Kate & Will - Wedding coverage

anart said:
EGVG said:
Nathancat7 said:
The thing is Kate looks frightfully thin--almost anorexic in photos leading up to the wedding.

I think she looks amazing!!! Not anorexic!

I agree with the anorexic take - she was already thin and I kept seeing articles a month or so ago about this diet she was on to lose weight for the wedding - kind of creepy.

I just saw the video posted by EGVG, she does look very very thin, like she is below her healthy weight.
Many little girls could want to look like the new princess and switch to unhealthy diets
I'm laughing at the comments about the hats because for me they were probably the most entertaining part of the wedding coverage. I couldn't help but wonder how much some of the cost and how much thought went into deciding which one to choose. Obviously there were a lot of choices.

When I saw Fergie's daughters in their hats, I couldn't help but think about this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTn41i2a5ok&feature=related
anart said:
EGVG said:
Nathancat7 said:
The thing is Kate looks frightfully thin--almost anorexic in photos leading up to the wedding.

I think she looks amazing!!! Not anorexic!

I agree with the anorexic take - she was already thin and I kept seeing articles a month or so ago about this diet she was on to lose weight for the wedding - kind of creepy.

I agree she looks anorexic. Funny thing is, we read a survey just the other day where the overwhelming majority of men prefer women who are plump!!! So, why do some think that thin women are attractive? We've been having a lot of discussions about this lately, especially after reading "Caricature of Love," and we suspect that the promotion of too-thin women is basically a mysogynistic program designed to make women look like young boys.
A lot of celebrity males (mainly pop stars), e.g. Justin Bieber, the male characters in "High School Musical", the lead singer of Tokio Hotel, etc., look very effeminate.
I had the feeling that TPTB are pushing more towards more androgynous types.
Male actors, however, still work out, have a strong, square jaw and act tough. And yes, women are getting thinner, and are encouraged to maintain the figure of a 14-year-old. Big breasts, blonde hair, childishly large eyes, full lips and a low IQ are still a "must" though, as Hugh Heffner would argue.
Most females are very confused indeed.
By the way, I stayed away from most of the wedding hype and gossip, but it was hard programme to break.
Kate Middleton's mother actually is very thin too, so genetics play a role obviously. Then again, both of them knew they'd be under intense scrutiny so perhaps they both went on thinning diets.
3D Resident said:
Kate Middleton's mother actually is very thin too, so genetics play a role obviously. Then again, both of them knew they'd be under intense scrutiny so perhaps they both went on thinning diets.

If you look at older photos of them both, you'll see that this is the case. Kate is not being a good role model for young women by promoting this excessive thinness that is obviously not natural to her.
Staring at Kate's photo in a jiffy i activated my psychic-adele skillz and measured her bride-integrity - that is how successfully she will perform as wife -:

She looks as brittle as a box of rice-krispies.
Aha! I found the diet the Mom did:


Royal wedding: diet used by Kate Middleton's mother 'a health hazard'

The diet that Kate Middleton's mother is using to shape up for the Royal wedding has been branded a potential health hazard by a top French medical body.

The Dukan diet, which Carole Middleton said helped her lose 4lb in four days, was singled out as unbalanced, according to a study by Anses, the French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety.

Two months ago Mrs Middleton, whose daughter is to marry Prince William next April, revealed in an interview she was on the much-hyped diet by Pierre Dukan, the French nutritionist, and surviving on "cottage cheese and prawns".

More than two million copies of the Dukan book "Je ne sais pas maigrir" (I don't know how to diet) have been sold in France, and the regime became a bestseller in Britain after its English-language launch in May. Gisele Bundchen, the supermodel, credits Dukan with helping her get back in shape after having a baby, as does actress Jennifer Lopez. Katherine Jenkins, the opera singer is also a follower.

Applying the latest scientific studies on nutrition to the menus of the various diets, researchers at the Institut Pasteur in Lille found that the Dukan and more than a dozen other popular regimes disrupted the body's natural metabolism and led to serious nutritional imbalances.

