Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Up dates, and information to the continued fall out from Fukushima Daiichi, Japan Melt Down.

Newly Released TEPCO Data Proves Fairewinds Assertions of Significant Fuel Pool Failures at Fukushima Daiichi 8-26-11

Rense & Michael Collins - Fukushima Raiation in our Food. 9-4-11

Michael Collins Real Time Radiation Readings, & Web Site

Live Radiation Monitoring from West LA

Related information links concerning Radiation Fall Out

Weather Model - Global Jet Stream Wind and 250 mb Pressure

****Click here for up-to-date information on the Fukushima Reactor.

Tokyo "Live" Geiger Counter...

Radiation Network (Live USA Radiation Readings)

Live streaming geiger counter in Los Angeles, California.

Online Ionizing Radiation Detectors (2nd Source of USA Radiation Readings)

EPA Radiation Monitoring

Japan "Real Time" Nuclear Radiation Map
Fukushima news update:

Related Information, and Other Concerns

Fairewinds Associates:September 19, 2011
Fairewinds Introduces a Japanese Language Edition and Identifies Safety Problems in all Reactors Designed Like Fukushima

Dr. Helen Caldicott Interviews Arnie Gundersen on Rising Radiation Levels in Japan and Government Denial: Audio September 2, 2011

Global Research TV Sep 17, 2011
Our Nuclear World: Nuclear Accidents Around the Globe

PublicEdCenter on Sep 1, 2011
The Bomb Plant Promo

Dial "M" for Meltdown - by Brian Rich August 12, 2011

Nuclear Industry Cover Up of Massive Radiation from Fukushima: GlobalResearchTV on Sep 22, 2011

Will Tokyo Be Evacuated Due to Fukushima Radiation?

Yesterday, Al Jazeera pointed out:

Experts estimate the radiation leaked from Fukushima nuclear plant will exceed that of Chernobyl. [...]

Indeed, as Japan Times reports today, the Japanese government started discussing the potential need to evacuate Japan soon after the quake hit:

In the days immediately after the crisis began at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the government received a report saying 30 million residents in the Tokyo metropolitan area would have to be evacuated in a worst-case scenario, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan revealed in a recent interview.


“It was a crucial moment when I wasn’t sure whether Japan could continue to function as a state,” he said.

After the March 11 earthquake and tsunami crippled the plant, Kan instructed several entities to simulate a worst-case scenario. One of those assessments said everyone residing within 200 to 250 km of the plant — an zone that would encompass half to all of Tokyo and cut clear across Honshu to the Sea of Japan — would have to be evacuated.

Things Are Getting Worse – Not Better – In Japan
Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets: by GlobalResearchTV on Oct 5, 2011

Live Ustream Radiation Detectors :Collection of locations of various independent radiation detectors along with the Fukushima I and II Nuclear Power Plants

GE Nuclear Plant Inspector/Whistleblower Kei Sugaoko Speaks About Fukushima, GE & Obama: This interview was done on May 5, 2011.

General Electric nuclear plant inspector Kei Sugaoka was one of the inspectors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2000. He noticed a crack in the steam dryer which he videotaped. He was later ordered by Tokyo Electric Power Company TEPCO to edit this part of the tape which is illegal in the United States. He went public and some TEPCO managers were fired. He thought that things would change but they have not. Additionally, as a result of being a whistleblower he was also laid off by General Electric and has been struggling to get the truth out about these dangerous plants. Sugaoka has inspected plants throughout the world including in Taiwan and Europe.

Other dots that Connect too the Corruption





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Thanks c.a. for the news, as expected it going to be much worst. Here in Japan nothing in the news about Fukushima at all. Maybe only at night when everybody is sleeping. Thats so sad.
Earthquakes in Japan within the last week

Issued at Occurred at Region Name Magnitude
14:27 JST 09 Nov 2011 14:24 JST 09 Nov 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.0
12:03 JST 08 Nov 2011 11:59 JST 08 Nov 2011 Okinawa-honto Hokusei-oki M6.8
03:33 JST 08 Nov 2011 03:30 JST 08 Nov 2011 Fukushima-ken Nakadori M3.8
23:44 JST 07 Nov 2011 23:42 JST 07 Nov 2011 Tochigi-ken Hokubu M4.5
00:48 JST 05 Nov 2011 00:45 JST 05 Nov 2011 Ibaraki-ken Hokubu M4.2
12:02 JST 04 Nov 2011 11:59 JST 04 Nov 2011 Ibaraki-ken Oki M4.8
19:37 JST 03 Nov 2011 19:34 JST 03 Nov 2011 Ibaraki-ken Nambu M4.9

The Okinawa Earthquake was reported on Sott:

Here is recent Fukushima nuclear insights from Fairwinds.

