Israeli attack on Gaza

There is something very sinister in the whole Israeli saga that can be traced back at least to the writing of the ancient testament. There are some disturbing scenes in that psychopathic book about killing children that is reminiscent of what is happening today. The overlords of entropy have been busy preparing the worst of the outcomes for their ultimate grand feast.

The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Seeing all those people being massacred and not being profoundly affected can only demonstrate an absence of consciousness. Those with consciousness on the other hand, even if they cannot do anything due to their personal situation, are witnesses for the universe, and maybe conduits of the compassion of the universe at some level, OSIT.

Cassiopaeans said that what happenned during Nazi germany was a repetition of what has to come, and maybe we are witnessing the beginning of the last stage indeed. Just some random thoughts.
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

Moreover, read his book. There are some chilling quotes from David Ben Gurion and other Zionist leaders that are bone-chilling and make it very clear what psychopaths they were.
mkrnhr said:
There is something very sinister in the whole Israeli saga that can be traced back at least to the writing of the ancient testament. There are some disturbing scenes in that psychopathic book about killing children that is reminiscent of what is happening today. The overlords of entropy have been busy preparing the worst of the outcomes for their ultimate grand feast.

The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Seeing all those people being massacred and not being profoundly affected can only demonstrate an absence of consciousness. Those with consciousness on the other hand, even if they cannot do anything due to their personal situation, are witnesses for the universe, and maybe conduits of the compassion of the universe at some level, OSIT.

Cassiopaeans said that what happenned during Nazi germany was a repetition of what has to come, and maybe we are witnessing the beginning of the last stage indeed. Just some random thoughts.

Well said.
Horseofadifferentcolor said:
mkrnhr said:
There is something very sinister in the whole Israeli saga that can be traced back at least to the writing of the ancient testament. There are some disturbing scenes in that psychopathic book about killing children that is reminiscent of what is happening today. The overlords of entropy have been busy preparing the worst of the outcomes for their ultimate grand feast.

The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Seeing all those people being massacred and not being profoundly affected can only demonstrate an absence of consciousness. Those with consciousness on the other hand, even if they cannot do anything due to their personal situation, are witnesses for the universe, and maybe conduits of the compassion of the universe at some level, OSIT.

Cassiopaeans said that what happenned during Nazi germany was a repetition of what has to come, and maybe we are witnessing the beginning of the last stage indeed. Just some random thoughts.

Well said.

These are wise words. And I wanted to say this: I feel very lucky to know this forum with this high level of consciousness. I can not imagine this situation without the support of this group.

It is evident that what is happening is giving the opportunity to "take out masks." And see what it is under the mask. What we see is not very nice. But it is what it is. We also see people like us, that grieve and feel extremely revolted. This terrible, horrible situation in Gaza is shattering something and at the same time uniting.
mkrnhr said:
The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Imo this is spot on. Also I wondered in last weeks and months about this "never again, is happening again" there was always and still is the question why the people of Nazi Germany did nothing against these developings during these times. When today it is happening again, with different names and colors. And the history of Nazi Germany and what happened to Jews and other innocent people could then be a set up, like anchoring ideas and creating blind spots for what actually is happening right now.
from Anart:

"Iran's fingerprints on Hamas weaponry" - well, Iran isn't very well armed then. It looks like they're setting up a false flag inside Israel that will be blamed on Iran and thus, they strike Iran.

The following is one of the scenario´s that is discussed in the thinktank analysis, emphasis mine:


Scenario 5: Gaza militants acquire an enhanced rocket capability and successfully strike at government and other targets in Jerusalem.

Description: The longest range and most effective rocket currently identified in Gaza militants' hands is the Fajr-5, used for the first time on November 2012, but long claimed by the Israelis to have been supplied to Hamas by Iran. In a situation in which the IDF has not yet launched a ground operation into Gaza, Hamas seeks to recover the initiative by launching Iranian-supplied Zelzal -3 rockets (range of 200km) at Jerusalem, where they achieve successful strikes on Israeli government buildings and homes. (Zelzal -3 is currently believed to be held only by Iran. For the purpose of this scenario it is irrelevant whether these rockets have been long held by Hamas, and kept in reserve in case militants come under extreme Israeli pressure, or smuggled in to Gaza, despite the blockade and Israeli Navy patrols.)

Israel's options are either to call for a ceasefire on terms dictated by Hamas or, much more likely, to mount an all-out ground offensive into Gaza with the aim of eliminating stocks of these rockets and their support facilities. The IDF force level needed requires further mobilisation and leaves Israel exposed on other fronts and facing a long-term re-occupation of the Gaza Strip, tying down IDF resources and further damaging Israel's reputation. Netanyahu loses support for his commitment of the IDF to an unpopular and open-ended occupation of Gaza, which produces a politically-unacceptable level of IDF casualties for no security benefit.