The Dukan's protein content was much higher than the recommended daily intake, along with other regimes including Atkins and Montignac, and its first two "phases" contained 10 times less fibre than recommended. The Dukan also lacked vitamin C and in certain phases, in others vitamin D content was four times too high, and it contained two times too much salt in the initial phase.

Out of the regimes examined, only the Weight Watchers diet was considered to be roughly balanced.

The study also pointed to an increased risk of fractures and other bone problems, as well as muscle wastage in some of the diets.

Perhaps most damning of all, Dr Lecerf said that in 95 per cent of cases, people who follow a dietary regime regain weight as soon as they finish and in some cases gained more net weight afterwards.

He said: "Each regime is less effective than the one before, and the weight gain afterwards is greater each time."

Like Atkins, the Dukan diet is high in protein in the initial "attack" phase, but low in fat. A "cruise" phase then follows alternating protein-only days and protein-and-vegetable days. High-calorie vegetables are banned. In the third 'consolidation' phase, dieters can start eating fruit and bread before the final the 'stabilisation' phase where you can eat whatever you want bar one meat and eggs day.

The study concluded that "in health terms, nothing can replace a balanced, varied diet." Anyone worried about being overweight should consult a specialist.

Dr Dukan yesterday dismissed the study's findings. "They are not based on anything scientific, just impressions, feelings. But for me the real risk is obesity. Everyday people die from it and I contribute to fighting against that," he said, adding that 40 per cent of people who followed his diet did not regain lost weight afterwards.

But Doctor Arnaud Cocaul, nutritionist at Paris' prestigious Salpêtrière hospital, said: "I have lots of patients who tell me: 'I did Dukan and it worked, I lost 15kg.' Then I ask them: 'So why are you here?', to which they respond: 'I regained 20.' "I don't call that working," he told Le Parisien.

The study came a day Danish nutritionists published the world's largest study of its kind showing that protein-rich diets containing lots of lean meats, fish and egg were the best at keeping weight off. However, their research published in the New England Journal of Medicine yesterday found that dieters should also combine that with eating lots of whole-grain cereals and fresh fruit and vegetables.

You see why we are so messed up nowadays?

Where is our beloved saturated fat!? Gluten and dairy free? Personal sensitivities?

What we need is a celebrity doing our diet and then scores of people might follow ;)
atkins is high in protein AND fat. Atkins diet is also gluten free, but for the reason that flour made from wheat is high in carbohydrates, along with of course all the sugary things flour is turned into. I've wondered about the percentage of people (Dr Atkins states a huge portion) who eliminated many other diseases/problems when switiching over to Atkins. It was probably in large part due to gluten elimination.
Ottershrew said:
My personal take is that the Windsors aren't that likely to be psychopathic, and it's a waste of time vilifying them for what they aren't. They like horses, dogs and countryside - that seems to be where their real interest lies. That's not really all that surprising, given that they're surrounded by so many people at official functions who don't treat them as normal people. In effect they're excluded from real society, simply by being put on a pedestal. That can't be good for their general mental health. And I think they realise that.

The Queen's been known to take a pragmatic view of the whole thing, to treat the royal show as a business: "The Firm", I think she calls it. That sort of attitude at least allows some sort of detachment - but, crikey, it must take it out of you to keep up with that level of polite, interested public engagement.

Just a further couple of cents.
I think you added some valid points into the kitty. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I dont necessarily agree with what you are saying here but in the same time I admit that I dont know enough about Windsors.
Are we to believe the picture they are painting in public, or we are to believe occasional leaks in tabloids by their servants who want to make quick buck, or perhaps the truth is somewhere in between?

So far our studies of various aspects of human society always pointed out that nothing is as it seems or as it is presented to general public.

IMO it is very likely that psychopathic genes are predominant in most of the successful royal families today, Windsors included. I might be misinformed but it is my understanding that we dont know exactly how much power British monarchs really hold. It looks to me as if creating the belief that they are just figure heads was a very clever distraction which seems to have worked quite well for British monarchy.

