James M. McCanney - Plasma Discharge Comet Theory

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Calculating primes solved?

I'm not sure I can fully appreciate the significance of this "astonishing pattern among primes," but thought I'd share this from a Popular Science article last October:

Terry Tao, 31, recently won this year's Fields Medal. He is the youngest person ever to receive the medal since 1986, which was about two years after Tao became, at 13, the youngest person ever to win the International Math Olympiad...After earning his Ph.D from Princeton at 21...he's made major discoveries in at least five branches of mathematics...Tao's most famous result brought an end to a mathematical search that had lasted for centuries, in which he used techniques from several fields to uncover an astonishing pattern among primes:

Tao's Infinite Primes

Terry Tao and Ben Green at the University of Bristol in England, found a surprising pattern among prime numbers. Here's the condensed version of their 35-page proof:

First find a prime

Then create a prime arithmetic progression (PAP)
That's a sequence of prime numbers in which each number is a prime and each is separated by the same difference. This PAP "5, 11, 17, 23" is 4 numbers long, and each number differs from the next by six.

What did Tao and Green prove?
There are infinitely many PAP's of every length. So "5, 11, 17, 23" is just one of an infinite number of PAPs with four numbers in it. There's also an infinite number of progressions that are five, 10, or even 1,936,046 numbers long.
Bible Prophecies Revisited

Today, I was saving a document related to Laura and Henry's article ("Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction!"), when I saw the following article I'd apparently saved several years ago but forgotten to ever read.

Unfortunately, there's no clue as to who wrote it, but they're obviously coming from a fairly traditional Christian theological view of "last days" prophecies. The author reveals a level of thinking that certainly exceeds most of his "Christian brethren," but unfortunately, not enough to deliver him from his slavish confidence in the Bible

Still, given all that, I found it interesting to review in light of so much we've all been learning in recent years. (Any notations by me are in bold).

Originally posted 1995 (with updates in 1998, 2003 & 2004)

The solar Sun-Spot Cycle 23 was forecast to be about equal to or to exceed odd Cycle 19, and to well exceed even Cycle 22. This was based on previous records of solar cycles and the maximum sunspot activity. Cycle 23 has not abated normally, which it was supposed to do in 2000. It appears that Cycle 23 will merge with Cycle 24 in the upswing and form a MEGA CYCLE. [NOTE THIS:]The mega cycle may well be because of the incoming DESTROYER AND ITS DUST CLOUD with attendant SPACE DEBRIS.

While we do not argue with the scientific community and their predictions based upon scientific models, we do issue the following warning, based upon the FACTUAL AND 100% COMPLETE FULFILLMENT OF BIBLICAL PREDICTIONS - a fact that has to be reasoned with regardless of beliefs or theological bias. The fact is that the Biblical prophecies have been and are now being fulfilled before our eyes with exacting precision - and on that basis, and that basis ALONE is the following warning of a SOON TO COME SOLAR NOVA EXPLOSION.

It might be referred to as a SOLAR FLARE, but whatever name you wish to ascribe to it, it spells doom for our global civilization. It is based upon Biblical prophetic intelligence - and it has a background of 100% precision standing behind it. It is not the intent of this article to prove the accuracy of Bible prophecy - but its accuracy cannot be disputed by those who understand it, and have taken the time to search the matter out.

Although the Sun has been classified generally as in a steady-state condition, scientist know full well that there are minor fluctuations in Solar conditions which cause minor Solar weather changes and possible disruptions upon earth, and these are normal. However, the Sun is, in reality, a variable output star, and our knowledge of it rather limited. The warnings found in ancient sacred writings about the Sun and other heavenly bodies need to be investigated by the scientific community. It appears that the ancients had a far better understanding of it that present day science.

Ancient writings from around the world, which science has classified as "myth" in their arrogance and stupidity prove that the concept of earth changes taking place over millions of years is totally and completely false, and that the real truth is that the Earth undergoes periodic UPHEAVALS of such proportions that it destroys the civilizations living at the time. These catastrophes are so violent that the human mind cannot comprehend them - and further, [NOTE THIS:]they are the result of COSMIC WAVES that ripple through out the Universe from time to time.

These waves of violent change involve what is called "THE DESTROYER", which is contained within a COSMIC DUST CLOUD, an OBJECT that is embedded deep within it, which is either a brown dwarf or neutron star which has such a powerful gravitational and electro-magnetic fields that it begins to UPSET THE SOLAR SYSTEM LONG BEFORE IT REACHES IT. The changes FIRST begin to show up in the Sun.

THE DESTROYER, with its COSMIC DUST CLOUD and SPACE DEBRIS has come and gone in the ancient past several times according to the ancients. It is this DESTROYER that ENDS WHAT IS CALLED AN "AGE". The times in between the AGES are calm with only minor activity in the cosmos and on the Earth. The DESTROYER causes PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LITERAL POLAR SHIFTS, and with that, total devastation of the Earth. It is now due again, because we are the END OF THE AGE, and there is a vast amount of evidence that shows that that the establishment knows all about it, but has no intention of telling the masses of the people, because there is nothing anyone can do about it anyway.

"We (the scientific community), know that earth changes are coming. But the consensus is that we can do nothing without upsetting the current delicate balance of the global economy. If we were to announce what we know publicly - and admit that we don't know what to do - it would set off a world wide panic that could be worse than keeping quiet and letting events unfold. And besides, there is always a chance that we - and you - are wrong. Maybe nothing will happen after all."
—Government research scientist speaking to Gordon Michael Scallion.

According to scientist James McCanney, writing in his booklet "SURVIVING PLANET X PASSAGE", issued way back in 1981, the government has no intention of telling anyone, and it confirms what Gordon Michael Scallion said on page 10 of his EARTH CHANGES NEWSLETTER QUOTED ABOVE.


Thus quote confirms many other sources of TOTAL SILENCE on the part of the authorities. Remember the movie DEEP IMPACT? Remember how it was all a deep dark secret until the reporter digs the information out and they have to go public?

Now then, if we connect the dots, and you read carefully, and survey the NEWS, you will find all sorts of UNDERGROUND ACTIVITY ALL OVER THE WORLD, as the elite plan to go underground to escape while the masses of the people are terminated above ground. The Bible agrees that they attempt to go underground and hide in the caverns they have built in and under the mountains. Remember just a few days ago how the media discovered the UNDERGROUND SHELTER FOR THE VICE PRESIDENT? Here is another quote from McCanney that confirms what the Bible knew 2,500 years ago!!

