Israeli attack on Gaza

Eboard10 said:
I would question that. If that were the case, Syria would have already ended up like Libya and some sort of conflict with Iran would have started at least a couple of years ago. The world is not black and white. The center of gravity is shifting from the West to the East and the jews do not run China. China though has a big influence over the US through its holdings of over $1.2 trillion in US Treasury bonds and that has definitely refrained the US from supporting Israel in a full scale attack on Iran. Money talks and the Zionists aren't the only ones with it. You also have to consider that though the Zionists have a great influence over the Judeo-Christian world (and part of the Arab world too), the same does not necessarily apply to the rest of the planet where their claim for a Jewish state, which is religious in nature, does not apply. That's how I see it.
My thinking was exactly along the lines of "money talks". It is arguable that the zionists don't run China, yet don't forget that the industrial base of the US (and western Europe) has been moved to China (and south-east Asia) during the last 30 or so years by "corporate" America which is mostly under control of very zionist jews via direct ownership or via banks which are again controlled by (zionist) jews. That is a potent lever to tell the govt there things like "lose some projects in Arab lands/Africa or lose big time if we scamper off with all that" so yes, the chinese may not care much about a religious state, but they know on which side their bread is buttered. You may also want to look up "Kaifeng jews".

Russia, properly the "Russian Federation", is heir to the Soviet Union, which was a jewish project. The state is nominally Nationalist/Christian-Orthodox yet they have strong competition from the mafiya which is controlled by zionist-oriented jews - many of the "godfathers" reside in Israel. Putin himself hails from the KGB whose precursor was the "Cheka", basically a death squad controlled by jews. To have raised to the top of that, Putin must have demonstrated certain loyalties.

Syria is going the way of Libya so that might be a matter of timing.

As for Iran they are known to have collaborated with the israelis behind the scenes in the past, and some of what they do can't be explained IMHO without taking that possibility in consideration. They are being bashed supposedly because of their non-existent atomic weapons program, but actually it is because they have repeatedly voiced support for the Palestinian cause. This "support" would because the Iranians have a basic interest in maintaining cordial relations with the Arab neighborhood where that is a strong motif of popular politics and not because they fundamentally support the cause.

Conversely, the Palestinians are despised among the "royalty"-tinged despoties of the Arab world because on average the Palestinians have been much better educated than those populations, and the cause is a danger to the absolute rule of those dictators. True, nothing is black and white.

So those were my two cents. I don't know what to do to alleviate the situation as words have no effect, and words is all I have.

And now, a Palestinian view on this disgusting business because they seem to be the ones who speak the least. I met earlier this year an old man who was kicked out in 1948 and has been traveling the world since then, a devout Muslim in his 70s. He told me that it made no sense to oppose any of what the jews want, that everything should be happily given to them no matter how ludicrous the wish, all of Palestine, the land, the houses, every stone and grain of sand. He said that it was divine will that the jews get everything now, and that when they have everything they wished, god would destroy them, and that this course of things was not in our hands to change.
A FB friend made me aware that Tears of Gaza is no longer available for viewing. When you press play, it reads:

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rhizome Intermedia

Rhizome Intermedia seems to be the company that distributed the film :huh:

Seems like someone pulled the strings to have it out of view at this time that the same things depicted in the film are taking place in Gaza :curse:
Alana said:
A FB friend made me aware that Tears of Gaza is no longer available for viewing. When you press play, it reads:

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Rhizome Intermedia

Rhizome Intermedia seems to be the company that distributed the film :huh:

Seems like someone pulled the strings to have it out of view at this time that the same things depicted in the film are taking place in Gaza :curse:

You can view it on youtube _
name said:
Eboard10 said:
I would question that. If that were the case, Syria would have already ended up like Libya and some sort of conflict with Iran would have started at least a couple of years ago. The world is not black and white. The center of gravity is shifting from the West to the East and the jews do not run China. China though has a big influence over the US through its holdings of over $1.2 trillion in US Treasury bonds and that has definitely refrained the US from supporting Israel in a full scale attack on Iran. Money talks and the Zionists aren't the only ones with it. You also have to consider that though the Zionists have a great influence over the Judeo-Christian world (and part of the Arab world too), the same does not necessarily apply to the rest of the planet where their claim for a Jewish state, which is religious in nature, does not apply. That's how I see it.
My thinking was exactly along the lines of "money talks". It is arguable that the zionists don't run China, yet don't forget that the industrial base of the US (and western Europe) has been moved to China (and south-east Asia) during the last 30 or so years by "corporate" America which is mostly under control of very zionist jews via direct ownership or via banks which are again controlled by (zionist) jews. That is a potent lever to tell the govt there things like "lose some projects in Arab lands/Africa or lose big time if we scamper off with all that" so yes, the chinese may not care much about a religious state, but they know on which side their bread is buttered. You may also want to look up "Kaifeng jews".