It also looks like they are not that much excluded from reality - both of the princes serving in military, younger one in Afganistan and all that.

There are some interesting "facts" about the power British monarchs really hold in this video:
I put the facts in inverted comas because I have no way of verifying them and I can only test them against common sense.

It also looks to me like princess Diana was non-psychopathic family member which was successfully weeded out. Whether she was murdered or died in an accident is irrelevant; it does look like she was someone with the conscience who cracked under the pressure. But again this is my subjective impression, and again I have too little data to draw any valid conclusion. I only have speculations :(
cassandra said:
A lot of celebrity males (mainly pop stars), e.g. Justin Bieber, the male characters in "High School Musical", the lead singer of Tokio Hotel, etc., look very effeminate.
I had the feeling that TPTB are pushing more towards more androgynous types.

This has been going on for awhile. The Beatles in their mop-top days had the same sort of appearance and the same sort of hysteria. I heard an interview with Allison Pearson who had written a novel "I think I love you" (which was a sort of autobiography) book about the central characters crush on David Cassidy in the 70's. Her opinion in the interview was that female teenagers were falling for these long haired, hairless bodied, "beautiful" young men. Of course a great deal of money could be made from this!

A quote from her novel could sum up the societal conformance issues that go much deeper.

You chose the kind of friends you wanted because you hoped you could be like them and not you. To improve your image, you made yourself more stupid and less kind. As the months passed, the trade-off for belonging started to feel too great. The shutting down of some vital part of yourself, just so you [would] ... not have to sit on your own at lunch. ... Now among friends, you were often lonelier than you had been before."

A good article and excerpt at NPR here. She really put a lot of thought into it.

If Fergie´s daughter would stroll through our village with this formation
on her head, our hunter would take her for a twelve pointer ;)
look here:

Laura said:
If you look at older photos of them both, you'll see that this is the case. Kate is not being a good role model for young women by promoting this excessive thinness that is obviously not natural to her.

Exactly, I find she looks scary skinny today , when I see these salt shaker´s ( the crossing from the cervix to the wishbone), and that I can count her bones on the cleavage….. sorry but that don’t look very healthy to me. When I see such skinny girls my first thought is .... couldn´t someone give them something to eat ?
Laura said:
I agree she looks anorexic. Funny thing is, we read a survey just the other day where the overwhelming majority of men prefer women who are plump!!! So, why do some think that thin women are attractive? We've been having a lot of discussions about this lately, especially after reading "Caricature of Love," and we suspect that the promotion of too-thin women is basically a mysogynistic program designed to make women look like young boys.

And yet at the same time, they also promote breast implants like crazy (n°1 of all plastic surgery, generating more than 1 billion dollars in the US in 2009 according to the The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). In Videocracy, Erick Gandini shows for example that Berlusconi (and, possibly, other psychopaths like him) like his women young (teenagers sometimes), not very educated, very skinny with big breast implants.

But it boils down to the same indeed: whether it be the emaciation or the breast implants, these only serve to make women feel miserable (mentally and physically) osit.
Mrs.Tigersoap said:
Laura said:
I agree she looks anorexic. Funny thing is, we read a survey just the other day where the overwhelming majority of men prefer women who are plump!!! So, why do some think that thin women are attractive? We've been having a lot of discussions about this lately, especially after reading "Caricature of Love," and we suspect that the promotion of too-thin women is basically a misogynistic program designed to make women look like young boys.

And yet at the same time, they also promote breast implants like crazy (n°1 of all plastic surgery, generating more than 1 billion dollars in the US in 2009 according to the The American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). In Videocracy, Erick Gandini shows for example that Berlusconi (and, possibly, other psychopaths like him) like his women young (teenagers sometimes), not very educated, very skinny with big breast implants.

But it boils down to the same indeed: whether it be the emaciation or the breast implants, these only serve to make women feel miserable (mentally and physically) osit.

Yeah, and the misogynistic program seems designed to get women to expend much of their energy trying to achieve a completely unnatural shape, so their health is compromised and they become weaker and weaker.

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