"We are now looking into the future (no date given) at the possibility that another large object will arrive in our solar system and we already know that many world governments have already taken major steps to prepare complex cave cities to protect a few elite people. They have stocked these for an eventual stay of 50 to 100 years complete with food, medical supplies and all other human requirements. They have kept this secret and are essentially leaving the public to fend for themselves. Most will die in these caves however." (Page 6)

Now lets look at the Bible, for what it says concerning THE DESTROYER, also called THE DAY OF THE LORD.
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; [16] And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:..." — Rev. 6:15-16

You see, the Bible is ALWAYS WAY AHEAD OF THE ELITE, ALWAYS AHEAD OF THE SCIENTISTS, and ALWAYS AHEAD OF EVERYTHING, [NOTE: the benefit of 4D/STS hyperdimensional time travel ;)] and knows exactly what they do, and they will NOT ESCAPE, no matter where they go, no matter what they attempt. It is unwise to attempt to OUTSMART THE LORD.

Astronomers have been very active in the Antarctic, tracking an object by infrared, as it can penetrate the thick dust cloud that engulfs PLANET-X or THE DESTROYER. Governments do no spend millions of dollars tracking none existent objects. This object, it appears, is suppose to be coming in from DIRECTLY SOUTH. The closer it gets, the more changes will be seen in the Sun, then in the Moon, and finally in the STARS THEMSELVES as these objects move closer and closer to Earth. Of course the Earth changes will be going on during this entire time.

Changes in climate, weather, storm patterns will become so great that forecasting will be all but impossible.
In brief, the ancient writings of the Hebrews claim that the steady-state condition of our Sun will abruptly, and with little warning, change. These changes that are to come are SEVERE, and will cause absolute HAVOC upon earth. It will seem, according to these writings, as though nature itself has gone totally berserk. According to Jesus Christ, thousands, if not millions of people will die of heart attacks brought about by FEAR [NOTE: interesting in view of STS need for negative emotional energy and in view of the C’s constant reassurance that “knowledge protects� ], as they look upon these CATASTROPHIC EARTH CHANGES, that begin with some warning, but in general come upon the world suddenly.

Obviously something occurs that throws our now quiet Sun and Solar System into disarray, and these so called "anomalies" generate conditions that bring about A NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH. Further, the writings maintain, the very few survivors soon have no remembrance of the age that went before - much as mankind has no knowledge or memory of previous MEGA EARTH CHANGES. We know what it is - it is called THE DESTROYER in the Kilbrin, and THE DAY OF THE LORD in the Bible.

If our analysis of the TIME CODES [NOTE: not sure what codes he’s alluding to here, but this makes me think of that discussion of Francis Bacon editing the King James Bible, and hiding numerological clues within it.] , found in both the Old and New Testaments are accurate, coupled with the warnings and forecasts from the visionaries as also accurate, the years between 1998-2012 should prove to be when the Sun will NOVA OR FLARE, and when it does, mankind is headed for terrible and catastrophic consequences. The major areas to be concerned with, in order of rank:

1. Solar Cycle 23: 1996 - 2002 (still continuing unabated, as of this 2004 update)
2. Solar Cycle 24: 2008 - 2014
3. Solar Cycle 25: 2017 - 2024

Solar Cycle 23 is the most suspect because of the internal time codes found in the Old and New Testament, with Cycle 24 and 25 being the next most suspect. Cycles beyond that are not considered because of time codes that would have long ago expired. The most important of these time codes, the one found hidden in Psalm 90 points directly to Cycle 23 AND CYCLE 24. If so, the world will begin to experience major anomalies in all geophysical and astrophysical areas during 1998-2007.

If these forecasts found in the Old and New Testament are to be taken in a literal manner, and there is enough evidence and proven historical accuracy to prove them literal, then the SUN WILL NOVA TO A STATE SEVEN TIMES BRIGHTER THAN IT IS NOW, and the MOON WILL GIVE OFF THE LIGHT OF THE SUN AS IT IS TODAY.

Large CME ejections, disruptions
Signs accelerate regarding the reversing of Earth’s Magnetic Pole

Earth Magnetic Pole shift signs greatly increase
CME's increase and light spectrum changes further
Possible shifts in moon orbit
Planets show increasing signs of changes





We will now turn to the Old and New Testament ancient writings for their actual words and forecast of SOLAR INSTABILITY coming in the very near future. [NOTE: I believe the C’s rated the credibility of Isaiah’s prophecies along the lines of the Book of Revelation, meaning an STS mixture of truth and lie; or perhaps just half the truth—the scary part! ;) ]

Isaiah 30:25-27
And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, [NOTE: been awhile since I've been reading any Isaiah ;), but this next phrase sure takes on new meaning now]when the towers fall. Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: ..."
Now these comments are very clear, and we have no options to their literal interpretation. The Sun is to go into a NOVA CONDITION (although slight) so that the Sun gives off seven times the light that it gives off now. THE DESTROYER will be the instrument of the LORD'S INDIGNATION:

Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

Isaiah 30:27
Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire:

Isaiah 30:30
And the LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard, and shall shew the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger, and with the flame of a devouring fire, with scattering, and tempest, and hailstones.

Isaiah 34:2
For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter.

Recent findings by a scientist confirm that the sun will flare as it interacts with a COSMIC DUST CLOUD - so as the Earth enters into the DUST CLOUD and the skies begin to darken, of course the temperature on Earth begins to drop - rather rapidly. But as the dust cloud gets thicker, almost making the Sun vanish from Earth sight, it flares as a result of the accumulated dust, and therefore GREAT HEAT FOLLOWS THE COLD.

It sounds almost impossible, but when you connect all of the dots, you find out just how serious this thing is - for it spells the end of our global civilization. The information comes from both the ancients and modern cosmology. The Bible confirms that SPACE DUST IS INVOLVED IN THE DAY OF THE LORD. It is a day of DARKNESS, in which the Sun does not give its light, and the moon and stars do not shine. Then suddenly, the REVERSE becomes true, as the Sun FLARES.

