Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Tchaka said:
Has anybody found a reasonably priced source for "precision xtra" ketone strips. i recently purchased a meter for $20 but unfortunately the "one doller per strip on ebay" price suggested by the article in this thread, seems to be no more, possibly due to our efforts here ;)

cheapest I can find is 10 for $50. I'll contemplate just biting the bullet on this one. just thought i'd ask.

That is the cheapest I found too.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Quite a few mentions of the leg pains and other symptoms here on the thread.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks Megan. think i'm just gonna get 'em. 10 should last a while i think.

I agree Laura, Just couldn't find any that referenced the skin. They all seemed to be about bone aches. Couldn't find anything about numbness of the skin and didn't recall any. It is what it is. I'm sure it's fine. Just odd how it STILL irritates a little in two identical patches about 3 inches in diameter precisely 4 inches above my knee. Don't know much about anatomy, but am gonna do a little research to see if there is not a particular blood exchange (like an artery or some such...again don't know the lingo) that exists right there. I'll ask me mum too, she's a nurse so she may have some insight/advice.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I did find this, on the thread. although not quite the same as it does not itch at all, and it almost feels like it's more under the skin.

Prodigal Son said:
maxtree said:
... I haven't read (or overlooked it) anyone mentioning the itching. It feels like my body is on fire or something. Not in the arms or hands or the legs and feet. Just from the skull down and from my face to the legs. This is very annoying. It is a feeling as though something wants to come out through my skin.
It started after the fourth day of KD. I did not think of it much but now I am scratching myself as though I have rashes or allergies or exczema or something. Never have all of these. When I look at my skin there is nothing to see...
I also do the resistenc exercises.

Can somebody please help me out with this? Thank you so much.
This is usually associated with passing the threshold into full ketosis (or going back out of it).

could just be my body's own version of the same. There also does seem to be an artery called the Popliteal artery exactly where my symptoms are occuring, but definately not as bad as the symptoms described by anuerisms that occur there. I'll give it a day or so and see if it subsides.

(crossing my fingerst that when i hit post, I am using quote function correctly...)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Tchaka said:
Also, and i don't recall anyone reporting this and after a bit of research here and on the web, there seem to be no mentions of similar pain but I had the strangest symptom last night where the lower half of the top of my thighs felt like they had semi infected cat scratches all over them several times throughout the night(that's the only way i can think to describe it). It was rather uncomfortable, but if I waited, it eventually subsided. When I went to feel them, there was nothing, but the flesh itself was a bit numb, like coming down off of novacain. There is also no visible sign of anything abnormal. The pain lingered into the morning when i woke up and was only mostly gone after doing EE (I sit on a knee stool and suspect that the way this stretched my thighs was helpful to alleviate the problem). But even stranger still, the feeling lingers now, almos 8 hours later.

Nothing i can't live with, just strange especially when others are feeling bone pain in there thighs. the only thing i did different is have one bite of a half-thumb sized piece of chicken tikka masala, but previous to the KD, I ate that stuff all the time, plus i even wiped off all the sauce. I also drink spiced teas all the time, so i doubt it was the spicing. Maybe it's just my own personal symptom of the transition. thought it was worth the mention.

How confident are you about the source of the chicken tikka masala? If it had any MSG in it (and if it's from a restaurant, it probably did, and wiping off the sauce would likely do little if anything to get rid of it), it could cause some type of neurological symptom. Although you may have tolerated it previously, once you've cleaned yourself up these food additives can cause real havoc. Last week I had to leave work early because I felt so nautious and I'm pretty certain I've narrowed it down to MSG or some other additive in a salad dressing. This kind of thing never used to affect me at all. Throwing dirt on a clean slate is a lot more dramatic and noticeable than throwing it on a filthy one.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Psyche said:
...It must have been quite a difficult experience for you. I hope you find your balance once again soon. You deserve it.

Well, I had been looking for something different in my life, and it was certainly different. I went through a phase of encountering my worst fears; it was like a bad dream. I am still learning from it.

The bill for the lab tests came today. Insurance is paying most of it. I am glad I didn't stay with my HMO and pay out of pocket. Now if I could just see the results -- that will be on the 30th.

p said:
Warfarin was first introduced as a pesticide against rats and mice and according to wiki, and it is still used for this purpose. It is completely insane that it is given like candy for certain conditions. Talking about poisoning people!

Yes, "rat poison" was how I usually referred to it. The experience helped me update my perspective about medical practice and HMOs. It wasn't handled well. They started with a radiation overdose, after an assistant bungled an IV (3 CT scans in 24 hours). And they ended with 'OK, you're done with the warfarin -- bye!' It's a mechanical procedure for them.

p said:
Megan said:
There is a lot of week-to-week variation in the GI symtoms -- gas, discomfort, and constipation -- that doesn't seem to have anything to do with eating patterns.

