Israeli attack on Gaza

What is really mind-boggling is how these IDF soldiers and pilots can cold-bloodedly shoot and bomb helpless innocent children, and unarmed civilian men and women, orders or no orders.
This is so monstrous that it defies all logic.
Well, how many of us have twitter and FB and google+ accounts where we could do some serious sharing of the information?
I do, Laura, and have been doing my best to monitor the situation as it unfolds, keeping an eye on posts being made via mobile to Fb from my friends in and near Gaza and also in the West Bank - and sharing the reports coming in as they happen.

People there in the West Bank and surrounding areas of Palestine are all keeping their eyes on what's happening with Gaza, for obvious reason. My google+ circles are still small as I have only recently begun to set up the account and figure out how to use it and was having some difficulty using it due to some issues with my computer in which I can't see all the icons that are on the screen.

On Fb, I am sharing as much reliable, ( or what I deem so) and honest ( also necessary to use discernment there) information as I can, It is beyond horrible to read the posts coming from the people I have come to care about and from those I don't know. Heartbreaking.

It's really hard to watch this nightmare unfolding and even more difficult to reassure the people under fire and threat in a way that will mean something to them and provide some level of comfort. How do you comfort and reassure people who are being bombed? I end up trying to hold their hands and whistle in the dark with them, so they know they are not alone. Not sure if it helps or calms the rising panic I'm sensing( and who could blame them?) , but I don't know how else to convey my support and concern, other than to share information and try to raise public awareness and virtually hold the hands of my friends.

We're all sitting in front of computer screens while IDF ( kind of paraphrasing what has been said elsewhere) strikes at Gazans like they're shooting into a goldfish bowl. It is such a helpless feeling to monitor this and not be able to do anything at all to stop it. Who am I to talk to Palestinians about courage and being brave?

I wonder if Israel is doing this so as to provoke an even bigger nightmare, because it seems to me, if any other governments do step up and try to stop this genocide, the U.S. may very well also step into the mix and back Israel. Then what will we have? A world war? As it is, Israel is betraying its own citizens, placing their lives in jeopardy and as soon as an israeli is injured, that injury or death will be used as some kind of 'justification' for even more murder of Palestinians. Is that what it will take to stop this? World War? A clash of titans?

I remember reading on SOTT a couple of different articles in which predictions were being made as to a strike on Iran taking place - one prediction was made that the situation would escalate by the end of 2012, and the other prediction extended the time to Spring 2013. Of course, I am likely wrong here, but it seems to me that the Israeli government is doing its damndest to UNDO the public support and sympathy it's worked so tirelessly to achieve over the years ( through lobbyists, AIPAC, ADL, JDL, mainstream media, literature, propaganda, distortion, fabrication, etc..) by conducting this OPENFACED mass murder campaign. Even if mainstream media is not reporting honestly, which it isn't, what is disseminated via the internet ultimately does bleed into the mainstream public arena.

The only thing I can think right now is that Israel is trying to deliberately provoke other governments to step into the situation, so as to force the U.S. to also step in, and then give Israel or the U.S. an open shot at Iran and possibly other targeted countries. I'm sure someone will clarify for me and correct me ( and I hope they do) if my thinking here is 'off base'. Just seems to me that Israel is willing to use both its own citizens as pawns as well as Palestinians in this giant headgame its playing, and I do think their U.S. political 'allies' are just kind of sitting back, taking it all in, waiting to step into the bloodbath. It just all sniffs out to me to be an even bigger psyop, using the Palestinians and Israelii citizens to provoke an even greater escalation of events. How else will this mass murder stop if no other governments intervene to make it stop? I can't see this coming to pass without the U.S. once again siding with the aggressor and instigator, its strategic 'ally', Israel. I'd welcome any feedback from the forum on this.
Alada said:
They may seems to have diverted attention from Iran, but notice the phrase being used in reports now: "Iranian made rockets”. They are also making a big deal of rockets being able to reach Tel-Aviv, and Hamas supposedly stating that they will ”attack every Israeli city”. Maybe it’s setting the stage for bigger rockets landing in unexpected places, only for “made in Iran” to be found on the casing left in the rubble? Along the lines of the miraculous “terrorist passport” found in the rubble of the twin towers.

