Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've been doing the KD after reading the material Laura and Ailen linked to.

After the first or second night, I had the sore hips and upper legs Laura described, but at that time I didn't know what the heck was going on. I used to have restless leg syndrome and that usually affected my lower legs so I was stumped with that. But after Laura posting about her situation, it all makes sense now.

I'm eating around 2 oz of protein a day, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more depending on what type of meat I'm eating. Then I eat a lot of fat. I don't know if it's 3 times the protein, and I don't have the stix to measure, but I do have the nasty tasting mouth thing going again. (It left when I started eating too much protein and too little fat a while ago.)

I was taking quite a bit of magnesium malate at night before bed to help with my restless leg syndrome, but since stopping all of the other supplements that I could, including the magnesium, I am not suffering from the restless leg syndrome anymore.

And since I don't have any weights, I am doing the resistance exercises as explained in this article on Sott using push-ups and knee bends. And I'm feeling it.

On the IF, I'm drinking a cup of bone broth and having 4 pieces of bacon for breakfast after about 18 or 19 hours fast, and having a cup of bone broth for supper around 2:00pm. And that's it. I'm full for the night.

Actually, when going back to eating the next day, I sometimes have a problem not feeling overfull when eating the amount of protein and fat I'm supposed to be eating for the day. Usually, it's my second meal that I feel overfull.

And, I've lost some weight, although I don't know how much as I don't have a scale. But my pants are fitting looser. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Here is some questions I have not seen in the threads. What about raw meat and fat? There is a great push by TPTB and their related agencies concerning cooking meat thoroughly. So the relevant questions are- 1) Is raw meat safe to eat? The Japanese have been doing it since their culture began in the form of sushi, so obviously it cannot be that dangerous, and 2) Are there possible nutritional benefits to eating raw vs. cooked? We know that heat from cooking leaches nutrients from vegetables, and can even alter the molecular structure turning once good nutrients into bad (heating olive oil, as an example).

While many may be turned off by the prospect of raw meat, before I found the material here I finally tried sushi- against my better judgement and the dogma from Western nations of meat being fully cooked. It was actually good, and I did not become ill from it. Obviously sushi is out due to the rice, but there is still the raw meat issue. That is the reason for my questions. Is it possible that raw meat has some great benefits that those in power do not want us to realize? I do not know, so I must ask. Information can be found both for and against, so it is difficult to discern the truth in this matter.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Sushi evil. Parasites. Read the post about the evolution of man, that our brains got a lot larger right at the same time we started cooking our food which basically pre-digests it to some extent and takes an energy burden off the body which then shunts that energy to the brain.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

QuantumLogic said:
Here is some questions I have not seen in the threads. What about raw meat and fat? There is a great push by TPTB and their related agencies concerning cooking meat thoroughly. So the relevant questions are- 1) Is raw meat safe to eat? The Japanese have been doing it since their culture began in the form of sushi, so obviously it cannot be that dangerous, and 2) Are there possible nutritional benefits to eating raw vs. cooked? We know that heat from cooking leaches nutrients from vegetables, and can even alter the molecular structure turning once good nutrients into bad (heating olive oil, as an example).

My subjective opinion on the issue of cooking meat is that human brains evolved thanks to meat cooking. Meat eating animals have bigger brains than herb eating animals, but it looks like they have reached a certain plateau in their evolution. Humans on the other side started to cook meat, which made the assimilation of certain nutrients easier. OSIT

Edit: See Laura's response for more details.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Laura said:
Sushi evil. Parasites. Read the post about the evolution of man, that our brains got a lot larger right at the same time we started cooking our food which basically pre-digests it to some extent and takes an energy burden off the body which then shunts that energy to the brain.

I will look for that- thanks Laura. The heating of food must break down certain enzymes/proteins that are very taxing on the human body to process, not to mention destroying certain parasites that are impossible for human physiology to combat properly. Although I am not at the stage many here are with diet adjustment, I feel greatly motivated to research and experiment with the current findings. I am going to search specifically more for the studies done on seizures and abrupt diet changes, since my father has had an unexplained intermittent seizure problem since his late teens.

If the C's and the current data are accurate, it may become necessary for the loved ones to abruptly change their diets due to food shortages/environmental conditions. If this were to happen in this fashion, it would be good to know first hand what the effects are for such a sudden change in diet would be. I will look for as many studies as I can find, other than the ones listed here on this forum, to read thoroughly in an effort to understand such effects.

One thing I have realized researching little known or understood science is that there is a certain point when actions must be taken that are foreign to the existing thought process, in order to further advancement. It does not have to be done recklessly, but deliberately with all current knowledge utilized. Whether this will even be required I do not know, but we should be prepared for the extremes if necessary. Many of us have loved ones who we may not have even spoken to about what we have been researching, but will inevitably ask if the situation becomes dire enough. It will be good to know such effects of an abrupt change if the conditions arise.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Just a little note on the 3:1 fat to protein ratio, in terms of calories. I did a little bit of math to come up with some idea of what that actually looks like. Fat has 9kcal/g and protein has 4kcal/g, according to wikipedia, so the ratio in terms of grams is 1.3:1 fat to protein. So for my weight (150 lbs), that translates to 105 grams of protein and 140 grams of fat, or approximately 35 pieces of bacon plus a few tablespoons of lard. ;)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Huh! That sounds more palatable than straight lard!
Mix in a few tablespoons of lard with 35 or more or less
pieces of crumbled bacon into a lard-ball or spread!

