I have tried to follow this topic for a bit of time, But I seemed to get lost after so many pages, since the replies appear so fast. Has anyone taken the time to link "Anon-girl" & the one she was searching for, to JakeScully?
If I missed it in my reading, & some one associated the two,....then you have my apologies. If not, with no offense or finger-pointing.... I found it unusual that the search that Anon-girl was undertaking, & this current topic here, that I have been trying to read/follow, have some similarities. or so it seemed to me....
No matter, no harm meant, but I thought to mention it.
I do not believe in berating folks, but, sincerely, always hope they learn from their mistakes & it is my custom, to adamantly insist, to not wish to "falsely accuse", even with what I typed above. Since I would not like it to happen to me.
But, I do believe in using logic to try to fit "pieces of the puzzle" together if I can..
( perhaps a bad thing to some, but it seems to be handy at times.)
I see similarities & hope that my pointing them out ( hopefully, not repetitively), will help , more than to harm.
Best wishes & respects,