To verify that this is indeed a SOLAR FLARE, the moon also will increase its reflective luminosity by seven times. This condition is, to say the very least, A CATASTROPHIC ANOMALY which has the gravest of consequences for mankind on earth. The comment, "His tongue is a devouring fire", indicates, along with a vast amount of other prophecy, that the earth temperature rises to unbearable levels. In fact, such a NOVA CONDITION would kill every living thing upon earth. unless other conditions occurred that prevented it. Jesus Christ makes several comments about it in the book of Revelation. But let's lay the groundwork first:

Luke 21:25-26
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

First, there SHALL BE SIGNS IN THE SUN. This implies that scientists see anomalies begin to develop as we move between Sun-Spot Cycles 23 and 24 - and if fact Cycle 23 may not abate at all - we are not sure at this time. The anomalies that appear are totally unexpected, nor can they be explained. A magnetic pole shift, which the "visionaries" all see, and which occur quite frequently, goes awry, and conditions go from stable to unstable quite rapidly.

Hebrew scripture claims that a literal Polar Shift is in fact triggered by a NUCLEAR WAR, and the taking of America by a surprise nuclear attack. This attack is the trigger event that unleashes a chain reaction that totally destroys the earth. That these SIGNS IN THE SUN are observed indicates the SOLAR CONDITIONS ARE OBSERVED OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. The world goes on the alert, and media gives it full coverage.

Secondly, we have SIGNS IN THE MOON. If we go to other ancient writings, such as the Books of Enoch[NOTE: interesting source ;)] we find that the MOON DOES NOT KEEP HER COURSE, or SEASONS. Anomalies develop that include the EARTH, MOON and SUN. Major anomalies, so catastrophic, in fact, that the SEA AND THE WAVES ARE "ROARING", and the nations of the world are in GREAT DISTRESS. The comment that the powers of heaven WILL BE SHAKEN is indeed revealing - for it is the POWERS OF HEAVEN that have held the EARTH-MOON-SUN-SOLAR SYSTEM in steady-state balance for the this era - and that is about to change.

[NOTE THIS:]These signs will develop slowly AT FIRST, with minor comments appearing in the journals of science, and with each occasional anomaly, such as massive solar ejection's being reported in the papers and media, concern will SECRETLY GROW, as it is at this present time. As the signs grow, and the instability increases, scientists will be no longer able to write it off as just normal "anomalies" and will begin to have to recognize that INDEED MAJOR SOLAR INSTABILITY IS DEVELOPING, although they will not know why. As time progresses, the conditions will suddenly go catastrophic, resulting in the conditions that Christ projected.

Is there a confirming account given in the New Testament? Yes, but it is worded differently, and when they are merged, they form a perfect portrait for the survival of mankind - albeit he may wish he had not survived while going through these PLANETARY CHANGES.

Revelation 8:12
And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Now at first place, one would think that this "obscuration" is a result of volcanic activity, high winds, dust storms and other obscuring material that causes the Sun, Moon and Stars to dim in the heavens by 1/3 of their luminosity. We do not believe this is the case in this particular verse, because of context and other verses that support it. The evidence is clear from the phrase, "AND THE DAY SHONE NOT FOR A THIRD PART OF IT, AND THE NIGHT LIKEWISE."

[NOTE THIS:]This is evidence of something very severe that has occurred: THE SPEED OF THE EARTH'S ROTATION, THE LENGTH OF OUR DAY AND OUR NIGHT, HAS BEEN SHORTENED. It has, in fact been shortened by 1/3 which would be by 8 hours. If our day is 24 hours, one third of 24 hours is 8 hours. Thus the ROTATIONAL PERIOD FOR THE EARTH DURING THIS TIME IS REDUCED FROM 24 HOURS TO 16. That means that A DAY IS ONLY 8 HOURS LONG, AND THE NIGHT ALSO. Can we find verification of this fact? Yes, Jesus Christ points to it in his prophetic discourse:

Matthew 24:21-22
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The phrase "THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED", and "THOSE DAYS SHALL BE SHORTENED" tells us something very important. We know from other research that that the so-called "LAST DAYS" are for a set period of days 2520, or split to 1260 and 1260. The Scriptures make it clear that this definitive number of days, once stated, and set, ARE SET. The NUMBER OF DAYS MUST REMAIN AS STATED. If the number of days cannot be changed, then what does the phase "shortened" really mean?

The word means to ABRIDGE, or TO SHORTEN. What is to be shortened? THE DAYS, the DAY ITSELF, the 24 HOUR PERIOD WE CALL A DAY. It is to be shortened. It will be SHORTENED BY 1/3 or from 24 hours to 16. Why? Because the HEAT FROM THE SUN would KILL EVERY LIVING CREATURE UPON EARTH IS THE DAYS WERE NOT SHORTENED. By shortening the days down to 16 hours, the earth will have A SUNLIGHT PORTION OF ONLY 8 HOURS. This does not allow the Sun to destroy all life, simply make it very, very unpleasant.

[NOTE THIS:]The Bible claims there are THREE MAJOR IMPACT EVENTS, one as large as a MOUNTAIN, which is either a small comet, part of a comet or a large asteroid. One of these IMPACTS, or the DESTROYER ITSELF, causes the Earth to go totally OUT OF ITS ORBIT, and to change its rotation to a much higher speed. Of course, no one can imagine the conditions upon earth at this point in time. The SEA AND THE WAVES will indeed be roaring, and MEN'S HEARTS will indeed be failing them for FEAR. [NOTE: right according to 4D/STS plan]
Link on hyperdimensional hurricanes (Katrina, Ivan etc...) interesting

Link on hyperdimensional hurricanes (Katrina, Ivan etc...) interesting

Very interesting. Funny that the Cs have been referring to weather phenomena as hyperdimensional since 1994.
Link on hyperdimensional hurricanes (Katrina, Ivan etc...) interesting

Yeah really.....having read the Wave series and the Cassiopaean transcripts this phenomena makes a whole lot more sense! I'm so glad I found this site. I'd like to Thank YOU ALL for all the hard work, difficult situations you've had to endure NETWORKING is GREAT!
Link on hyperdimensional hurricanes (Katrina, Ivan etc...) interesting

The hyper dimensional theories involving a rotating mass are indeed very interesting and represent an important direction in research. I do wish to point out that Steadman and Hoagland are not without their detractors and the data being promoted by Hoagland on hurricane physics is highly questionable.

My understanding from data provided by scientists like James McCanney and Tesla and the concept behind "lifters" is that hurricanes derive their energy not from warm water but from the flow of electricity down from the Ionosphere. The warm water theory violates the law of conservation of energy because there is not enough latent heat energy in the water to create and sustain the wind velocity found in hurricanes. To ignore this very basic misconception (reinforced ad nauseum by NOAA and the media) is to invite suspicion.

There is also ample, albeit circumstantial, evidence that hurricanes are manipulated through the use of satellite based electron beam weapons. The geometric formations found on the gas planets could certainly be influenced by the enormous influx of electron particles coming into the poles adding further weight to the electric nature of these rotating phenomenon.

