Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Just receive this from a friend,

On dit qu'une image vaut 1000 mots... SVP prenez 2 secondes pour regarder cette animation informatisée du pattern de dispersion de la radioactivité de Fukushima dans l'atmosphère de l'hémisphère nord mis en ligne par l'Institut norvégien de recherche atmosphérique (Norwegian Institute for Air Research)...

From the Norvegian Institute for Air Research, here is an animated graph of the dispersion of radioactivity from Fukushima in the Northern hemisphere. As you will see, North America is being hit quite hard from West to East and contamination is spreading all over. You can play with the graph, with the different contaminant and choose the continent etc...

The other day, I found this video.

I am going to translate some of it and share with you here.
(It's odd in grammar but I did my best. I focused more on context.)

In this video,Uesugi Takashi is talking about the experiences and information that's received through press conference at TEPCO as a freelance journalist. Some of his experiences are also written in here.

In the beginning he says,
"It is unfortunate that since March 11th, foreign media and freelancers were suppressed from attending at the Official Residence and official press conferences for a quite long time. As a result, right information was not released because the government itself was stopping from providing the access of information to foreign media and freelancers. Therefore, some negative interpretations were triggered in news and released from foreign media."

"TEPCO's press conferences are going on for 24 hours. It starts from 11am, 1pm, 3pm....from 1am..sometimes it starts from 3:20am. On top of that, they announce a start of conference a minute before it starts so nobody is going out and staying inside of the building, waiting for it to start all day long."

"The Japanese media stayed remarkably calm at the conference. They are very much concerned about their sponsor/TEPCO so they don't ask a single question to them, as a result, they are preventing from information to come out."

"For instance, nobody asked a question about plutonium until I did so. I thought it was strange that there was nothing written about plutonium when the data about reactor 3 was given out at the TEPCO press conference on the 27th, so I asked them if it was true that no plutonium had been detected in reactor 3, and for how long it had not been detected. TEPCO answered: "Plutonium hasn’t been detected." To confirm what they were saying I asked if perhaps it wasn’t that none had been detected, but that they hadn’t actually taken any measurements. They were alarmed, and it turned out that it wasn’t even that they hadn’t taken any measurements, but that they didn’t have the instruments to do so in the first place..."

"Another is the question of where exactly has the TEPCO company president gone? Until I asked this question, nobody asked what Mr. Shimizu was doing for three weeks. In short, they did their best not to hurt their sponsor so there wasn't a word of "criticism" to TEPCO. It was a taboo to ask such question ."

"After March 11th earthquake, TEPCO's Chairman Mr. Katsumata and Mainstream media's OB including publishers were travelling to China, It was arranged by TEPCO and each person received 50,000yen (about $500) a week, all the expenses were provided by TEPCO including airplane tickets. They had been doing this for every year. Also, in everyweek, TEPCO was in charge of serving meals, entertaining golf, and .....arranging travels "

"Despite the fact that they’ve caused such a scandal, TEPCO are still putting money on commercial(:saying sorry) that costs some hundred million yen. As a matter of course, it is only fair to support people who suffers from a disaster first but they spent money on the advertisement. Moreover, Fukushima's four TV stations and 2 radio stations refused to run the commercial in anger and told TEPCO to do something about the nuclear plants before apology . So, the commercial is on relentlessly on TV yet people in Fukushima has not received any apology."

Then he says,
"The after earthquake, Japan was looked as poor miserable country. All other country were going to support us...until the end of March. However, after the April 4th, it was a complete change that Japan was no longer looked as a victim from foreign countries but a country that spreads radiations and inflicts damages on the precious oceans of the world. Therefore, Japan became so called 'A terrorist nation to inflict crime against the ocean'. ...I am not exaggerating. It is the first case in human history to spill the high concentrated radiation water which is 100~10000 times higher than normal into the ocean on purpose."

"Ever since the [nuclear] trouble started, I’ve been saying again and again via the different media and radio programs that I appear on that TEPCO are concealing things about the accident, that they’re lying, and that the government is being fooled. I’ve been saying that TEPCO is a client of the media and the press clubs, being one of their biggest advertisers – so the press won’t be able to say certain things, and will be holding back, won’t they? But then, at the end of one of the programs, the producer came to me and asked me to stop doing the show at the end of the month, and I was dropped. When I criticized TEPCO on a different program, they also wanted to get rid of me. "

"So, they get rid of all people who say different things from the Japanese government and the press clubs. Even if I am participating in all this, I feel like I am in a movie sometimes...It gives a weird sensation but it's what is happening in Japan. The mainstream media don't criticize and keep releasing lies without hesitation - Japanese people don't know about this - They are telling you "It's safe. Radiation is safe because Japanese people eat a lot of seaweed so we are immune to iodine... You can eat plutonium. You don't get an immediate health problems!" "

"The exact same thing had done by newspaper before the World War in 70 years ago. People were losing the fight and the government, troops, and news reporters; everyone knew Japan was losing entirely. But they kept saying "We have a chance", "Now is the time to start fighting" Even if people lost a fight they said "We won! We won!" Finally, as you know we lost lives of 2400000 people. After 70 years, we are still doing the same thing.