That's a pretty interesting point Alada, I'll be keeping an eye out for more of this "Iran made rockets" bs spat out by Israelis. This could very well be a tactic to start war with Iran anyway.

Perceval said:
Actually, the Israelis have a track record of massacring Palestinians slightly before or after US presidential elections. They did it in 2004, 2008 and they're doing it again now. My thought was that they do this to set the Israeli position vis a vis Palestine on the agenda of the new President, and the world.

I see. You are right in that spike of killings before or after US presidential elections. However, when you say to "set the Israeli position vis a vis Palestine on the agenda of the new president, and the world." Well the president isn't new this year, it's the same one as last year and most of the world already knows the position Israel holds about Palestine (unless they've been hiding under a rock for the past 60+ years.) So this still seems to me like, they do it cause they can kind of thing.

Also, I've been sharing on FB and Google+. I just got a comment from one of my family members on one of the pictures I posted, saying she doesn't give a sh*t about what's going on there, because she hates all of them. And it made me want to cry. I told her, this could have been her and her little boy dying at the hands of Israeli's if things had gone differently, and they attacked Iran. But I just don't know what to say anymore... some people are just so asleep it makes you want to lose hope of things ever changing. :cry: (sorry feeling a bit emotional right now)
D said:
But I just don't know what to say anymore... some people are just so asleep it makes you want to lose hope of things ever changing. :cry: (sorry feeling a bit emotional right now)
It is understandable D. Many of us are feeling quite hopeless at the moment. A part of me is bursting for want of a better description as if the only way to be rid of it is to go outside and scream,but I know this would be useless.So. The best we can do is to blog , and share what we know to be true.

I am new to Google and have been putting out what i can in various exchanges with people who are both rude and idiots.You just know when not to continue acknowledging their stupidity.

There are though people who have some idea of what is really happening and these i friend on google and place into circles.

I have just updated my radioliverpool site as well and will work on that when i can.
Lisa Guliani said:
I wonder if Israel is doing this so as to provoke an even bigger nightmare, because it seems to me, if any other governments do step up and try to stop this genocide, the U.S. may very well also step into the mix and back Israel. Then what will we have? A world war?

I think that's a definite possibility. From what I understand, and I could be mistaken, 4D STS would be quite happy to eliminate all Semitic peoples (the true Semites, not the ashkenazi jews) so a complete conflagration of that area of the world would suit them just fine, even if it seems contrary to what "Israel" might want. The reason for this was brought up in an early C's session regarding encoding of some sort in the Semitic people:

950924 said:
Q: (L) Do you mean "breeding ground" in the sense of
genetic breeding?
A: Yes. Third density.
Q: (L) Did they accomplish this goal?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, the creation of the Germanic "Master Race" was
what they were going after, to create this "breeding ground?"
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't
a Germanic master race be created without destroying
another group?
A: No.
Q: Why?
A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th
density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination
and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out
mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The
Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to
destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th
density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards,
and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the
"master race."
Q: (L) And they were going to use this as their basis to
introduce a new blend of the Nephilim... (RC) And the New
World Order... their version of it. (L) Well, what is the plan
A: We cannot tell you this yet, as you would seek to reveal it
prematurely, leading to your destruction!!!!


951007 said:
Q: (L) So, this Master Race was supposed to get everything
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it about the Semitic genes that was
considered to be so undesirable in the creation of this
'Master Race?'
A: Would blemish genetic characteristics inclined to
ruthlessness and domination.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that there is something, some
genetic tendency or set of genes in the Semitic type that
would counteract this?
A: Close.

Of course, that information is hypothetical, but it gives food for thought.

Another possibility is that it could just be the depth of pathological thinking involved on the part of Israel where they honestly think that no one has the courage to stop them or intervene. They've always gotten away with it before, why not now? As always, we'll see.
loreta said:
anart said:
Redrock12 said:
Sorry Windmill, but I don't have the stomach to follow this latest persecution and murder of Palestinians.
What's even worse is that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), a public broadcaster (, is grossly slanting its coverage in an attempt to justify Israel's actions.
Sickening. :mad: :mad: :mad:

The very least you can do for the Palestinians is to be a conscious witness to their suffering. To turn away from it because you "don't have the stomach" is an intensely STS mindset. You can't be bothered to witness the death and suffering of innocents because it's too much for you? Imagine what they're going through and they have NO CHOICE. You do. The very - very - least they deserve is your attention, your compassion and your righteous anger - but if all you can do is turn away because you can't "stomach" it, then, I don't really even have words for that.