Agree with most of what you say as there's definitely a co-dependance relation between China and the other major economies which means that negotiation is happening at some level. There's actually a great book on the subject called Currency Wars and written by Jim Rickards which I would recommend to anyone who wants to gain a better understanding of how international economics works.
If Israel hits Iran during this alone enough for the American public to go to war the public does not occur. I think the Americans will think that Israel is their own problem.
However, this scenario seems to be as follows. Israel fully occupied Gaza but also can shoot. For those who flee to Egypt Gaza civilians is fighting a war for Israel appears to be killing them. Of course, before that, to kidnap civilians in Gaza have killed more civilians. After this stage, Iran's response is important. İsrailile clearly does not want to go to war in Iran. Against Israel through Hezbollah in Lebanon triggered. After that, the pretext that Israel and Iran during the shoot, and it shows as a self-defense. Operational Iran are reluctant to go to war with the United States automatically. However, as a result of hitting Iran Israel may be willing to go to war the American people.

Israel's military offensive in Gaza in a nutshell feed for Iran.
"israel" butchers entire family

Israeli airstrike hits Gaza family's home, killing 12,0,1580606.story?track=rss

From the twisted pile of cement and glass, there was little chance of finding survivors. The force of the blast blew out windows blocks away and sent a charred mattress flying into the street.

For hours after the strike, rescue workers and neighbors nonetheless clung to hope of finding someone alive. Frantic volunteers in orange vests scrambled over the wreckage while a bulldozer pulled apart collapsed walls of cement.

Three women and one man were the first to be found at the house, which neighbors said was owned by Jamal Dalu, who was not home at the time of the attack. The dead included his wife Tahani, 45; a son, Mohamed; a sister, Suhaila, 65; and Mohamed’s wife, Samah.

Then in a grim, heartbreaking ritual that repeated again and again, they began to find the children one after the other.

Suddenly the men would scream and wave their hands at the driver to stop, while others climbed down to retrieve the lifeless body.

Then as mobs of onlookers chanted “God is great,” a rescue worker would race through the parting sea of people with a bloodied, dust-covered child, arms and legs flapping as he ran toward waiting ambulances.

First the older son, then a baby girl, another girl and a boy, all children of Mohamed Dula.

Until Sunday, Israel had been praising its operation’s surgical airstrikes [...]

Heartbreaking images of the Al Dalou family massacre.
1- Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, the father.
2- Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.
3- Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.
4- Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.
5- Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.
6- Jamal Al-Dalou, the grandfather.
7- Sulafa Al Dalou, 46 years old
8- Samah Al-Dalou, 25 years old
9- Tahani Al-Dalou, 50 years old
10- Ameina Matar Al-Mzanner, 83 years old.
11- Abdallah Mohammed Al-Mzanner, 23 years old.

#DaluMassacre - Al Dalou family death toll rises to 14....

Raneem Dalou.
Suhaila Dalou
Unborn child was killed in Al Dalou massacre, fetus almost ready to be born was killed by shrapnel wound.

24, Including 11 Children, Killed Sunday; 69 Killed Since Wednesday

Today's family massacre brings back memories of one of the lasting “gifts” of Cast Lead that haunts me the most.

#VIDEO | From the children of Gaza: Samouni Street
SAJ said:
"israel" butchers entire family

Israeli airstrike hits Gaza family's home, killing 12,0,1580606.story?track=rss

From the twisted pile of cement and glass, there was little chance of finding survivors. The force of the blast blew out windows blocks away and sent a charred mattress flying into the street.

For hours after the strike, rescue workers and neighbors nonetheless clung to hope of finding someone alive. Frantic volunteers in orange vests scrambled over the wreckage while a bulldozer pulled apart collapsed walls of cement.

