Jordan Peterson’s wife, Tammy, still in hospital after surgery complications

If I understand it correctly we should be careful with our prayers, especially if the people in question have not asked for it:
The Health & Wellness Show: The Power of Prayer --

That said, I keep Tammy in my thoughts, wonder how she is doing, express to myself that I am rooting for her and so on. Thinking of someone can also be a sort of prayer (see the show above). You could thank her for all her work in your mind or you could write her a note. They appreciate all the well-wishes tremendously.

I don't know, others may have more to say. :-)

Many thanks for that link Mariama ; I am finding it an interesting read and suspect that I shall find it very helpful . I already do what you suggest i.e. thinking about someone with intent. I suppose it is a form of informal prayer.

That's possible, but it's also possible (in fact it's more likely more fundamentally true) that these events are part of both her and his life lesson plan. JPB himself that he has learned a few very important things from the experience. So STS interference or not, it's all for the good, especially in the case of someone like JPB.

Indeed and the fact that JBP shares these personal learnings from his life lessons means that those who listen to what he has to say get some benefit from them as well. IIRC there was some discussion here recently about all members of a soul group getting the benefits from the strides made by each individual member. I would like to think that this is an example of that. In any case, I think that he is a powerful force for good in this world especially given how it is degenerating rapidly into delusion and entropy.
I really can't add anything to what's already been said, except I'm believing a complete recovery for Tammy and for Jordan to continue his life-changing work.
In this day and age the human race needs his message like never before.
That's possible, but it's also possible (in fact it's more likely more fundamentally true) that these events are part of both her and his life lesson plan. JPB himself that he has learned a few very important things from the experience. So STS interference or not, it's all for the good, especially in the case of someone like JPB.
Maybe a prayer to give them strength and courage to see this through, whatever the outcome.
Maybe a prayer to give them strength and courage to see this through, whatever the outcome.

I think that's perfect!

My "prayers" have been rather neutral in terms of details. IOW, one doesn't pray that "JnTP will be able to fend off the horrible STS attack on them", but instead it's more like lending your support, love, whatever... in such a way that whatever happens, it's all for the best. It's like "being there" for them even though you're not physically there.

I have to say that as far as I know, Tammy's initial surgery was kind of kept "hush-hush". And it appears that the surgery went well in terms of fixing the initial problem, but then it caused another problem.

It's funny, because that's exactly what Andromeda mentioned not long ago about why we do our Magic Mojo Protection Team whenever there is something going on here like someone needing surgery.

It's not that the Magic Mojo will miraculously cure the person, because that obviously involves life lesson plans and other far more personal details, thoughts, feelings, actions, inaction, and so on. Instead, it's like a bit of an extra boost to try to help ensure that "little accidents" don't happen during surgery - that kind of thing.

I thought that was a pretty good way of looking at it, and it's pretty much in line with how I think about it.

If a person gets negative attention due to their life's work or their relation to others who are doing good works, then we can be the positive attention to counteract that... except we can't interfere directly because then we wouldn't be "positive". And unlike the Bad Guys, we can never really know for sure whether or not what we did helped, because that would lead to trying to control things. Thus, any results we may achieve will always be nebulous, questionable, uncertain, and easily written off as "woo-woo". That's a good thing, because otherwise we all would have been offed years ago. ;-D

IMO, it's nowhere near a stretch to think that some "extra attention" may have been applied in an effort to try to suppress everything JP is doing. So, I don't see the harm in attempting to counteract that. Beyond that, it's up to them!

Anyway, I wondered if perhaps JP should have shared more about what was going on, and his NOT doing that may have contributed to the situation T & J are in now. Sure, that's just another lesson... But when great people do great things in the grander scheme of things, then they deserve great help.

And the only way I can think of to do that is to send as many thoughts, prayers, well wishes, positive vibes, anti-voodoo, or whatever else floats your boat.
....Anyway, I wondered if perhaps JP should have shared more about what was going on, and his NOT doing that may have contributed to the situation T & J are in now. Sure, that's just another lesson... But when great people do great things in the grander scheme of things, then they deserve great help.

Perhaps but I get the impression that he has been very reluctant to even talk about it at all. I suspect that he only did so initially as the emergency surgery meant that he would have to cancel some public engagements. I wonder if in time he will reflect that being more open would have been the way to go, as you suggest. In any case, your post has helped me get my thoughts together in how to send my concern and support via prayer so thank you for that :-) .
If I understand it correctly we should be careful with our prayers, especially if the people in question have not asked for it:
The Health & Wellness Show: The Power of Prayer --

That said, I keep Tammy in my thoughts, wonder how she is doing, express to myself that I am rooting for her and so on. Thinking of someone can also be a sort of prayer (see the show above). You could thank her for all her work in your mind or you could write her a note. They appreciate all the well-wishes tremendously.