There is much we do not know and are not told told about the fundamental processes of hurricanes and other weather related events. Trying to delve into hyper dimensional relationships without a basic understanding that is based on realistic and scientific laws seems to be getting a little ahead of ourselves.
Thirty Years of Cults and Comets

FWIW, I googled: "plasma discharge asteroid comet"


_http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/CometHolmesSub-Page.HTM Note: Jim McCanney of course.
_http://biofractalevolution.com/McCanney.pdf Note: Jim McCanney again.
_http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/cometary/lee.htm Note: Jim McCanney again.

_http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=185929 Note: Forum discussion regarding plasma discharges, further in this forum there was discussion regarding plasma cosmology then another link: _http://www.jstor.org/pss/984040 Author is Percival Lowell, and a snippet where Schwarzchild is involved. I do not have permission to read the full document discussing Halley's Comet here.... Dunno if this one is worth pursuing.

_http://www.sis-group.org.uk/resource.htm Note: scroll down to section 6: Electricity In Astronomy
_http://www.ipr.res.in/~saroj/onlineres/Plasite1.htm Note: Technical site, includes Plasma subjects

I will stop here for now... seems there is a lot of stuff in the goggle list, but where is the real data we need?

Thirty Years of Cults and Comets

Shane said:
Although I've never heard about Jim Maccanney, I think it is a little curious that his name is popping up from new forum members along with some sort of conflict... don't know what to make of it yet, if anything
Sorry Shane, I was trying to understand John's reply to your curiosity. I thought it was a good point and apparently misread your response, John. Apologies to you both.

I'm not real familiar with Jim MacCanney, but will follow this thread rather than interject noise. Just word usage and my misunderstanding of it.
Thirty Years of Cults and Comets


What discourages me are pieces like this:

for professionals and mathematicians coming to this page regarding the "Calculate Primes" book (and for the general public also) ... this new work actually redefines the way we look at numbers themselves ... once you see the solution to the prime number problem ... you will realize that the lack of understanding has in part been due to the fundamental way we look at numbers ... the book not only solves the age old mystery of the prime numbers ... but it redefines how we look at numbers ... remember how difficult it was to do certain mathematical operations with the old Roman Numeral system of counting ??? well the way we use the base 10 (or other base) number systems was in fact a hindrance to understanding the true nature of numbers themselves ... the book with 3 hour DVD lecture will show you how we should be looking at numbers ... it is a far more natural way to view numbers and this opens the door for more solutions to many higher mathematical operations ... also for professionals ... there is a rigorous 7 part proof of the solution of the patterns to the prime numbers that is available upon request to select professionals but i suggest you read the book first ... the original technical paper is included as an appendix ... use the web ordering link above to view the book ... jim mccanney

Ark wrote:
I do not understand this attitude. If I have something to say to fellow scientists, I publish it and make it available to everyone on the net. To connect "rigorous 7 part proof of the solution of the patterns to the prime numbers" to 3 hour DVD is something that I consider as utterly ridiculous, or, at least, strange and discouraging for professionals. Is it intended?

Why discourage? Attitude and science are two different parts. He may have his reasons.
Important would be not the attitude but evidence for his model.
I do not think that it is intended as you read it. I understand this way: "For professionals" is not related to the dvd but "to the door opening for more solutions".
For a scientist it would be enough to read the Appendix, p63 to 71, why not ask him his Paper?
Average People without Math-Study like myself may enjoy the whole book and dvd, so for me it is not ridiculous at all but wellcome!
So i would find it interesting if a scientist check his work. Laura wrote she has the books on her desk.

McCanney shows evidence of his model by experiences on his dvds:
Personnaly i liked the dvd with the demonstration of part of some effects where you can see him teaching in class how the smoke (ionized) separates and is both attracted and pulled away towards/from an electrically charged bowl. Also the demonstration of the InducedDipoleRedShift with a simpel Laser, so you see the light being deviated by the electric field, no mass needed.

I mentioned Mc Canney because of Lauras topic of Cults and Comets. She was citing of Clube about comets, so why not take a look at McCanneys comet model too?

I've almost finished reading his book: "Planet X, Comets & Earth Changes", and I think the guy is really onto something. When he writes "Planet X", it does NOT mean the same thing as the usual usage.

Added: his website: http://www.jmccanneyscience.com/

It's kind of a mess and he's into a lot of different things. I guess it is best to just read his books.
FWIW, I stumbled on this little nugget in a McCanney interview with Spectrum. This is out of context just to deliver this little bit, so if you want to read the whole interview, it's here:


Martin: I wondered about that.

McCanney: That was the first thing out of my mouth. You look at the webpage, very well constructed. Here’s a guy, Chung, who has no prior history of being involved in anything like this.

Martin: And notice he’s the ONLY one making that statement, as far as I can tell.

McCanney: Yeah. He’s putting down Planet X. You look at his references and they are all NASA/JPL sites. The only non-NASA site that he lists is Zetatalk, which is, literally, a NASA site—the Nancy Lieder site, which was built by NASA to create more disinformation about the topic of Planet X.

McCanney: Right. The point is, there are hundreds, if not thousands, or hundreds of thousands of these big objects floating around out there. And that is something that NASA refuses to acknowledge. They keep talking about these comets as being a quarter of a mile across, or something. Well, you know and I know that NEAT was BIG. It wasn’t a half-mile across. And just by the fact that NASA says that, any grade school kid would know that they are lying. Why are they lying? Because they want to downplay these big objects, which they’re now observing but they don’t have a theoretical place for them. And if they admitted that NEAT was planetary-sized, they would, basically, say: “Jim McCanney is right.”

McCanney: It’s a whole consciousness thing. I keep saying, the idea of Planet X—and that’s why the government has created Nancy Lieder: because they want a date when it’s NOT going to happen. That’s why they created Enigma. They want a date, they want a time. They want to go in the newspapers and on the media and say: “Look at these crazy people. Look at all this stupid stuff that’s coming out of the Internet. Listen to us, because we’re the ones who will tell you the real story here.”
Does anyone have any feel for what the Kolbrin Bible is about that was mentioned here? I'm wondering because McCanney seems to be into it. I had a look at the Kolbrin Bible site and am not sure what to make of it yet.
I don't know anything about the Kolbrin, but here is a bit from the interview referenced above in which McCanney explains a little about it and his interest in it:

Martin: A companion?

