Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory

Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

I totally agree with Daco. I also noticed that Jesse stated that Al Gore was/is his friend. The show was exactly what is was-- a show,
with a lot of bad acting. But I did notice something VERY, VERY interesting, and I don't have the knowledge or the software to magnify this
image. For those interested; part two, where Jesse is supposedly in Alaska standing beside a wire fence, at the 5.06 min/sec look behind
Jesse. What in the World Kinda of Plane (?) is that attempting to land or flying so close to the ground?? All I can see is that it is black
and weird. I asked my son to freeze it and do a close up on it, but he has been so busy with college and work, that it has not been done.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

I watched one live recorded Q&A episode in the show's Livestream channel, and it gave me that rather traditional conspiracy theory discussion forum feeling. But then I watched the 9/11 episode and it was in a word TERRIBLE!

It's scripted badly, acted worse and uses some classic tricks to make conspiracy theorists look stupid and cardboard cutouts, what more there is to say? Definite disinfo. Too bad, Ventura in some interviews gave me an impression of an honest individual.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

In the spirit of open inquiry, I recently agreed with a friend who knows I am interested in some of the subject matter, to watch 3 of these shows. My conclusion is much the same expressed earlier in this thread, that Ventura is, either knowingly or unknowingly, being used to vector public opinion about the topics discussed onto the sidelines. There, they can safely be discredited since they were presented as 'truth' by that crackpot Jesse Ventura. The shows are produced in a very melodramatic way, and set Jesse up as the White Knight fighting for truth and justice against the Evil Empire, complete with a musical score more appropriate for a cartoon series.
But it is even worse than that, since on two of the shows, Alex Jones appears as one of Jesse's secret sources. They meet in a 'secret warehouse' somewhere, and Alex gives Jesse the scoop. How many TV viewers will get swept up into Alex Jones' website & worldview as a result? To put the final nail in the coffin containing any last shred of the show's credibility, on the most recent episode about Bilderbergers, David Icke was interviewed as an 'expert' source.
I am actually glad I spent the time watching, though it is exhausting work to keep all the threads disentangled while watching TV. This show is a classic of disinformation. There is, at least in my opinion, a high degree of truth to the hypotheses each show is based upon. But by the time the shows producers have finished their hour with you, you'd need to go get deprogrammed and detoxed to be able to discern its twisted path through what was presented unless you were pretty well-informed beforehand. A real waste of time for anyone seeking the truth, IMHO.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

thevenusian said:
In the spirit of open inquiry, I recently agreed with a friend who knows I am interested in some of the subject matter, to watch 3 of these shows. My conclusion is much the same expressed earlier in this thread, that Ventura is, either knowingly or unknowingly, being used to vector public opinion about the topics discussed onto the sidelines. There, they can safely be discredited since they were presented as 'truth' by that crackpot Jesse Ventura. The shows are produced in a very melodramatic way, and set Jesse up as the White Knight fighting for truth and justice against the Evil Empire, complete with a musical score more appropriate for a cartoon series.
But it is even worse than that, since on two of the shows, Alex Jones appears as one of Jesse's secret sources. They meet in a 'secret warehouse' somewhere, and Alex gives Jesse the scoop. How many TV viewers will get swept up into Alex Jones' website & worldview as a result? To put the final nail in the coffin containing any last shred of the show's credibility, on the most recent episode about Bilderbergers, David Icke was interviewed as an 'expert' source.
I am actually glad I spent the time watching, though it is exhausting work to keep all the threads disentangled while watching TV. This show is a classic of disinformation. There is, at least in my opinion, a high degree of truth to the hypotheses each show is based upon. But by the time the shows producers have finished their hour with you, you'd need to go get deprogrammed and detoxed to be able to discern its twisted path through what was presented unless you were pretty well-informed beforehand. A real waste of time for anyone seeking the truth, IMHO.

I've recently watched an episode as well. The whole thing would be amusing in how it is produced, so dramatic, presented as authoritarian and ignoring many of the details they touch peripherally, if it were not for realizing that this is all part of the further efforts at control and twisting perception.

I agree that the show appears to be obvious disinfo and makes attempts for vectoring sane, critical thinking.

The whole thing is just so obviously, well, produced, and for a purpose. Providing answers, real truth not semi-truth, is not the purpose.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Ventura's an interesting guy. He is not considered 100% nutty by the mainstream, he was governor of a major state, and comes off very reasonable and comfortable on TV. His exchange with Sean Hannity on Fox about 911 and in particular the melting point of steel was a classic.