This movie is so hard, so hard to see it. Me too was afraid to see it. And then your words, Anart, gave me courage. And I saw it. I think our duty is to see this documentary.

I was afraid to confront all the sufferance. And to cry. I was afraid to cry. And to see my anger. I cried, I am angry but there is nothing, nothing compared with the sufferance of the people of Gaza.
Thank god this movie exists. It is a prayer.

I agree, it is our duty to watch this collage of images. It is like a prayer. Beautifully put, Loreta. I was actually praying one moment while watching it.
It is a very intimate picture of what happened in 2009. We get to see the families, the children, the grief-stricken faces, the trauma, the panic, the blood, the dead babies which were shot from close range.
What struck me was whenever some bomb exploded, creating horrendous havoc, there was this sound of men starting to wail. Then there would be this kind of buzz (do not how to put this into words) of activity, people coming together, taking the kids out of the rubble, holding them in their arms, running, men and women crying, comforting each other.
It is a very powerful documentary and maybe it sounds strange, but it is beautifully made. I read that the Norwegian filmmaker shot it in such a way that we Westerners could empathize and put ourselves in the shoes of the Palestinians, feel close to them. And it worked, at least for me.

I have watched it twice and will watch it again. And I also had to muster courage to watch it. And work through this resistance I observed in myself.
I just watched an interview on RT's crosstalk with Harry Fear, Norman Finkelstein and the zionist Dan Pollak :

Here the P word is mentioned twice by Harry Fear at around the 8 minute mark, which I was very happy to hear. I'm glad that this man is getting some exposure and helping inform people about the actions of the psychopathic state of Israel.

The constant anger and sadness over this is making me feel like I have to do something, and I guess you guys are right. The only way we can ever help anyone is to share information. Most of my "friends" on facebook simply couldn't care less about this if they tried, so sharing with them is generally pointless. I think I'll be getting rid of most of these people that are just echoes from my old life.

One thing we can do is involved in local palestine-supporting groups, where we might find people receptive to Truth. I will be doing so with a local group in Liverpool and trying to share SOTT articles etc. Better than trying to share with acquaintances and family members who are still sleeping like babies, which never seems to work.
Carlise said:
I just watched an interview on RT's crosstalk with Harry Fear, Norman Finkelstein and the zionist Dan Pollak :

Here the P word is mentioned twice by Harry Fear at around the 8 minute mark, which I was very happy to hear. I'm glad that this man is getting some exposure and helping inform people about the actions of the psychopathic state of Israel.

The constant anger and sadness over this is making me feel like I have to do something, and I guess you guys are right. The only way we can ever help anyone is to share information. Most of my "friends" on facebook simply couldn't care less about this if they tried, so sharing with them is generally pointless. I think I'll be getting rid of most of these people that are just echoes from my old life.

One thing we can do is involved in local palestine-supporting groups, where we might find people receptive to Truth. I will be doing so with a local group in Liverpool and trying to share SOTT articles etc. Better than trying to share with acquaintances and family members who are still sleeping like babies, which never seems to work.

actually he said the word Psychopathic three times :thup:

Ken O'Keefe also called the Israeli Regime for what it is recently on Press TV:

Kenneth O'Keefe calls the Israeli Regime for what it is: Psychopathic in nature:
As in another related topic,29702.msg381026.html#msg381026 I think that if "The only way we can ever help anyone is to share information", this is only a limited step, specially when we don't have much audience or that people anyway won't give importance to what we say and try to share.
It's rather what we do that may have any real impact. Our attitudes, actions, ways of living etc. will tell much more than spraying informations on an individual level, AFAIK
Of course this doesn't belong to this forum or SOTT, which are collective actions, where we are lucky enough to be able to participate, which is one way of doing something toward the truth...
Pashalis said:
Carlise said:
I just watched an interview on RT's crosstalk with Harry Fear, Norman Finkelstein and the zionist Dan Pollak :

Here the P word is mentioned twice by Harry Fear at around the 8 minute mark, which I was very happy to hear. I'm glad that this man is getting some exposure and helping inform people about the actions of the psychopathic state of Israel.