IMO, the pattern coincides with a gut that has been "frozen" by radiation, that is, there really is scar tissue and fragile tissues in your digestive system, and my guess is that the only reason you haven't seen the full blown side effects reported after radiation is because of your efforts and progress with the diet which helps heal tissues. I would ask your health practitioner to refer to you to a hyperbaric center so it would be covered by insurance.

You are making and will make much progress with the diet, but when it comes to "scar" tissue, I think you will benefit from the help of something like hyperbaric treatments.

Supplements like ALA might benefit you even though you don't notice effects. What it does is repair damaged DNA among other things, and it will help you stabilize your blood sugar levels as well.

I would also use DMSO rose cream and rub it in my abdomen. It is great stuff.

That makes sense. I had thought that there seemed to be something left over from the earlier treatment, but I didn't know what it might be. It could also explain why I do better on a low fiber diet. I have regarded the dietary changes as urgent.

I was going to ask how I would go about obtaining a referral for hyperbaric treatment. I am actually "between doctors" right now, having left the HMO and having not yet established with anyone else. This gives me a better idea of the kind of background/experience to look for. Fortunately, my insurance is through my work, and cleaning up the mess left by the HMO appears to be covered.

I have restarted the ALA, and I will locate the DMSO rose cream. Thank you again!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

dugdeep said:
How confident are you about the source of the chicken tikka masala?

not confident at all. Just a typical local Indian restaurant. Might likely have been that. the symptom was gone by midnight last night. Was a moment of weakness I shall not repeat.

On another note, I just wanted to wish everyone (from the US) good luck tomorrow. I don't know about you, but even though I am looking forward to seeing loved ones on this semi ironic holiday, I am filled with a moderate amount of fear at not only having to face a mile long table of the most enticing delectables, but more so having to withstand the inquiries of 20 plus individuals who may or may not understand my position. If but I had an "Enclosure-able Cloak" I could wear to make me appear more "traditional"...but alas, I will just do my best as me, staying as strong as I can. Bon Chance, mon ami's. :cool:
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Tchaka said:
On another note, I just wanted to wish everyone (from the US) good luck tomorrow. I don't know about you, but even though I am looking forward to seeing loved ones on this semi ironic holiday, I am filled with a moderate amount of fear at not only having to face a mile long table of the most enticing delectables, but more so having to withstand the inquiries of 20 plus individuals who may or may not understand my position. If but I had an "Enclosure-able Cloak" I could wear to make me appear more "traditional"...but alas, I will just do my best as me, staying as strong as I can. Bon Chance, mon ami's. :cool:
It sounds like you are making it more difficult than it is. It's really simple - you eat the meats/fats and avoid the poison, which is most of the rest of the stuff. If you're very concerned about having anything decent to eat, then bring something along that you made yourself. This is not a deprivation diet, for goodness sake. I eat better food than the rest of my entire family, it's just not what they're "used to". Last family visit, only a few months ago, was easy - I brought pork and bone broth along and ate what I eat, they ate enormous amounts of what they eat, I avoided the pile of desserts with a smile and a "no thanks" and they all raved the entire time about how much healthier I look now than I used to. If you make a big deal out of it, they'll make a big deal out of it - it's not a big deal, it's just eating the way we evolved to eat, for goodness sake!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

anart said:
Tchaka said:
On another note, I just wanted to wish everyone (from the US) good luck tomorrow. I don't know about you, but even though I am looking forward to seeing loved ones on this semi ironic holiday, I am filled with a moderate amount of fear at not only having to face a mile long table of the most enticing delectables, but more so having to withstand the inquiries of 20 plus individuals who may or may not understand my position. If but I had an "Enclosure-able Cloak" I could wear to make me appear more "traditional"...but alas, I will just do my best as me, staying as strong as I can. Bon Chance, mon ami's. :cool:
It sounds like you are making it more difficult than it is. It's really simple - you eat the meats/fats and avoid the poison, which is most of the rest of the stuff. If you're very concerned about having anything decent to eat, then bring something along that you made yourself. This is not a deprivation diet, for goodness sake. I eat better food than the rest of my entire family, it's just not what they're "used to". Last family visit, only a few months ago, was easy - I brought pork and bone broth along and ate what I eat, they ate enormous amounts of what they eat, I avoided the pile of desserts with a smile and a "no thanks" and they all raved the entire time about how much healthier I look now than I used to. If you make a big deal out of it, they'll make a big deal out of it - it's not a big deal, it's just eating the way we evolved to eat, for goodness sake!

