Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

This one is pretty good - it's a conversation between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Sir Roger Scruton. Very interesting!

"Apprehending the Transcendent"

Yes, most interesting, what a good talk (including moderation by Stephen Blackwood) - just excellent. From the usual social subject to music, literature, art - to mosh-pits :)

On education, more or less, Scruton/Peterson - University education subsidized by governments - the negativity is subsidized, take away of subsidization, take the money away - deprive education of money and it will be back with us. Education will be back purely on its own merits…

Where to go; images of amazing architectural structures (JP) and the beginning of their work and then those inheriting their work. Is this not so indeed on so many levels, and we see what has become of the work, its failures and its opposite, and what is possible.

Thank you, fabric.
Venturing a little off topic, I recently finished "The Road to Wigan Pier" by George Orwell, a book which Jordan Peterson highly recommends, and I can see why. The first half of the book is quite grim, as it outlines the appalling working conditions and tremendous poverty of the mining communities in northern England before the second world war.

In the second half of the book, Orwell goes in a more philosophical direction, railing against the rise of machine culture, and actually makes a rather compelling argument for socialism, or in this case, the basic tenets of justice and liberty, where people are free and no one should starve.

There are few segments in the second half of the book that were very funny and I found myself laughing out loud several times. In particular, the way Orwell describes the typical Socialist/Communist/Marxist of the time, and how similar his descriptions fit the SJW's of today.

Here are a few examples...

"As with the Christian religion, the worst advertisement for Socialism is its adherents."

"One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist, and feminist in England"

"Sometimes I look at a Socialist--the intellectual, tract- writing type of Socialist, with his pullover, his fuzzy hair, and his Marxian quotation--and wonder what the devil his motive really is."

"All that dreary tribe of high-minded' women and sandal-wearers and bearded fruit-juice drinkers who come nocking towards the smell of 'progress' like bluebottles to a dead cat."

"Sometimes when I listen to these people talking, and still more when I read their books, I get the impression that, to them, the whole Socialist movement is no more than a kind of exciting heresy-hunt — a leaping to and fro of frenzied witch-doctors to the beat of tom-toms and the tune of "Fee fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of a right-wing deviationist!"

"It would help enormously, for instance, if the smell of crankishness which still clings to the Socialist movement could be dispelled. If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller, and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly! But that, I am afraid, is not going to happen."

Anyway, I liked this book very much and would recommend reading it.
Peterson apparently believes the British deep state's narrative that Jeremy Corbyn is a dangerous anti-Semite:

In his tweet, he recommends that Britons not elect the opposition leader into office, while linking to a Quillette article that essentially repeats the MSM slurs about Corbyn being on a mission to gas the Jews.


Well, he’s obviously mistaken, which goes to show that not even him is immune to some ideological identification. The way I see it playing in his head is: Corbyn= labour/liberal, liberal = Democrat, Democrat = party that fuels the radical left in the US (and Canada) so.... Corbyn = radical leftist. So he’ll believe whatever claim is made about him because of what he’s decided him to be already without further inspection.

He’s missing the nuance and an analysis of his actions, he’d realize that Corbyn has more in common with Trump than the Tories do.

Same thing goes for some of these leaders in Latin America for instance, the leftist leaders are more of a nationalist, protectionist than the right wingers which are a lot more globalist neoliberal.

So, I think he’s missing a lot of information, although I expect a lot of replies to this tweet to make him think about what he just said, hopefully.
Peterson apparently believes the British deep state's narrative that Jeremy Corbyn is a dangerous anti-Semite:

In his tweet, he recommends that Britons not elect the opposition leader into office, while linking to a Quillette article that essentially repeats the MSM slurs about Corbyn being on a mission to gas the Jews.


This is why I don't go with the flow of devotion that affects so many of JP's followers. Almost all his politics is skewed by his friendships with raving Zionists who think the Palestinian people are a fiction, Dave Rubin being the prime example of this. It's strange, I follow his videos on youtube but quite often I find his views infuriating.
Well, he’s obviously mistaken, which goes to show that not even him is immune to some ideological identification. The way I see it playing in his head is: Corbyn= labour/liberal, liberal = Democrat, Democrat = party that fuels the radical left in the US (and Canada) so.... Corbyn = radical leftist. So he’ll believe whatever claim is made about him because of what he’s decided him to be already without further inspection.