I wonder what one could use as a wrap or flat something
with very low carbs, what would it be?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Approaching Infinity said:
Just a little note on the 3:1 fat to protein ratio, in terms of calories. I did a little bit of math to come up with some idea of what that actually looks like. Fat has 9kcal/g and protein has 4kcal/g, according to wikipedia, so the ratio in terms of grams is 1.3:1 fat to protein. So for my weight (150 lbs), that translates to 105 grams of protein and 140 grams of fat, or approximately 35 pieces of bacon plus a few tablespoons of lard. ;)

Yes, I figured it out a slightly different way, but yours is easier! :lol:

By this calculation (which matches mine) this means I need 150 grams of fat per day. Divided among three meals that equals 50 grams of fat. That's about a 10th of a pound of butter, including all the fat in the fatty meat. Seems doable. I think I've been overshooting this which explains my bouts with nausea and diahrea twice since starting this protocol earlier this week. Those doing only 2 meals per day might have a tougher go of it and may want to have a 'fat snack' of some kind, like fatty broth or butter tea.

One thing though. My targets for fat and protein bring me to a total of 1812 calories per day. That seems really low, to me. Any opinions on that? Is it really OK to be eating so little. This isn't even taking into account fasting, which brings total calories consumed even lower.

Ailén said:
For those who have started the protein restrictiong/IF, but not the workout (Dugdeep, SeekinTruth...), here is something you might want to read. You actually need to read the entire paper in order to understand the specific terms if you are a genetics ignorant (guilty here!):

From: Mitochondrial energetics and therapeutics

Thanks Ailén! I'm reading the article now and so far it's been very enlightening. I realize I need to get on to the exercise thing, but the low carb flu seems to have hit me hard and I had muscle soreness and fatigue all day today. It's probably just a matter of forcing myself into exercise, so I'm going to get on that with some push-ups and sit-ups tomorrow.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

dant said:
Huh! That sounds more palatable than straight lard!
Mix in a few tablespoons of lard with 35 or more or less
pieces of crumbled bacon into a lard-ball or spread!

I wonder what one could use as a wrap or flat something
with very low carbs, what would it be?

How 'bout a bacon cup with bacon/lard filling (or pate/lard)?

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Iarrthoir Firinne said:
Hi Approaching Infinity

How do you make those Bacon Cups? They look great!

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

dugdeep said:
all the fat would render out and you'd be left with protein (cracklins).

Just a note here. When you cut the fat in bigger pieces to render it, you're left with bigger cracklings. These would be crispy on the outside but nice and fatty in the inside, so it isn't entirely protein if you do it this way. When I started adding these big cracklings to my diet, I noticed that my digestion was just perfect! Though in the beginning I was loving them too much, which resulted in nausea, but when you know how much is enough, I think it makes a great add to a dish.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Ailén said:
Oh boy! This thread is moving fast! I just finished catching up. Sorry for the next multiple posts, but I'd like to give an update, reply to a few posts and post the links to all the new articles we've been reading, with selected quotes. I'll try to do that over the next two days (Laura said we would do it earlier, so I apologize for the delay, but some of us here have been canning and doing house work like crazy, now that we have more energy and that so much needs to be done)


Atreides and I are on our 9th day since the IF, I believe. We've done 4 workouts, and are keeping our protein content low, 0 carbs (Atreides has 1/2 tsp of xylitol a day).

After the 4th day, it got a bit harder. We both had the hip, back and leg pain that Laura and Perceval described. Ours stools were quite messed up too, now going more normal (off and on). He seems to need a bit more protein, and I need more fat. So each one is adjusting things as we go.

Overall, it has already been quite good! Atreides has been doing physical work ALL day long for a week now, non-stop. He had never had so much energy in his life. And I continue being active all day too, with steady energy. Sometimes I feel I'm about to get tired, but then start doing things and nothing can stop me!

Another benefit so far (this is for women) is that for the first time in my life, not only did I not have ANY PMS symptoms (usually I get swelling and light cramps a week before my period starts), but also my period started and I have 0 cramps, which is SO good!! During the first and second day, I always suffer from bad cramps. Now, nothing, only a headache. :D

We have both been doing cold baths and showers every day, trying different ways. We now can stay in a cold bath (approx. 20 degrees Celcius) for about 10-15 minutes (Atreides stands it longer). Our body temperature drops to about 20 degrees. And later, we feel great!!

So, that's the gist of it. We eat the same as Laura and Mr. Scott described. Paté with lard, bone broth, and a tiny bit of very fatty meat.

He has lost almost 10 kgs, and like Laura, he managed to go over that plateau below which before it was hard to go. He's developping a lot more muscle.

I lost 3 kgs and then stopped, which is good because I didn't want to lose that much. I sort of look thinner, but most of all, I see more muscle developping. And I can carry a lot more weight than before.

So, so far so good! With ups and downs, of course, but I think it's important to give it at least 6 weeks.

Glad to ear Atreides feel better than ever! And thank you for these good news from the Castle... ;)
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