McCanney: A companion; it was the one that became Venus. Velikovsky was very right that Venus was a huge comet that worked its way through the solar system, and it took about a 600-year period from the time it was captured by Jupiter to the time it encountered Earth, and then worked its way in to become the planet that we know today.

So, originally what happened, and Hale-Bopp was here about 4200 years ago, and Venus was captured by Jupiter about 4200 years ago. They were, literally, smaller companions to Nibiru.

And so, it’s very clear in the Kolbrin Bible—let me see if I can find that right here, right now. The Koldrin Bible is the Old Testament that has been kept by the Caldiens (sp) in Northern Scotland. They moved there from Rome when Christ was around. Joseph of Aramatheia, who was Christ’s stepfather, kept the Koldrin Bible and handed it down, and it’s just in a very small placement and group of people who kept it.

Here it is, I found it. I’m going to read a couple of passages here.

Koldrin is one of the purist versions of the Old Testament. And this is from “The Deluge”, Chapter 4, from the Book Of Gleanings. Chapter 4 is titled “The Deluge”, so this is where it gets into the flood, paragraph 24: “There, riding on a black rolling cloud, came the destroyer.” That is Nibiru. “Newly released from the confines of the sky, and she raced about the Heavens for it was her day of judgment.”

Now, this is the line I wanted you to notice here: “The beast with her opened its mouth and belched forth fire and hot stones and vile smoke; it covered the whole sky above and the meeting place of Earth and Heaven could no longer be seen. In the evening the places of the stars were changed, they rolled across the skies to new stations; then the flood waters came.”

That’s why they didn’t want anybody to know about the companion, because they knew it was on a collision course with Earth, and they knew it was the companion to the bigger one that caused the problem. But they didn’t realize that Hale-Bopp was, literally, one of the companions itself.

Now, when the destroyer, the big guy comes in, Nibiru, it has an entire entourage of these things.

Here is the blurb from the Kolbrin site, where you can also read portions online (can't be copied and you need a Google ID to access):

It has been rumored that Nikola Tesla acquired some knowledge from this book (according to James M. McCanney, M.S). In the past, only a very select few, some might say an elite group, have had access to this book. Now, the current caretakers of this ancient knowledge believe ''these are the days of decision, when humankind stands at the crossroad,'' and are making the book available subject to explicit conditions.

TheKolbrin.com is currently the largest online source of information regarding the Kolbrin and Kailedy Manuscripts, it is not the official website of the Culdian Trust, but we have worked in close communication with the Culdian Trust in an effort to provide this partial electronic rendition of their original translation (also notably the first Kolbrin ever published and made available to the general public in modern history).

Culdian Trust CrossThe Kolbrin is printed in New Zealand by the Culdian Trust, and they remain responsible for it. The Culdian Trust believe that they are the of inheritors of the ancient wisdom of the Culdees of Britain who were part of the British or Keltic Christian community prior to its romanisation under Augustine, after which it suffered severely through persecution and suppression. However, it survived to a greater or lesser degree until the great persecutions of the late Middle Ages, when the flame was further extinguished, leaving only a few sparks surviving to kindle the present revival. The Culdian Celestial Age Trust do not refer to The Kolbrin as a "Bible" and do not agree that it is a version of the 'Old Testament' on the grounds that it is clearly not the history of the Jewish people.

From combined research, the origins of The Kolbrin can be traced back to a large collection of manuscripts salvaged from Glastonbury Abbey during an arson attack that was intended to destroy them. It was the time of history when there was a great suppression of monasterys. As fate would have it, the once considered heretical works were transcribed on bronze tablets by the religious druids of the time. Since they were thought to be destroyed during the fire, they were preserved in secrecy.

Since then, much of the original text was lost or destroyed due to the passage of time, their environment, and human error. Each caretaker though, has gone to painstaking efforts to preserve what was left and to fill in the gaps with the correct knowledge in order to preserve the original meaning.

During the early fourteenth century, John Culdy, the leader of a small community in Scotland, owned The Kolbrin and took steps to ensure its survival beyond his care.

The Kolbrin eventually became known as The Bronzebook of Britain, and the contents of additional salvaged manuscripts known as The Coelbook were later incorporated into it to form the modern version. It's name is possibly derived from the Welsh alphabet called Coelbren - it is not the authentic name of a particular book which could ever be traced to ancient times. In fact, the Kolbrin is not "a" book, but a collection of texts from different sources; and obviously the original manuscripts are not to be found.

The Gospel of The KailedyThere is a second volume to the Kolbrin - The Gospel of The Kailedy which deals specifically with the life and times of Jesus Christ. It was thought that because of its obviously ancient roots the word 'Culdian' was derived from "Chaldean" through 'Culdee'. This is not so; 'Culdian' is derived from 'Kailedy' through 'Culdee'. The word 'Kailedy' (or Kailedi) originated with the early Christians who came to Britain in 37AD led by Joseph of Arimathea and means 'wise strangers'. However, it should be noted that the Keltic word 'Culdee' could also be translated as 'Servant of God'.

In the early parts of the twentieth century, the responsibility of The Kolbrin’s preservation rested with a small religious group in England that never gained much power due their very restrictive membership requirements.

In the years leading up to the First World War, only two copies of The Kolbrin existed in book form, written in biblical English. Only part of the original survived to the Second World War, when the books were thought to be worthless junk and thrown out by their owners, only to be saved by fate then discarded again as works of the devil, and salvaged by destiny before any irreparable damage was done.

Until 1995, The Kolbrin was in the care of The Hope Trust, of which little is known. There is currently a Hope Trust registered in NZ but they have nothing to do with The Kolbrin, nor did they have anything to do with it. The current custodian is The Culdian Trust, which was formed in 1980. The Culdian Trust inherited The Kolbrin and other books when the Hope Trust was deregistered around 1995 in accordance with its constitution. Around 1992, an elderly man from the Hope Trust (who is now deceased) put together the current draft from the originals. His character, reputation, and relatives are still living. He was an extremely private man while alive and the trust are respecting his wishes with regard to continued privacy.

The Culdian Trust members did not get to see the original manuscripts on which the most recent version of The Kolbrin was derived, nor do they understand how they came into the elderly man's possession or where he sent the originals upon completion. They believe, based on speculation, that he may have been a member of a hermetic order probably based in England, so the original manuscripts may have gone back there. Despite the continued ambiguity of The Kolbrin’s origins, a Culdian Trust representative that knew the man for approximately twenty years held him in high regard and found him to be a man of extremely high integrity.