The constant anger and sadness over this is making me feel like I have to do something, and I guess you guys are right. The only way we can ever help anyone is to share information. Most of my "friends" on facebook simply couldn't care less about this if they tried, so sharing with them is generally pointless. I think I'll be getting rid of most of these people that are just echoes from my old life.

One thing we can do is involved in local palestine-supporting groups, where we might find people receptive to Truth. I will be doing so with a local group in Liverpool and trying to share SOTT articles etc. Better than trying to share with acquaintances and family members who are still sleeping like babies, which never seems to work.

actually he said the word Psychopathic three times :thup:

Ken O'Keefe also called the Israeli Regime for what it is recently on Press TV:

Kenneth O'Keefe calls the Israeli Regime for what it is: Psychopathic in nature:

This guy from Florida in the Press TV interview is unbelievable, he keeps deflecting the real issue and turning the onus onto Palestine and Hamas. Everything he says about Palestine is actually what Israel is doing, it makes me very angry to hear his lies and how his smooth talk could convince people that he is telling the truth. He cannot 'see' any other way than he is programmed, or so it seems.
Paragon said:
Pashalis said:
Carlise said:
I just watched an interview on RT's crosstalk with Harry Fear, Norman Finkelstein and the zionist Dan Pollak :

Here the P word is mentioned twice by Harry Fear at around the 8 minute mark, which I was very happy to hear. I'm glad that this man is getting some exposure and helping inform people about the actions of the psychopathic state of Israel.

The constant anger and sadness over this is making me feel like I have to do something, and I guess you guys are right. The only way we can ever help anyone is to share information. Most of my "friends" on facebook simply couldn't care less about this if they tried, so sharing with them is generally pointless. I think I'll be getting rid of most of these people that are just echoes from my old life.

One thing we can do is involved in local palestine-supporting groups, where we might find people receptive to Truth. I will be doing so with a local group in Liverpool and trying to share SOTT articles etc. Better than trying to share with acquaintances and family members who are still sleeping like babies, which never seems to work.

actually he said the word Psychopathic three times :thup:

Ken O'Keefe also called the Israeli Regime for what it is recently on Press TV:

Kenneth O'Keefe calls the Israeli Regime for what it is: Psychopathic in nature:

This guy from Florida in the Press TV interview is unbelievable, he keeps deflecting the real issue and turning the onus onto Palestine and Hamas. Everything he says about Palestine is actually what Israel is doing, it makes me very angry to hear his lies and how his smooth talk could convince people that he is telling the truth. He cannot 'see' any other way than he is programmed, or so it seems.

But Ken O'Keefe did his job and made sure that Daniel Pipes didn't snow anybody with his "It's Hamas' fault" lie.
Yes, Ken did a good job in displaying righteous anger, maintaining control and laying out the facts.

My reaction was more about me and how in the past I could have fallen for the lies and 'comfortable safety' of the mainstream, who to me, used to sooth my inner child who requires the world be nice and happy. And many other sources still do, but that's my problem.

Daniel Pipes is just ponerized.
Paragon said:
Yes, Ken did a good job in displaying righteous anger, maintaining control and laying out the facts.

My reaction was more about me and how in the past I could have fallen for the lies and 'comfortable safety' of the mainstream, who to me, used to sooth my inner child who requires the world be nice and happy. And many other sources still do, but that's my problem.

Daniel Pipes is just ponerized.

Well when I look at Pipes and his utterly calm, cool and calculated statements another thought pops up in my head ---> Psychopath?......
Well, from the Wikipedia page on him, apparently his parents were polish Jews from Nazi occupied germany so that probably had a big influence on his views on the israeli/gaza situation. He also was appointed to the board of directors of the "U.S institute of Peace", and nominated by the psychopath himself, george w bush.

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