Despite the longer range of the Zelzal- 3, the rocket is also unguided and therefore unlikely to be successfully targeted at point targets, such as oil terminals, power plants, air bases or ports. However its payload of 900 kg is likely to result in significant damage to property more generally in central and northern Israel.
Gawan said:
mkrnhr said:
The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Imo this is spot on. Also I wondered in last weeks and months about this "never again, is happening again" there was always and still is the question why the people of Nazi Germany did nothing against these developings during these times. When today it is happening again, with different names and colors. And the history of Nazi Germany and what happened to Jews and other innocent people could then be a set up, like anchoring ideas and creating blind spots for what actually is happening right now.

Could be that there is no "actual genocide in Palestine", although you may extrapolate to such an extremity in the future when knowing what you know.
And little by little things are getting to a point where the worst is there, most people not knowing what to do anyway, feeling powerless, being divided, caring only for their families and themselves.
Not "everybody knows what is happening", specially when the only news they access come from the PTB medias.
If " these events can be a catalyst", may be it's something like a waking call...
anart said:
Yozilla said:
Gaza returns fire:


Don't believe what you read on the BBC - it's more likely that it's Israelis "returning fire" from Gaza to make themselves look like victims.

I'm pretty sure its Hamas...
I believe that they where insepted by israel when in order to overthrow the PA Authority in the west bank when they where close to achieving statehood.. similar to how alqaeda was armed and sponsored by the USA in order to overthrow the Soviet Union.. and bnow their putting up a show in how their "enemies"..
The Palestinian/Israeli "environment" aka Palestinian's suffering & Israels thirst is a perfect guaranteed source for feeding the STS Lizzies.. :cry:
Apparently, a bus in Israel just exploded:

Ten people were wounded Wednesday morning after an explosion inside a
bus in central Tel Aviv, authorities said. At least three were taken
to a hospital with critical injuries.

Obviously designed to raise the fear and chaos levels of Israelis, and to inspire sympathy from others. Notice how this gets top attention on the Washington post, but nothing like that ever appears on behalf of the deaths or injuries of Palestinians... and never has from the beginning of this horrible situation.
it is more then sad to see how little ordinary people out there care about this, or even worst think that what Israel is doing is right!

even on the SOTT facebook page you can see Zionists pop up as soon as the truth about Israel is exposed, or a lot of people that defend Israel and/or spread the disgusting propaganda about Palestine.

the Nazi Germany mindset of ordinary people in the past seems to be everywhere nowadays
Just received message on FB from my workmate:

Sorry Kai, had to delete you, the one-sided hatred that you post really makes me think I am wrong to favor Palestine's side, it's horrible. Sorry.

I don't know what to think about? :huh:

Edit: Added FB.
Extremely sad and revolting. But good. I mean, now you can see more clearly who people are. This is one of the positive side (if we can say this) about this terrible situation in Gaza. That reminds me the story (I forgot where I read it, surely in one of your articles) of a young woman in Germany during Nazism... that took position and than because she had a soul she was arrested by the Gestapo. She was in fact denounced by a neighbor. Reading about her I remember that I told to my husband that surely in the same position then her I would have acted like her, not refusing to see my Jewish friends. This story is very sad, as is sad to see how we are surrounded by the insignificance of some humans beings, their insipidity, their ignorance.
mkrnhr said:
The actual genocide in Palestine does separate people, those with empathy and those who do not care. If past genocides were not known to some people, today in this era of information everybody knows what is happening. Maybe at some level a STS/STO polarization in underway, and these events can be a catalyst of some sort?

Seeing all those people being massacred and not being profoundly affected can only demonstrate an absence of consciousness. Those with consciousness on the other hand, even if they cannot do anything due to their personal situation, are witnesses for the universe, and maybe conduits of the compassion of the universe at some level, OSIT.

Indeed, it separates people,
I know a lot of people (well most people i know) who are sympathizing with the Palestinians, (also because most people who are not rightwing are brought up to do so) but really don't want to look at/act to what happens.

I used to be like that myself, thinking "I can't do anything about the horrors, so why should I get totally depressed by watching" I think that some of the reason is the corruption of the peace movement/hippies that has made many of the children of that generation think "well it didn't help at all to protest/those hippies were pretty much hypocrites after all" and so they don't want to be seen as such.

Another reason of cause is just being fairly secure and cornfed, and just not giving a s*** about anybody else

And then there is the fear factor, which was why I was reluctant to post anything on facebook about it (that train is gone now, goodbye dream of easy living in sunny California where the streets are made of cheese and there are no cats) but further than fear of loosing income, the fear of being targeted as a terrorist (nobody likes the thought of being abducted to some secret prison and being tortured) Or just plain harassment when crossing borders and such.
Approaching Infinity said:
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

Moreover, read his book. There are some chilling quotes from David Ben Gurion and other Zionist leaders that are bone-chilling and make it very clear what psychopaths they were.

Thank you much Windmill knight, and Approaching Infinity, I'll watch and share.

(also the book will go on my must read list, that is already so long just thinking about almost make me faint, I know all my can't read excuses are lame, and hope I will get to the root of my reading blockage soon, as it is totally embarrassing)
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