He’s missing the nuance and an analysis of his actions, he’d realize that Corbyn has more in common with Trump than the Tories do.

Same thing goes for some of these leaders in Latin America for instance, the leftist leaders are more of a nationalist, protectionist than the right wingers which are a lot more globalist neoliberal.

So, I think he’s missing a lot of information, although I expect a lot of replies to this tweet to make him think about what he just said, hopefully.
This is why I don't go with the flow of devotion that affects so many of JP's followers. Almost all his politics is skewed by his friendships with raving Zionists who think the Palestinian people are a fiction, Dave Rubin being the prime example of this. It's strange, I follow his videos on youtube but quite often I find his views infuriating.

He should stick to what he is good at (psychology and helping people getting better and becoming good obivatals) and don't try to debate current political issues and the like since he clearly has missed the boat there royally a long while ago. This statement and a couple of others, in regards to the current state of politics around the world and the players at hand might be something he will regret at some time in the future. Also Peterson might find out sooner or later that some of the friends he hangs out with are not real friends.

If he would have taken the time to thoroughly study politics and the western part in it, like he did the climate issue for the UN (and came to sensible conclusions about it) for example, he might be surprised to find out that most of what he thinks there is rather questionable to say it mildly. Some sacred cows are hard to crack.
This is why I don't go with the flow of devotion that affects so many of JP's followers. Almost all his politics is skewed by his friendships with raving Zionists who think the Palestinian people are a fiction, Dave Rubin being the prime example of this. It's strange, I follow his videos on youtube but quite often I find his views infuriating.

Yeah, that triggers me as well :) Thing is, the positive aspects of JP's work BY FAR outweigh his grave errors on some of the political questions, so I'd still consider myself a fan. He should just keep silent on Twitter when it comes to matters he obviously has no deep understanding of, but then again, that's not his character, and perhaps he'll even learn something from the saner responses he gets to such tweets (btw, we all could help him with that as well!).

A propos being a fan: that conversation he had with Sir Roger Scruton (linked to above) is just awesome. Just when I thought I heard everything JP has to offer, he goes "boom!". That opening statement alone is just phenomenal. Jordan's ability to nail difficult philosophical questions using speech, making them come alive and matter, showcasing his deep understanding of Reality and Being is almost otherworldly.

BTW, I remember Scruton's work from university, I really enjoyed his introduction to Kant. He's definitely one of the greats. And the very fact that Jordan had this conversation with him shows that he's arrived at the very top - even in intellectual/academic circles. Go Jordan!
Best UFC fight ever? Jordan Peterson itching to take on Slavoj Zizek – ‘any time, any place’
Canadian academic and internet sensation Jordan Peterson has shot back at Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek’s recent criticisms of him. Apparently he wants to chat, heralding in a long-awaited debate between the two thinkers.

During an appearance at the Cambridge Union last month, Zizek savaged the Canadian’s “pseudo-scientific references” and purported inability to speak “about women and marriage without mentioning lobsters, apes or whatever.” Zizek’s comments elicited laughter from his audience, but apparently, Peterson doesn’t find his comments very funny.

“Any time, any place, Mr. Zizek,” Peterson tweeted on Monday, attaching a link to RT’s write-up of Zizek’s provocative remarks.
Just started watching this one and it’s quite cute, Jordan Peterson still manages to get very precise describing issues and concepts which is great, but the interviewers have a bit of a different focus than the rest of his interviews which makes it refreshing and funny and more relaxed.

Just started watching this one and it’s quite cute, Jordan Peterson still manages to get very precise describing issues and concepts which is great, but the interviewers have a bit of a different focus than the rest of his interviews which makes it refreshing and funny and more relaxed.

Yep, just watched it and it's a really good discussion between the 3 of them.
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