. Another Israeli news source said Mohammad "began to beat him with his fists, knocked him down and pulled out a gun." Today it seems all mention of a physical attack is disappearing This seemed strange to me to begin with because even if we accept for the sake of argument that a teenage boy with a toy gun thought it prudent to jump an Israeli soldier, how could another soldier cleanly shoot him in his chest and abdomen?

Here is one Israeli newspapers reporting:
While inside, she continued, she looked out and saw that the Palestinian had charged the soldier and drawn what appeared to be a pistol. “With one hand,” she related, “he grabbed the soldier’s neck and pressed against him, and with the other he put the pistol to the soldier’s temple. In that situation, the soldier couldn’t break free or react.” The female officer, who was only a few meters away, cocked her weapon. “I was looking for an angle from which to fire without hurting the soldier,” she said, and it was only after she ascertained that his life was in danger that she pulled the trigger. “After the first shot, he continued to hold the pistol to the soldier’s temple, so I fired two more bullets,” she said, at which point the Palestinian fell to the ground, and she quickly kicked the gun away.
Now the Israeli solder that shot and killed Mohammad states something different. In this video interview she says that a soldier at the checkpoint asked Mohammad for his ID and then Mohammad pulled out the gun. No mention of any physical attack, let alone knocking him down to the ground and beating him. The choreography of this account is more consistent with the bullet wounds but why did it only come out after all the reporting about a physical attack?

There is little doubt that somewhere this entire incident exists on video. As we've seen recently during the Israeli attacks on Gaza, if the Israelis have video of that corroborates their narrative of events, they release it almost immediately. It took them 3 hours in between assassinating Ahmad Jaabari and releasing video of the strike. Now, more than 24 hours later, we've yet to see any video evidence of Salayma's killing. Let's just hope it doesn't end up getting mysteriously deleted.


Another question to ask is why were Israeli soldiers hunting down journalists and cameramen after the shooting? This is from Reuters who had two of their camera men assaulted right after Salayma was killed:

Israeli soldiers punched two Reuters cameramen and forced them to strip in the street, before letting off a tear gas canister in front of them, leaving one of them needing hospital treatment....
The soldiers forced them to leave the vehicle and punched them, striking them with the butts of their guns.
They accused them of working for an Israeli NGO, B'Tselem, which documents human rights violations in the occupied West Bank, the Reuters cameramen said. Locals say B'Tselem has given a number of Palestinians video cameras so they can film soldiers and settlers who live in this divided city. The NGO was not immediately available for comment.....
Looking at all the above, it increasingly seems like the Israeli story doesn't hold water and they know it. That's why they are trying to control all information about the event in an attempt to cover up whatever really happened.

It's not working.
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