Three women and one man were the first to be found at the house, which neighbors said was owned by Jamal Dalu, who was not home at the time of the attack. The dead included his wife Tahani, 45; a son, Mohamed; a sister, Suhaila, 65; and Mohamed’s wife, Samah.

Then in a grim, heartbreaking ritual that repeated again and again, they began to find the children one after the other.

Suddenly the men would scream and wave their hands at the driver to stop, while others climbed down to retrieve the lifeless body.

Then as mobs of onlookers chanted “God is great,” a rescue worker would race through the parting sea of people with a bloodied, dust-covered child, arms and legs flapping as he ran toward waiting ambulances.

First the older son, then a baby girl, another girl and a boy, all children of Mohamed Dula.

Until Sunday, Israel had been praising its operation’s surgical airstrikes [...]

Heartbreaking images of the Al Dalou family massacre.
1- Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, the father.
2- Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.
3- Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.
4- Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.
5- Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.
6- Jamal Al-Dalou, the grandfather.
7- Sulafa Al Dalou, 46 years old
8- Samah Al-Dalou, 25 years old
9- Tahani Al-Dalou, 50 years old
10- Ameina Matar Al-Mzanner, 83 years old.
11- Abdallah Mohammed Al-Mzanner, 23 years old.

#DaluMassacre - Al Dalou family death toll rises to 14....

Raneem Dalou.
Suhaila Dalou
Unborn child was killed in Al Dalou massacre, fetus almost ready to be born was killed by shrapnel wound.

24, Including 11 Children, Killed Sunday; 69 Killed Since Wednesday

Today's family massacre brings back memories of one of the lasting “gifts” of Cast Lead that haunts me the most.

#VIDEO | From the children of Gaza: Samouni Street

Thanks for the video, very beautiful and sad. I will post it in FB.

What it is interesting to see in FB: some friends de-friended me, so I am happy to see their egoism and cold heart. Some others start to talk giving little by little their opinion about Gaza. But people are afraid to give their point of vue. How come? It is so strange to see this fear in them. Always I have in mind the book of Sebastian Haffner, about how the Germans did not react when the Nazis were taking power.

Or this other article written by Laura:

So Gaza is giving us the opportunity to see how people are, how our society is, how we are. It is also a very hard and terrible gift. I will be always grateful for it.
I just saw this on Sott and wanted to say that i seriously doubt this was a "technical error".

considering what anart posted earlier in this thread about the theory of wiping out Semitic lines, this seems to go right hand-in hand with that objective doesn't it? I can just picture those psychos killing these people and passing it off as casualties of war... :cry:
I just saw this on Sott and wanted to say that i seriously doubt this was a "technical error".

Could be a technical error, but what about saying sorry for the mistake? Nothing to expect from the IDF in such lines. Oh yes we made a mistake, no big deal, we keep on bombing. If it is really a technical issue, standard reaction should be: stop the bombing until you found out what the techinal issue is and do so in order to avoid further technical errors. Instead they did not even pause. They will investigate and probably what the investigation will bring up is that they need the US to cough another few million dollars to improove the system.

emphasis mine in the following quotes from Wikipedia:

Protocol I is a 1977 amendment protocol to the Geneva Conventions relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts. It reaffirms the international laws of the original Geneva Conventions of 1949, but adds clarifications and new provisions to accommodate developments in modern international warfare that have taken place since the Second World War.

As of 11 May 2011, it had been ratified by 170 countries,[1] with the United States, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey being notable exceptions. However, the United States, Iran, and Pakistan signed it on 12 December 1977 with the intention of ratifying it. According to an appeal by the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1997, a number of the articles contained in both protocols are recognized as rules of customary international law valid for all states, whether or not they have ratified them.[2]

