I've made a Fat Bomb with too different layers: Vanilla and Chocolate. It was delicious, amazing, unexpected!
The Vanilla layer has not the same consistency than the chocolate one, because when I introduced the chocolate (having been melted in a pan with some butter and Xilytol) into the half of the preparation I also added more Guar. The vanilla layer was already in the refrigerator.
Hereafter the result of it:
As I use to not calculate exactly part of this or that, I will make another one later and I will share the exact parts of each ingredients. But I put in this one:
- 17 yolks eggs -
- 350 g of worn coconut -
More or less
- 200 g black chocolate (added 1 tablespoon of xilytol and 125 g of butter) -
- 7 tablespoon of Xylitol -
More or less (seven is too much, I will reduce this part for the next time and I think 5 will be great)
- 500 g of butter -
- 8 g of Agar-Agar (as Guar but from the sea product) for the whole preparation and for vanilla layer -
More or less; and another 4 g of Agar-Agar for chocolate layer -
More or less
- 25 ml of pure vanilla Bourbon -
More or less
I do not heat anything, all ingredients are put together in the blender. I had made another one during the week, and I had used the white eggs to make a foam of coconut, as nobody has specific matter with them at home. It was delicious too, especially with the Vanilla Fat Bomb... In this recipe (I cannot share the parts of it), I had used 2 cans of coconut milk (and not the worn coconut as in the following one). The consistency was better, from my point of view, and I will maybe do it with them on the next time. But it does not change anything for the taste! A sublimate one.
I think we could be ten people to eat this Fat Bomb, at least!
Thanks everybody for ideas and sharings!