Israeli attack on Gaza

Kaigen said:
Just received message on FB from my workmate:

Sorry Kai, had to delete you, the one-sided hatred that you post really makes me think I am wrong to favor Palestine's side, it's horrible. Sorry.

I don't know what to think about? :huh:

Edit: Added FB.

how depressing! People get's seperated by this indeed
Laura said:
Apparently, a bus in Israel just exploded:

Ten people were wounded Wednesday morning after an explosion inside a
bus in central Tel Aviv, authorities said. At least three were taken
to a hospital with critical injuries.

Obviously designed to raise the fear and chaos levels of Israelis, and to inspire sympathy from others. Notice how this gets top attention on the Washington post, but nothing like that ever appears on behalf of the deaths or injuries of Palestinians... and never has from the beginning of this horrible situation.

It is very clear how biased the media is in this conflict, sadly most people believe that we have objective journalism.

I must say though that even if it is true, I have been thinking over the last days that I can understand, as I on a couple of occasions have had to restrain myself to not go out side and scream obscenities, and could imagine that if it was my friends and family that got slaughtered like that I might get to a point of wanting to kill in blind rage
Kaigen said:
Just received message on FB from my workmate:

Sorry Kai, had to delete you, the one-sided hatred that you post really makes me think I am wrong to favor Palestine's side, it's horrible. Sorry.

I don't know what to think about? :huh:

Edit: Added FB.

Your workmate thinks he/she is wrong to favor the Palestinians because you strongly favor them?

Isn't that totally idiotic?

It reminds of those people who say, "Yeah, well, it looks like the Palestinians are getting hammered for no reason, but there are always 2 sides to every story..."

To which I then reply, "Great. So, what are the 2 sides of the story?"

Them: "I dunno, I don't follow it that much. I just know there are always 2 sides to every story, ya know?"

Me: :headbash:
The other argument they come up with is "it's complicated". That's another pseudo-intellectual self-rationalization to avoid the matter instead of trying to look into it and try to understand.
mkrnhr said:
The other argument they come up with is "it's complicated". That's another pseudo-intellectual self-rationalization to avoid the matter instead of trying to look into it and try to understand.

"It's complicated" translates to "I'm too lazy to actually look into it."
Kaigen said:
Just received message on FB from my workmate:

Sorry Kai, had to delete you, the one-sided hatred that you post really makes me think I am wrong to favor Palestine's side, it's horrible. Sorry.

I don't know what to think about? :huh:

Edit: Added FB.

At least your workmate explained his/her reasons. I was recently unfriended by a workmate too (this was before Israel's current attack) and I can only guess that it was due to the fact that he is (in his words) a "real christian" (whatever that's supposed to mean). I never asked him what he meant by that although when he told me, I think he meant it to distance himself from the Catholic church. One day, at work I mentioned something about Israel and he, completely missing what I had said replied with "Yeah, you see what those bastard Palestinians have been doing in Israel?" When I explained that in my opinion, the real bastards were the Zionists, he just got a doubtful look on his face and we agreed to differ. Seems that for him, the bible really is the word of God so the official version just has to be true. Later, I realized he had unfriended me on Facebook. I guess he couldn't bear to see my "hatred" appear in his newsfeed either, although I'm only guessing as he didn't say anything. It's also funny how your "friend" uses the word "hatred" where "righteous anger" would probably be more appropriate and, imo doesn't imply "hatred."
Laura said:
Apparently, a bus in Israel just exploded:

Ten people were wounded Wednesday morning after an explosion inside a
bus in central Tel Aviv, authorities said. At least three were taken
to a hospital with critical injuries.

Obviously designed to raise the fear and chaos levels of Israelis, and to inspire sympathy from others. Notice how this gets top attention on the Washington post, but nothing like that ever appears on behalf of the deaths or injuries of Palestinians... and never has from the beginning of this horrible situation.

The same BS is spinning aswell in dutch news. It's disgusting. It's unbelievable to see how deep ponerology has set its roots in society. It's everywhere. I do continue posting comments on several dutch websites but sadly my comments get either deleted or down voted, or I get attacked for taking the side of ''terrorists''.

Seeing how all of this is unfolding makes me wish more that the comets hurry up and whipe everything out. Obviously humanity doesn't care enough.
I was talking to a friend yesterday that thought that the news based on any support of the Palestinians was being reported by a liberal media and the killings being shown were over exaggerated. He stated how we all must side with Israel since they are always the true victim in all conflicts in the world.

My friend believed that the Palestinians causes these conflicts on purpose so that they might be perceived as victims which the Godless liberal media will exploit and allow aid and sympathy to these real terrorist of Israel.
As much as I tried to tell my friend of these horrors of what has been done and how psychopaths blame the victims of their crimes, and that this conflict is one sided and based on shear hate for mankind, I could not even get him to consider this possible awareness.

My heart is heavy with sadness of what man has done to others based on religion, class, status etc. Truly this is an ongoing holocaust being perpetrated by those that call themselves Israelis (I call them Zionists).
Most people do not realize that the people being murdered are the true semantic connection of the Jews. The killers that make these decisions don’t really care about Israel as a state itself since their power and wealth allows them to have homes and citizenship all over the world. The shear belief that they are above any of Man’s laws really has been my main fear in this life. Truly the C’s were right about this one.
mkrnhr said:
The other argument they come up with is "it's complicated". That's another pseudo-intellectual self-rationalization to avoid the matter instead of trying to look into it and try to understand.