I don't know, others may have more to say. :-)

Thank you Mariama! I just read the transciption (thank you to the person who transcribed) and would like to quote some points. I too, am joining to you all in this prayer (in the sens of thought, estimation and gratitude).

Erica: So we decided that it would probably be best to start with a clip from Jordan Peterson. He talks a little bit about prayer and it's a good starting off point. So we're going to play this clip and then we're gonna come back and discuss.

Jordan Peterson: The cynical attitude towards prayer is something like asking God for favours, and then of course the cynical analysis of that is, if you ask God for favours, he won't help you find your lost wallet, generally speaking. But if you take a bit of a more sophisticated approach to it, what you're doing if you pray is that you formulate a question and you wait for an answer. A prayer might be "Okay, I would like to do the best thing I could with my life." Now you have to open yourself up to that. That's to knock so the door will open. "I would like to do the best thing with my life. What might that be?"

Now you could say that you're thinking when you say that, or you could say that you're leaving yourself open for a revelation or an intuition, but you're communing with whatever it is that enables you to receive wisdom. You can attribute all of that to you, or you can attribute it to your brain I suppose. But you're really communing with the structure of the cosmos when you're asking such a question, especially if you do it properly. It's really useful to do that, and it's really necessary because it orients you properly.

So when prayer is considered in a sophisticated manner, which is "do I commune with the better part of myself to determine how I should orient myself in the world?" it's a catastrophic loss not to do that.

Tiffany: Like you said, that's the typical view of what prayer is. Most of the time you can't really separate prayer from religion. That's automatically what I think of when I think of people praying and my own experience with religion and prayer; going to church as a kid, learning the Lord's Prayer, or saying "you have to say your prayers before you go to bed every night," and getting down on your knees and folding your hands in that prayer position and asking God for stuff. That's typically what I think maybe the average person thinks about when they think about prayer. "Please God, don't let me die from this sickness," or "please keep my husband from leaving me," or "I want to get this job or this promotion, please God, please, please, please." It's like begging. When I was a kid I would think "Does God get pissed off because the only time you talk to him is when you want something?" {laughter}
Doug: I always thought that too. Isn't it a little bit demanding?
Tiffany: And selfish.
Doug: And selfish, yeah. "Dear God, make my life super easy. Give me everything that I want. Amen."
Tiffany: I found a definition online. They define prayer as making a request in a humble manner to address God with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving.

Doug: That's interesting. There's another quote from Jordan Peterson actually. I don't have a recording of this one, but I'll just read it because it's not too long. It says,

I don't ask God for favours or for wishes, but I do think that if you sit on the edge of your bed and things aren't going very well for you, and you ask what foolish thing you're doing to make it worse, that you'll get an answer right now and it won't be the one that you want, but it might be the one that, if you listen to it, would set things straight.

Tiffany: I think one of the distinctions is that one is begging or demanding but in a nice way, but attempting to control the outcome or the situation. And then Jordan Peterson's explanation is more like being open, asking what you can do or what can be done to make whatever situation better, versus saying, "I want things like this and please give it to me".

Erica: [...] I think there's a difference between prayer for healing and prayer to cure. Maybe people who are at the end of their life and embrace this idea of prayer, maybe some of the things that may have led to that illness can be healed before they die. So not a cure, but a releasing of whatever it is that has caused them so much pain and suffering, if that makes sense.

Doug: Well I think if you look at any kind of illness, disease, or condition as a lesson then you're not praying - I think if you're doing it right anyway - you're not praying to just give up that lesson, "I don't want to learn this lesson so make me better". It's more like praying for guidance or help in learning the lesson, or something along those lines. I think that it can come in ways that we're not expecting. The idea that you can just sit there and you pray and all of a sudden you wake up and you're healed is probably not going to happen. But you might pray for an answer and suddenly you find out about a new therapy, or something that might help in some way, or find a person who is capable of showing you the way, or something along those lines.

Tiffany: I don't know if it was the same article or a different article, there was a woman whose father was very sick and in the hospital and she decided that she was going to have a prayer circle or something and she got some people together and they were praying, but it wasn't begging or pleading. They were celebrating her dad's life and how he was a great person and how he lived a good life and how they loved him so much, and he got better after the prayer session. I guess you could say that they approached the situation with love and joy and good feelings and they weren't sighing and crying about "please don't let him die." It's a fine line to walk, and you can't really name what you should do because in a way, that's like demanding, "I want things to be this certain way so give it to me."
Doug: What's the word I'm looking for? It's like there's an arrogance to it, thinking that I know the way things should be and am making a demand that it be that way.

Erica: [...] One man who's kind of famous for it is Norman Cousins. I won't go through his whole story, but he was diagnosed with a very degenerative collagen disease and he was going to die a painful death. And he decided to start watching Groucho Marx videos or reruns of comedy and laughing and he healed himself.