"Also, Norway, France and Germany were releasing the information about the amount of radiation in different areas-number of monitoring post-simulation for a month. But Japanese TV and newspaper were saying 'They have no basis to go on.' I just found out this today. From March 11th, Japan's Meteorological Agency was sending in this information to IAEA. Meteorological Agency didn't show the information in the country but they have sent it to IAEA. The Japanese goverment probably has the same information as well. The goverment were hiding it and kept telling "It's safe. What's the foreign media saying are lies". So they were denying that the information that they were holding as wrong."

When there was an accident of Chernobyl, the village that was affected the worst was about 280km away from the reactor 4. Radiation was carried by wind like this (he makes a hand movement), hit mountains and received rains, that high amount of radiation accumulated in the place so the village was destroyed. So it doesn't matter the distance for radiation particles carried by winds. People around the world has recognition of the past experience so that they are giving excessive responses about the situation in Fukushima.

"Even if we underestimate (to get good control of Fukushima nuclear plants), it is going to take approximately 30-50years. Like right now, while the nation is going through under the destruction, it is extremely dangerous that the government (and people) have no awareness of the situation."

TEPCO's press conference is like this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAyR6OFN1HU&feature=related As you can see, everyone from the press club sit there in quiet. Only freelancers are asking questions. (In this video freelancer (and also a lawyer: Hizumi Kazuo) asking TEPCO who was responsible for spilling the radiation water into the ocean.)

Up until now, I was wondering and having no idea why we had to do the Rolling Blackout in the last month. We could live life normally without energy from the nuclear power (it is only 30% of total energy produce) and Japan can produce enough electricity from thermal power and water power for enough use . So Why were we doing it? I finally found the answer from him below.

Rolling Blackouts is absolute propaganda...In three weeks ago, someone called me and told that there was going to be rolling blackouts in 12 hours. So I said, "I cannot believe it! The situation is going to be lot serious if we do it. In the time like this, we better keep lights in order to support people in evacuation and restore the disaster areas" But he said, "No, we are going to do it for sure." Then the next day, they did it. At the same time, there was a hydrogen explosion at the reactor 3. I was surprised at Japanese TV and newspapers. While there was a big news about the explosion all over the world as a top news, Japan's media said "Rolling Blackouts starts tomorrow!-places are Setagaya, Tama-shi etc. etc. ... " They were saying this on and on. Then the news were disappeared.

The next day, I recieved another call. The person said "Tomorrow, Fukushima is going to be lot worse! And there is going to be a massive blackouts in Tokyo!."And I was like, "What??" He said, "We are going to fool Kaieda (Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry) and announce it before the evening." And I said, "It's not acceptable to produce such rumor by the goverment and TEPCO, is it? People are going to panic."
The next day, they did it as they said. And the surprise thing is that they made train companies to run trains in a thinned-out schedule in rush hour. So TEPCO threaten to show how much they are important that people need them. Meanwhile, there was another blast from the reactor 3. Whole world were reporting about the explosion except Japan; headline -"Japanese government issues massive blackout warning for Tokyo- state of great disorder'. The Japanese media was continuously reporting about blackouts.

What?! :curse:

I don't know who Uesugi has talked to. But if the above information is right, it is very bad.
The last months' blackout was really dangerous. Trains stopped, traffic lights went off and some people died from it.
That week, it was like the backouts were the only thing that's mattered in Tokyo. I didn't know anything about the Fukusima...(of course I wasn't paying enough attention.) But we all were in a state of shock (from earthquakes) and worry (about how to get to work the next day).

Windmill knight said:
For the record, Aya, I think you are doing the right thing by getting away from Japan. Hopefully you will find a realistic way to do so soon.

Thank you, Windmill knight . It's going to take a little while but I will find a way.

...don't want to be fooled by these people anymore.
This one also sheds light on the severity of the situation:

Thanks for that Aya. TEPCO is sounding more and more like BP!