We are covering ourselves legally and morally and have done everything within reason to prevent large portions of the kolbrin texts from being copied unlawfully. We have an obligation to the trust, we wish to honor these values. Please note that only a portion of this amazing collection is viewable online.

There are rumors that the Vatican has a copy, and that there were some copies in India, but both of these are most likely falsehoods, especially the last one, as it comes from a group, for which we know personally from the Culdian Trust, started publishing the book without permission. Nikola Tesla may have had access to the Kolbrin through his father Milutin Tesla, as suggested by James M. McCanney, M.S, but I am yet to sight any proof of that claim.
A couple of posts turned up in the forum about the Kolbrin Bible:

Endymion said:
A Google search for 'Kolbrin Bible' turned up this site: _http://www.thekolbrin.com/ Here's a couple of quotes:

thekolbrin(dot)com said:
The Kolbrin is a collection of ancient manuscripts said to have been salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey arson in 1184. The Kolbrin said to have a connection with Jesus historically through Joseph of Arimathea, they have been discussed online by James McCanney and others. This site has been approved by the Culdian Trust.

thekolbrin(dot)com said:
The Culdian Trust believe that they are the of inheritors of the ancient wisdom of the Culdees of Britain who were part of the British or Keltic Christian community prior to its romanisation under Augustine, after which it suffered severely through persecution and suppression.
'Culdian' is derived from 'Culdee'.

Encyclopaedia Britannica said:
Education in the early Middle Ages was at a very low ebb outside the monasteries. Cathedral schools were few, and rural priests who could read Latin easily were rare. Almost all literary work came from the monasteries and in Celtic lands (mainly Ireland) from the half-monastic Culdees (religious recluses).
Encyclopaedia Britannica said:
In the early 8th century the church among the Picts and Scots accepted Roman usages on such questions as Easter. Nevertheless, the church in Scotland remained Celtic in many ways until the 11th century. Still dominated by its communities of clergy (who were called Célidé or Culdees), it clearly corresponded well to the tribal nature of society.
The Culdian Trust have a website here: _http://www.culdiantrust.org/

The splash page of their site says:

Culdian Trust said:
Truth in opposition to all else
and then

Culdian Trust said:
Harmonise and attune with me
And I will guide you
Accord with the creative purpose
And your life will be fulfilled
Carry out your duties
As my deputies on earth
And you will be rewarded.
All of which sounds rather like emotional blackmail: do as you are commanded and you will get your reward. The opposite is therefore implied. Very STS.

And then we read:

Culdian Trust said:
This is the official site of The Kolbrin. The Culdian Trust stands behind any information that is issued directly from them regarding their publications and can be easily recognised as being issued from them. Unless clearly stated by the Culdian trust, all other comments, interpretations and discussions are not necessarily the views of the Culdian Trust.
Rather like saying, it is so because we say it is so.

An email address is offered: info(at)culdiantrust(dot)org

From there, following the link to 'Kolbrin Bible' we arrive at this page: _http://www.culdiantrust.org/kolbrin.html which presents a fairly standard description of a special book that has lain hidden for centuries, known only to the select few who were its keepers; now it is the time to reveal it to the world, subject to some special conditions. The inference is that the lucky reader fulfils the conditions and can read The Book.

The Culdian Trust site goes on to say:

Culdian Trust said:
It is known that at the beginning of the fourteenth century there was a settled community in Scotland under the leadership of one John Culdy. The old Culdians, who were guardians of what they called "The Treasures of Britain", were never numerous and loosely organised, membership being maintained by itinerant smiths and other craftsmen. They seem to have previously been loosely known as 'Koferils'.
I Googled and couldn't find any independent references to 'John Culdy' as an historical person. The Culdian Trust site is remarkably lacking in references to the information cited.

Curiously, on the North Devon coast, in the UK, there is a very small place – just a church and two houses – called Culbone. Joan Cooper lived there with her husband, Waistel, a potter, and wrote about her spiritual visions concerning the place. There are a few photos and Joan Cooper's long spiritual history of Culbone at this link.


Laura said:
Found another site with predictions and prophecies:


Here's a sample:

NEW PREDICTION: 11/26/06 -- The initial wave may reach 1/3 mile in height, and still be 100 feet high when it strikes land. The cause is unknown: it could be a meteor impact or some sort of island or shelf slippage. It may be an isolated incident or the leading edge of a series of tidal storms that may begin sooner (March 2007) or later (March 2008). This colossal tidal wave will hit around July 2007.

NEW PREDICTION: 1/24/05, UPDATED 4/16/06, POSTED 9/21/06 -- Flooding of the Mississippi splits the US mainland in half in July/August 2007 and March/April 2008. The Great Lakes empty into the Gulf of Mexico via this great "strait". It will be called the Great Midwest Strait.

From whatever cause, massive flooding in the Midwest in 2007 will be the first stage. The Midwest never completely recovers, but remains chronically flooded, possibly experiencing more flooding in the summer and fall. March/April 2008 will see the completion of the two-staged chronic flood where the Edgar Cayce prophecy will actually be fulfilled when the Great Lakes overflow into the Mississippi and a great watery divide splits the USA right down the middle.

NEW PREDICTION: 10/4/06 -- I know, you say we have already had some. But not like the one that is coming on or near August 2007. The one that impacted in Norway, for example, unleashed only 3% of the explosive force of the atomic bomb detonated over Hiroshima. For all of that, it made a rather unimpressive-looking crater/indentation on the side of a hill.

Thus far, the only fireball to concern astronomers in the same way they are concerned about close calls from asteroids, was the one that passed over the US and Canada in 1972. It was large enough, according to scientists, to vapourise a large city had it hit. Luckily, instead, it left earth's orbit and travelled back out into space.

This one on or near August 2007 will be the first of many mega-fireballs capable of vapourising a US city and, likewise, will be observed over the US and Canada.

Eventually, in July 2008, one of these will hit the Aegean/Ionian seas, but by that time it will be nearly the size of a mile-round asteroid. That is assuming the asteroid that hits in 2008 is not Toutatis, but one of these. It is also possible a few of these will vapourise a city or cause unbelievable flooding. I saw an example of one of these "tidal storms" in a dream I had on August 17, 2006, that I will hopefully relate to you in the very near future. I believe it took place in 2008 during a time of major naval battles. This tidal storm was very terrifying.

As Planet X grows nearer, and for a period after it has passed, this phenomenon will increase, as will also another phenomenon discussed by a number of prophets (John the Revelator, Nostradamus, the Seer of Waldviertel, Ursula Southiel, and others) called "fire from the sky." More on that later.

