Just Weird Videos!

My first impression was two big cats cuddling, but then one of the ears turned into a horn and I was confused.

The video also stops at a convenient moment. I’m sure it would’ve become more clear had it kept going.
I got same impression of cats, possibly an adult with a kitten, playing and the kitten climbed on head of the adult? Don’t know, as noted stopped conveniently, probably because it became blatantly apparent it was something ordinary.
Ok this one made me feel extremely uneasy when I downloaded the video and watched it in slow motion. Link to TikTok video here.

On-video caption reads: “woke up at exactly 3:33am and felt the need to check my ring camera and this is what i see”

Video caption reads: “i still dont know but my sister told me to post”

So this video recorded by a ring bell camera depicts a ghostly figure as it walks out of the house through a closed door not seen in this video, towards the fence and continuing to the right. Or through the fence, but either way it becomes harder to see but still clearly noticeable. The figure appears to have a really big head and can be seen wearing something akin to a long white robe.

To me, this looks kinda like a grey, expect this one is not one of those 3ft tall ones. In the follow up video you can see that the camera is at a level where the letter “E” is on the BEWARE Halloween sign on the wall. Whereas in the original video, the top of the sign rests at eye level for this creature. I’m estimating a height of about 6ft tall, which is pretty normal for a person, but something feels off about it.

What creeps me out about this video is that it looks like you can see the light from the neighbor’s lamp reflected on its huge black eye right in the beginning of the video.

What do you guys think?
High Strangeness in the UK by Jay Anderson

Session 29 April 1995

Q: (L) Okay, Terry, we're waiting. What happened in the year 1964 and the year following? (T) In the year following I was 15. (L) Who were your friends and what kind of relationships did you have? What were you doing? (Susan) How did you feel about everybody after this event? (T) In a way, but it was not immediate. After high school. But, in those days I was mainly hanging out with some people I met over at Edison. Tom ___, a lot of people named Tom. I used to go to the lake and take drives around it at night. We just used up gas. I felt comfortable because I did a lot of things but most of the people I knew didn't get along with each other. I still do this today, I have learned from hard experience that I can't mix my friends. I learned at that time that every person in any group that had a counterpart in any other group. Groups may be different, but they all have the same make-up, and I was always "my" person in each of a number of groups. There was nobody in any of the groups I hung out with that was like me; I was that individual for several groups. (L) Is this the issue here?

A: No.

Q: (T) Does it have to do with when I got my driver's license and we all used to drive around a lot out in the country? We drove all through the lakes area...

A: Some.

Q: (T) We used to drive all through the hills out there at night... long drives. (L) Did something happen on one of these drives?

A: Maybe 0...

Q: (T) Maybe nothing. (L) What is the objective of this particular line? (T) Does this have something to do with that bizarre town I came across one night and never was able to find again? Is that tied in here somehow?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Strangest town I have ever seen. Talk about David Lynch! (J) Divulge. (T) I was driving down through southwest New York one night. I was out of high school. I used to get stoned then too, so a lot of my experiences aren't dependable because I got stoned. I went through a town one night down there in the Southern Tier, in the Finger lakes area, and it was the strangest thing. I have been through all these little towns, and there's usually people and stuff. Not a lot, but at least somebody around. It was about nine or ten o'clock, and I went through this town; it was two story buildings built right up to this 2 lane main street, with a little narrow sidewalk, and it was like driving into a canyon, and the buildings went straight up into the air. There was a street light every so far, but they were those little yellowish bulbs that don't cast much light on the street. There was absolutely nobody out there. There was nobody in any of the buildings, they were all boarded up and shut down. It looked like a town but it didn't look like a town. It went about four blocks. I came back out of it, turned around and drove through it again because I didn't believe it. I could never find it again, and I didn't know the name of it.

A: Discover.

Q: (Susan) It was the Twilight Zone... (T) Was this town...

A: Yes.

(L) You drove into another reality. (T) It wasn't really a town, was it?

A: Nope.

(T) It gave me the willies. And, I turned around and drove through it a second time because I didn't believe it was there. (Susan) Were you by yourself? (T) Yes, I was all alone. There was nobody out there. One signal light that looked like it was out of the 1920s; old street lamps... like a ghost town, literally. (L) What are you guys trying to tell us here about Terry, through Terry? We are big kids now, we can take it.

A: Not the issue.

Q: (L) What is the issue?

A: Learning increases power.

(L) Okay, what are we trying to learn here in this walk down memory lane?

A: How many times do you learn when led by the hand, network!

[Break to discuss Terry's experiences.]

Q: (L) Are we getting anywhere?

A: It's all interrelated.

(L) It is interrelated with what. What event that just occurred... has it been our period of attack?

A: No.

Q: (L) The event that just occurred is private to Terry and happened in his life only?

A: Yes.

(T) Each of my relationships was with an individual who thought for themselves, they understood things, they had their own experiences that were different from most people, and knew that most people could not relate or understand. It doesn't have to be abduction experiences, but they have had life experiences...