Erica: Again, thinking of somebody else and you have people all over the world that are all thinking about the same person.
Tiffany: The cumulative effects; when multiple people get together you can say that it will probably be more powerful than just one person thinking good thoughts about somebody else. [...]

Erica: [...] One man who's kind of famous for it is Norman Cousins. I won't go through his whole story, but he was diagnosed with a very degenerative collagen disease and he was going to die a painful death. And he decided to start watching Groucho Marx videos or reruns of comedy and laughing and he healed himself.
[...] as in the book by Gabor Mate, When the Body Says No, and how when people start dealing with these repressed emotions or feelings they start to feel better. Again, they're not cured, but they have a release or a healing experience go on, and they can cry and let go or whatever it is. [...] there is something to be said about your mind and your emotions and the effect it has on your physical body.

Doug: Effective prayer is a state of mind, and it's vulnerability. I think that's a good point because it's getting back to what we were talking about - the demanding versus asking for an insight or guidance in some way. It's being vulnerable and saying, "Yes, I'm in a bad state. I don't know what to do. I could use some help" versus "I want things to be like this."
Tiffany: That's the difference between the whole prosperity doctrine that a lot of religions have and it springs up every now and again throughout history: praying for riches or wealth.
Doug: Think and Grow Rich.
Tiffany: Or The Power of Positive Thinking.

Tiffany: Can you pray for somebody without their permission? [...] Say someone has a combative relationship with somebody in their life and they say, "I'm just going to pray for him". That's really just an effort to control as well. You're just going to wish really hard that this person stops acting like a jerk.
[...] And that to me sounds like sending love and light to somebody when you really shouldn't be. {laughter} Sometimes that stuff can blow up in your face.

Doug: They have to have given their consent to take on that healing energy and just doing it because you feel it is an abridgement of their free will. Maybe deep down they don't want to heal. Maybe there's something going on that they have to figure out and you're trying to by-pass that by just sending them healing or something along those lines.
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Perhaps but I get the impression that he has been very reluctant to even talk about it at all. I suspect that he only did so initially as the emergency surgery meant that he would have to cancel some public engagements. I wonder if in time he will reflect that being more open would have been the way to go, as you suggest. In any case, your post has helped me get my thoughts together in how to send my concern and support via prayer so thank you for that :-) .
Or maybe he is not aware of the power of sharing as we understand it.
Or maybe he is not aware of the power of sharing as we understand it.

Perhaps but given how he often talks about how overwhelming it is to meet so many strangers who stop him in public and thank him for making such a difference in their lives I should think the efficacy of that registers with him at some level. In any case, he seems like someone who will ponder and analyse what happens to him in order to understand it so if there are lessons for him to take from this experience then he is far better placed to do so than most.
I just watched this clip (it was published yesterday) and Jordan Peterson seems cheerful and relaxed. Also, his sense of humour has come back or has even become better.:-D

Yeah, I've noticed this too. Maybe its because of his integrating his (righteous) anger into his being and that's now becoming more
of an integral part of his essential personality when he's expressing himself. I've seen some interview videos of his talking to some libtard and he seemed angry, maybe too angry at the time (in his postures and facial expressions), kinda like a pendulum swinging from one extreme to another from nice guy to tough guy, but that's OK since its getting in touch with his anger (both narcisstic and righteous) and separating the wheat from the chaff in favor of his righteous anger and integrating it gradually, consciously, into his expressive being until it becomes 'etched' in his face and personality, balancing him out. A gradual and careful conscious process for sure. And then he likes Joe Rogan who, as I understand it, is an MMA/Martial Arts fighter dude and he might feel that getting in touch with his inner 'warrior' energy is needed so as to fend off the idiocys and meanness, childish tantrum attacks, and covert/overt violence of the libtards. In this way he is affected emotionally much less from all that idiocy nonsense by integrating the 'warrior' and (righteous) dangerous part of him which he needs because he'll be eaten alive if he remains a 'nice guy.' This is just a quick observation of mine and I can be wrong since I really haven't watched a lot of his videos.
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Mikhaila Peterson just posted this on Facebook. It looks like the worst of it is over.

Quick snap before I go out for dinner with my parents (including my MOM WHO ISN'T IN THE DEPTHS OF DOOM ANYMORE!!!)

She's recovering and things, I think, are going to be okay. Thanks for everyone's support. It's been really nice actually. Don't underestimate how much stress can impact your wellbeing. She had a really rare really dangerous surgical complication that took months to figure out how to resolve. And resolved finally. Yesterday.

Yay! I walked around today in a better mood than I've been in for months. So hopefully this nightmare is over for good!!

Thanks again to everyone who commented, emailed, prayed, etc.

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