Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

For those of you guys having noticeably increased heartbeats, are you still taking coconut oil? I had that too when I ate a lot of coconut oil at close to zero carbs. I found through Google that it's because your heart can use the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil easier than stearic acid found in tallow, for instance, and it's probably more apparent now because you're using fat more efficiently. After I ditched it, my heart rate returned to normal.

As far as my diet goes, I've ditched the carbs and tried intermittent fasting out. I don't get intense cravings when I do it (eat breakfast one day, then wait till the next day to eat normally), but I got the achy joint thing and lack of energy others have been describing. A cup of fatty bone broth really helps when that happens.

I haven't noticed much of a difference in my general health or energy since trying the ketogenic diet with protein restriction (about 60 grams per day for me), but that's probably because it's too soon and I didn't realize I wasn't getting enough fat for a 3:1 ratio.

I only get bouts of diarrhea if I supplement with vitamin C. I guess I don't need it anymore! I can eat a lot of tallow (I'm one of those who can eat it straight from the container) and still have normal bowel movements. The only problem I'm having is that if I eat too much fat too quickly, I'll get acid reflux. I'm going to dig up that ox bile I bought a while ago and see if that helps.

I can do kettlebell exercises a bit easier now (only using a 10 pound bell), but I haven't tried to work different muscle groups. I'll be trying that and then see how that goes.

Thanks for the information. :)
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

zlyja said:
For those of you guys having noticeably increased heartbeats, are you still taking coconut oil?

I don't use it, right now all I'm using with cooking is bacon grease or butter.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Heimdallr said:
zlyja said:
For those of you guys having noticeably increased heartbeats, are you still taking coconut oil?

I don't use it, right now all I'm using with cooking is bacon grease or butter.

Hm, I'm not sure, then. I think butter also has some MCT's in them, so that might be having an effect. I used to think I was totally okay with butter, but when I took it out of my diet and replaced it with tallow, I started losing weight again, so I think I was sensitive to it.

It might be worth taking it out of your diet for a week to see if it makes a difference. I hope you feel better soon!
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

zlyja said:
Heimdallr said:
zlyja said:
For those of you guys having noticeably increased heartbeats, are you still taking coconut oil?

I don't use it, right now all I'm using with cooking is bacon grease or butter.

Hm, I'm not sure, then. I think butter also has some MCT's in them, so that might be having an effect. I used to think I was totally okay with butter, but when I took it out of my diet and replaced it with tallow, I started losing weight again, so I think I was sensitive to it.

It might be worth taking it out of your diet for a week to see if it makes a difference. I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks for the suggestion, zlyja! I'm not using Coconut oil at the moment, or butter (I've used both in the past and they seem unrelated). I think it may be insufficient magnesium, perhaps resulting from insufficient HCL. I'll see what I find out.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Just want to note that with the increased mag malate and introduction of potassium (citrate, for now) I had a much better sleep than recently, only waking up a few times and falling back asleep quite easily. After waking up I did notice the heart rate and jittery-ness again but I ate some salt and that helped calm the body down as well.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that with the increased mag malate and introduction of potassium (citrate, for now) I had a much better sleep than recently, only waking up a few times and falling back asleep quite easily. After waking up I did notice the heart rate and jittery-ness again but I ate some salt and that helped calm the body down as well.

So a noticeable effect. Keep going and see what happens. The malate would be much better, or even taurate if you can get it.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Heimdallr said:
Just want to note that with the increased mag malate and introduction of potassium (citrate, for now) I had a much better sleep than recently, only waking up a few times and falling back asleep quite easily. After waking up I did notice the heart rate and jittery-ness again but I ate some salt and that helped calm the body down as well.

Hi Heimdallr, have you also considered doing atleast the three stage breathing before sleep? I've noticed that when I do that, I sleep much better than when I don't do it. Vagus nerve stimulation has shown to improve sleep, so it may be worth the shot! And it also lowers the heart rate.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Oxajil said:
Hi Heimdallr, have you also considered doing atleast the three stage breathing before sleep? I've noticed that when I do that, I sleep much better than when I don't do it. Vagus nerve stimulation has shown to improve sleep, so it may be worth the shot! And it also lowers the heart rate.