A: Yes, but that is the sign of something more significant.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the fact that Terry... (T) Is it that these relationships formed and shaped who I am today because these people and I shared these different things with each other?

A: No.

Q: (L) No, I think it is the fact that you were able to form friendships with these people of all different kinds, that that was the sign of something significant. The thing that flashed through my mind is: are you a messenger, are you a catalyst?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did he have something or did he do something in his interactions with these people that caused...

A: No.

Q: (L) Did any of them do something where he was concerned?

A: No.

Q: (T) Is it the fact that I am able to form relationships with vastly different types of individuals?

A: All originate from same "plane."

(L) In other words, he formed relationships with others like himself? And, did they all originate from the same plane, as in somewhere else?

A: Close.
Black bear is a possibility
Why does the guy keep turning the light off just when it might reveal something? The focus also goes blurry the same way- just when something happens. Seems as if it’s a bear or bears, monkeys, raccoons or whatever we would see their eyes glowing in the light. There is no doubt that there is something up there, but I am on the fence as to whether or not it is a genuine thing or a hoax.
Weird video from South Carolina. Guy is filming some trees in his yard getting torn apart. He says it sounds like gorillas are fighting in the trees, breaking large limbs. No evidence in the video of gorillas, but there are some strange things that show up:

Billy Kryzak finds some anomalous colors associated with the big tree coming down:

Patrick Jackson notices what looks like an orb zipping through the tree and taking out a small branch:

Billy Kryzak finds some anomalous colors associated with the big tree coming down:
What comes to mind is this from the last session:
(Joe) Can we, it's not on the drones, but it may be related to the thinning of the veil. We're just wondering about Leia who had an accident.

(Andromeda) We assume a fall.

(Joe) We assume she had a fall, but anyway, she broke two ribs a few days ago. Don't know how. Outside somewhere. It was anomalous. It was weird. Strange. Was that...

(Chu) What happened to her?

A: Encounter with energy anomaly.

Q: (Andromeda) Did this thing cause her to jump or fall or something like that?

A: Pushed.

Q: (Joe) What was the nature of the energy anomaly?

A: Like an energy "wind".
White lights. In videos, it is hard to tell the real ones apart from the artificial ones.

Looks very much like light projections from the ground hitting the cloud cover. Some kind of revolving light display. I saw something similar where I live, got excited until I found out it was local restaurant opening, not alien invasion.
In Salinas, California, an unknown object crashed into a truck, and surveillance cameras recorded the moment.

The picture below claims this resulted from fireworks, but the damage doesn't indicate any explosive residue, and the strike of whatever occurred appeared inward, not outward.

Updated: 5:07 PM PDT Oct 31, 2024
The video above shows a projectile being shot in the air, another angle inside a semitruck shows a boom that forces the inside to shake.
After you can see the hole left behind and a window blown out from another nearby semitruck.

People online speculated what the projectile could have, saying a firework was not capable of leaving that kind of damage.

" Through the investigation so far and conferring with outside professionals, we were able to determine that it was possibly a commercial-grade firework that caused this damage. We want to be clear this is not a bottle rock style firework, think more the level of a City putting on a paid 4th of July firework show level firework," said Salinas police via social media.

Police believe this was not a targeted attack, and there is no further threat to the public.

Nobody was injured during this incident.


An unknown object crashed into a truck. Surveillance cameras recorded the moment. This strange incident happened in Salinas, California, USA, on October 26, 2024. What happened?
Another one of what looks like an orb flying into a guy and knocking him off his porch, from July:

Strange indeed, at least they didn't use the new normal explanation as being a flock of bird. About the impact on the truck, a firework would have left burn mark but it is not the case. Look more like a plasma ball to me, maybe ball lighting. The second video if you watch attentively, there is a small ``spark`` behind the car under the last digit (4) of the clock when the time reach 18:58:04. This one just appears and goes on it weird fly path till it impact the door.

I have a theory for what it is worth. The veil is thinning and as the C’s told us previously about weird accident in New Mexico, if I remember correctly, where driver drove off road as they were momentarily in 4th density where the road to their sense was straight but in reality or 3th density it was curving. The same may apply here except in an opposite way. These ``ball`` may be 4th density tech or being that spontaneously materialise in our density by encountering a trans-dimensional or density ‘’bubble’’ that form spontaneously and cause them to cross into our third density reality.

I know, quit weak as a theory but I prefer it opposite the flock of birds or fire work explanation. :lol:
here is what the C's say about ball lightning.
Q: (L) What is ball lightning?

A: Electromagnetic spark. Pass from 4th to 3rd density.

(Ark) Let me take opportunity to ask about ball lightning. Are they purely electric phenomena, or are they also related to consciousness or...?

A: Transdimensional portals made manifest.

Q: (Ark) Does it mean that the current theory of electromagnetism is really bad because it has nothing to do with transdimensionality?

A: Yes.
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