That being said, of course he is part of the Secret Team in one way or another. To me the interesting question is, if so, what faction? Ventura was a Navy Seal, so probably represents the Naval Intelligence faction (ONI). Which seems to take a different angle than either the CIA or Mossad.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

There was a similar show on the History Channel that talked about HAARP, a good 6 or more months prior to Jesse Ventura's show. The name of the series was That's Impossible
and the specific episode was Weather Warfare. Ive done numerous searches on the History Channel site and can find no concrete proof of the show any longer, even though it is saved on my tv as a favorite episode that I had recorded :(
they do have a DVD for sale of the episode however....
here's the youtube video address for the first part of the show:

I think the History Channel has somewhat more cred than Jesse Ventura, however, I wouldnt discount him either, since he is portraying himself as an outsider trying to poke holes in the govt coverups.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

[I'm new here. Hi everyone :D . I'll be posting an introduction very soon]

I managed to see a couple episodes of Ventura's show. One dealing with 2012 and the other with MKULTRA/mind control. The 2012 episode had its share of doom and gloom and I remember it focusing on the increased solar activity angle and a lot about underground bunkers and connections with the bizarre imagery at the Denver airport. Drawing attention to the Denver stuff alone seems like it's worth something.

The mind control episode went through a good amount of the CIA history, etc. and climaxed with him meeting a purported ex-programmed assassin in a parking garage. The guy claimed some sort of medical procedure had de-activated/made him aware of his implants. There was quite a moment during the exchange where Ventura asks the guy if they don't need Navy Seals any more to take care of tough problems or something, making a winking gesture while saying this. The guy's response: "I wouldn't be surprised if some of us were also some of you."

The 2012 episode was supposedly the season finale in mid-January. I've been checking back on this "truTV" channel and haven't seen any reruns scheduled since.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

meta-agnostic said:
[I'm new here. Hi everyone :D . I'll be posting an introduction very soon]

Hi meta-agnostic,

Welcome to our forum and it is really appreciated. ;D :thup:
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Here is another Jesse, via Laura and Scotty. What do you think of this one?

He works better when not scripted.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Ventura has been cast as a side show freak in the US by the MSM and his actions have played right into it.

Usual damage by association - so they might just let him talk about whatever he wants since if he talks about it, no one will take it seriously.

I agree except for the part that "no one will take him seriously" Believe it or not, many average, undereducated, working class Americans do see people like Jesse V. as authority figures, and while educated people in power and of some authority will denigrate him and any message, he is associated with, the proletariat masses, aka the majority of Americans, who often see no problem in accepting claims made on TV by people like Ventura (who they have faith in for what ever reason) as speaking truth to power--it is ironic really that despite his almost certainly being used either consciously or unconsciously by some level of the PTB, he may actually raise some consciousnesses.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

shellycheval said:
I agree except for the part that "no one will take him seriously" Believe it or not, many average, undereducated, working class Americans do see people like Jesse V. as authority figures, and while educated people in power and of some authority will denigrate him and any message, he is associated with, the proletariat masses, aka the majority of Americans, who often see no problem in accepting claims made on TV by people like Ventura (who they have faith in for what ever reason) as speaking truth to power--it is ironic really that despite his almost certainly being used either consciously or unconsciously by some level of the PTB, he may actually raise some consciousnesses.

Oh dear. I just went down this road with Alex Jones and before that, Freeman. Others traveled the same path with David Icke. Let's not do the same with Jesse Ventura. I got some really good insights from NormaRegula and Anart regarding this same kind of thinking. Take a look at the thread starting at reply #483 and see what you think. Cheers!
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Just to go off topic a bit, does anybody remember seeing a show that I think was on the Discovery Channel in 2003 that was hosted by Dean Stockwell of Quantum Leap? I don't remember the name, and I only really saw one show and the beginning of another. It seemed to disappear from existence. It had very controversial topics - the first show I watched involved Nibiru and also the Sumerians. It was actually one of the last TV shows viewed at my home with both my parents. We were amazed by the information and it really gave us food for thought. The next show I started to watch apparently was about HAARP. What was being said about this technology was so frightening to me (beaming stuff into the ionosphere with no real idea what would happen) that I couldn't stand to watch it and turned it off. I suspected that episode brought about the hasty demise of the show as I never saw the program on TV again.
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Yes Jeep thay are on Google Video watched them a month or so ago...
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

Thanks Chopper - I bet they'll seem a lot different to me 7 years after the fact. Could you supply the actual name of the show? TY
Re: Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - Ep 1 HAARP

JEEP said:
Thanks Chopper - I bet they'll seem a lot different to me 7 years after the fact. Could you supply the actual name of the show? TY

Jeep, it was called Phenomenon. I have a 6-DVD set (13 episodes) called "Phenomenon: The Lost Archives" which my son gave me a few years ago. The copyright date is 1999, and they're available on ebay, if you're interested.

Despite a "Planet X" show focusing on Z. Sitchin, the balance was more toward good info overall IMHO, and I found the series more revelatory and definitely several notches in quality above Ventura's shows, of which I've only watched a couple. Probably explains the short run of the series.

I found the Tunguska show a fairly balanced exposition, and the HAARP show actually talked about HAARP's potential "ability to alter the electrical impulses of the human brain."

Ventura's 2012 episode was most notable in its reliance on ol' buddy Jay Weidner as the "expert" interpreter of the murals in the Denver Airport. Weidner peddled his usual fear and mass CME end of the world scenario.
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