NEW PREDICTION: 1/24/05 -- Should seismic activity continue to create earthquakes on the high end of the Richter scale as with Sumatra in 2004 and possibly soon in Turkey, India-Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, and the US west coast, "The Great Tokyo Earthquake" and subequent submerging of Japan into the sea, as predicted by the American seer Edgar Cayce, will occur also in September 2007 or January 2009. What will begin as an 8.3 magnitude temblor will escalate into a series of super-shocks, destroying Japan utterly.

NEW PREDICTION: 6/11/05 - REVISED: 8/22/06 -- According to astronomers, once a decade on average, a remarkably bright comet can be expected to be seen. Occasionally a decade is skipped without any memorable sightings. In recent years the 1950s saw two comets that were quite bright, the 1960s and 1970s each witnessed one major sighting, the 1980s were celestially vacant of comets, and two very memorable comets were each seen a year apart in the 1990s.

Thus far, for the 2000s, despite a flurry of reported "naked eye" comets named LINEAR and NEAT, including two comets named Ikeya-Zhang and Machholz, none of them were exactly brilliant. Most of us never saw them, even though astronomy web sites provided locations for viewing and magnitudes of 3.0 or even 2.0.

We didn't see them because a comet needs to be at least a 0 or better, -1.0 or -3.0 for example, to be viewed in suburbann or city settings. Even if you drove 10 miles out of town (if "town" is an average-sized city), you probably wouldn't be able to see a 2.0 or 3.0 magnitude comet due to all the light pollution. But if a comet gets bright enough, like Comet Hale-Bopp did in 1997, then light pollution is less problematic, although a country setting will yield much more detail (you had to be out of the city to see Hale-Bopp's second tail, for example). The exception is a comet like Hyakutake, which could be easily seen at magnitude 3.0 or 2.0. However, that was because it was only 9 million miles from earth, the closest comet in history. Had Hyakutake been as far away as Hale-Bopp, about 90 million miles, we would never have seen it or its extremely long tail.

So, we are starting to run out of time for a major comet sighting in this decade. It could be there will be none. But chances are this will not be like the 1980s again. The odds are that it will be more like the 1950s or 1960s and we will see our great comet in 2006, 2007, 2008, or 2009.

As for a visitor being discovered that will prove to be a "great comet" anytime soon, there are none. However, according to my base 7 system, there is one logical point in time remaining for such a comet to arrive: October 2007.

A 2007 comet, if it comes, will be perfectly aligned with the 1965 appearance of Comet Ikeya-Seki forty-two (6 x 7) years earlier -- perhaps the most spectacular comet of the 20th Century.

Perhaps the comet will go Hale-Bopp one better and be a spectacle unrivalled for many generations. Perhaps it will even be another Lexell's Comet.

If my intuition is correct, it shall be a marvelous sight, not dreadful in aspect. Indeed, the world leaders who seek peace on the earth as it approaches will regard this star as beautiful, and as an omen of hope and not despair. But despair and destruction shall follow, I fear.

I do not believe this comet will be Planet X. However, I do believe that it will be a sort of precursor: an omen that Planet X is only a few years away from being seen and close enough to our inner solar system to cause apocalyptic earth changes beforehand. We read in The Kolbrin of another time that God sent a comet or star to be marvelled at before the true agent of great destruction was to follow:

NEW PREDICTION: 5/3/06 -- Two base 7 vectors exist for this catastrophe: June/July 2007 and March 2008. The ISS will somehow lose its navigational capability and enter into a slow, decaying orbit. It will appear as an awesome blue star for several nights before it crashes. Perhaps even before there is trouble, it will appear this way.

From the Prophecies of the Hopi Peoples (White Feather) --
And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth,
that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies
of the Hopi people will cease.
Who knows?


Athanasius said:

I am Athanasius, a new member here.
At first and foremost: I very happy about to find this forum, SOTT homepage, and all related pages: its been a clear luck for me - it seems now - because I hadnet received informations about SOTT before. My English is far from perfect, so please forgive my when you see faults in my posts.
One of my interest even from my childhood (my friends feels this strange) the meteor impacts in History, the possible results of that impacts, the constant danger of them for Humanity... about a decade ago I convinced about the so-called binary star system theory, I mean, I believe that there is really a brown dwarf (let say, Dark Sun) which times-to-times get closer to the inner solar system. First time I started to investigate the possibilities after read 1-2 Sitchin's books and after found the homepage of Andy Lloyd (I know, some of you are familiar with that homepage).
I especially fond of the articles of Laura: Laura, you seems to reach the same results on the end of your reasonings and after you received related informations from the C's. Even I think that there is relatively low the chance of own planets of the brown dwarf (Nibiru) but who knows - there seems some interesting information about this (I will add some words on this below) and also I myself feel pleased that I read in your articles about the comet or asteroid cloud(s) which are related to the moving of Nibiru but not on the same timing as the brown dwarf (naturally, I pleased not because of the effect but because I never before met this clear show, except in the Kolbrin Bible and in articles of Greg Jenner).

So, I would like to describe in this post of a Theory, a timing of Nibiru apearance and also a possible timing of the comet/asteroid cloud(s).

Lets remain in the 3600 years intervals (even I will keep this 3600 years-circles below, despite of that I read in one of the C's suggested post that the circle of the asteroids/comets probably different than the 3600 years period of Nibiru).

I split into three part the arrivals of the astronomical objects (all three kind of arrivals I counted here as 3600 years long cycles):

N means Nibiru: the brown dwarf which close to the solar system (roughly as close as the route of Pluto). Causes disturbulances of the elliptical orbits of the planets of our outer solar system, seems from Earth 15-16 months at average (included periods when even seems at daylight from Earth) with pointed reddish rays into four direction (origin of the Winged Disc simbol of various ancient cultures). Not causes earthquakes, major atmospherical problems in Earth, or not causes asteroid shower but probably causes changes in Sol cycle of astronomical-life period.

B means Bombardment by asteroids/comet shards. We could near say: a 1000 years pass and Satan will releashed from his chains... except that literate people write 1000 years (yes, it sounds more nice than my estimation of 957 years plus/minus a few years after Nibiru arrival).

P means Post-asteroid/comet shards bombardment... effectively, it seems a different course of asteroids/comets but also circling in the trail of Nibiru... or perhaps in a different cycle but as you will see the dates are (mostly) surprisingly match datas of meteor impacts and catastrophes of the historical/geological records. 520 years interval before Nibiru arrival to the outer limit of our known solar system also in every 3600 year.