"So, they get rid of all people who say different things from the Japanese government and the press clubs. Even if I am participating in all this, I feel like I am in a movie sometimes...It gives a weird sensation but it's what is happening in Japan. The mainstream media don't criticize and keep releasing lies without hesitation - Japanese people don't know about this - They are telling you "It's safe. Radiation is safe because Japanese people eat a lot of seaweed so we are immune to iodine... You can eat plutonium. You don't get an immediate health problems!" "

Liars! :mad:
Thank you Aya for the information, I was watching today news in the morning, they said that kids in the schools in Fukushima prefecture are eating only milk and bread. :cry: for school lunch. Worst thing what they could eat. :(
Uploaded by dutchsinse on Apr 26, 2011

This measurement was made on April 25th, 2011 at approx. 3pm EST. It indicates "normal" or "acceptable" radiation levels.

First background measurement, taken over the course of 10 minutes was 41.0 CPM. Second Background measurement over the course of 10 minutes was 41.4 CPM.

The third OFFICIAL CPM, after measuring background, came to 41.2 CPM.

Total 10 minute count = 412 = 41.2 CPM

Location: Black Mountain, North Carolina

Coordinates : 35 37 14 N , 82 18 47 W

Elevation : 2372 feet

Measurement taken: 3 ten mintue long CPM measurements using using the "inspector alert" nuclear radiation monitor (geiger counter)

from the inspector alert geiger counter manual:

"CPM (or CPS) and total counts are the most direct methods of measurement; mR/hr (or uSv/hr) is calculated using a conversion factor optimized for Cesium-137, so this mode is less accurate for other radionuclides, unless you have calibrated the "geiger counter" for a specific radionuclide using an appropriate source. It is more appropriate to measure alpha and beta activity using CPM than using mR/hr. Conversion for alpha and beta emitters is calcuated differently, and the "geiger counters" reading in mR/hr may not be accurate."
Science & Technology

4/26/2011 -- Radiation Test -- Black Mountain, North Carolina -- 41.2 CPM

Fairewinds Calls for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Delay Licensing Until Fukushima Lessons Are Evaluated 4-25-11

How did the General Electric (GE) Mark 1 BWR reactors creating such a world-wide tragedy?

Gundersen Postulates Unit 3 Explosion May Have Been Prompt Criticality in Fuel Pool 4-26-11
From here is a "day to day" info -to the extent info is available, which is not- about Fukushima:


Moreover here is a Japanese blog telling disturbing things about radiation that is being spread

On a recent long haul flight, I noted this SIGMET for the RJJJ(Fukuoka) FIR(Flight Information Region)

RJJJ SIGMET A04 VALID 300330/300730 RJTD-
N3714 E14116 - N3725 E14122 - N3737 E14116 - N3742 E14102 - N3737
E14047 - N3725 E14041 - N3714 E14047 STNR INTST UNKNOWN=
In layman terms, this is a report of radio active (RDOACT) clouds (CLD) present within the given co-ordinates with strength(STNR) and intensity(INTST) unknown. Anyone knows of an online map where I can plot those co-ordinates and save it as an image?
Fairewinds Associates:UPDATE: May 2nd, 2011

Where is all that Fukushima radiation going, and why does it matter? Fairewinds' founder Maggie Gundersen interviews environmental scientist and professional engineer Marco Kaltofen about his ongoing analysis of radioactive fallout from Fukushima.

Where is all that Fukushima radiation going, and why does it matter?

Radiation Chart below:


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Current up date from FAIREWINDSASSOCIATES: May 6th, 2011

Fukushima Groundwater Contamination Worst in Nuclear History
12. May 2011. Full meltdown at reactor No 1. TEPCO finally admitted. Last week they placed ventilators in the reactor building to partly clear the air there from radioactive particles (which .. err.. ventilated highly radioactive gas into the environment.. cough..) so experts could enter the building to place measurement devices and: they could establish the fact: it turned out the water level is 5 meters lower than is necessary and this means that the 4 meter long fuel rods inside the reactor were not covered and therefore they fully melted down. Probably they are talking about the fuel pool? If yes, there must be much more fuel rods there than in the core itself.. uh-oh

From last month: "The company thinks the pool’s water level was about 5 meters lower than normal, but 2 meters above the fuel rods."

5:03am Apr 19, 2011
Japan chief gov't spokesman says no chance of total meltdown at Fukushima-1 if cooling efforts continue.
Update Fukushima: FAIRWINDSASSOCIATES May-13-2011

Fukushima - One Step Forward and Four Steps Back as Each Unit Challenged by New Problems

Gundersen says Fukushima's gaseous and liquid releases continue unabated. With a meltdown at Unit 1, Unit 4 leaning and facing possible collapse, several units contaminating ground water, and area school children outside the exclusion zone receiving adult occupational radiation doses, the situation continues to worsen. TEPCO needs a cohesive plan and international support to protect against world-wide contamination.


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