From Oct. 31st. Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles

"To summarize the paper, citizens, some doctors and scientists, some bloggers, some farmers, around the world provided samples to Mr. Kaltofen who analyzed them for Fukushima radiation. An example of what he found is a slide that contains air filters from cars in Japan and in the United States. Cars in the United States hardly have any radiation in their air filters. Cars in Tokyo had quite a lot, way too much. Cars in Fukushima Prefecture were incredibly radioactive. "

From Nov. 10th. Fukushima and Its Impact Upon the Westinghouse-Toshiba Designed AP1000 Atomic Power Plant
Update: People in Japan are very angry. :curse: :curse: :curse:
Unfortunately, we do not hear much news about Japan/Fukushima on the mainstream news anymore. However, the Fukushims disaster is nowhere near ending but actually(or obviously) it is getting worse.
I thought that aftershocks have already stopped in Tokyo as I don't see the news about it anymore, but in fact, there are still aftershocks and people are constantly stressed by it. A good news is that now people are starting to wake up the fact that Japanese goverment, TEPCO, and the media have been lying and more people are starting to take actions. Up until now, I didn't know the fact that Japan's media is very controlled and to paraphrase the free journalist Mr Uesugi, "It is worse than China and similar to Egypt or Libya." One of the outrageous event happened recently was 60000 people demonstrations in Tokyo and it was never on the mainstream news. There is "Occupy Movement" going on as well in Tokyo but people are not receiving much information unless they read the alternative websites. Here are some events happened in past three months in Tokyo.

I haven't got around to translate all the articles but I am going to post them here.

September 2nd: Mr.Yoshihiko Noda becomes a new prime minister of Japan. http://the-news.jp/archives/6720

Spetember 10th: The night before 9.11. Shinjyuku Aruta is enclosed due to "plants maintenance". http://the-news.jp/archives/6765

September 11th: "Chains by people" People holds hands and enclosed around the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. And 4 people started on hunger strike. http://the-news.jp/archives/6775
Article 9 Association built tents around the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.

September 19th: 40000 people attended "Get-rid-of-nuclear-power meeting" in Meiji Park in Tokyo. "We cannot help it so we came"http://the-news.jp/archives/6912
60000 people demonstrations

Spetember 21st: 4 people finished hunger strikes. http://the-news.jp/archives/6957

Spetember 25th: In New York, Fukushima mothers sat and shouted. "UN has to stop nuclear power" http://the-news.jp/archives/7008

Septemeber 29th: "Occupy the Ministry of Economy" 720 people had attended and it became a mecca of anti-nuclear movement. http://the-news.jp/archives/7056
One man from Hokkaido bravely instituted a lawsuit against TEPCO to stop nuclear power. http://the-news.jp/archives/7076

September 30th: The goverment(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) announced that detection of plutonium in Iitate (45km away from Daiichi plant). http://the-news.jp/archives/7123

October 10th: The goverment released the information about airplane monitoring. http://the-news.jp/archives/7198

Ocotber 15th: Occupy Tokyo. 『We are the 99%』 http://the-news.jp/archives/7381

Ocotber 22nd: Demonstrations in Tokyo. "Nightmare for Police officers" http://the-news.jp/archives/7545

October 27th: Angry 500 women around Japan "Occupy The Ministry of Economy" -10days http://the-news.jp/archives/7643

October 29th: Angry Fukushima mothers took demonstrations "TEPCO must apologize for radiating children!!" http://the-news.jp/archives/7677

Novermber 12th: "Occupy the Ministry of Economy" 40 police officers showed up by tents, started to put up some signs "No entry" http://the-news.jp/archives/7970
Police offiers persuaded people to leave the place and end up throwing some rocks to them.
Police "I am going to come to you until you are going to clean up your tent. The man replies "I am going to be here until they clean up nuclear power!" http://the-news.jp/archives/7977
60,000 People Demonstrations in Tokyo. (Sep. 19th 2011)







Hmm, this is indeed very strange. There were really no news about demonstrations in Japan and if, they aren't covered on big news sites. So thanks for sharing Aya.
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