Let start the timing and short explanation - I will go back to the past as you see:

2012 AD : strong possibility of B-type event - not brown dwarf arrival (not arrive of Nibiru) but arrival of deadly asteroids/comets, will cause danger to us of many years from the year of 2012. Maybe we will see the brothers/sisters of the asteroids what bombarded Egypt in Moses' time.

1054-1055 AD N event. So, Nibiru has been here. Please, read the analysis on _http://www.grahamhancock.com/forum/BourneWP1.php which analysis convinced me. Really, it worth the time of yours if you havnt know it before.

535-536 AD P event. Very detailed good book about this by David Keys (Catastrophe): he has written about the possibility of impact event but beleives a vulcan-originated chain of catastrophes. I think that the meteor/asteroid fall is a more logical explanation (perhaps the meteor which destroyed Antiochia in 526 AD - a few years before - had been a kind of messenger-asteroid of that greater and deadlier kind of.

1648 BC (and many years from that until about 1600 BC - based on this I think what I have written above that from 2012 there will be trubled times for us in our Earth): B kind of asteriods arrive. See Kolbrin Bible (note: Kolbrin explain meteorite showers - as in the Bible - and tsunami(s) but not wrote the Destroyer (brown dwarf in a period when closer to Earth in its closest route, so not as peacfull appearance as in 1054-1055).

2605 BC: N event: Nibiru has been here. Note (an interesting idea for somebody who are open to think on the possibility that Nibiru has habitable planet as many investigator believes): Sitchin has written before that before the arrival of Nibiru (in the many years when Nibiru approach our Earth) the Annunaki arrives to Earth because after Nibiru depart it need them to go home because after it would be difficult to run after the Planet which moving away (OK, Sitchin idea is a Planet not a brown dwarf, but from this explanation doesnt matter). So, I throw up an idea to chew: Annunaki could arrive about 400-370 years before the arrival of Nibiru (which means 120-150 years after the usual B type events which causes floods, meteorite impacts and general destruction of most of the civilisations on the surface of Earth). It would meant that between 3000 BC and 2605 BC (perhaps few years more if there are some yearsleft as buffer-years before finally need to depart to their homeword) need to be active... and voilá, this period showed interesting times: Old Kingdom Egypt (hard-to-explain by archeologists the sudden level of great level of knowlwdge what they attain after the predinastic period), Gilgamesh Sumer, legendary time of the Yellow Emperor in China (chinese legends says that beings from the sky had been here short before the time of the YE). Peak of so-called civilisating activities, building (or renovation?) of the Great Pyramids started. Time of creation the world-famous clay picture in Sumer : the four-pointed star in the sky watch by field workers.
Naturally, the logical question would be: Is it any sign of arrivals before the above mentioned 1055 N-event, means from 700-720 AD? I say yes. Probably you read about the many interesting tales about the visitors from the clouds in the 700s and early 800s of Western Europe (time of Peppin the Little and later Charlemagne) which seems to a present day reader as a kind of UFO-mania in medieval french for many decades. No serious buildding activities started.... there. But started the build of Angkor Wat in the East (you can read about this in the book of Graham Hancock, Mirror of Sky... yes, GH not believes in Alien-inflience, he tell us about many-thousand years building plan realisations).

3125 BC P-event. Start of Mayan calendar roughtly about that time(3114 BC). Presently found sumerian clay astrological table shows huge asteroid impact in 3123 BC. As I remember there are ancient datas from India about calendar count start about 300 BC. These are years of asteroid impacts (note: even it would be logical the difference of calendar starts of cultures if different parts of the world receive different years impact from the asteroid/comet cloud. (Secondary note: I appointed originally 3125 BC because of the 3600 years distance from 535 AD).

5308 BC B-event kind of bombardement (close to the approx. 5200 BC peak about you Laura mentioned in previous analisises).

6265 BC N-event (naturally only if we accept that Nibiru is here count back 3600 years intervals from 1055 AD)

6785 BC P type catastrophes. I havent at hand the book of Graham Hancock (The Underworld) but as I remember sometimes between this time and between 6265 BC there had been calendar start in Ancient India and legends about the Respected (9?) Sages who start to civilise the dekkan area.

8968 BC (or around that) theoretised time of B type bombardement. (Destruction of Atlantis?)

9925 BC Nibiru appearance (?)

10.445 BC P type catastrophic kind of event. (again: I counted back until this date from 535 AD by 3600 year-leaps) Note: 10.445 BC almost exactly hit the date of 10.450 BC mentioned many time by Graham Hancock (as I remember, Robert Bauval and others also) the date which shows by the Pyramids of Gizeh (orion belt theory, presently accepted by mainstream archeology). And note: Graham H. and others also reached the point that this date had been some kind of great catastrophe on the surface of Earth (and the ancients tried to point the date because of this).

12.628 BC B type bombardement. (end of Ice Age in North Europe?)

13.538 BC Nibiru showned its Glory(?)

And so on...

A summary again, only by years:

B type : 2012 AD - from 1648 BC - 5308 BC - 8968 BC - 12.628 BC - ....

P type 535 AD - 3125 BC - 6785 BC - 10.445 BC - ... (note: P type - generally - seems deadlier for us from evidences than B type events)

/ If we take into consideration the periodical show of Nibiru : 1055 AD - 2605 BC - 6265 BC - 9925 BC - 13.585 BC, with additional Alien(Annunaki?Ancient Astronauts/Sailors?) appearances above... hey, the sky-sailor appearences between 730-830 AD in French are really freak kind of events... and even if we dont see Angkor Wat, whats about the start of the diver-like appearance Kappa's myth of IX. century Japan? /

I dont fight for this timing till the knife-edge (as the hungarians says) but if you pair this timing above with the facts and events about that you have written many articles in SOTT pages and other places then a very interesting lije of coincidences and paralellities emerge.

The explanations above could be more detailed (and I try to add more - if I can - when you feel the urge to ask specificatios) but I think its good enough to start thinking about it. More importanly: perhaps you have many datas in hand regarding the suggested years (or let say the approx. suggested years) above, so it wouldnot be useless to give more informations added into this list... even if the added informations would prove that the timing of mine is basically illogical - or perhaps part of it maybe illogical but that wouldnt mean automatically the other parts are also incomplete - that would be usefull because for me the really important goal is to know Truth & not to earn proofs for 'my timing' egoistically.

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