Articles 51 and 54 outlaw indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations, and destruction of food, water, and other materials needed for survival. Indiscriminate attacks include directly attacking civilian (non-military) targets, but also using technology such as biological weapons, nuclear weapons and land mines, whose scope of destruction cannot be limited.[5] A total war that does not distinguish between civilian and military targets is considered a war crime.
Articles 56 and 53 outlaw attacks on dams, dikes, nuclear generating stations, and places of worship. The first three are "works and installations containing dangerous forces" and may be attacked but only in ways that do not threaten to release the dangerous forces (i.e., it is permissible to attempt to capture them but not to try to destroy them).
Articles 76 and 77, 15 and 79 provide special protections for women, children, and civilian medical personnel, and provide measures of protection for journalists.
Article 77 forbids conscription of children under age 15 into the armed forces. It does allow, however, for persons under the age of 15 to participate voluntarily.[5]
Articles 43 and 44 clarify the military status of members of guerrilla forces. Combatant and prisoner of war status is granted to members of dissident forces when under the command of a central authority. Such combatants cannot conceal their allegiance; they must be recognizable as combatants while preparing for or during an attack.
Article 35 bans weapons that "cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering," as well as means of warfare that "cause widespread, long-term, and severe damage to the natural environment."
name said:
Eoste said:
What do you mean by "under tight jewish control" ?
Exactly that.
Neither China nor Russia will do anything that would seriously oppose or undermine longterm zionist interests even while that detracts from their interests in the region despite (symbolic) opposition at the UN. That does not result from chance or incompetence when that attitude can be seen through years.

name, you've been here long enough to know that "tight Jewish control" is informed by the red herring that 'The Joos' control the world. Clearly adherence to, or identification with, Zionism plays a big part in geo-politics, but psychopaths in power come from all religious and socio-cultural backgrounds.

While their hands may be tied in terms of what they can physically do to stop Israel, part of Russia, China, Iran and others defending their strategic self-interest (i.e., looking out for number one) may involve letting Israel hoist itself on its own petard. Considering how we talk of warriors stalking petty tyrants, perhaps one way of looking at this is that these countries are stalking the supreme petty tyrant at the level of international relations?

From an even broader perspective, we have good reason to believe that one world government is already a fact, so the "symbolic opposition", as you put it, that we see play out between the US and allies and Russia/China may amount to political posturing that serve the same ends. Any given political entity, say the government of Iran, could be through and through dead set against Zionism and US imperialism, but all it takes is a couple of psychopaths in key positions to vector that entity's efforts towards serving the very ends they are ostensibly in opposition to.

Until such time as the pieces on the chessboard take psychopaths and ponerization into account, all will serve the same master, whether they want to or not.
Kniall said:
name said:
Eoste said:
What do you mean by "under tight jewish control" ?
Exactly that.
Neither China nor Russia will do anything that would seriously oppose or undermine longterm zionist interests even while that detracts from their interests in the region despite (symbolic) opposition at the UN. That does not result from chance or incompetence when that attitude can be seen through years.

name, you've been here long enough to know that "tight Jewish control" is informed by the red herring that 'The Joos' control the world. Clearly adherence to, or identification with, Zionism plays a big part in geo-politics, but psychopaths in power come from all religious and socio-cultural backgrounds.

While their hands may be tied in terms of what they can physically do to stop Israel, part of Russia, China, Iran and others defending their strategic self-interest (i.e., looking out for number one) may involve letting Israel hoist itself on its own petard. Considering how we talk of warriors stalking petty tyrants, perhaps one way of looking at this is that these countries are stalking the supreme petty tyrant at the level of international relations?

From an even broader perspective, we have good reason to believe that one world government is already a fact, so the "symbolic opposition", as you put it, that we see play out between the US and allies and Russia/China may amount to political posturing that serve the same ends. Any given political entity, say the government of Iran, could be through and through dead set against Zionism and US imperialism, but all it takes is a couple of psychopaths in key positions to vector that entity's efforts towards serving the very ends they are ostensibly in opposition to.

Until such time as the pieces on the chessboard take psychopaths and ponerization into account, all will serve the same master, whether they want to or not.

Thank you Kniall for this answer !
Under "tight Psychopathic control" would sound better
Kniall said:
name, you've been here long enough to know that "tight Jewish control" is informed by the red herring that 'The Joos' control the world. Clearly adherence to, or identification with, Zionism plays a big part in geo-politics, but psychopaths in power come from all religious and socio-cultural backgrounds.
Yes, and perhaps and perhaps. It doesn't look as clear-cut to me. My problem is that each time I look around trying to connect dots and understand why things are so wrong I get smacked in the face with a red herring to make me not notice swarms of red herrings loitering around trying to look like pink sardines (or shrimps) and singing sardine tunes with herring voices.

I wonder if it is wrong to try to understand who are the actors in politics and economy and media and society ... and draw conclusions about their overall allegiances based on their actions and words and personal details and what company they keep and in addition to that try to coarsely label them sane/insane and only then try to put a bigger picture together.