It's really the most simple thing in the world, and in it seems to be our most fundamental lesson here on Earth. The facts on the ground are that Palestine is being ethnically cleansed by a stronger foe. Everyone who looks at the facts on both sides know this. The only real argument, when it comes down to it, is whether or not you feel that this is wrong. Wrong enough to do something! In other words, can you empathise with others, or do you view the world in a 'dog eat dog' way?

As people have mentioned, this is an extremely polarising subject for that reason. We have some deep STS on one side, the few trying to be STO on the other, and the masses who -despite many being 'good hearted'- lack the knowledge and are sleeping too heavily to make a real choice (by default choosing stagnation in STS by refusing to learn the basic lesson and choose which face of god to align with).

It's amazing how I'm starting to see this polarisation happening in my personal life. People I've known a long time are starting to totally turn against me, while a few remain good friends who seem to be expanding their awareness into areas I'd have never dared talk about outside the forum even 6 months ago.

I get the foreboding feeling that this is just the beginning of the real 'bad times', that we are going to soon be able to recognise who is like us, and who is not. The Palestine issue has been a major wake up call for me in determining this, and acting accordingly.
Mr. Scott said:
Kaigen said:
Just received message on FB from my workmate:

Sorry Kai, had to delete you, the one-sided hatred that you post really makes me think I am wrong to favor Palestine's side, it's horrible. Sorry.

I don't know what to think about? :huh:

Edit: Added FB.

Your workmate thinks he/she is wrong to favor the Palestinians because you strongly favor them?

Isn't that totally idiotic?

It reminds of those people who say, "Yeah, well, it looks like the Palestinians are getting hammered for no reason, but there are always 2 sides to every story..."

To which I then reply, "Great. So, what are the 2 sides of the story?"

Them: "I dunno, I don't follow it that much. I just know there are always 2 sides to every story, ya know?"

Me: :headbash:

:headbash: when a city with 50% children are being bombed (for -what is it now- 8 days in a row) by a full army who have lost 3 soldiers, It shouldn't even be necessary to question wether or not there might be another side to the story, before saying stop that now!!. It is pretty obvious that no matter what other side to the story there might be, it should first be stopped!! No other side of a story will ever make it OK to bomb a city full of kids :headbash:

I heard the "My sympathy is with the Palestineans, but I don't think it is only black and white" I guess I could ask "so what's the bright side?"
Also I've heard "My sympathy is with the Palestineans, but the Palestineans are probably not blind to the effect that their suffering (dead children for example) has on the western world" :headbash: Do people think they are happy about their children getting killed so they will get attention???

I found that asking if they felt the same way about,when there was apartheid government in south Africa has maybe gotten some to think a little (I got inspired from The Zionist Story documentary, -education works wonders ;) )
We are facing yet another well orchestrated scenario, Syria, Gaza who next? Same actors same casualties, time to reflect on the macro, take a deep breath and watch this well documented movie as it will allow you to see the bigger much nastier picture.


In 8 parts, part one can be skipped IMO

Love is all you need


Mod: Link deactivated
No doubt you mean well repco, but pithy aphorisms like "reflect on the macro" and "love is all you need" aren't going to help people see and understand the horrors perpetrated by Israel.
I don't know how credible this is: _

But it has shades of "final solution" and the city of Dresden in WW2.

Added this: said:
Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Benni Gantz, stated Wednesday that the Israeli army will continue its offensive against the Gaza Strip "as if mediation efforts are not ongoing", and added that the army is following an agenda that will be implemented despite of what happens on the political spectrum.

Says it all.

More, this is naked bare fanged conscious evil: said:
We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn't stop with Hiroshima - the Japanese weren't surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.

There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they'd really call for a ceasefire.

Were this to happen, the images from Gaza might be unpleasant - but victory would be swift, and the lives of our soldiers and civilians spared.

Sharon added that "There is no middle path here - either the Gazans and their infrastructure are made to pay the price, or we reoccupy the entire Gaza Strip."

That he mentions Hiroshima, may foreshadow what is to come. Though I don't think it will be the Palestinians on the receiving end.

Yes mkhmr, the psychopaths in Israel are leaving no option but to choose for those who have as of yet remained in limbo.
Windmill knight said:
Miss.K said:
I just watched The Zionist Story, Thank you for putting it in the article Zoya (and the article too) this one that is

I didn't know so much before watching, -just knew enough to say "That is not fair" But it was really good to get the story from the start, I have also shared it on facebook, I hope it will reach more

I recommend you also watch this lecture by Ilan Pappe on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It makes quite clear what Israel has been doing since 1947/8 - and why there will never be peace:

I watched both videos last night. But I was under the impression that Pappe stayed away from some interesting issues, OSIT. Like who financed the whole operation, who trained the Israeli military.

The other video showed how Palestinian women, men and children are being kidnapped and incarcerated by the Israelis. Having watched the videos on pedaphile networks and read the articles I couldn't help but wondering how many Palestinian kids are being kidnapped and supplied to these rings in Israel? Do these kids that were kidnapped/incarcerated come back? Do parents know where they are? How many of them have been kidnapped?

Rape is another war crime.
Carlise said:
I get the foreboding feeling that this is just the beginning of the real 'bad times', that we are going to soon be able to recognise who is like us, and who is not. The Palestine issue has been a major wake up call for me in determining this, and acting accordingly.

It won't be that easy anyway : for instance neo-nazis and the like are against Israel and don't approve their actions in Gaza or elsewhere. But I surely can't recognize them as being "like us"...
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