I agree. Don't make a big deal of it. Several times I've gone to functions and didn't eat and no one even noticed. Other times people have asked, "Aren't you gonna eat?" I just say "I just did. I eat fast." It's easy to think that all eyes are on you when they're not. For tomorrow, I'm gonna be bringing my own food but I'll still be involved in the food prep of "normal" food. By now all my family knows I'm following a different food plan. It shouldn't be an issue as long as you don't make a spectacle of yourself.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Tchaka said:
On another note, I just wanted to wish everyone (from the US) good luck tomorrow. I don't know about you, but even though I am looking forward to seeing loved ones on this semi ironic holiday, I am filled with a moderate amount of fear at not only having to face a mile long table of the most enticing delectables, but more so having to withstand the inquiries of 20 plus individuals who may or may not understand my position. If but I had an "Enclosure-able Cloak" I could wear to make me appear more "traditional"...but alas, I will just do my best as me, staying as strong as I can. Bon Chance, mon ami's. :cool:

What I do in such a social situation is, I load what I want to eat on one side of the plate and "other stuff" that traditionally "needs" to go with it onto the other side of the plate - and then I only eat the one side I want, leaving the other side on the plate.
That way, my plate looks nicely "balanced" and to let food remains on you plate is generally well tolerated, meaning that "your eyes were bigger than your belly", which is a compliment to the cook.

Works a treat, most people won't realize that you only eat the meat!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks for the suggestions all. It's probably mostly in my head. I guess I'm just reacting to my most recent "friends only pre thanksgiving" where, being my friends they were aware I was on a new eating path and they had lots and lots of questions, but the spirit of the inquiry left me drained and feeling rather unsupported. I'll keep in mind that it is what it is and beyond that, it currently stands as the healthiest option available. I don't believe i'm making any spectacle of myself at such meal gatherings, but perhaps I am giving off a vibe that does so. I apologize if my posts are coming across in anyway as noise, it's just that i'm finding the emotional side of the transition challenging and ultimately a rather lonely endeavor, which is obviously not helping me see straight yet. the price of walking a non traditional path. And of course, I got quite a ways to go. It's still very early, hopefully in a few weeks I will have more strength of will and insight into this whole mater. Happy Holidays nonetheless.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

nicklebleu said:
What I do in such a social situation is, I load what I want to eat on one side of the plate and "other stuff" that traditionally "needs" to go with it onto the other side of the plate - and then I only eat the one side I want, leaving the other side on the plate.

I would not do that. What happens to the food on the "other side"? Do you throw it in the trash?

I understand that the "other side" food is not healthy. It is full of carbs and and other bad stuff. If you take it and throw it away, then you are keeping it from someone else and "helping" them because they can not eat that portion of bad food.

[Deleted: rant about wasting food.]
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

curious_richard said:
nicklebleu said:
What I do in such a social situation is, I load what I want to eat on one side of the plate and "other stuff" that traditionally "needs" to go with it onto the other side of the plate - and then I only eat the one side I want, leaving the other side on the plate.

I would not do that. What happens to the food on the "other side"? Do you throw it in the trash?

I understand that the "other side" food is not healthy. It is full of carbs and and other bad stuff. If you take it and throw it away, then you are keeping it from someone else and "helping" them because they can not eat that portion of bad food.

[Deleted: rant about wasting food.]

You could feed the chooks or pigs with it ... ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Tchaka said:
Thanks for the suggestions all. It's probably mostly in my head. I guess I'm just reacting to my most recent "friends only pre thanksgiving" where, being my friends they were aware I was on a new eating path and they had lots and lots of questions, but the spirit of the inquiry left me drained and feeling rather unsupported.

That's because you did not create and utilize a strategic enclosure. Just because they're your friends does not mean you have to tell them everything you're doing or thinking. If you knew them well, then you would know their reaction and know what to say and what not to say to each one to make your life easier and their life easier - external consideration. Sincerity with everyone is insanity.

t said:
I'll keep in mind that it is what it is and beyond that, it currently stands as the healthiest option available. I don't believe i'm making any spectacle of myself at such meal gatherings, but perhaps I am giving off a vibe that does so. I apologize if my posts are coming across in anyway as noise, it's just that i'm finding the emotional side of the transition challenging and ultimately a rather lonely endeavor, which is obviously not helping me see straight yet. the price of walking a non traditional path. And of course, I got quite a ways to go. It's still very early, hopefully in a few weeks I will have more strength of will and insight into this whole mater. Happy Holidays nonetheless.

Maybe it would help if you looked at is as an adventure, an experiment, rather than "a lonely endeavor" and "walking a non traditional path". I mean, really - there's no reason to be so morose about an incredibly fantastic thing. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

anart said:
...Maybe it would help if you looked at is as an adventure, an experiment, rather than "a lonely endeavor" and "walking a non traditional path". I mean, really - there's no reason to be so morose about an incredibly fantastic thing. :)

I think what we are doing is traditional. It's a matter of whose traditions. Eating garbage is not traditional in any enduring sense, and the price is very high. Part of what drives the paleo movement is a sense of connection to ancient patterns of healthy eating. I don't think we want to be identifying with a movement but we can certainly be aware of that connection.
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