I wonder if it would be appropriate to go into more detail about what I think I am seeing.

Let me give you an example. During the last electoral cycle in the US, about 3,4 billion USD were donated to political candidates. All this money was donated by about 1,27M distinct individuals and organizations. That represents about 0,41% of the US population estimated at about 311M people for 2012. Since "money talks" as everybody knows, that alone would put in question the asseveration that a vote counts in the US even if known vote fraud was absent. Secondly, more or less everybody knows whose song US politicians on all levels sing. If I go further, comparing against demographic data, a high of 82% of the donors can be identified as red herrings (representing about 80% of cash donated). If we allow for generous 15 percent points for imprecision in the data we'd still have 67% of the donors being red herrings, representing perhaps 60-65% of cash donated. That still does not account for corporate donors, and corporations are also mostly in the hands of red herrings. We would have the interests of red herrings represented cash-wise, but we still need to account for the interests of the sardines, supposing that they have an interest in how that country is manages. I'd guess that the interests of the sardines are either congruent with and thus represented cash-wise by the red herrings, or they are not represented cash-wise in US politics.

With that in mind a really stoopid question to ask is, who won the 2012 US elections? An almost as stoopid question is, what exactly is the relation between red herrings and pink sardines taking in account that historically both groups have been involved in activities less-than-friendly against, say, tuna? What causes red herring and pink sardines to apparently swim and swarm together and what benefit do they accrue from each other? And so on, supposing that I am not hallucinating.

[quote author=Kniall]While their hands may be tied in terms of what they can physically do to stop Israel, part of Russia, China, Iran and others defending their strategic self-interest (i.e., looking out for number one) may involve letting Israel hoist itself on its own petard. Considering how we talk of warriors stalking petty tyrants, perhaps one way of looking at this is that these countries are stalking the supreme petty tyrant at the level of international relations?[/quote]

You mean as in "running with the hare while hunting with the fox"? When I look around my impression is rather that something completely different is going on, as in a troop of foxes staking out territory for the pack of hyenas controlling them from behind the bushes. The hares have no say as usual.
[quote author=Kniall]From an even broader perspective, we have good reason to believe that one world government is already a fact, so the "symbolic opposition", as you put it, that we see play out between the US and allies and Russia/China may amount to political posturing that serve the same ends. Any given political entity, say the government of Iran, could be through and through dead set against Zionism and US imperialism, but all it takes is a couple of psychopaths in key positions to vector that entity's efforts towards serving the very ends they are ostensibly in opposition to.

Until such time as the pieces on the chessboard take psychopaths and ponerization into account, all will serve the same master, whether they want to or not.[/quote]Yes, it is a fact. What we are seeing is the PR machinery communicating the fact. The "dead set against zionism" of Iran part looks debatable to me. Perhaps some lower-level out-of-the-loop chumps believe it but what I see is more a discreet "pas-de-deux" between the israelis/zionists and the iranians.
I made a list of children under 13 (I guess over 13 is called teenagers) from
(also one pregnant woman as I guess an unborn child is still a child)

And shared on facebook (among many other things) but the children list, is so far what most people react to/share as even though killing of grown ups is horrifying too, we all react stronger when it is children. Thought I'd share here as well, incase others think that sharing this list might be a way to get people to do something:

Palestinean children killed by Israeli attack since wednesday, accounted for so far
(hundreds more are seriously injured)

Rinan Arafat, 7 years old.
Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 moonths old.
Heba Al-Mashharawi, six-month pregnant, 19 years old.
Walid Al-Abalda, 2 years old.
Hanin Tafesh, 10 months old.
Fares Al-Basyouni, 11 years old.
Mohammed Sa’d Allah, 4 years old.
Gumana Salamah Abu Sufyan, 1 year old.
Tamer Salamah Abu Sufyan, 3 years old.
Eyad Abu Khusa, 18 months old.
Tasneem Zuheir Al-Nahhal, 13 years old.
Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.
Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.
Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.
Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.
Soon after Al-Dalou massacre, 2 more were killed, including a child, in an attack on a car for water supply in northern Gaza.
Hussein Jalal Nasser, 8 years old.
Mohammed Iyad Abu Zour, 5 years old.
Rama Al-Shandi, 1 year old
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