I did try it, but it didn't seem to have much effect.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I've been doing the KD diet experiment for about two weeks. I've felt a noticable uptick in energy is after an overnight fast of 13-16 hours over this weekend. I fell into the biphasic sleep pattern for a few days. I don't care for this at all because as soon as I fall asleep for the second time it's time to get up and go to work. Last night I slept the whole night through and it was goooood. Friday night I had biphasic sleep and finished my second round of snoozing right at 6:30 which is the time I wake during the week. I think it's more the psychological effect of knowing that I have to work the next day that throws me off.

I've been doing kettlebell workouts 2 days per week and have noticed gains in strength and endurance with each workout it seems. I've been doing cold baths 2-3 times per week. My breath has improved, OSIT :). My ketostix are no longer purple but have decreased to small or moderate. Hopefully, this means that I'm making better use of my ketones or have switched over to β-hydroxybutyrate instead of acetoacetate. I'm satisfied with less food in one sitting (about half of what I'd normally take in) however, I'm getting hungry again about 3 hours later. I'm not having carb cravings but eating my way out of a vat of pate seems oddly intriquing at times. I'm gonna have to start measuring and weighing my protein intake from now on. Being fatty type I'll just stick with my current intake of fat which is whatever liberal amount I cook my food in plus a dash of CO or MCT oil. But I'll probably start measuring my fat intake too. Gads!

Also, I feel a slight burning/heat feeling after eating and exercising. My clothes are a bit saggy. The scale has gone up 4lbs in the last week. I did notice my feet were a bit puffy so it's probably just water. I should be getting my period soon too.

And I've gone off smoking even more than after I started oil pulling. It just doesn't taste good anymore. I still try it out of fond memories but I've lost that lovin' feeling.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Odyssey said:
And I've gone off smoking even more than after I started oil pulling. It just doesn't taste good anymore. I still try it out of fond memories but I've lost that lovin' feeling.

I was wondering about this today- maybe those who need to smoke will not feel the same if the body is getting what it needs to be able to make the neurochemicals it needs? I was trying to imagine myself full of energy and doing exercise (exercise has never been my thing!) and I couldn't imagine myself smoking as much as I do now.

I'll be starting the IF within the next week or two. First, I need to finish reading those papers. (I've only read two so far). I have a question though- maybe I've missed it but is the idea to do this IF thing on a continual basis or is it something to be done over the long term for one or two days a week or is it just a once off thing for a couple of weeks ?
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Just got to day one doing IF. Yesterday I had 6oz steak with rended fat on the side around noon, and that was it for the day. I kind of felt like garbage around early afternoon, but by evening I wasn't even hungry, and just humming along well. Keytone strips before bed showed 5mg/dL. Woke up at ~5am, but then went back to sleep about a half hour later. I broke my fast around 9:30am today, with some pan-fried kidney with salt/pepper, a can of coconut milk, with a couple bites of ginger and garlic (the root and shoot respectively, not chopped) on the side. Around noon I was brimming with energy, but later on I felt the same lull in energy I did before.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

After the mtDNA is healed, how long would it take for mutations to build up again? Is it something one can do as a lifestyle or is it more useful as a healing/maintenance thing? I know that IF would be useful for us since we are on a very tight budget, and furthermore it keeps us from spending too much time in the kitchen.

Is it also possible that mtDNA mutations might not be a problem limited to certain people, for instance some people might have mtDNA mutations in the brain but not in the rest of the body?

Also, can someone provide a link to the "cold showers" info? I did a search but I can't find this.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

I think if you read the papers you'll find some of the answers to your questions though certainly not all. Ailen will be posting more excerpts as she gets time.
Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?

Thanks you both Ailén and Laura for your answers. I will slowly adjust my diet and calculate things through first.

For the exercise part I'm doing daily some push ups and will get a kettle-ball as well to follow the recommended exercises.
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